Open Thread – September 2024

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352 Responses to Open Thread – September 2024

  1. mh says:

    Israel tells its BIGGEST LIE EVER to excuse invading the West Bank?

    67.5K subscribers

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  2. Rossini says:

    Is this the anti jewish thread?

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  3. kaysee kaysee says:

    Gaza’s Polio Outbreak Won’t Spare Israelis

    Gaza’s recently confirmed polio outbreak is a barometer of the catastrophic public health conditions created by the Israeli military—but what many Israelis don’t realize is that the systematic assault by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on health care and public health infrastructure in Gaza has now come back to haunt them.

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  4. kaysee kaysee says:

    Derrick Broze

    Rejecting Corrupt Politicians & the 2 Party Lie Is Not a Black Pill,
    It’s a Bitter White Pill

    Derrick Broze responds to recent accusations that him, whitneywebb & TLAVagabond are teaching people to be hopeless by not supporting lying politicians.

    My message of Exit and Build is essentially this:

    We know nearly every government in the world and 100’s of major corporations are pushing towards The Great Reset, the 4IR, or what I call Technocratic State.

    You should try to do what you can to resist. However, we shouldn’t assume it can be avoided, especially not via politics….

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  5. kaysee kaysee says:

    Khalil Sayegh is a Christian from Gaza, working in the US. During this war his father (December 2023) and sister Lara (April 2024), who lived in Gaza, have died.

    He has posted this news today:

    An Israeli airstrike injured my sister, Fadwa, and my niece, Maria, as it targeted a house next to Saint Porphyrius church in Gaza, killing women and children from our Muslim neighbors.

    Saint Porphyrius church community is yet again in danger by the Israeli murderous military

    This update

    My nine-month-old nephew survived the attack by a miracle. He was born during this genocide, baptized, and now had to live through this near-death experience.

    May Christ have mercy on Christians in Gaza and all Palestinians. As Christians, we know that justice will be fulfilled, if not in this life, then in the afterlife.

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  6. mh says:

    Died Suddenly

    Via Al Jizz

    US rapper Fatman Scoop has died after collapsing on stage at a show in Connecticut, his family has announced.

    Scoop topped charts in Europe with Be Faithful two decades ago and later contributed to hits by other artists. …

    … Scoop also briefly became embroiled in a political dispute in Australia in 2018 when the country’s then-Prime Minister Scott Morrison posted a clip that featured his hit Be Faithful.

    Morrison deleted the post after his critics said the entertainer’s lyrics were inappropriate and unparliamentary.

    “It’s quite clear that that is not a song on my playlist,” he later told reporters in Sydney.

    The uproar prompted a response from Scoop, who tagged Morrison in an Instagram post saying: “I am humbled to have my voice rocking in the highest offices of the Australian Government!”

    The rapper defended his lyrics: “It’s a fun PARTY SONG that has no NEGATIVITY or HARM in it!!” before extending Morrison a backstage invite to a festival appearance in Australia.

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  7. mh says:

    Rossini says:
    September 1, 2024 at 11:29 am
    Is this the anti jewish thread?

    Would you like it to be?

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  8. kaysee kaysee says:

    Covid Vaxx

    The videos are talking about the Covid vaxx and time frame for capitulation to be around 20 years. Or in the case of smoking, 40 years.

    It may take some people 20 – 40 years to understand not just the dangers of the Covid vaxx, but other major issues that we discuss here. Like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Or Global Warming. Or the Trump cult and Uniparty. Or The Great Reset.

    Dr Peter McCullough
    Doctors Who Pushed the COVID-19 Vaccines are No Longer Trusted

    Religious belief in vaccines (vaccine ideology) taken on faith as “safe and effective” conjoined with “everyone must take them to protect us all” broke the trust of the nation as record injuries, disabilities, and deaths piled up caused by mass indiscriminate vaccination.

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  9. kaysee kaysee says:

    Doctors promoting COVID-19 vaccines today
    are comparable to doctors who promoted cigarettes in the 1940s

    It is psychologically impossible for some doctors to come to the internal recognition that COVID-19 vaccines have been a disastrous mistake for their own health, and for the health of their family and their patients.

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  10. kaysee kaysee says:

    We had a discussion in the previous Open Thread on “Controlled opposition” vs “Promoted opposition” based on the Ron Unz article.

    What is this – Controlled or Promoted?

    Is this called walking back?
    Candace Owens

    Some comments:

    – Biggest disappointment.

    – Off the daily wire plantation Candace has been the biggest Shapiro 5D chess move of all time, we just can’t beat this guy, GOAT

    – Wow! She definitely got the call

    – She’s reverting back to the Alex Jones type of argumentation.

