Since the 7 October 2023 attack by Hamas – from Gaza into Israel – we have been following the events and posting findings on this blog. There have been updates to the attack and then the war in Gaza, as well as details related to the history of the conflict. We have managed to share content on this subject from a wide range of sources, media outlets and platforms.
The information on the blog is spread across several threads and the Search feature is basic. I thought it may help to have all the material we have posted so far, in a centralised location. This would make it a little easier for anyone interested in the topic, or looking for information connected to this conflict to find it. So I am adding this new thread which will contain links to other threads which are related to this conflict.
3 November 2023
▹ Documentary: The Mystery of Israel – Solved!
28 December 2023
▹ Bethlehem Nativity: Christ Under the Rubble
2 January 2024
▹ 10 Questions and Answers About Gaza
25 February 2024
▹ Lenten Reflection on Gaza by Revd Munther Isaac
9 March 2024
▹ More Insights From Pastor Isaac on Palestine and the Gaza War
Open Threads
As the Open Threads are open to any topic, you will need to scroll through the pages to find the comments which relate to this crisis, including: the Hamas attack, the history and origins of the conflict, the Israeli occupation and the war in Gaza.
There will be more information added in the comments section of this thread.
If there are new threads on the topic, the links will be added here.
Updated to add:
7 July 2024
▹ Limp Lettuce Leaves for Rogue Politicians and World Leaders
4 September 2024
▹ Where Do We Stand?
Open Threads
▹ June 2024, July 2024, August 2024, September 2024
Who is this for?
There are only two of us here.
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I don’t work for some media company which has huge archives of published info which they can refer to, plus an editorial team, proof readers, fact checkers, legal experts. Or get paid for it. Like everyone reading this, I have a device (computer), internet access, a browser and a search engine. And Twitter which is free to anyone who wants to join. That’s all. But I go digging down rabbit holes looking for info and facts. What I have been learning and posting, could be done by anyone.
I have no personal connection or stake in Palestine or its people. But in the past seven months, I have learnt a great deal. In the past week, I’ve done a small amount of research on one major component, and I am angry. How much more should the people who have lived in that region, been displaced, had their lands stolen from them, been treated as less than human, injured, wounded, killed, called the villains by the real criminals and then been depicted as uncouth, uncivilised, terrorists, savages, thugs?
And how many sitting in nice comfy western safe zones have bought the lies for decades and even now, with the facts freely available, still continue to buy the Zionist fabrications?
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Check this first:
‘There’s Never Been A Country Or State Called Palestine’:
DeSantis Rips Pro-Palestinian Protesters
More here.
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I will begin the comments on this thread with the subject of “Palestine”. I’ve heard the pro Zionist campers say that there has been no country or state called Palestine.
Does truth matter to you, and are you prepared to read the details? If yes, come along with me. What I am posting here is from my simple internet research, as mentioned in the comment above. I am not an authority or expert. I have time limitations and am busy with other personal issues. But I have the desire for the truth, the wish to learn, and then to pass it on. I am providing as many links as possible by way of validation. If you have evidence to refute anything posted here, please do so. If the facts prove me wrong, I have no problem with admitting it and learning what is the truth.
If there has been no such state or country or region called “Palestine”, or if the inhabitants of this territory were illegals, nomads or barbarians, how do we explain any of this?
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The map of Palestine was published by National Geographic magazine in 1947, a year before the Nakba.
But the Zionists call it Palestinian Propaganda.
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A Survey of Palestine
This survey is in a document which is 539 pages prepared between December 1945–January 1946, for the information of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry. You don’t need to read the entire document; just a quick scroll through would be informative.
To make it easier, I am posting a few pages as images.
Cover Page
The document is named: A Survey of Palestine.
For the information of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry.
Printed by the Government Printer, Palestine.
Page 2
There is a stamp to show that the online copy was made from the American Jewish Committee Library
Why did no one from the Anglo-American Committee object to references of “Palestine”, “Government of Palestine” if these were errors? Documents were printed on the Government Printer, in Palestine.
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Letter from JVW Shaw,
the Chief Secretary to the Government of Palestine.
Table of Contents – pg 1
Table of Contents – pg 2
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The first page of Chapter IV
The Central Government and its Finances
The first sentence
The organic law establishing the constitution of Palestine is the Palestine Orders in Council 1922-1940 ……..
