Saving the Unborn. Their Lives Matter. [4]

This is the concluding post (Part 4) in this Saving the Unborn series.
The previous parts can be found here: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.

The Americans United for Life website explains the Pro-Life View on Abortion.

At the heart of the pro-life view is the belief in the sanctity of human life….

We believe that every human being, from conception to natural death, has inherent dignity and worth. This belief is based on our understanding that human life is a gift, and that we as a society have a responsibility to protect and cherish human life. We reject the notion that some lives are more valuable than others, and that it is acceptable to end the life of an unborn child for any reason. We believe every human is valuable and should be protected. All humans, including babies in the womb, deserve the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. One human’s pursuit of happiness does not allow them to end the life of another.

The term Pro-Abortion has, over decades of clever marketing, been replaced with inaccurate terminology like Pro-Choice, Reproductive Health and Planned Parenthood. It does not change the facts of what happens during an abortion. As long as it can be presented as an issue of women’s rights with the mantra of My body, My choice and the fiction that it is just a clump of cells in the womb, many will stay supporters of this “right” to abortion.

The Living Waters team got out on the streets and asked the simple question: What is it?Using commonsense reasoning, as well as science, philosophy and logic they were able to change some minds and opinions on abortion.

The One Question to End Abortion—WHAT IS IT?

A few comments below the video:

I got pregnant at 16. All of my family and the father of the baby put pressure on me to get an abortion, because I was too young. The father and I went to the abortion clinic and made the appointment. When we get there a person was standing outside with a sign. I will never forget what it said “ Don’t turn a living womb into a death tomb”. Once we were inside waiting the father said to me “ You don’t have to go through with this if you don’t want too”. I got up immediately and walked out. That sign got to his conscience. I now have a beautiful smart daughter, 3 beautiful and smart granddaughters, and 1 great grandson on the way. Due in December!! Was life hard? Yes it was, but life IS hard. But much more of a blessing with children. Teach them love and about Jesus who is love.

I was avidly pro-choice and outraged when Roe was overturned. I began researching and learning more about abortion, and the more I learned, the more I could not deny that it was the ending of a human life. Thank you for this documentary. I hope it educates and sheds light on this topic for those who are disillusioned about abortion.

This was absolutely incredible. I’m seventeen and was a pro choice supporter. I thought that the idea of abortion being murder was ridiculous, but one night I felt called to research it, and I’m never looking back.

There is a reason why the abortion lobby doesn’t want people praying or holding signs outside their baby-killing clinics/factories. Abortion is not about rights. It is a thriving business under Planned Parenthood, as seen in the videos in Part 3. These abortion factories can sell off body parts to “medical companies”, who is turn can make a bigger fortune with the products made from the same tissues, organs and limbs.

Can this situation be reversed?
Definitely. We can all play a part. It may be a slow process, but it is a better option than the alternative. The movie, What is it?, shows how logic and reason can be powerful weapons used to change attitudes and viewpoints. Here’s what we can do:

▹ Learn the facts about that living being in the womb.
Be prepared to have conversations with others, calmly, using facts, reason and examples.

▹ Share these videos with others.
Many in the It’s a woman’s right to choose or Abortion is Okay camps are shocked when they see what happens during the abortion procedure. Some of the reactions of the participants in the video and those of commenters viewing it, prove that it is possible for positions and decisions to be changed from Pro-Choice to Pro-Life.




There are some pro-life groups working to educate the public through videos and messages. I have used material from their sites in this series of posts.
These sites include: Choice42, Focus on the Family Australia, Living Waters, Center for Medical Progress, Americans United for Life, Caring Network, CARE and Life Dynamics.


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13 Responses to Saving the Unborn. Their Lives Matter. [4]

  1. kaysee kaysee says:

    All comments related to this series will be under this final post rather than splitting across the four parts.