    – She is really starting to seem like controlled op

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  11. mh says:

    Candy O got the call.

    Now she should stick to dinosaurs and leave serious issues to the adults.

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  12. Interested observer says:

    Is this the anti jewish thread?

    Not exclusively. It is also the anti Trump thread. I am counting the days to the U.S. election in which I have no vote and no influence.

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  13. mh says:

    – Off the daily wire plantation Candace has been the biggest Shapiro 5D chess move of all time, we just can’t beat this guy, GOAT


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  14. Rossini says:

    Would you like it to be?
    Not a case of liking it is what it appears too be

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  15. Esme says:

    The videos are talking about the Covid vaxx and time frame for capitulation to be around 20 years. Or in the case of smoking, 40 years.

    Interesting choice of word – “capitulation”. And setting a 20 year timeframe. Suggests an indefensible sort of medical arrogance at best. Understandable that smoking is the preferred analogy, rather than other events of last century, but, while people may die from smoking-related causes, they don’t generally collapse and die straight away, or soon after their first cigarette. And people weren’t coerced into taking up smoking to “save lives”, keep their jobs, regain freedom of movement.

    Peter McCullough himself has remarked on how other “vaccines” have been pulled from the market with much lower “adverse reaction” rates. He is part of the “New Narrative Network”

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  16. Esme says:

    it is what it appears too be

    Because it doesn’t look like this

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  17. Esme says:

    What is this – Controlled or Promoted?

    She has undergone a remarkable public transformation in politics and faith. She has a huge following. She promotes the Trump mythology, Peter Thiel-funded prayer app. She’s part of the “New Narrative Network”, too.

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  18. mh says:

    Not a case of liking it is what it appears too be

    This site IS talking about Jewish power, yes.

    The biggest story of the past year is October 7, and it’s use as a pretext to launch a ‘war’ in Gaza.

    A discussion on politics and geopolitics must include a discussion on POWER. The US Congress and US Senate, leaving aside state level government, is totally owned by The Lobby. 58 standing ovations for Netanyahu? Really?

    If you’re not talking about power, you’re not talking about politics. You’re talking about something else. And if you are not discussing JEWISH power, but want to discuss America and world affairs, then you’re not fair dinkum.

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  19. Esme says:

    Derrick Broze

    It’s a good, positive message – avoiding excuses, taking personal responsibility

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  20. kaysee kaysee says:

    Not exclusively. It is also the anti Trump thread. I am counting the days to the U.S. election in which I have no vote and no influence.

    Interested observer, I am puzzled by your comment. As someone who is time-poor, I have a constant juggle with where and how to spend my time. If I come across sites which are contrary to my interests, I avoid them. I don’t have enough free hours in my day – I cannot afford to spend them reading useless sites.

    If what is being posted here is not the content that appeals to you, why are you spending your time at this blog? Surely, it is a waste of time?

    Better still, this is not just the first day of a new month, it is the start of a new season. Spring is sprung. It is a good time for spring-cleaning at this blog. Time for new voices, new opinions, new topics and new perspectives.

    Maybe, you and Rossini (and any others) can take over the posting on this blog and steer it on the path you would like. I am serious about this. This blogging is taking up a great deal of my time. It would be good to step back, let others step in and move it in a more positive direction.

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  21. mh says:

    Here’s a tip.
    Next time you visit a Big W, Target, K Mart etc, have a glance at the book titles. You can play Auschwitz bingo.
    The fighter of Auschwitz
    The boy from Auschwitz
    The tattooist of Auschwitz
    Crazy Aunty of Auschwitz

    Do you think this is organic?
    Just like there is a new holocaust memorial coming to a town near you.
    It’s by design.
    The powerful hide behind this stuff.

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  22. mh says:

    ⬆️ I meant museum

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  23. mh says:

    We love you just the way you are, KC.

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  24. Esme says:

    It’s true, mh. Many, many movies and books about The Holocaust. But there have been other holocausts, much more loss of life, some still unacknowledged.

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  25. Esme says:

    We love you just the way you are, KC.

    Yes. Are these other commenters “trolls”? They seem to want another conformist “Little Israel” site. That would be a shame, not steering it in a more positive direction. But, as I’ve said before, I understand wanting to post less, kaysee, and use your time for other things.

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  26. kaysee kaysee says:

    Peter McCullough himself has remarked on how other “vaccines” have been pulled from the market with much lower “adverse reaction” rates. He is part of the “New Narrative Network”

    He was cancelled during Covid and was in the group of doctors exposing the scam. But in the past month or two, he has been getting a bit political and leaning to one side.