A table on Jewish Immigration
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From the same survey but posted by Al Jazeera.
Jewish immigration to Palestine
Posted on twitter with this comment.
Here this is my family members birth certificate. It’s just before Nakba. This is not AI.
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Ron is controlled by his donors who are Jewish, and ferocious Zionists.
Same with Trump.
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Letter From President Roosevelt to King Ibn Saud,
April 5, 1945
The letter contains 3 references to “Palestine” and 2 to the words “that country” including this:
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Letter from President Roosevelt to Chancellor Adolf Hitler
asking him not to attack the independent nation of Palestine.
April 1939
This is the relevant portion which is in the last para of pg4 carrying over into the first para of pg5 of the letter.
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John F Kennedy’s 1939 Letter to His Father After Visiting Palestine
JFK wrote a letter to his father in 1939 after a visit to Palestine. He gives an outline of the historical situation and his experience there:
Read the letter.
And his observations in the final paragraph:
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Balfour Declaration 1917
Interview with Jacob Rothschild
Discussing the Balfour Declaration.
JFK’s letter to his father (comment above), he says with reference to this Declaration:
After all, Palestine was hardly Britain’s to give away.
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Article in the New York Times
20 June 1899
Digitized version
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The story of American Palestine, a land of corn and soybeans in the US
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I decided to post this section on “Palestine” in reverse chronology as it seemed to better to roll it backwards from 1947 going back to 1678, rather than tracking forwards from 1678 and then coming up to 1947.
There are more links available, but time does not permit me to explore further on this.
I have a bit more to add related to this section – will do it tomorrow.
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To complete this section on “Palestine”, a brief look at what life was like in this country – through photos and descriptions – pre-Nakba (1948).
Palestinian society
There are five photos – scroll through
District of Gaza
looked like this
What Was Palestine Before the Nakba?
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The photo archive bringing pre-Nakba Jerusalem alive
Against Erasure:
A Photographic Memory of Palestine Before the Nakba
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My Palestinian parents were made refugees in 1948.
This is what they taught me more than 60 years ago
From the above article, this photo:
A view of Nazareth in the 1920s.
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From the river to the sea
Imagine for a few minutes that the university student protests were about Black Lives Matter.
There is a group of BLM students sitting on uni campuses in Australia (and the West) with BLM flags and signs saying Black Lives Matter and chanting slogans. Another group sits a short distance away with signs that say White Lives Matter and repeat their slogans.
The students in the BLM group complain to uni authorities and media that they feel threatened by the actions of the White Lives Matter group. They have also seen a few Nazi salutes being sent in their direction. They demand protection from uni authorities. They appear on ABC shows and complain about how unsafe the campus is for black students. How the behaviour and actions of those in the opposite protest group makes them feel terrified. They can provide some emotional stories of how some white person approached them and started bullying them.
How would conservatives and the right wing react to this? Well-deserved ridicule and mockery. Commentators and writers in a certain media group would be talking about free speech and the rights of all to protest. They would sneer at the need for “safe spaces” for one group of students who felt scared because of some words, phrases or signs.
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Zionist students in western countries like Australia are claiming they feel threatened by slogans (from the river to the sea) and gestures (Nazi salute). That same media group which had no sympathy for a woke group of students, is now running regular bulletins on how universities and their campuses have become unsafe, frightening places for Zionist students and professors.
There are Zionist students and faculty, along with influential Zionist organisations, criticising the government for not doing enough to protect these vulnerable, defenceless, innocent Zionists from anti Semitism.
If students or faculty have proof of physical violence or intimidation or doxxing, by all means report it because that shouldn’t be permitted. But Zionists in western unis claiming anti-Semitism and fear due to slogans and gestures?
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We have parts of the Western world, including in universities, that are not safe for Zionist students? They are in fear for their lives?
Now, we’ll take a look at current university life in Gaza.
The destruction of Gaza’s universities
Destroyed in January, Al-Israa University was the last standing university in Gaza
Two days ago,
Israeli soldiers set fire Aqsa University’s library in Gaza City and took pictures of themselves in front of the flames.
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Since we are on about student protests in the West, the links above are just examples about the destruction of universities in Gaza. Universities have been destroyed. Students cannot attend classes.
I have not included what has been done to hospitals, homes, churches, mosques, office buildings and other infrastructure. The area is being bombed. They don’t have homes, food, medicines, the basics of life.