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  2. kaysee kaysee says:

    HEAC Public hearing
    Termination of Pregnancy (Live Births) Amendment Bill 2024

    Courageous Queensland midwife Louise Adsett today blew the whistle on Australia’s ugly abortion-to-birth laws. How can anyone listen to her first hand accounts of babies gasping for breath while waiting to die after the abortion attempts on their lives? Please don’t look away.

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  3. kaysee kaysee says:

    Slavery and Abortion

    The same arguments that were used to defend slavery are being used every day to defend abortion.

    Nathan Prindler

    Nearly every pro-abortion argument mirrors pro-slavery arguments from the 19th century

    Seth Dillon

    When considering whether an issue should be decided by individual states or whether it should be universally prohibited, the key question is whether the issue involves fundamental human rights….

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  4. kaysee kaysee says:

    Personal stories

    Lawyer Kelly

    I once was pro-choice, but I had a mentor who very casually mentioned that I should review the history of Molech. I was intrigued….

    UNN follower

    One of our followers bravely put this in the comments section:

    “I had an abortion at 17 I’m now in my 60’s there isn’t a day that goes by that I regret my decision.. That decision took the life of another human being.. 😪”

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  5. kaysee kaysee says:

    How is the issue of abortion being rolled out in these US Elections?

    The Democrats
    Hillary and Biden
    “Safe and rare”

    2024:16 years later:
    Promises that a Harris presidency would allow full access to abortion upto the point of birth by passing federal legislation explicitly protecting the “right” to an abortion.

    At the DNC 2024 this month, there were mobile Planned Parenthood trucks to assist in the killing of the unborn under the banner of reproductive rights. They brought out an array of women to give their stories on how these evil restrictions on abortions affected their lives.

    Oprah was there as well. Supporting this.

    As of 21 August
    CONFIRMED: 25 babies have been killed by Planned Parenthood at the DNC.

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  6. kaysee kaysee says:

    No surprises on the Democrat abortion agenda.

    But seeking the applause of the secular world, here is Cardinal Cupich at the DNC to pray the invocation. A bunch of platitudes to some nameless, generic god. He invokes the name of the pope but not the name of Jesus. And his pectoral cross was hidden out of sight.

    No mention about the abortion trucks waiting outside in the parking lot to kill babies in the womb. A silent validation of evil. But we can’t really complain. The RNC permitted invocations to pagan gods.

    Democrats want abortion all the way up until birth, taxpayer funded.

    Some group calling itself Catholics for Choice and with the description:
    A voice for Catholics who believe that Catholic tradition supports one’s right to follow their conscience in matters of sexuality and reproductive health.

    They are all in it together re-writing the teachings. There are clear rules about abortion in the Catechism of the Church.

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  7. kaysee kaysee says:

    Moving on to the GOP.

    What is the GOP policy on abortion?
    It keeps changing. Trump believes he doesn’t need to care about social conservatives and pro-lifers. He thinks that if he keeps shifting left on abortion, he will get votes from liberals.
    Last week he posted this.


    Amendment 4 in Florida

    Florida Amendment 4, the Right to Abortion Initiative, is on the ballot in Florida as an initiated constitutional amendment on November 5, 2024.

    A “yes” vote supports adding the following language to the Florida Constitution’s Declaration of Rights: “… no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.”

    Amendment 4 doesn’t just wipeout the Heartbeat Bill. It allow for abortions at ANY time, for ANY reason, recommended by ANY one, and WITHOUT ANY parental consent.

    Bait and Switch

    Alveda King

    Amendment 4 is radical—too radical for Florida!
    Stand up with me if you know that Florida is For Life!

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  8. kaysee kaysee says:

    Trump is a resident of Florida and will have to vote on Amendment 4. This is not just his vote as a private citizen. He is the GOP Presidential nominee.

    When asked yesterday, this was his response on Amendment 4.
    This was his policy announcement on IVF.

    I am announcing today that under the Trump administration, your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment.

    For anyone who thinks that IVF is good, here’s what happens during IVF treatments.

