Open Thread – June 2024

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297 Responses to Open Thread – June 2024

  1. kaysee kaysee says:

    Julian Assange boards flight at London Stansted Airport
    at 5PM (BST) Monday June 24th

    Thomas Massie

    My plane landed in DC & I just heard Julian Assange will soon be free due to a deal.

    His liberation is great news, but it’s a travesty that he’s already spent so much time in jail.

    Obama, Trump, & Biden should have never pursued this prosecution.

    Pardon Snowden & Free Ross now

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  2. kaysee kaysee says:

    I am not here because I am lonely, bored, want social company, attention, popularity or accolades. If we weren’t facing a serious crisis in the country and the world, I would have preferred to spend my free time doing other things – like curling up in a comfy chair with a good book.

    I am here posting on this blog because I am concerned about what is happening, because I want to fight against the evil doers, because I want to save this country from going downhill, because I want the next generation to also be able to enjoy freedom, because I want to join other fighters all over the world, and here in Australia, in exposing the Weffers, corrupt pollies, crooks, unelected organisations and self-appointed world czars making decisions for the rest of us, mere peasants.

    I want to be a part of those who are doing their share to save the world from the autocrats and their minions and stooges. To be part of those who are trying to learn what vile schemes are underway and warn readers about it. To awaken others so they know who are the real good guys who we should trust and elect to be our leaders and govern us. To get the public to wake up, unite and kick out the despots who are trying to establish a new world order.

    In your comment, Rossini, you refer to performers and spectators.
    I see it differently. This blog is not a theatre where patrons pay to come and watch the show on the stage put up by paid actors. This is real life. We either decide to join in and unite, or sit on the fence and watch. In comments over this weekend (A-5, A-6), I have shared my own transition from lurker to poster.

    Lurking, watching, passivity, apathy is a far easier and more comfortable path. We can, as citizens of this country and the world, decide which way we want to proceed.

    Do you want to be one who participates or one who watches?

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  3. kaysee kaysee says:

    During Covid many people had experiences like losing jobs, not able to see family members during lockdowns, lost loved ones due to the vaxx or suffered vaxx injuries. There are medical professionals who took the risks to speak up. Some of these people are now on a mission and are testifying or sharing experiences. They are not doing it for personal gain – they are doing it for you and for me, and to prevent this happening again.

    I have come across several people online, from all over the world, who have joined the battle against the tyrants. Because of their efforts, their testimonies, their protests, it is difficult for governments and the WEF to implement their new world order. I look at these other fighters and I cannot sit back and leave others to fight for my rights and my freedoms. So I have joined in.

    I come here and share what I am learning elsewhere. If some of you, as readers of this blog, feel the same need to take part in the battle as a participant because you care about what is being done by our enemies, you will not see yourself as someone coming in to watch a show, but rather as someone willing to roll up your sleeves, pick up your writing weapons and get involved in sharing and discussions.

    It isn’t difficult.
    You don’t have to write comments in someone else’s style – use your own.

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  4. kaysee kaysee says:

    I have often heard this expression from some that they don’t post because they don’t have anything to say. I have shared examples of my own experiences in previous comments. Here is another.

    In the mornings, I am busy but have the radio on so I can listen to the news and the talkback shows. Often, I hear something in the news or that a caller says and I want to respond. But that means I have to stop my work, pick up the phone and dial the station. If it is a busy signal, keep trying till I get through. Then it is a further wait until it is my turn.

    Not for me. I don’t have the time.

    But this blog is 24/7. I can come in any time that’s convenient for me and post comments. I don’t have to keep phoning to get through or wait in a queue for my turn. Sometimes I am sitting here typing a comment and remember something I need to do. I get up and go do it. Come back and continue.

    If you want to join our battle here, you can find something from the news: while you are watching TV, listening to the radio or reading the newspaper. Jot a note of something that has been reported that you support or disagree. Then type that up and post as a comment.

    When you stop being passive and begin to actively notice what is taking place and what is wrong, unfair or bad, you’ll find so much in the news that needs to be shared with the public.


    (Concluding tomorrow)

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  5. kaysee kaysee says:

    Farmers, Food and Flu

    They are looking for ways to shut down your fresh food produce so you’ll have to eat their bug food and fake meat. They’ve tried to use the scare tactics of climate change, now they are using bird flu.

    The McCullough Foundation
    Bird Flu: Separating Fact from fiction

    Peter McCullough
    Dispels fears regarding H5N1 Bird Flu at Sproat Lake in British Columbia, Canada.

    Farmers Protest

    Eva Vlaardingerbroek about German farmers’ protest: “Just like with the Dutch farmers’ protest there is a sort of structure to the attack on farming …”

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  6. Interested observer says:

    There is a lot of chatter about feral cat predation in Australia – cats have been eliminated from small islands but Kangaroo Island has launched their own ambitious project to have a cat free Island.
    Some 10 years or so ago, the Council introduced a by-law that domestic cats must be desexed, microchipped and confined to the owner’s property with an annual Council fee – cat breeders are charged $1000 per breeding cat. The cat population descended from farm cats left behind when farms were sold or abandoned.
    Enforcement has been difficult – litters of kittens were frequently dumped as somebody else’s problem. However gradual tightening of enforcement, policing of any advertisements for free kittens and trapping have been supported by public opinion.
    The feral cat trapping program is financed by agricultural groups – cats are the vector for toxoplasmosis spread by cats urinating on grass which is consumed by sheep, downgrading the slaughter value.
    The local Council has been very careful not to antagonise cat owners. Domestic cats trapped are returned to owners if microchipped and advertised on social media for collection if obviously tame.
    In the current trapping program covering 8% of Kangaroo Island, 187 feral cats have been trapped in 6 weeks. There is now a sophisticated beacon signal when traps are triggered, saving monitoring time. Landholders are also able to place traps using the same system.
    Whether Kangaroo Island can ever become a cat free zone is a difficult question. Prohibition would lead to cat owners unable to have their cats desexed or receive veterinary treatment.
    Residents with cat enclosures would become targets for cat hating neighbours.
    Kangaroo Island has an interesting history of biological control with rabbits (early introductions were consumed by goannas), no foxes, oldest bee sanctuary in the world and programs to eliminate feral peacocks, deer and at one time a ban on Alsatian dogs (overturned by a pugnacious ratepayer).
    An interesting sidelight to the cat trapping program is that barn owls are being encouraged by placing of nest boxes – the owls can take 20 mice in one night.

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  7. mh says:

    The ABC, 2019

    Donald Trump, who praised WikiLeaks 141 times, now has ‘no opinion’ on Julian Assange


    All talk, no action.

    Unless it’s for Israel.

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  8. mh says:

    Laugh out loud commentary from George Christensen

    So should we cheer for White House resident Joe Biden for this crumb from the table? Most certainly not!

    I sincerely doubt that this deal would have even eventuated if it were not for the fact that, about a month ago, President Donald J. Trump indicated he would be willing to pardon Julian Assange if he won the next election

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  9. kaysee kaysee says:

    Slippery slope keeps slipping

    Childcare centre
    Start the brainwashing early
    Mind your language
    Milk is racist

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  10. kaysee kaysee says:

    Hananya Naftali is an Israeli social media influencer. Also a digital aide to Netanyahu.

    He posted this photo on Twitter.
    The caption: Muslims in Indonesia STAND WITH ISRAEL. 🇮🇱🇮🇩

    But the mean folks on twitter posted this in reply.

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  11. mh says:

    Watch Trump praise WikiLeaks

    Washington Post
    2.46M subscribers


    Q: “Do you still love Wikileaks?”

    President Trump: “I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing.”

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  12. kaysee kaysee says:

    That was a poorly done AI generated image.

    Here’s what the sleuths discovered.




    But you can trust the Israeli government propaganda. It is reliable. Honest.
    They don’t lie.
    About Palestine and Palestinians. About Gaza. About Hamas. About October 7.

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  13. kaysee kaysee says:

    Conservatives, Trump and Assange

    The real Conservatives are glad that Assange is free but angry that he had to plead guilty for that. This can be debated but the news is that he has serious health problems and without this he would die in prison. The Free Speech advocates in the US, Australia and around the world can take this up and ask the hard questions.

    But check out the fake conservatives and free speech supporters.

    Trump interview with Candace
    (2021, I think)

    Candace nods along to his non-answer.

    Michael Tracey

    Trump DOJ prosecuted and imprisoned Assange, while the Biden DOJ is now releasing him. I’m sure the MAGA “Deep State” haters will have an easy time explaining that one

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  14. kaysee kaysee says:

    And Charlie Kirk, the Maga super-influencer

    Julian Assange has reached a deal to plead guilty to a single charge of disseminating national security material, in return for his immediate release.

    Absolutely ridiculous that DC’s intelligence cabal took away a decade of Assange’s life because he made them look bad. President Trump should make sure this charge is expunged — and then expunge the deep state parasites themselves.

    I’ve seen responses from many that somehow Maga and Trump will spin this around to the release taking place because the Donald promised it. Just like all his other promises about the great things he will be doing for America.

    Maga won’t ask why Trump didn’t do it when he was Prez.

    Michael Tracey:
    Genuine TDS sufferers (“Trump Devotion Syndrome”) dismiss any critical observation about Trump, no matter how substantive, as frivolous or petty — like it’s just about his manner of speech or style.

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  15. Rossini says:


    Still lurking..

    Have a good night

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  16. mh says:

    I support Rossini’s right to lurk.

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  17. mh says:

    PJW with the latest foreign migrant gang rape story from Germany

    An Unspeakable Outrage

    Paul Joseph Watson
    1.98M subscribers

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  18. mh says:

    Nicholas J. Fuentes

    Trump should have pardoned Julian Assange.

    Wikileaks probably won him the election in 2016 by publishing Hillary Clinton’s emails.

    Instead, Trump pardoned Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard at the behest of Israel-First megadonor Sheldon Adelson. PRIORITIES!

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  19. kaysee kaysee says:

    Around 3 years ago, I began to observe some aspects of Trump’s behaviour and actions that put me off. That began to build up, and I realised that I could not keep supporting him. However, all the Conservative sites and media personalities continued to acclaim Trump as a hero. In the past year, with the war in Gaza, the same sites seem to be supporting the Zionist cause, too.

    It is as if the so-called “conservative” world is on a different path from mine. On the topics like climate change, Covid, woke issues, DEI and so on, I am on common ground with them. But for two major issues, we are on opposite sides.

    I now consider this same conservative media, turned into Con Inc Media, supporters of two major scamming cults. They seemed to be two separate issues, but now the link between them is clearer.