Let’s talk about Rafah.
I have seen videos and photos of parents in Rafah carrying the badly burnt, disfigured bodies of their dying children as they rush about for help. I have seen pictures of the charred bodies of children on hospital beds awaiting treatment. The images are gruesome. I haven’t posted any because they are horrifying. What about the reality? I cannot imagine what physical pain these children are enduring, their fear, or the agony of their parents watching them helplessly.
Tell me again about these Zionist students in western universities petrified by some slogans which they conveniently want to interpret as life-threatening?
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The Zionists want to make everything about themselves and their victim hood. Anything that doesn’t fit in with their plan is antisemitic or a threat to destroy Israel.
There is no problem with the phrase From the river to the sea if used by Zionists, but it becomes antisemitic, and interpreted as the elimination of Israel, only if non-Zionists use it.
From the Jewish Virtual Library, the Likud Party’s Original Party Platform
This isn’t a threat to Palestinians?
An elimination of Palestine?
Netanyahu’s son can say From the river to the sea but Palestinians can’t.
No offence caused in this case?
Riyad Monsour, The Palestinian Ambassador to the United Nations:
“For all those outraged by the slogan ‘from the river to the sea,’ this is the map that the Israeli Prime Minister raised here at the United Nations….erasing the nation of Palestine and the Palestinian people.
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Zionists do not want a two-state solution. They want the area from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea to be completely Zion land. If Palestinians say the same, it is made out to be a threat. It may well be that the meaning depends on who says it and how they say it. But to decide that one side can say it without penalties and the other side is censured, shows us that this is all set up to achieve a system that will favour Israel and cause destroy Palestine.
For many Palestinians who have been oppressed and enslaved, this phrase is a cry for freedom and equality.
‘From The River To The Sea’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means
The ‘River to the Sea’ Rorschach test
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It’s Time to Confront Israel’s Version of “From the River to the Sea”
The story behind ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’
The non Zionist Jewish Council of Australia
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Zionist – ‘River to the Sea’ – supporters.
If only they would put their own country first.
David Littleproud
Littleproud calls on Anthony Albanese to ‘expel’ Labor senator Fatima Payman
for ‘River to the Sea’ comments
Geert Wilders
criminalizes slogan ‘From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free’
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Mediator: Folke Bernadotte
Why has it not been possible to arrive at a peaceful solution to this conflict?
Is it possible that one side is actively seeking to block any attempt to have this crisis resolved? Even to the point of murder?
Here is the story behind one mediator: Folke Bernadotte
From Wikipedia
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A Mideast Mediator’s Murder in Palestine 1948
Doesn’t sounds like an acceptable plan if it seeks justice for both sides.
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More Info
Folke Bernadotte, First UN Mediator, Assassinated on This Day in 1948
Short clip
This is not even a secret. He was assassinated by a Zionist group in 1948. They didn’t just drive away and kill Palestinians, they murdered a UN diplomat.
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7 October 2023
Zionists and their supporters will justify the current genocide by saying it was started by Hamas on October 7. That Israel has a right to defend itself. That it was a massacre. That Hamas should have released the hostages. That the war is just to get rid of Hamas.
Their supporters are buying that – that under the “Hamas” excuse the innocent are being killed, injured, displaced and Gaza is being razed to the ground. There actually are western Zionist supporters saying these things happen during a war. Wonder if they will say that if one of their own was involved. Or if it was the other way around and the Israelis civilians got killed.
The media shock-horror over stories that on October 7 babies were beheaded and there was mass rape carried out by Hamas. That the rules of war regarding innocent civilians are being ignored by Israel. That’s okay too.
Whenever there is outrage over a bombing, like the one yesterday, simply call it a tragic mistake, and move on to the next bombing.
After all, Hamas (and their Palestinian supporters) started it on October 7.
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It did not begin on October 7. It did not begin with Hamas.
It began long, long before Hamas was formed.
I posted comments yesterday about Folke Bernadotte, a diplomat, who had negotiated the release of prisoners (Jews and non Jews) from a concentration camp. He understood both sides – Arabs and Israelis – and was in the best position to formulate a plan to resolve the issue. But was assassinated by the Zionists, who, 76 years ago, did not want a peaceful solution.