    It is going to be the constant watch and learn. Who is on the side of the plebs and who is against? Sometimes, we are going to be in a situation where we are listening to people like McCullough for the medical info that they provide but not let ourselves be fully under their spell.

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  27. kaysee kaysee says:

    mh and Esme,

    I usually scroll past some kinds of comments. I don’t take them personally.

    I was responding on behalf of the three of us who are contributors and are keeping this blog running. This is not some echo-chamber; if anyone wants to debate or disagree, they are free to join in and do so.

    I have repeatedly sent call-outs and encouraged other serious-minded readers/lurkers to join in. Esme, you responded a few months ago, and have now joined as a regular contributor. It is quite easy to become a part of the serious commenters on this blog.

    So that was not a personal look-at-me tantrum.
    Please, please, please, NO. 🙂

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  28. kaysee kaysee says:

    🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕
    And for this Sunday…

    Jesu, Joy Of Man’s Desiring

    “Jesu, Joy Of Man’s Desiring” (BWV Cantata 147) by Johann Sebastian Bach. It was performed by the New London Symphony Orchestra in 1961, conducted by Leopold Stokowski, with the Norman Luboff Choir.


    A Ponderable

    I came across this account about Johann Sebastian Bach in a post on twitter. Kat Lindley shared a story on the life of Bach and his music. She is a doctor and a Christian, and has linked this to the Medical Benefits of Prayer.

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  29. kaysee kaysee says:

    If you are not able to check it out on twitter, I’ll post it here.

    Dr. Kat Lindley

    Medical Benefits of Prayer

    Today I read a post on FB written by someone I don’t know about Bach. It really touched me, so I decided to explore the power of prayer. After you read this note you will understand why.

    “Did you know? Johan Sebastian Bach lost his little daughter and then three sons and then his wife.

    Then he remarried and then he and his second wife, Anna-Magdalena, lost four more daughters and three sons. Eleven beloved children…

    Many researchers have wondered: how Bach managed to handle these losses? How did he not stop breathing, how did his heart not stop? And most importantly, how could he continue to write music? Kantati, cello suites, masses, concerts…

    The most beautiful music the world has heard. Do you know how he did it?

    At the end of the his music, he always wrote “Soli Deo gloria” (Glory to God alone) and in the beginning, “Lord help.”

    Therefore, you can pray during Bach’s music because the music itself is a prayer. You could, then, consider Bach’s music a conversation between man and God. How do you deal with pain? Worship is the best solace.”

    Kat Lindley’s explanation on prayer and its benefits.

    Prayer is a considered a form of medicine, and it falls into the complimentary, alternative category. It has similar benefits to meditation. Praying increases release of dopamine. (As a side note, dopamine plays important roles in executive function, motor control, motivation, arousal, reinforcement, and reward through signaling cascades that are exerted via binding to dopaminergic receptors at the projections found in the substantia nigra, ventral segmental area, and arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus of the human brain.) Prayer can calm your nervous system, shutting down your fight or flight response. It can make you less reactive to negative emotions and less angry. Prayer elicits the relaxation response, which lowers blood pressure and other factors heightened by stress. It also releases control to something greater than oneself through secondary control, which can reduce the stress of needing to be in charge. Prayer is a go to habit for stress management because it can improve release of testosterone and related androgen hormones such as DHEA. When we intently and consistently pray, we increase the blood flow to our frontal lobes and to our anterior cingulate, which causes the activity in the emotional centers of our brain to decrease. That helps us develop the capacity to make responses that maintain and even sense of peace.

    There is definitely skepticism out there about the healing power of prayer, but at the end of the day when your soul needs respite few words may make a difference.


    Kasse II, portato

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  30. mh says:

    Elon had to go visit Auschwitz this year with big Benny and little Benny because ‘antisemitism’.

    Was that enough?

    Of course not.

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  31. mh says:

    The Age

    Jerusalem: Protests gripped Israel on Sunday following the death of six hostages in Gaza as frustration mounted with the country’s leadership for failing to secure a ceasefire deal that would free Israeli captives.

    Crowds estimated by Israeli media to number up to 500,000 strong demonstrated in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and other cities, demanding that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu do more to bring home the remaining 101 hostages. Israel estimates about a third of them are dead. Labour leaders urged workers to stage a one-day general strike on Monday …

    Yet a joint session of Congress just gave Netanyahu 58 standing ovations. The glazing was obscene.

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  32. Interested observer says:

    I do apologise kay-see and Esme for appearing to be flippant. In truth, I find the never-ending personal tragedies to be heart-breaking but futile. I do not see a solution.

    This is both a political and a religious war. Mark Twain hit the target when he remarked that history does not repeat itself but it rhymes.