    1/ Trump-Maga cult
    2/ Pro-Israel Zionist cult.

    I haven’t come across any Conservative sites that have been prepared to call out the facts on those two scams. There may be some sites – but I haven’t seen them. But there are some social media accounts that are speaking out and, especially with Twitter, there has been a glimmer of hope with getting the real news posted and read. But even social media has limitations with censorship – I’ll get back to that point another day.

    Because this blog is Free Speech and not dependent on donors (at least, so far), we can say anything – as long as we follow the blog rules of respect. Our blog is a small one, but it offers us the opportunity to spread the truth. For this reason, I have focussed on the above scams and thought that putting them together in a way that would make it easy to find information was important.

    I decided to use this platform to share info about these cults by way of special threads:
    The US Elections 2024 and the War in Gaza.

    If you come across anyone who probably gets their news from limited sources, you could give them the links to these threads, and then they can find their way from there as it will lead them to other links.

    If you need to discuss or debate these topics with anyone, you will find a ton of info. It is not just opinions but there are links to several sources, videos, articles to provide the evidence.

    Here are the threads with their links.

    US Elections 2024

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

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  20. kaysee kaysee says:

    Writing most blog posts involves a lot of background toil before they can be published. But these two threads – the US Election and the Israeli-Palestine conflict – have been intensive work. I gathered info and saved it. I researched as much as possible (by the way, research is not opening up Google, typing a few words, picking the first few links that Google has decided you should read. There are many other search engines and different ways to go digging for info as mentioned here).

    The additional problem was that just when I thought I had the info ready to post, there was more coming in each day that I could not ignore. Then I had to organise what I had into logical sections, recheck and test links to see if they were still active or not, and then get down to posting.

    It felt like a sigh of relief when I was able to close of the US Election thread. Then another bigger sigh with the completion of the Israeli-Palestine conflict thread.

    My head is buzzing with so many topics for new articles to write on the blog, but it involves research and writing. I don’t mind the work involved in getting the post published.
    But I have another problem.
    There’s just 24 hours in a day and so much to do.

    I have reached the stage of exhaustion. Only those who are serious bloggers will understand what I mean by it. I am now drained and need a break. From next month, I also have some personal work that needs to be attended to. I will continue to come in and post, but at a lower pace, till I am able to get my other personal tasks done.

    If no one else is interested in this blog, may be it has run its course and it is time for it to fold. I would consider it sad if this site should have to shut down because it lacks contributors. But blogging takes up time and it is not a sustainable situation for just two commenters to carry the blog, especially as it involves serious and in-depth news stories, videos, articles and other links. Maybe if we had stuck to the safe “conservative” topics and chatter, we may have had more posters. But then it would be pointless for time-poor people to spend their time here.

    If there are some of you who value this blog in its current format and the content that is shared here, I hope you will step in and make some effort to post comments to keep this blog continuing to stay online.

    We can?

    We can’t?

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  21. kaysee kaysee says:

    And to close off ….

    This is just a small blog but still in the public square, so if you participate, it is an opportunity for this.




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  22. kaysee kaysee says:

    Covid in Australia

    Human rights were violated during Covid

    Covid measures impacted everyone, everywhere. Be it lockdowns, border closures, quarantine rules, social distancing, vaccine mandates, mask mandates, school closures, business restrictions, or police brutality, we’ve all got a story to tell.

    Now, the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wants to hear your stories.


    PROOF that the TGA does not work for #Australians & is STILL lying to the Australian Public on Freedom of Information Requests by REDACTING large portions

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  23. kaysee kaysee says:

    Julian Assange is a free man and on his way to Australia. The private charter is estimated to land in Canberra just before 8pm AEST.

    This is the crowdfunder appeal for Julian Assange

    Julian Assange has embarked on flight VJT199 to Saipan. If all goes well it will bring him to freedom in Australia. But the flight comes at enormous cost: Julian will owe USD 520,000 which he is obligated to pay back to the Australian government for the charter flight to Saipan and onward to Australia.

    In addition, and after 14 years of detention, including five years in maximum security prison, Julian’s health is in dire need of recovery. We are launching an emergency appeal to seek donations to help him cover the flight debt and substantial funds to ensure his recovery and well-being and safety upon his arrival.

    Every contribution counts.


    Stella Assange

    Julian’s travel to freedom comes at a massive cost: Julian will owe USD 520,000 which he is obligated to pay back to the Australian government for charter Flight VJ199. He was not permitted to fly commercial airlines or routes to Saipan and onward to Australia. Any contribution big or small is much appreciated.

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  24. kaysee kaysee says:

    Commenting in appreciation of the quiet awareness of this blog.

    Esme, glad to have on board those, like you, who are aware of what is really going on in the world around us. And our attempts to share our knowledge with others.

    Jimmy Dore posted this, last week:

    So many people I once respected have revealed themselves to be cowards & go along actually afraid to challenge power or the establishment narrative for fear of losing their place in society.

    He was referring to what happened during Covid.

    There are people I used to respect, who got it right on Covid, but they are silent on either one or both of those two other major current issues/scams that I’ve mentioned above. Or they are going along with the narratives because it a safer path.