If there was truly a desire for peace, this conflict would have been resolved, in 1948, with both sides expected to honour the terms. So, which side didn’t want the peace?
It did not begin on October 7.
It began 76 years ago. Or earlier.
Before Hamas.
October 7? No.
What about October 7th?
Once he’s completed the forward count, he needs to start backwards – for 76 years.
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More on October 7
We’re told that Israel has a right to defend itself.
UN expert:
Israel does not have the right to self-defense on land it occupies
Still prefer to think that it all started on October 7, and Israel has the right to defend itself? It is not a genocide because Israel is only targetting evil Hamas?
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Before proceeding further, let’s take up Hamas, its existence and how it grew into a powerful organisation.
I have already posted on this in the Open Thread.
Here and 3 comments starting here.
A total of 8 links to information about the role of Israel in the rise of Hamas.
The comments so far have provided background information – about the history of Palestine, the phrase “from the river to the sea”, the attempts for peace, October 7 and Hamas. The attacks and escalations are moving at such a rapid pace it is hard to keep posting in some historical chronology.
From here on, I’ll move back and forth (past, present, latest) with articles, videos, clips and any other information. I already have saved links and, daily, there are more that get added. I’ll post and share as much as I can.
Anyone wanting to add to the comments is welcome to do so.
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I’ve heard there’s going to be a doco, this evening, on television called Never Again. Has anyone informed Netanyahu that Australians are saying Never Again?
It’s not that kind of Never Again?
I’ve misunderstood?
“Never Again: the fight against antisemitism.”
The promo says:
With antisemitism dangerously on the rise and Australian values under daily attack, it’s a call for our leaders to take urgent action before it’s too late.
So Never Again.
Never Again.
Never Again.
It is still about only one group of people in the world that matters to the exclusion of others? Only one group of people being persecuted on the whole planet?
Never mind the genocide in Gaza*. It is about Zionists, the Holocaust and the anti-Semitism in Australia. Anti-Semitism as defined by the latest definition by Zionists.
(*Records as of 7 October 2023 -13 May 2024: Day 220)
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Never Again for Anyone
Hajo Meyer-1
Never Again for Anyone.
Hajo Meyer-2
Holocaust survivor 1924-2014
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During his career in politics, Josh Frydenberg rose to be the deputy PM and Treasurer. Had he won the last election, he may well have been the current Opposition Leader, and possibly the Prime Minister of Australia, at the next federal election.
But he is not doing too badly in his present job, in the private sector, with a senior role at an investment bank. He will be earning the very big bucks to go with that job.
On the other hand, right now, the average Aussie is worried about the cost of living and paying the mortgage/rent, grocery bills, medical bills and other bills.
Along with other pollies, Julia Gillard has also joined in to let us know that
Ms Gillard will be pleased to know that, here on this blog, we have heard her warning and are trying to use this platform to educate others by giving them the facts about this war. Not the brainwashing in the MSM, not the biased fake news, just the facts.
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Heard this since October?
The Gaza massacre could have been avoided if Hamas had released the hostages.
Is it the truth?
Times of Israel
‘No doubt’ Netanyahu preventing hostage deal, charges ex-spokesman of Families Forum
Ceasefire deals
October 7 is the excuse.
1980s, Israel
Netanyahu in the 80’s brags about how the Jewish lobby controls America.
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Yoav Gallant
Chris Hedges
Israel’s Lebensraum master plan for Gaza
Israel-Gaza War
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When they are caught out and there is outrage from the international community, they say: “Tragic Mistake”. Bombing and killing innocent civilians is a mere mistake. Not a crime. A mistake.
This week’s massacre
Netanyahu Hypocrisy Exposed
In English: Rafah Massacre Was A ‘Tragic Mistake’
In Hebrew: Calls For Final Solution Until Extermination Is Complete
It is no secret
Israelis ADMIT To War Crimes, Call For Genocide
Just another mistake.
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How the IDF propaganda machine works.
They have a Consultant of Psychological Operations on Social Media account to help brainwash the public that Hamas was responsible for the attack.
It works well because the lies are repeated all over the media, on sites and blogs. I heard it on talkback radio this week: Hamas did it. Even after Netanyahu admits it was the IDF, the friends of Zion will say: Hamas did it.