    Why is the world so concerned about a few Jews, when other, larger tragedies are occurring? Hitler would say. And though I find the Jews to be of far higher civilization, it is amazing how many parallels can be drawn between the Jews and the Palestinians.

    In A.D. 70, the Romans threw the Jews into a world that did not want them. In 1948, the Palestinians — for whatever reasons — were sent into their own diaspora, not to be welcomed.

    How many of the wars and rebellions around the world today are fuelled by historical displacement and invasion? Must they all be resolved by the Roman solution applied to Carthage?

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  33. mh says:


    Ben Samuels
    4 hours ago
    Service Employees International Union express support for Israel’s labor federation

    The Service Employees International Union, a labor union representing 2 million workers in the U.S. and Canada said its members “stand in solidarity with workers in Israel going on strike to demand a cease-fire agreement that ends the harm to hostages and suffering in Gaza.” The Israeli labor federation, the Histadrut, announced that the union is calling for a general strike across Israel on Monday after the bodies of six Israeli hostages were found murdered in a tunnel in Gaza.



    We stand in solidarity with workers in Israel going on strike to demand a ceasefire agreement that ends the harm to hostages and suffering in Gaza. We strongly support the call for a general strike by Israel national labor union @HistadrutGlobal

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  34. mh says:

    Is Keir Starmer’s England going fascist?

    The Grayzone


    Includes discussion on our own Mary Kostakidis.

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  35. Esme says:

    Freedom rally in the UK


    It is not about Left vs Right
    It is not about Black vs White
    It is not about Faith vs Faith
    It is about HUMANITY vs TYRANNY!

    This woman says she’s been arrested under the Terrorism Act, had her house raided, been convicted several times for organising peaceful rallies during lockdown. Speaks of anger at people being scared into self-censorship, UK PM using illegal immigrants as human tools to divide and rule.

    I want to feel safe in my own country. I want to be free in my own country. And I used to feel that way, but I haven’t felt that way now for almost five years…

    The world is suffering, partly due to the violence of evil and bad people, but also because of the silence of good people.

    A commenter cautions there will be government operatives at the gathering agitating for the crowd to storm the Parliament.

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  36. mh says:

    Starmer is the man who let p**do Jimmy Savile go

    George Galloway
    466K subscribers

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  37. Esme says:

    I want to feel safe in my own country. I want to be free in my own country. And I used to feel that way, but I haven’t felt that way now for almost five years…

    It might be overtly worse in the UK now, but this is so relatable, even here. There’s this sort of surreal sense that the Covid tyranny was just a bad dream, but it wasn’t, and it’s the same country.

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  38. mh says:

    When the Jews bombed the British troops, mentioned by UK journalist in Grayzone link above

    Lest we forget

    Via LA Times

    To cite just one example of many, in July 2006 a plaque was unveiled in Jerusalem’s King David Hotel honoring the men of the Irgun terrorist group who bombed the hotel in 1948, killing 92 people. In response, the British ambassador to Israel issued a statement declaring, “We do not think that it is right for an act of terrorism, which led to the loss of many lives, to be commemorated.” Among those attending the ceremony honoring the mass murderers was Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. One of the perpetrators of the crime was on hand to provide guided tours.

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  39. mh says:

    Israel’s newspaper or record

    Haaretz | Israel News

    Analysis | Benjamin Netanyahu, the Vile Messiah Leading a Cult of Lies and Death

    Despite presiding over numerous failures – including Iran, the economy, the cost of living and October 7 – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is still worshipped by over a quarter of Israelis. The gap between his failings and his support has all the attributes of a cult …


    And worshipped by over 95 percent of US House and Senate members.

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  40. kaysee kaysee says:

    Explains the deception taking place at different levels.

    Derrick Broze
    The Trump-RFK-Musk-Thiel Cabal Is Fooling The Freedom Movement

    twitter link of same video

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  41. kaysee kaysee says:

    Haven’t watched this yet. Plan to watch it later.

    Documentary by Matthew Tower
    Israel’s Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America, and Palestine

    twitter link to same video.

    Matthew Tower

    Open invitation: fact check this documentary. If you find even *one* false statement, and you provide verifiable evidence it’s false, I’ll donate $500 to the charity of your choice—excluding Zionist or CIA front charities.

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  42. mh says:

    Nick on YouTube

    Most Banned Man In America | Fight Back Ep.9

    10.1K subscribers

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  43. Esme says:

    Katherine Watt translation of Sage Hana

    On layers of deceit, layers of putative ‘heroes’, false shepherds put in place “to provide leader-simulations for as many different factions of the population as possible.”

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  44. Esme says:

    Dr. Peter McCullough’s Snakeoil Sales Pitch on InfoWars

    Dr. Jane Ruby was quick to call McCullough out on her Telegram channel.