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  25. kaysee kaysee says:

    Rossini, you can stop by any time to wish me or any of the other commenters here a good night or a good day. Or to tell us that we are wonderful, amazing, marvellous, spectacular, sublime, excellent, brilliant, fantastic, superb, exquisite, great, terrific, grand, super, incredible, extraordinary, mesmerising, stupendous, distinguished, stunning, entrancing, outstanding, enchanting, magnificent, perfect, fabulous.

    Of course, you can.

    Just joking. 🙂

    I must confess that I used the thesaurus to get that line up of eye-catching adjectives.

    But, seriously…..
    taking a short minute to pop out of the lurk and say that you are online, reading the blog, is also a contribution. It lets the ones who are posting know that there are readers out there.

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  26. mh says:

    Israel wins again

    George Latimer ousts Rep. Jamaal Bowman in 16th District primary

    AIPAC spent the highest amount ever in a Primary race to remove Bowman.

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  27. kaysee kaysee says:

    Digital ID Repeal Bill 2024

    A few Senators have tabled a bill to repeal the above.

    Malcolm Roberts

    I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.

    This Bill aims to repeal the government’s dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.

    Will it make any difference?
    At least they are trying to do something. We’ll have to wait and see.

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  28. kaysee kaysee says:

    Before the Bird Flew vaxxing lockdowns begin, some advice.
    Dr. Peter McCullough
    issues a critical message for the public and policymakers.

    Coming soon to a cinema near you, movie on:
    Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine!

    A must watch!

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  29. mh says:

    Nicholas J. Fuentes

    2024 Election, who will you choose?

    Joe Biden: Pro-Israel, Pro-Immigration
    Donald Trump: Pro-Israel, Pro-Immigration
    Robert Kennedy: Pro-Israel, Pro-Immigration

    12:59 AM · Jun 26, 2024 · 650.8K Views

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  30. Rossini says:

    What is it that you don’t like about President Trump?

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  31. kaysee kaysee says:

    Although I am watching many short videos and photos of what is happening in Gaza as I catch up on the daily news, I have not been posting them here. It is distressing just viewing those images of starving people, especially little children, with stick thin arms and legs, hollow bodies. Then the images of those who have been injured, burnt, dying. Destruction of homes and land.

    How can anyone justify or support this? Are there still some who say they are Christians and support the Zionists? Even as Christians are treated with disrespect and persecuted by Israelis?

    Jewish custom-1
    Jewish custom-2
    Pastor Alan Chaves

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  32. kaysee kaysee says:

    Kim Iversen interview

    American born Journalist went to Israel and infiltrated the settlements.
    What he reported back is surprising, shocking, sad and disturbing….

    A humanitarian aid package gets dropped directly on a family’s tent in Gaza, completely destroying it

    Jewish man caught on CCTV staging antisemitic vandalism…

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  33. kaysee kaysee says:

    What is it that you don’t like about President Trump?

    Rossini, I’ve posted hundreds of comments on the topic. I’ve provided links to videos, articles and opinion pieces from others.

    I’ve also posted my own opinions and analysis on Trump’s behaviour, character, speeches, interviews. If you have been following this blog regularly and reading the comments, you’ll find the answers to that question.

    This Election link posted above has the info. If there is a specific comment that I have posted which needs further clarification, link to that and I’ll answer.

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  34. kaysee kaysee says:



    After enduring nearly 14 years of arbitrary detention in the UK, 5 years in maximum security prison, for his groundbreaking publishing work with wikileaks , Julian Assange has arrived home on Australian soil.

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  35. mh says:

    Julian Assange rushed back to watch Queensland wrap up the State of Origin series.

    What a guy!

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  36. mh says:

    Rolling Stone, via Chris Menahan

    Progressive Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman has been ousted from his New York Congressional seat after a contentious primary soaked in special interest money.

    Democratic Westchester County Executive George Latimer secured the first victory in the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) $100 million effort to oust progressive lawmakers critical of Israel’s ongoing military siege against Palestinians in Gaza. The Associated Press called the race just before 9:45 p.m. E.T.

    The race between Bowman and Latimer was the most expensive in the history of the House of Representatives, with AIPAC pouring $14 million into New York’s 16th Congressional District. The candidates and their backers spent a combined total of $23 million on advertising alone.

    Bowman felt that he wasn’t running a race against Latimer, but rather battling against powerful interest groups seeking to oust him and his closest colleagues over their criticism of Israel. The congressman recently told Rolling Stone that “this race against AIPAC is a really good litmus test as it relates to that, because [they’re] a big-money lobby [that’s] spending more money in this race than has ever been spent in primary history. They’re doing that because they do not want a progressive agenda to move forward.”

    In the aftermath of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack against Israel, Bowman was one of the first and most vocal advocates in Congress for a permanent ceasefire. The congressman drew widespread criticism for casting doubt on reports of mass beheadings of infants by Hamas and the alleged systematic rape of Israeli women during the Oct. 7 attacks as Israeli “propaganda.” While Bowman later said that he “regretted” the statements, the sourcing behind the claims remains dubious.

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  37. mh says:

    The Age

    Assange to Albanese: ‘You saved my life’
    By James Massola

    Prime Minister Anthony Albanese told a press conference in Canberra on Wednesday he spoke to Julian Assange moments after his plane touched down.

    The pair had never spoken before – although the prime minister has been a consistent advocate for the Australian for years – and Assange told Albanese: “You saved my life.”

