Post by Maryanne Demasi
The Australian government says it will not suspend the use of mRNA Covid-19 vaccines, despite warnings from several high-profile scientists that the products could increase the risk of cancer.
Post by Maryanne Demasi
The Australian government says it will not suspend the use of mRNA Covid-19 vaccines, despite warnings from several high-profile scientists that the products could increase the risk of cancer.
Post by Thomas Harrington
The self-evident degradation of educational quality in our society today has several causes. But of all of them there are three that most immediately come to mind.
Post by Richard Kelly
Another brick in the wall of totalitarianism in Australia was laid this week, with the mortar of hand-ringing faux concern for the ‘safety’ of our children troweled on in generous quantities. At some point in the next year or so it will be illegal for children under 16 years of age to use some social media apps. Which means all users will have to clear this age hurdle, somehow, when our Priestess of Permitted Pronouncements gets around to writing, and maybe publishing, the ‘guideliness’ referenced in the legislation.
During a presentation at a conference in California (5 October 2024), Dr Gabor Maté was asked a question by a member of the audience. While he was answering the question, the woman kept interrupting him. At one point, he said to her:
You and I don’t live in the same world.
If you are among those who have been questioning the narrative from the usual sources — media, governments, certain unelected agencies — you won’t find many surprises here. But the details will help to join many dots and explain the subservience from some political figures in bowing to the establishment agenda. It will also help to understand the role of the media in pushing the propaganda.
This is a full length climate engineering documentary that was released by the Geoengineering Watch organisation in March 2021. Dane Wigington, executive producer of The Dimming, has a background in solar energy and was a former employee of Bechtel Power Corporation.
It is a co-ordinated strategy. It may appear to be the policy of your current elected government, but has been planned for years by entities that you did not vote for. It was set in motion with the global scamdemic where the population was controlled through a fear campaign and the mandating of masks, lockdowns and jabs.
Big name media personalities like Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson get exclusive access for an interview with Donald Trump. They run teasers and promos to ensure that they can draw millions of viewers to watch this show. It is given much publicity and garners plenty of attention and interest.