    TWC’s Peter McCullough wants you to take MORE pharmaceutical mRNA – to “deactivate” the mRNA in the C19 bioweapons.

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  45. mh says:

    ⬆️ btw the Jake Shields – Nick Fuentes interview does start at 0:00, the link will open half way through even though the URL is correct.

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  46. Esme says:

    Found this
    Torah Judaism on X, via Laura Aboli

    There are hundreds of thousands of Jews in America and around the world who are against Israel and Zionism, but you will not see any news about this in the mainstream media because the media serves the Zionists.

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  47. mh says:

    Poor bastards

    Keir Starmer’s political prisoners!

    Jeff Taylor
    216K subscribers

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  48. kaysee kaysee says:

    I’ve mentioned that I dislike clickbait – links or headlines that have no clue to the content as it can be annoying to click a link and then discover it is not something I want to read or watch. So I try not to be a clickbait poster.

    But if you start seeing comments from me with links and not much detail, it is because I am running out of time and trying to post as much as I can. I began my quick news catch-up today and came across news items that I thought I should share here.

    Stories like this from the media:

    Unfathomable cruelty of Hamas ghouls and a nation left with a broken heart
    US charges Hamas leaders over Oct. 7 attack on Israel
    This toon.

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  49. kaysee kaysee says:

    I was just wondering if I am living in an alternative universe.

    Then I came across this clip.

    I had no knowledge about the speaker. So I decided to do some research and that took me off my passive reading mode. I found the entire speech, watched it and thought it deserved to be in a separate post, with some additional info.

    It’s here:
    Where Do We Stand?

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  50. kaysee kaysee says:

    Interested observer,
    I have read your comment from earlier this week and meant to respond, but I keep getting side-tracked. So it will have to wait another day.

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  51. mh says:

    A new twist to an old Trump standard

    Trump’s Israel Advisor: We’re Gonna Annex the West Bank and Make America Pay For It

    Chris Menahan
    Sep. 03, 2024

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  52. mh says:

    I think the honeymoon is over, lol

    Prime Minister Keir Starmer No one can hide for ever

    15.5K subscribers

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  53. mh says:

    Lavrov there too

    Russia’s Putin receives official welcome in Mongolia, kicking off state visit despite ICC warrant

    233K subscribers

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  54. mh says:

    “I Am NOT A Holocaust Denier” SHOWDOWN! Rabbi Shmuley vs Candace Owens

    Piers Morgan Uncensored

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  55. mh says:

    Candy knows how to handle these debates with Rabbis.

    She let’s the tool do the work.

    7 hours ago
    I’m no antisemite but I’m definitely an antischmulite.
    10 hours ago
    He called her “Candice Ovens” and then cried about personal attacks. LOL
    1 hour ago
    Shmuley 100% destroyed Shmuley. Candace was just a spectator as the rest of us.

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  56. mh says:

    Rabbi Shmuley says Australia WILL ban Candace Owens from visiting.

    How does he know? Are Zionist Jews running the Australian government?

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  57. Interested observer says:

    Ricky Jones, 57, has again appeared in court to face one count of encouraging violent disorder over an August speech at a ‘peace rally’ held in response to days of disorder across England and Wales. A recording of the event showed Jones shouting through a microphone “they are disgusting, Nazi fascists. We need to cut all their throats, and get rid of them all”, while making a gesture of drawing his finger across his throat.

    Court reporting by The Independent notes Jones, who was a Labour councillor and trade unionist at the time of the speech, accepted through his defence barrister Hossein Zahir KC that the words had indeed been spoken, but that he didn’t realise saying them would be illegal.

    hat tip Breitbart

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  58. kaysee kaysee says:

    I have posted comments in the other thread on the subject of the lesser of two evils. This is because they is related to the topic of that thread – abortion. But they are also for the Open Thread as they are on the US election as well.

    Continuing here:
    Opinions from US voters.

    Jon Miller

    trump has cucked on every single major issue at this point

    Nick F

    “I am outright campaigning against Trump at this point.”

    “If the Republicans turn out & vote for this campaign, they can get away with anything.”

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  59. kaysee kaysee says:

    Dylan Allman

    Every four years, like clockwork, we’re treated to a performance so absurd, so predictable, that it might as well be scripted by a Hollywood hack who hasn’t had a fresh idea in decades.

    “This is the most important election of our lifetimes,” they proclaim, each time…

    The American Voter
    (not just American voters….)

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  60. kaysee kaysee says:

    I do apologise kay-see and Esme for appearing to be flippant.

    Apology accepted.
    It is to your credit that you’ve taken our comments in the right spirit.