Audio recording-Part 1
In efforts to hide their atrocities, Israel doctored the audio recording and audio recording, & forgot to remove the watermark
Audio recording-Part 2
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Another example of how the psyopping works.
This week, before the massacre, the use of another story to help the cause.
After the massacre, can’t show that. So the Tingle story.
Two days later, a suitable angle is found.
Never mind the dead civilians.
Violence is not acceptable and should not be condoned. But note the difference here.
In one case, graffiti that calls for death is used to highlight an issue and the perpetrator. Suits the narrative.
In the other case, the action of violent killing of innocent civilians does not suit the narrative. Instead the virtue of an (insincere) apology that was made due to international pressure is used. The agony and suffering of the innocent civilians is ignored.
These are not two isolated toons from the same paper. There is a pattern to them. There is a classic one from earlier this month that I shall come back to another day.
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According to the definition, they must be:
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Abby Martin
in Joe Rogan interview
Robert Martin
Documenting crimes against Palestinians
Thomas Gould
Irish politician’s speech in Parliament
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This was posted by mh in the May thread. Reposting here because it is a good video where Mearsheimer provides a detailed explanation of what is really going on with this war.
Why Israel is in deep trouble:
John Mearsheimer with Tom Switzer
John Mearsheimer:What exactly are Israel’s goals here?
He goes on to list the goals according to the MSM vs the real goals.
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There is much said about the Zionist lobby in the US.
What about Australia?
I came across the following this week:
Bob Carr’s book
Dual Loyalty
Australian Jewish Military Service in the Australian Military versus the IDF
Maher Mughrabi
Foreign Editor for The Age & The Sydney Morning Herald
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The Antisemitism Awareness Act bars the teaching of modern Jewish history
How Israel twists antisemitism claims to project its own crimes onto Palestinians
Aryeh Neier
He also addresses the abuse of the term “antisemitism”
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Fiona Lali interviews last month
I thought she was a student, but she is running as an Independent candidate in London.
Suella Braverman-1
Suella Braverman-2
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May 8, 2024
Corporate media’s complicity in Gaza genocide:
with Max Blumenthal
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Good stuff.
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Zionists and media control
It is not enough that they own the majority of the media, they go further than that.
Fake social media accounts
As above fake media accounts
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Grass-roots online movements
Israeli hasbara/information warfare
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The ‘Hasbara Handbook’
Example of Hasbara Handbook
The cycle
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19 November 2023
Israel admits it killed its own at Nova music festival
22 April 2024
Independent review panel releases final report on UNRWA
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October 7
Reckoning: Israel and Gaza
NY Times
May 2024
Israel shut down Al Jazeera and raided its offices.
Did their journalism not comply with the agenda?
October 7 Exposed
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This story from the past few hours:
U.S. provided support to Israeli forces in rescue of 4 hostages in Gaza
(My emphasis below)
Successful? In rescuing 4 Israeli hostages, at least 210 innocent Palestinians – men, women and children – were killed and several wounded. This is called “success”?
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Semites and Semitism
From Britannica
Anti-Palestinians are anti-Semitic as well, do your homework!
This was posted by mh in the Open Thread. Reposting here:
How Israeli Prime Ministers Changed Their Names to Sound More Middle Eastern
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Yair Netanyahu in Miami, Florida, USA.
It must be a tough life on the beach, in the western world, with all the hate against Semites.
This is from a few months ago, so not the latest figures.
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I wasn’t sure about which group of Semites needed to be defended by businesses and companies in Australia, until I read the article.
Time for corporate Australia to stand up to anti-Semitism
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More on that successful Israeli security forces raid that rescued four living hostages from Gaza on June 8.
This is success:
The raid
While rescuing four Israeli hostages, the Israeli army killed three of their own captives in the same attack. One of them holds American citizenship.
They also killed 274 Palestinians, including 64 children and 57 women.
Noa Argamani,
one of the rescued Israeli hostages
Louis Har
Former Israeli hostage
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9/11 and Israel
What is the truth? Who was responsible?
Some theories that have been posted.
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Some questions
The use of the Gaza Pier?
Feb 2024
Where are the Feminists?
What is the Nakba?
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Some explanations
Dr Adam Hamawy
Amputations on children
Israel’s Control of the UN
What really happens.
Bassem Youssef
It’s ok. Israel will apologise.
