Other Issues

Any other issues related to Covid-19 that have not been included in the Medical or Legal sections, such as:

  • Lockdowns (economy)
  • Small businesses (impact)
  • Virus origins
  • Other issues

11 Responses to Other Issues

  1. kaysee kaysee says:

    Adept Economics (August 2021)

    Economic impact of lockdowns and interstate border closures on businesses across Australia

    The most recent efforts to contain the spread of the novel Delta COVID strain in NSW and Victoria are pushing many local businesses, especially small ones, to their limits. Impaired interstate travel means that economic pain is being felt hundreds of kilometres away from regions currently in lockdown.

    Various ballpark figures have been released on the economic impact of recent lockdowns. All are understandable bleak, as Sydney and Melbourne account for nearly 45% of the nation’s gross domestic product.

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  2. kaysee kaysee says:

    The Telegraph (Sept 2021)

    Wuhan scientists planned to release coronaviruses into cave bats 18 months before outbreak

    Wuhan scientists were planning to release enhanced airborne coronaviruses into Chinese bat populations to inoculate them against diseases that could jump to humans, leaked grant proposals dating from 2018 show.

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  3. kaysee kaysee says:

    Monash University (June 2021)

    The lockdown quandary: is the pain worth the gain?

    As COVID-19 infections and deaths multiplied and increased exponentially, authorities around the world responded with a set of measures such as lockdowns and strict border controls, severely limiting the movement of people within and between countries.

    This led to severe economic effects that helped to translate a health crisis into a global economic crisis.

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  4. kaysee kaysee says:

    CFR (November 2021)

    Will the World Ever Solve the Mystery of COVID-19’s Origin?

    • Strong evidence is lacking to support any of the hypotheses about how the new coronavirus spread to humans, whether inside or outside a laboratory.

    • The WHO, national governments, and scientists are calling for further investigation, but China rejects the idea that COVID-19 originated on its territory.

    • Scientists say uncovering the virus’s origin is important for better understanding the risk levels of different human behaviors and preventing the next outbreak.

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  5. kaysee kaysee says:

    Substack (November 2021)

    ‘It’s Free’: Pfizer & Moderna project tens of billions in COVID shot PROFITS

    Pfizer is now projected to double its 2020 revenue, when the pharma giant brought in $41.9 billion. In 2021, $36 billion will have come from sales of COVID shots that were developed in partnership with BioNTech. With an estimated 30% profit margin, the mRNA shots alone will bring in over $10 billion in profit.

    Moderna, which earned no sustainable revenue before the COVID era (because the company had never successfully rolled out a product to market), expects to bring in $20 billion in revenue in 2021. Moderna’s COVID injection profit margins are almost double that of Pfizer’s. In 2021, the company has generated a reported positive free cash flow of a whopping $9.1 billion.

    Johnson & Johnson expects to easily generate over $90 billion in 2021 sales, after bringing in $69 billion through the first 3 quarters of 2021. Unlike Pfizer and Moderna, which essentially have become coronavirus companies, J&J only generates a fraction of its sales from COVID shots. The company expects to bring in $2.5 billion in revenue from COVID shots in 2021.

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  6. kaysee kaysee says:

    The Economic Times (November 2021)

    Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna making $1,000 profit every second: Analysis

    Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna are making combined profits of $65,000 every minute from their highly successful Covid-19 vaccines while the world’s poorest countries remain largely unvaccinated, according to a new analysis

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  7. Steve trickler says:

    The following is almost two and half hours.


    Del Bigtree:

    Del Steps Out On A High Wire…Literally!; Turning The Tide in Vegas; Natural Immunity Wins Again; All-Star Docs Hit the Freedom Fest Stage with Del

    Episode 276: TURNING THE TIDE

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  8. Steve trickler says:

    One of the best covid rants, EVER. Bang on the money.

    Warning: Language alert. It’s all justified in my book.

    Reverend Simon Sideways:

    Covid how the hospitals lied to help the government lock us down

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  9. Steve trickler says:

    The entire vaccine schedule should now come under immense scrutiny. People and their blind faith in Big Pharma today is bloody ridiculous. There will be those who’ll would demand such a conversation and debate be shutdown.

    Two words for those with that view – f*ck off!


    The HighWire with Del Bigtree:

    ICAN CEO and ‘The HighWire’ host, Del Bigtree, presents ‘The Vaccine Safety Project,’ a comprehensive presentation on Vaccine Safety and Policy in America.
    The presentation explains the framework in place to monitor safety, shortcomings of the current vaccine licensing process, details the history of vaccine safety, and establishes the failure of the current system to establish the safety of the CDC’s recommended vaccine schedule.