    Having a blog, such as this, for Free Speech means we have a platform to speak out. We don’t have to agree – we can disagree or discuss opposing views and opinions. We can say that we disagree and explain why. And do so respectfully.

    I disagree with some of the points in your comment….

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  61. kaysee kaysee says:

    In truth, I find the never-ending personal tragedies to be heart-breaking but futile. I do not see a solution.

    I have answered this elsewhere on this blog so I won’t get into it now. It is an ongoing discussion in some twitter accounts. I came across one post on it a short while ago, but it had a detailed explanation. I’ve saved it and will come back to it, later.

    This is both a political and a religious war.

    It is not a political or religious war. It is an illegal occupation of land. The plan is to conquer the properties, evict and drive out the original inhabitants using fake excuses like “Hamas”, “October 7”, “holocaust”, “anti-Semitism”, “Islam”, “hostages” ….. and reach the final goal of stealing the entire land for Israel.

    Explained by Munther Isaac in his interview, in this thread, as well as my comments below that post.

    The new terminology to describe ethnic cleansing.

    Brought to us by the media

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  62. kaysee kaysee says:

    Why is the world so concerned about a few Jews, when other, larger tragedies are occurring? Hitler would say. And though I find the Jews to be of far higher civilization, it is amazing how many parallels can be drawn between the Jews and the Palestinians.

    Your quote is from this article in the American Thinker. There was a time, just a few years ago, when the American Thinker was one of my favourite bookmarked sites. These days, I keep my distance from the misinformation being spouted by these so called Alternative Media.

    The bias of the writer is clear in the article. I’ve read that quoted paragraph several times trying to make objective sense of it, especially this statement:
    And though I find the Jews to be of far higher civilization, it is amazing ……

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  63. kaysee kaysee says:

    I think the honeymoon is over, lol

    Prime Minister Keir Starmer No one can hide for ever

    That short video – less than 2 mins – is quite revealing. The public calling him a traitor as he walks down the street. That look on Starmer’s face is one of fear, and there is nothing dignified about the way the security are trying to protect him.

    – We do not feel safe in the streets. Why should he?

    – When a “leader” has to be escorted around like this in their own country… you know they are not fit for purpose

    – Well done to those protestors. They speak for many.

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  64. mh says:

    ⬆️ The Keir Starmer footage is actually from 2022.

    But I think the sentiment remains the same.

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  65. mh says:

    The plan is to conquer the properties, evict and drive out the original inhabitants using fake excuses like “Hamas”, “October 7”, “holocaust”, “anti-Semitism”, “Islam”, “hostages” ….. and reach the final goal of stealing the entire land for Israel.

    In 2024 we are bombarded by holocaust material.
    But why was this not the case for decades after the war?

    Interesting read/listen from Ron Unz:

    American Pravda: Gaza, Jewish Power, and the Holocaust • 1h23m ▶
    RON UNZ • FEBRUARY 19, 2024 • 10,400 WORDS

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  66. kaysee kaysee says:

    What’s happening in Australia?

    eSafety Commissioner, 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭 will be collaborating with Former Director of the Disinformation Governance Board, 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐳 to examine ways to use technology such as Digital ID’s


    A Victorian woman is facing punishment for saying men who want to take synthetic hormones to induce lactation to “breastfeed” a baby is a “dangerous fetish”.

    Bill Shorten’s new life

    The recruitment system (according to another twitter post):

    The Chancellor of University of Canberra is Lisa Paul, who Bill Shorten hired to co-author the NDIS review on a huge fee. Now Lisa hired Bill as Vice Chancellor on $1.6m

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  67. kaysee kaysee says:

    Will the next few days/weeks uncover the real story?

    These influencers claim they are victims and did not know. But if they signed a contract with some media company and were getting paid $400,000 per month, shouldn’t they have been suspicious?

    Right-wing influencers were duped to work for covert Russian operation, US says

    An indictment filed Wednesday alleges a media company linked to six conservative influencers — including well-known personalities Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson — was secretly funded by Russian state media employees….


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  68. kaysee kaysee says:

    Sanity break

    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    The Danish National Symphony Orchestra (Live) – 2018

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  69. kaysee kaysee says:

    Some of the comments:

    – There are two kinds of people in this world: those who consider this a masterpiece and those who are wrong

    – imagine a song so complex that the instruments vary from a violin to a guy hanging from the ceiling

    – It’s unbelievable how musical instruments played in a certain way can make you think of the high plains, deserts, cowboys, guns and whips… exactly what the music was intended to do… a masterpiece..

    – A song about the American West that was written by an Italian and is being performed by Danish people. Hell yeah.

    – The Wah Wah lady is phenomenal! Her performance is much appreciated.