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Israel and Public Opinion in June 2024
The one positive that came out of the Covid scam was that it brought to light many evils that we were unaware of or had ignored including the NWO, the Great Reset, WEF, Bilderberg, UN and WHO.
One positive that has come out of the Gaza war is that it has opened the eyes of many to the real history behind the crisis in the Middle East.
During the Covid scam, I found myself on a mission to learn the truth for my own health and well-being – about masks, lockdowns, vaxx and alternative treatments. What I learnt, I shared here on the blog for others to also learn.
The current Gaza war, which began in October 2023, led me to seek more info. A year ago, I would have classed myself as pro-Israel and anti-Palestine. I had thought that Israel and its government comprised the good guys and Palestine and Palestinians the bad guys.
But October 2023, along with what has followed in the past 8 months, has been an eyeopener. What I have learnt, and still am learning, I am sharing here. But I am shocked by how it is turning one section of my previous knowledge and opinions upside down.
While growing up our history books taught us about certain world figures like Hitler as total evil beings. I don’t have new info to indicate that he is some saint, but what I am reading now is making me wonder whether he was completely the bad guy or was there provocation.
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Someone posed this question on twitter:
A reply:
If the events of October 7 had not happened, or if Israel had reacted differently, or after a few weeks of retaliation had agreed to a ceasefire, much of the world would have been willing to ignore the conflict. But the actions of Israel over the past eight months have uncovered many truths – not just about the current conflict – but the history going back to almost a century.
Over this weekend, Ralph Babet posted:
He got a backlash for that.
The use of the term judeo Christian.
Responses included:
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Is the War in Gaza Turning Israel Into a Pariah State?
A Global Economic Boycott of Israel Gains Traction,
but the Government Has No Answers
Arno van Doorn
(It’s now 8 months)
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Not having a Twitter account I cannot see what Babet is responding to. Can you tell me?
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Eric Clapton
The most moral army
From the Torah Judaism account
Zionism is not Judaism.
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From Israelis/Jews
Gabor Maté
Ilan Pappé
Dr Israel Shahak
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To close off this section, let’s talk about Antisemitism – what non Jews are being accused of if they do not support the latest definition of that word.
This is Jews vs Jews.
That is Orthodox Jews vs Zionist Jews.
“You are not a Jew,
you are not a Jew!”
Anti-Zionist Jews
It would be better if Zionists sorted out the antisemitism within Judaism before calling non Jews antisemitics.
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I thought you had a twitter account. It is a great source of news – not as totally “free speech” as Musk makes it out to be, but there is plenty of info that in not available in the MSM.
Babet is not responding to anything; he was the originator of the topic.
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Ok. I thought he may have been responding to Palestine protestors.
Babet doubles down:
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Have you seen the responses?
Many of them are Christians and Conservatives. They are angry.
All the pollies here whether Liberals, Nationals, Labor, Greens, One Nation, Teals, Independents or Other groups are all watching out for their self-interests – their donors, votes and keeping their comfy jobs.
I hope the likes of Peter Dutton, Pauline Hanson and those who think that by supporting Zionists they have the right-wing votes in the bag, are reading the responses to Ralph Babet’s tweets.
Hanson and Babet who have been portraying themselves are Conservatives defending Christianity are in for a rude shock.
Albo, Bandt and others are playing up to their voter bases. They don’t care about anyone.
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Unfortunately, the Orthodox-non Zionist Jews who are not pro-Israel could end up on the receiving end of the anger, even though they are innocent in this. That is why I try to post clips from them, so others can see the difference between Zionist Jews and non-Zionist Jews.
There are accounts on twitter spouting the Zionist propaganda.
Some research from this poster led to this
has only 5 views for her response but got 63 likes
The memes
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No. I don’t have an account. When you don’t sign in, they limit what you see.
Feel free to post some of the responses.
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mh, a few examples
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Blackmail (?)
US Politicians
Bill Clinton
Rick Wiles
says American politicians are being blackmailed to support Israel.
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Max Blumenthal
How RFK became a puppet of Rabbi buttplug
Who really runs the United States?
Who runs it?
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Some quotes
tunnelled quote-3
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I hope Ralph Babet learns from his audience.
If he refuses, he should return to his native Mauritius.
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The US is not a powerful ally of Israel.
The US is governed by Israel.
The power of AIPAC
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Not just AIPAC but a network of connections
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Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point USA (TPUSA) is currently having a People’s Convention in Detroit, Michigan.