    Albanese said Assange was deeply grateful for the help he had received from the federal government and from US ambassador Kevin Rudd and UK high commissioner Stephen Smith.

    “Can I say that when I spoke with Mr Assange tonight, he described it as a surreal and happy moment. He’s landing here in our national capital, Canberra.

    “He expressed his thanks to what he described as the diplomatic A-Team, when I spoke about the role that Kevin and Stephen have been able to play.”

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  38. mh says:

    Tucker Carlson

    Meet the Australian media.

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  39. kaysee kaysee says:

    On the subject of freedom and free speech, where does the LNP stand?

    Dutton and his party did not support the Motion to free Julian Assange in February.
    But they support the Disinformation Bill and eSafety.

    They are concerned about antisemitism and anti-Israel protests.
    But not about the Digital ID Bill.

    In the Senate, only 6 Senators have have signed up to the Digital ID Repeal Bill.
    2 Liberal Senators and 1 National Senator.
    The other 3 are Hanson, Roberts, Babet.

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  40. kaysee kaysee says:

    The Grayzone live

    Freedom isn’t free

    Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the release of Julian Assange from 14 years in captivity and what it means for the future of antiwar journalism. They will also cover the Israel lobby’s opening salvo in the 2024 campaign and the latest from the war in Gaza.

    Max and Aaron are serious journalists. What makes their investigation even more objective is that they are Jews and can see through the Zionist propaganda and are not afraid to expose it.

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  41. kaysee kaysee says:

    Where do you look for news articles if you want to take part in a blog that is mostly posting news content?

    There are many, many sources of news. To get a broad perspective, I try to check out different sites: left wing, right wing, mainstream, alternative, social media. Sometimes, you get the facts easily. Other times, the news may turn out to be partly true or even fake.

    What’s important is that we keep looking, and we are prepared to seek the truth. For those who really want to take part in the news-sharing effort, here on this blog, I have created a new Page in our CatWiki called News Sites. It is not a complete list of sites – just a few of them.

    For some sites it is about sales and ad revenue, so some of the items that pass as “news” are just clickbait and sensational content which are time-wasters, so best avoided. If you want to join in, check out some of the links and share some news or topics from there that would be of interest to readers here.

    The easiest way to find the link is in the sidebar, just above the list of Recent Comments. I don’t have the time to check out all these websites, everyday, so there are news items that I miss out on. It would be great to be able to read the thread and find these topics shared here.

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  42. mh says:

    They are concerned about antisemitism and anti-Israel protests.
    But not about the Digital ID Bill.

    The Liberal Party is full of Zionist twats like Simon Birmingham.

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  43. kaysee kaysee says:

    Today, Assange has had his first day of freedom in Australia. On that subject, I will link up, Rossini, to your question yesterday.

    If Trump was living as a private citizen, living the rest of his life playing golf on his private estate, I would not have spent countless hours writing about him. It isn’t some personal vendetta. Here is a man who lacks the qualities necessary to be the mayor of a small town, yet wants to run again as the President of the United States, and by extension, a leader of the free world. A role he previously held and failed to keep most of his promises.

    I have provided objective analysis and evidence to prove the above in four threads related to the election, as well as the Open Threads. The purpose of putting together all this information was to help those who only read the pro-Trump Con Inc Media to be able to get the facts. Despite all that proof, if readers still want to worship Trump as the saviour of the United States and the Free World, they can continue to do so.

    I’ll take up here what has been referred to only briefly prior to this week, on this blog:
    Trump and Julian Assange

    Upthread, on Tuesday, I posted comments related to Assange from Thomas Massie (top of the thread), as well as two comments starting here.

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  44. kaysee kaysee says:

    A few more links:

    Tucker Carlson on the Julian Assange Case

    “Anybody who knows anything about that case and believes that Assange should still be in prison is your enemy, by the way, and the enemy of human freedom and flourishing.”

    Marjorie Taylor Greene

    I don’t like the way our government has conducted itself for decades now when it comes to foreign policy, foreign wars, and regime change.

    Julian revealed the secrets the Deep State never wanted to see the light of day and that’s why they came after him.


    They had to do something.

    1. Trump can never be seen as the good guy, they lose the narrative.

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  45. mh says:


    Economists have warned there is a good chance that the Reserve Bank of Australia will need to raise interest rates multiple times to squash persistent inflation, jeopardising its hopes for a soft economic landing.

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  46. kaysee kaysee says:

    If an American citizen had been imprisoned in Australia for similar reasons, the US government would have done everything to get their citizen back to the US. And they would have succeeded. Yet Assange, an Australian citizen, was held in prison on the whim of the US government.

    Trump will claim to be a supporter of Free Speech – the first amendment. He certainly uses his right to the extreme limits, including to insult everyone who do not bow to him.

    Magadonians are rejoicing over the release of Assange. Some saying that he was in prison for too long – a decade. Even high profile people like Tucker Carlson and Marjorie Taylor Greene are critical of Assange’s imprisonment.

    How come none of these pro-Trump, pro-Maga campers are not asking this question:
    Assange was in prison for a decade – and during this time, Trump was President for FOUR years. Why did Trump not release him then?

    They want to blame the US government and the various department bodies, but no one is prepared to ask – except for some like Massie – why Trump, this great advocate of freedom and free speech did not get Assange released when he was President of the US.

    Why not?