    – You know your movie is a legend when an orchestra is playing it’s theme 50 years after it’s release

    – 1966: this song is amazing
    2019: this song is amazing
    7019: this song is amazing

    – How on earth did Ennio Morricone envisage all the individual elements that make up such a masterpiece. Its only when you see it played live by such talented musicians that you realise how brilliant a theme it was

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  70. mh says:

    Nicholas J. Fuentes

    Now that the DOJ has indicted Lauren Chen for taking money from Russia, when will they indict everyone who is taking money from Israel?

    4:43 AM · Sep 6, 2024 · 612.3K Views

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  71. John Smith101 says:

    An indictment filed Wednesday alleges a media company linked to six conservative influencers — including well-known personalities Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson — was secretly funded by Russian state media employees….

    Are we sure?

    US Intel Undercuts DOJ’s “Foreign Interference” Claim Used To Smear Conservative Pundits

    It’s always best, as far as possible, to verify links before posting so as to not mislead other readers.

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  72. kaysee kaysee says:

    Bilderberg globalists are playing both wings of Uniparty.

    Alex Karp, the Jewish CEO of Palantir, says America needs to get around the first amendment to ban “antisemitism”

    Palantir’s tech has been used by the IDF in Gaza, and last year Karp bragged that his company stopped the rise of the far-right in Europe

    Whitney Webb

    This is proof that no matter who wins in November, both candidates will move to criminalize criticism of the state of Israel as antisemitism, the 1st amendment be damned.

    James Bamford

    American Jewish Billionaire Alex Karp is using spyware to intercept phone calls from international citizens to Palestinians.

    His company Palantir is selling this information to the IDF (Unit 8200) so they can target civilians in Gaza, including well over 18,000 children…

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  73. kaysee kaysee says:

    Good or bad?

    Dr. Roman Bystrianyk, a physician and co-author of the book Dissolving Illusions, describes chart after chart showing that “vaccines” for everything from measles to flu to diphtheria *DID NOTHING* to diminish the diseases’ mortality rates. The jabs have been pointless.

    CDC Immunisation Schedule

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  74. mh says:

    Dave Rubin is not a “conservative pundit”.

    Dave Rubin is in a so-called, same-sex marriage with his partner, David Janet. And they announced that they were having babies, essentially; that they had hired surrogates. Well, they had procured a woman to donate her eggs, and then hired two surrogates to take their… So they took their sperm, the woman’s eggs, created embryos through in vitro fertilization, and then those embryos are going to be implanted in two surrogate wombs. And then they’re going to be born, and Dave and Dave are going to raise these children.

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  75. kaysee kaysee says:

    🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕
    And for this Sunday…

    8 September: The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
    It’s her birthday today.

    Ave Maria

    Ave Maria’ (Latin for ‘Hail Mary’) by Franz Schubert is one of the best known musical settings of this famous prayer to the Mother of Jesus Christ.


    A Ponderable

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  76. Esme says:

    Why the 2nd shot and why 21 days, exactly?

    What becomes apparent from reviewing Richet’s 100+ year old research – the only thing you really need to worry about with respect to “viruses/poisons” is an injection of biologics (proteins) for the 2nd time within the anaphylaxis window that starts typically after 20 days and lasting anywhere from months to years to the lifetime.

    Richet alluded to vaccination being a failure from the first attempts, because, instead of producing expected immunity it produced violent reactions or even death from minute (not considered dangerous) amounts of the toxin at the 2nd exposure. This happened in a random % of the population.

    Richet talks about the “second injection”. This refers to the nature of anaphylaxis: the first interaction with an injected toxin may be not even noticed, be well tolerated or may be at worst mildly irritating. After a period of 2-3 weeks, the second exposure, however, may become very dangerous or fatal.

    Importantly, Richet has demonstrated that anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock and the variety of allergic reactions are all the same phenomenon, stemming from the same thing – a sensitizing exposure by proteins reaching the blood stream and bypassing normal digestion.

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  77. mh says:

    I know I’m flip flopping, but I ❤️ Candy.

    For now.

    RFK Jr. Attacks Me For Rabbi Shmuley?!!! | Candace Ep 59

    Candace Owens
    2.38M subscribers

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  78. Esme says:

    I know I’m flip flopping, but I ❤️ Candy.

    For now.

    RFK Jr. Attacks Me For Rabbi Shmuley?!!! | Candace Ep 59

    (Jewish) Dave Smith there too. Loooong pause from RFK Jr in response to question about Israeli influence on US politics.

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  79. Esme says:

    David Kurten

    The central focus on the state of Israel in the US election is rather strange.