    Presented from the stage of the ‘Truth About Cancer’ Conference.

    #VSP #VaccineSafetyProject #SafetyFirst #ICAN #TheHighWire

    ORIGINAL AIR-DATE: October 18, 2018

    DEL BIGTREE Presents The Vaccine Safety Project

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  10. Steve trickler says:

    Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc

    9TH FEBRUARY 2023
    The following short extract is taken from Vernon Coleman’s book The Medicine Men which was first published in 1975. The book, which has been out of print for decades, is now available again.

    ‘BCG vaccination for tuberculosis was introduced in 1928 but seventy-two children died in 1930 after a vaccine contaminated with a virulent bacillus had been used. The Salk vaccine was acclaimed as a breakthrough against polio but in 1955 in the United States there were two hundred and four cases of polio in inoculated children. Recently in the United Kingdom there have been angry discussions about the number of vaccine-damaged children in the country. One member of parliament, Jack Ashley, claims that there are about two thousand children in Britain seriously damaged by vaccines. He reported a survey which showed that one in every five thousand children vaccinated against whooping cough was permanently brain-damaged. A Swedish survey has shown that between one in three thousand and one in six thousand children has some form of cerebral illness after whooping cough vaccine. According to one consultant, at least a third of those children with brain damage should never have been vaccinated at all, as they had a history of fits and so on which usually act as contra-indications to vaccination. One problem in Britain has been that the whooping cough vaccine used has decreased in apparent effectiveness. When introduced it was 80 per cent effective but by 1968 it was only 20 to 30 per cent effective, so to increase its effectiveness the strength of the vaccine was increased, with the result that more severe reactions occurred. The row in Britain has built up because children are not compensated for brain-damage. In Germany, Denmark and several other countries there have for some time been compensation schemes for vaccine-injured children. One sad aspect of the whole thing is that we continue to vaccinate against such diseases as smallpox, although as Rene Dubos has written in Man, Medicine and Environment ‘the chance of contracting smallpox is now so slight in our communities that, paradoxically enough, the risk of accidents originating from the vaccine is much greater than the chance of contracting the disease itself.’

    This short extract taken from Vernon Coleman’s book The Medicine Men, first published in 1975. A new paperback edition of The Medicine Men is now available through the bookshop on this website.

    Here are some reviews of The Medicine Men (which was serialized in The Guardian newspaper and the subject of a 14 minute video on the BBC’s six o’clock news):

    Vernon Coleman writes as a general practitioner who has become disquieted by the all-pervasive influence of the pharmaceutical industry in modern medicine…He describes, with a wealth of illustrations, the phenomena of modern iatrogenesis; but he is also concerned about the wider harm which can result from doctors’ and patients’ preoccupation with medication instead of with the prevention of disease. He demonstrates, all the more effectively because he writes in a sober, matter-of-fact style, the immense influence exercised by the drug industry on doctors’ prescribing habits…He writes as a family doctor who is keenly aware of the social dimensions of medical practice. He ends his book with practical suggestions as to how medical care – in the developing countries as well as in the West – can best be freed from this unhealthy pharmaceutical predominance.

    G.M.Carstairs, The Times Literary Supplement
    What he says of the present is true: and it is the great merit of the book that he says it from the viewpoint of a practising general practitioner, who sees from the inside what is going on, and is appalled by the consequences to the profession, and to the public.

    Brian Inglis, Punch
    The Medicine Men is well worth reading

    Times Educational Supplement
    Dr Vernon Coleman…is not a mine of information – he is a fountain. It pours out of him, mixed with opinions which have an attractive common sense ring about them.

    Coventry Evening Telegraph
    The Medicine Men’ by Dr Vernon Coleman, was the subject of a 14 minute `commercial’ on the BBC’s Nationwide television programme recently. Industry doctors and general practitioners come in for a severe drubbing: two down and several more to go because the targets for Dr Coleman’s pen are many, varied and, to say the least, surprising. Take the physicians who carry out clinical trials: many of those, claims the author, have sold themselves to the industry and agreed to do research for rewards of one kind or another, whether that reward be a trip abroad, a piece of equipment, a few dinners, a series of published papers or simply money.

    The Pharmaceutical Journal (1975)


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  11. kaysee kaysee says:

    National Citizens Inquiry – Toronto

    Full hearing from Day 3 – nearly 11 hours.

    All videos here

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