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  47. mh says:

    All anyone has to do is click on the two links I posted

    mh says:
    June 25, 2024 at 6:52 pm

    Trump is all talk, no action.

    Unless it’s for his Jewish mega-donors.

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  48. kaysee kaysee says:

    Magadonians will find excuses for their hero:

    – He had bad advisers
    Good leaders will surround themselves with the best advisers not sycophants. If Trump could not choose advisers wisely, that is a serious flaw.

    – The CIA /DOJ /FBI/ Congress/ etc etc etc did not allow him to do it.
    But didn’t he promise to take on the Deep State and drain the swamp?

    – He was going to release Assange if elected this November.
    No. This is the same Trump who didn’t keep promises the first time round.

    Trump is a campaigner, an entertainer, a chatterer.
    When it comes to the hard work of getting things done, he will take the easy way out. Then, he will blame others for it. It is never his fault. Always someone else’s.

    Yet, he is able to so easily con his Magadonians. On his behalf, they will blame everyone else.

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  49. mh says:

    Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸

    🚨🇧🇴🇷🇺 Two weeks ago, Bolivian President Luis Arce spoke with President Putin at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum & the two leaders solidified their partnership.

    Today, western puppets attempted to launch a violent coup on Bolivian President Arce. Not surprised.

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  50. kaysee kaysee says:

    Trump’s role in the Assange case:


    FLASHBACK: Julian Assange’s lawyer argued in UK court that Assange was the victim of a political prosecution by Donald Trump himself. The only thing that changed which led to a revival of a dormant case against him was “President Trump came to power,” Assange’s lawyer said

    Assange’s team presented evidence that Ric Grenell, then Trump’s Ambassador to Germany, acted on “direct orders from the president” to get Assange evicted from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London


    If you think Mike Pompeo, Jeff Sessions, Bill Barr, Ric Grenell, etc. launched a crusade against Assange in defiance of Trump, you may be suffering from TDS (Trump Devotion Syndrome.) One symptom is always pretending the problem is the baddies around Trump — never Trump himself


    It was the Trump administration that charged Julian Assange under the Espionage Act.

    The amount of ignorance around this topic is stunning.

    There are people who say things like “I don’t like Trump but I’ll vote for him because I want to free Assange”

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  51. kaysee kaysee says:

    Rossini, I don’t know if I have answered your question.

    My judgement and analysis is based on facts. In these past few days, I have come across discussions about Assange which I have been following.

    I decided to take up your question and provide my answer by way of the evidence that other people, including those with media backgrounds, have shared.

    Everyone who cares about free speech and the rights of journalists – whether a Trump supporter or not – should be querying Trump’s role in the arrest of Assange.

    Why did Trump not release Assange five years ago?

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  52. mh says:

    Live-streamed later tonight

    Farage in County Durham
    Nigel Farage

    395K subscribers

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  53. mh says:

    Why did Trump not release Assange five years ago?

    He was too busy pardoning black gangsta-rappers.

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  54. mh says:

    Haven’t watched yet.
    Most likely Piers will be his annoying self

    “It’s TERRORISM” George Galloway vs Piers Morgan on Israel-Hamas, Putin & More

    Piers Morgan Uncensored

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  55. Eyrie says:

    Here is a man who lacks the qualities necessary to be the mayor of a small town, yet wants to run again as the President of the United States, and by extension, a leader of the free world. A role he previously held and failed to keep most of his promises.

    FFS, that is merely pathetic. Hounded, defamed, obstructed, surround by military traitors and he didn’t keep his promises. Boo effin hoo. You are a loon.

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  56. Eyrie says:

    While we are talking about extraditions and Assange, what about Daniel Duggan? Australian citizen thrown in jail without charges in case the US extradites him.

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  57. mh says:

    Courier Mail

    ‘We are f***ed’: Panic as Sleepy Joe freezes and Trump attacks

    The fallout from Joe Biden’s shaky performance during the first US leaders debate has left the Democrats panicking, as Donald Trump edges closer to winning back office.

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  58. Rossini says:

    Did you watch the debate today

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  59. mh says:

    Presidential Debate #1: TRUMP VS BIDEN

    Nicholas J. Fuentes


    Starts around the 1hr 30min mark.

    It’s always funnier watching with Nick.

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  60. mh says:

    The debate is not really worth watching.

    My takes:

    – Biden looked terrible, but he always does these days
    – Trump presented well, but second half of the debate was just repeating ridiculous sound bites ie ‘China is killing us’. Really? How?
    – Trump wanted to talk about Ukraine, sidestepped Israel

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  61. KevinM says:

    Eyrie says:
    June 28, 2024 at 8:00 am

    Here is a man who lacks the qualities necessary to be the mayor of a small town, yet wants to run again as the President of the United States, and by extension, a leader of the free world. A role he previously held and failed to keep most of his promises.

    FFS, that is merely pathetic. Hounded, defamed, obstructed, surround by military traitors and he didn’t keep his promises. Boo effin hoo. You are a loon.

    Give it up Eyrie, first time that I am looking in for months and I hear the same bullhorn still.

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  62. mh says:

    Al Jizz

    Israeli media has reported that four Israeli soldiers were killed and five wounded in the Shujayea neighbourhood of Gaza City, as Palestinian armed groups say they are engaged in battles with Israeli forces in the area.