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  80. mh says:

    Loooong pause from RFK Jr

    I remember posting that clip on here.
    RFK credibility = 000
    I didn’t realise at the time that was Dave Smith. Quite impressive how he made RFK squirm.

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  81. mh says:

    David Kurten

    The central focus on the state of Israel in the US election is rather strange.

    Trump talks to white Americans like they are Israeli Jews.

    Just laughable.

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  82. mh says:

    (Jewish) Dave Smith there too.

    The second clip Candy plays has Smith ending his rant to RFK Jr by saying “Why should we have to give them a blank cheque?”

    A gentile would be able to answer their own question. Because the Jews run Washington. Very few Jews will go there because they still like the idea of Jewish power.

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  83. mh says:

    The Age

    Voters blame Labor for inflation woes, not Reserve Bank: poll

    Australians are holding Labor responsible for fighting inflation despite public attacks on the Reserve Bank over higher interest rates, with 51 per cent of voters saying the government has the greatest role in halting the pressure on prices. Only 27 per cent of voters blame the central bank for high inflation, highlighting the pressure on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Treasurer Jim Chalmers to convince households they can ease the cost of living.

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  84. mh says:

    Candace Owens vs Shabbos goy Andrew Bolt


    The Australian Government Is Trying To BAN Me!

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  85. Rossini says:

    His company Palantir is selling this information to the IDF (Unit 8200) so they can target civilians in Gaza, including well over 18,000 children…
    Lets not forget the children!!!!

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  86. Esme says:

    Candace Owens vs Shabbos goy Andrew Bolt

    The personal attacks are revealing. And the censorship, the relentless propaganda.

    Greater intellectual honesty from Jewish comedian Dave Smith. Even Piers Morgan, abuser of anyone who objected to ‘experimental injection’, hosted Candace Owens. Australian media the least free in the Western world?

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  87. Esme says:

    What the media hides

    Jewish filmmaker Sarah Friedland at the Venice Film festival:

    “I am accepting this award on the 336th day of Israel’s genocide in Gaza and 76th year of occupation…I stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine in their struggle for liberation.”

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  88. Esme says:

    This was funny – doctors not happy with former supermodel seeking alternatives to their expert treatment…

    Cancer experts have branded Elle Macpherson’s decision to shun chemotherapy for breast cancer in favour of “holistic” treatment as “incredibly irresponsible”.

    Irresponsible! A bit like those “anti-vaxxers”. Never mind responsibility from the purveyors.

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  89. mh says:

    Latest Ron Unz

    American Pravda: October 7th and September 11th • 1h25m ▶
    RON UNZ • SEPTEMBER 9, 2024 • 11,200 WORDS

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  90. mh says:

    Candace Owens

    There will be no show today, or at all this week. That’s because @YouTube has issued me a strike and a one week suspension for my sit down with Kanye. They also removed the interview as “hate speech”, as it was mass reported by Zionists.
    Their tactics never change.

    5:53 AM · Sep 10, 2024 · 1.6M Views


    Andrew Bolt supports this crackdown on free speech.

    Bolt has convinced himself that conservatism is serving Jews.

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  91. kaysee kaysee says:

    Andrew Bolt supports this crackdown on free speech.

    It depends on who is free speeching.


    Dr Reuben Kirkham of the Free Speech Union speaks to Andrew Bolt about the eSafety Commissioner’s hypocrisy and her spying on Australians.

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  92. kaysee kaysee says:

    Trump vs Harris is just a front
    America’s political parties no longer exist

    When Donald Trump and Kamala Harris step into the ring this evening, America will be treated to an illusion. For the past month, we’ve been told that tonight’s showdown in Pennsylvania will be pivotal — that, finally, the nation will witness the chosen tribunes of its two parties slugging it out for the presidency.

    But appearances can be misleading. Yes, there is something called the Democratic Party and something called the Republican Party….

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  93. mh says:

    It depends on who is free speeching.

    Thanks KC.

    I have to admit I avoid NewsCorp and Sky most of the time, but occasionally see Bolt pop up on certain issues, ie Candy O.

    So Bolt is a free speech warrior? As long as it doesn’t challenge Jewish power. That’s Bolt’s version of free speech.

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  94. kaysee kaysee says:

    I have to admit I avoid NewsCorp and Sky most of the time, but occasionally see Bolt pop up on certain issues, ie Candy O.

    Twitter accounts provide the news clips. MSM serves a purpose as a news service as long as one is aware of the biases of each media outlet.

    Why waste 90 mins watching a debate theatre tomorrow
    US election debate takes place 11am on Wednesday, September 11, AEST.

    When you can watch 7 mins about political theatre now
    I refuse to be a thespian in the Speaker’s failure theater.

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