    There are many embryos that get discarded in the IVF process. Embryos are living beings. Discarding the embryos that are not needed is not protecting life. IVF kills more embryos than abortion does. IVF can also turn into a customised shopping process of picking the embryos based on sex and other characteristics and rejecting the ones deemed “not perfect” by prospective parents.

    Where will it stop? Make specific types of babies? Sell rejected baby parts? Control the reproductive process for evil purposes?

    Paid for by government using taxpayer money? Insurance companies forced to pay costs?

    Maga will rush in to defend him. When they can’t, they will insist that Kamala is far worse. Unborn babies killed under Trump’s policy will be fewer than the babies killed under Kamala’s. That is supposed to be the “lesser of two evils”. I’ll come back to this choice between evils, later.

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  9. kaysee kaysee says:

    He was testing the waters to see how far to the left he could go.
    Maga pretended that voting Yes for Amendment 4 was not a big issue, if Trump said so. Or they said they didn’t agree but would still vote for him. Or they attacked pro-lifers for their negative reactions to a Yes vote.

    The backlash from conservative pro-lifers was so great with the threat of not voting for Trump, he did the flip the next day and said he’d be voting No.

    It is transactional. What he will gain from a decision. It is not about conviction on any issue. It was because of the pressure campaign that he changed his position. It is about the votes. So he reverses to saying he’ll be voting NO on Amendment 4.

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  10. kaysee kaysee says:

    October 2020

    Federal Funding for Planned Parenthood Actually Went Up Under Trump
    Planned Parenthood received a record amount of federal funds over the 2018-2019 fiscal year, despite Trump’s vows to defund it entirely.
    More info in this post.

    I haven’t been able to check through all those links, but there’s plenty of reference material there.

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  11. kaysee kaysee says:

    The Lesser of Two Evils

    There is an ongoing discussion among Christian groups, in the US, about voting for the lesser of two evils. It has been debated about in elections previously, but has become a greater issue in 2024. There are Catholic clergy and theologians prescribing this route and supporting a vote for Trump because he is the lesser of two evils.

    Is there any real evaluation process taking place? Or is it just out of thin air?

    Kamala Harris supports abortion, until the time of birth. Abortion is evil, letting it happen just before birth, is extremely evil.

    Trump supports abortion which is evil, but not until just before birth. If he says up to 4 months, it is okay. Oh, look, he’s the lesser of two evils. So the church leaders say: you can vote for him.

    If he says up to 5 months or 6 months or 7 months, it is still better than Kamala. So, that’s good? Vote for him? It is lesser evil compared to the other?

    CDC graph on abortions in 2021.

    Democrats have a Right to IVF package. Trump supports IVF too. In fact, he goes further with the offer of free IVF.

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  12. kaysee kaysee says:

    It is not about a perfect candidate – there won’t be one. We actually have some church leaders recommending and endorsing a candidate and, thus, misleading Christians (who are looking for guidance) into believing that Trump is the lesser of two evils. So it is fine under these circumstances to vote for him.

    This is just based on the issue of abortion. It is not including other issues that should matter to Christians. This reinforces Trump’s belief that he can do anything, and the gullible will still vote for him. As long as, by comparison to Kamala Harris, he stays just one step behind the evil.

    In another situation, we should be evaluating the candidates to find out which is the better one. And we should take part in the process. But this particular election in the US, is a dilemma for those US voters who are Christians/social conservatives.

    Some alternate views here:

    Why I Don’t Think You Must Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils

    Pastor Loran Livingston


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  13. kaysee kaysee says:

    Timelapse view
    This is a BABY from conception until birth

    …a groundbreaking, interactive web experience that gives a stunning look at the beauty of life in the womb through every single day of pregnancy. Reviewed and certified by medical experts, this medically accurate, life-like animation depicts each stage of fetal development – from fertilization to birth.

    Mother-fetal microchimerism

    “During pregnancy, some baby cells migrate into the mother’s bloodstream and then return to the child. It’s called “mother-fetal microchimerism”…..

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