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  63. kaysee kaysee says:

    Just catching up with the news and came across this:

    Thomas Massie

    Yesterday my high school sweetheart, the love of my life for over 35 years, the loving mother of our 4 children, the smartest kindest woman I ever knew, my beautiful and wise queen forever, Rhonda went to Heaven. Thank you for your prayers for our family in this difficult time.

    This Update added by a poster

    The United States Congress confirms that Thomas Massie’s wife “died suddenly.”

    Massie has been very vocal about his positions, which include:

    – Ending the Federal Reserve
    – Stopping vaccine mandates
    – Ending foreign influence from AIPAC

    No reason has been made available for the cause of her death.

    A commenter added this to the above:

    I thought I was the only one concerned about what exactly happened, this is right after his interview with Tucker. I hope there’s a full investigation.

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  64. kaysee kaysee says:

    Neil Oliver:
    The Real Threat To Freedom…

    Join Neil Oliver for his weekly monologue, this week taking on the military industrial complex and speaking truth to power.

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  65. kaysee kaysee says:

    A few hours after Massie posted his comment:

    This was one response.

    This was his follow-up.

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  66. kaysee kaysee says:

    What happened during Covid

    El Salvador

    While many countries were either suppressing or demonising those who dared to mention Ivermectin during the Covid era, El Salvador was giving it away to its citizens for free.

    NZ First

    Has Just Announced New Covid Inquiry…

    It will include Mandates Vaccine Safety Vaccine Efficacy

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  67. kaysee kaysee says:

    Did you watch the debate today

    That debate?

    Did I miss anything?

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  68. kaysee kaysee says:

    Candace Owens on Jimmy Dore show

    Candace Owens says “people think that the greatest mass murderer was Adоlf Hitlеr”

    She says the Bolshеvik’s murdеrеd 10s of millions of Christians under the lead of a Russian Jеw, Genrikh Yagoda — a fact we are never taught in school or through mainstream media.

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  69. mh says:

    Elon Musk

    The Bolsheviks killed millions of Russians

    12:42 PM · Feb 9, 2024 · 4.7M Views

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  70. kaysee kaysee says:

    Articles from the Australian, this week.

    ‘Welcome home, Julian Assange: don’t leak again’, warns Penny Wong

    Since October 7, Opposition frontbencher Simon Birmingham has been available, to be quoted in this paper, for anything in support of Zionism and to condemn anyone who dares to support Palestine or criticise Israel.

    He doesn’t disappoint in this article:

    – Opposition frontbencher Simon Birmingham accused the Prime Minister of a “grave error of judgment” for phoning ­Assange after he landed in Canberra on Wednesday, and the WikiLeaks founder was neither hero nor journalist as claimed.

    – Senator Birmingham said Mr Albanese should not have called Assange, and the move could undermine Australia-US ties.

    – Senator Birmingham said what Assange did was “not careful journalism … Instead, he simply published around half a million documents without having read them, curated them, checked to see if there was anything that could be damaging or risking the lives of others in there,” he said. “He simply dumped them on the internet. That is not journalism and shouldn’t be feted as such.”

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  71. kaysee kaysee says:

    Fatima Payman has ‘strengthened’ Labor movement: unions

    All involved here are playing to their audience. I’m not sure about Payman, but the rest – the unions, Labor, Wong, Albanese Greens, are acting from self-interest.

    There is nothing controversial about Palestine, which has been a state, being recognised as one.

    Unions are backing the right of Labor MPs to cross the floor and vote against a caucus position, rebuffing claims that Labor senator Fatima Payman weakened the ­labour movement by breaking a 130-year-old tradition.

    Senator Payman joined the Greens this week to vote for Palestine to be recognised as a state, with senior Labor figures including Foreign Minister Penny Wong declaring that the decision of Anthony Albanese not to expel or suspend her showed remarkable “restraint”.

    Why do some in Labor want Payman kicked out?

    Former Labor MPs Mike Kelly and Michael Danby both argued Senator Payman should be expelled if she did not bind herself publicly to voting with the party from here on……

    Mr Kelly, a former Labor minister and now co-convener of Labor Friends of Israel….

    Mr Danby, a vocal supporter of Israel……

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  72. kaysee kaysee says:

    Those who claim to be on the “right-wing” or “Conservative” side have a strange understanding of Freedom and Free Speech. They believe in it, and support it, only so long as those expressing their views, beliefs or opinions also support their side of an issue. If not, they’ll come swinging.

    The same ones who point the finger at the left and ridicule their Cancel Culture.

    It is surprising the take from some on the release of Julian Assange.
    So Albanese should not have spoken to Assange even though the government was involved in diplomatic discussions to secure his release?
    A short phone call to Assange is going to undermine US-Australia relations?
    If that is so that Australia is not a sovereign nation.

    There is a serious problem in the country with poverty and homelessness. But it could have been taken up any other day if the freedom of the press and journalists mattered.

    But then, Assange is not really a journalist.

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  73. mh says:

    The mainstream media are trying to stitch us up.

    Nigel Farage
    403K subscribers

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  74. Eyrie says:

    If that is so that Australia is not a sovereign nation.

    Of course it isn’t. It is a United States satrapy and has been since WW2.

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  75. kaysee kaysee says:

    The public don’t need to know …

    A barrister, Simeon Beckett, was on the Council for the Bill Heffernan Royal Commission Enquiry…
    At the inquiry:
    Heffernan demanded the release of a police document that has been suppressed from the public for 90 years!!!
    The list contains names of 28 high profile Australians including an ex-Prime Minister as alleged paedophiles.