Conservatives. Free speech. America First.
Unless you speak out against the powerful ally.
Nick Fuentes and Jake Shields turned up, but Nick was kicked out.
Jake Shields gives his reasons for this.
Nick speaking up after being kicked out
Question time at TPUSA
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Earlier topic in this thread about whether Palestine existed as a nation/state.
Some more info
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How powerful is Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir?
Biden’s peace plan
‘I will be very happy to live’ in Israeli-occupied Gaza after war
Still think the ongoing war is just for the complete annihilation of Hamas?
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It’s time to wind up this thread so a last set of comments today.
After that, the topic will continue in the Open Threads.
Israel made public claims that a significant number of UNRWA employees are members of terrorist organisations. But it provided no evidence to support this claim and has made it difficult for aid organisations to supply the basics to the people in Gaza. The aim is to kill by starvation.
In Gaza
From the Instagram of UNICEF spokesman James Elder.
In the West Bank
US/Palestinian citizen Morgan Totah
Oil and Gas fields
The plan
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Dehumanization of Palestinians Is Being Normalized Among Western Christians,
Palestinian Analyst Claims
Many of the comments below the article prove what Khalil is saying.
Christians in the West are blind to the real terrorists in that region. They are harping on about Hamas. They have no understanding or sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians – not even the Palestinian Christians. The most liked comment says:
If you have been closely following this thread and the others linked to it, along with the evidence, you will be aware of the history of this region. Also, that Hamas has been prepared to negotiate a ceasefire and release hostages, but Israel has blocked it. That Hamas is being used as an excuse to continue the destruction not just of Gaza, but also the move to take over the West Bank.
Christians in the West are taken in by the propaganda and brainwashing by Zionists, and they support the criminals not the victims.
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Those Palestinian savages.
Palestinian-Jordanian singer/songwriter Dana Salah sings
Ya Tal3een
And this
Reem Banna
History of this song
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A scenario
You are living in a suburb in one of the cities in Australia. Over a century ago, your great-grandfather bought a big plot of land, built a house and lived here with his family. He then passed the house to his son (your grandfather), who then renovated the home and lived there. He in turn passed it to his son (your father), and now it is yours, which you in turn will pass to your children.
Over the past few decades, immigrants from a particular race have chosen to settle in your suburb and neighbouring ones in the same federal electorate. In fact, these immigrants are so many they have taken over the area which is now dominated by their culture, traditions, language, customs. The remaining white Aussies in the area feel uncomfortable as this no longer seems to be the place they grew up in.
The immigrants have even suggested that as this is the only electorate in Australia that has people of the same culture living together, the white Aussies should be the ones to move. After all, there are so many neighbouring electorates with white Aussies, so it should be easy for the other electorates to take in their fellow white Aussies.
Fair enough?
Would you be willing to pack up 2 suitcases, leave the home built by your great-grandfather and go start all over again in another place in Australia? You’d still be an Australian citizen, but you have to move because the people who came here more than a century after your family, have forced you out of your home and your land?
Would you do it?
Why should the Palestinians who have been living in that region for centuries, as records show, have to leave their land? Why should neighbouring Arab nations have to take them in as refugees when they have their own land? Why should the illegal occupiers be allowed to intimidate and drive them out of their lands?
You wouldn’t meekly walk away from your ancestral home. Would you?
So in the case of this Israeli- Palestinian conflict, a similar situation,
who do you support?
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The story of Palestine
75 years in less than 7 minutes.
We can only understand the sufferings and persecutions of others – I am referring to the real ones not the woke – when we imagine ourselves in their shoes. We will never fully understand them, but we can, at least, make the effort and work out – with the help of evidence that is available – who are the real victims and who are real the villains.
There have been some entities who have been pushing their barrow and their biased messaging and reporting of this conflict. I mentioned in one of the comments in this thread, that I would be posing a classic toon from a certain media publication in connection to this Gaza war.
The person depicted here is not the only one needing to think about and examine the direction of his morality. When it comes to this ongoing conflict related to Palestine, it is also reflection time for each of us.
We need to hold this up and apply it in context to ourselves.
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Some final thoughts:
The conflict-1
The conflict-2
The conflict-3
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The conflict-4
The conflict-5
The conflict-6
(This topic continues in the Open Threads.)
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