    The new Governor General for Australia is Samantha Mostyn.
    She is married to Simeon Beckett.

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  76. kaysee kaysee says:

    The few politicians who speak out against Israel
    Former Rep. James Traficant
    Similar to Thomas Massie, former Rep. James Traficant also strongly spoke out against AIPAC and the stranglehold it has on American affairs, including our commerce and foreign policy.

    Thomas Massie
    Video about Thomas Massie, created just two days after his explosive interview with Tucker Carlson, which reveals the kind of person he truly is.

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  77. kaysee kaysee says:

    That debate…
    I decided not to watch it because I didn’t want to spend 90 minutes of my time on something that would not be worth it. I had heard the rules of the debate in the past week, but only yesterday, on the radio, I heard another rule was that the moderators would not be fact-checking the answers during the debate.

    So what exactly was it all about?
    They just asked questions and listened to the answers?
    That’s a debate?

    What happened on that debate stage is a major topic being discussed in the media. I’ve been reading articles, reviews, comments online. It seems Magadonians are thrilled their guy was “the winner”.

    He won a contest against a dementia patient? That’s the benchmark for victory?
    It was a debate between the two leading candidates for the role of President 47 of the US. There would be thousands of politically savvy right-wing people across the US who could have also got up on that stage opposite Joe Biden and won the debate.

    The moderators did not pick out the lies from the contestants and query those?
    They just let them pass?

    What was the purpose of the debate then?
    To find which of the two appeared to be confident, in control and did not stutter?

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  78. kaysee kaysee says:

    America First?
    Some Trump supporters will tell you that Trump doesn’t really support Israel.
    This is a tactical move, 4D chess, Q Anon etc etc.

    Getting the job done by killing innocent people is part of some game plan – all for the greater good of America and the American people?

    Do you support murder of the innocent? Do you think the winner is the one who could state more clearly and fluently how to “finish the job”?

    Before the debate
    “Emergency Prayer Call”

    Trump appeared on an “Emergency Prayer Call” with Evangelical pastors and a rabbi ahead of the debate. On the call, Trump reminded them no one has done more for Israel than him. He declared that as President, he will steadfastly support Israel’s right to “win their war on terror”

    During the debate

    According To Trump, Biden Is Not Helping With The Genocide Fast Enough
    He also called him a “bad Palestinian

    Trump Dodges Question About A Palestinian State

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  79. kaysee kaysee says:

    Is this antisemitic? I mean to Semite Palestinians?

    Trump calls Majority Leader Chuck Schumer “a Palestinian,” accusing him of disloyalty to Israel and the Jewish people.


    After the debate:
    From CNN
    Their fact-check of Trump

    More here:
    A Complete List of All of Trump’s Debate Lies

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  80. mh says:

    That debate…
    I decided not to watch it because I didn’t want to spend 90 minutes of my time on something that would not be worth it.

    The Piers Morgan vs George Galloway debate was more worthy of your time.

    Piers had some good advice for GG: judge Trump by what he does, not what he says.

    GG believes Trump will stop the Ukraine war within one month of becoming Prez, lol

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  81. mh says:

    The Age

    Fatima Payman suspended from Labor after crisis talks with PM over Palestine

    The decision was made after crisis talks with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at the Lodge in Canberra.

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  82. kaysee kaysee says:

    I’m not too concerned with or critical of Biden’s performance because he is a Democrat and thus should not be relevant. It is the Republicans, the Conservatives, who are under the microscope because higher standards should be expected from them.

    When it comes to the truth about the debate result, here is one of the contestants describing the verdict in his own words.

    The Before and After of:
    Lock her up

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  83. kaysee kaysee says:

    Piers had some good advice for GG: judge Trump by what he does, not what he says.

    Where in that interview does he say it?

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  84. kaysee kaysee says:

    They want to get rid of us.
    Artificial (Un)Intelligence

    Toys “R” Us releases the first OpenAI Sora generated brand commercial

    Back then, before …..



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  85. kaysee kaysee says:

    Here are 3 self-rules that I have followed when commenting on this blog.
    I hope it will help any of you who are hesitant about posting.

    When I am writing my comments (or Posts) here, I don’t think that there are hundreds or thousands of lurker-readers coming to the blog. I imagine my readers to be a small group of intelligent people – maybe 5 or 10 or 20 or 30 – who come to this site because they know what kind of content we post and the research work that is involved to get it online.

    I speak to the few of you as I write, because I know that you will use your power of reason, logic, analysis to process what is written. We are sharing news, events, opinions of what is taking place. I know some of you because you have posted a comment to let us know that you read this blog. There may be a few others who are silently there, but still have the interest to come and read the material posted here.

    It is not an echo chamber. You can respectfully disagree and debate, if you want. You may not agree with what is posted, but what matters is having an open mind and being aware of changing situations. Esme commented about this awakening that is taking place all over the world, though we are still in the minority.

    I leave my Ego at the door of the site before coming in.
    It is not about I, ME, MYSELF.
    We are in a great battle against the globalists, their supporters and their agenda. So I focus on that, not on my popularity, being liked or what anyone thinks of me.

    Ignore the Trolls.
    This is a Free Speech blog and it requires respect for the bloggers here. I have followed the policy of scrolling past anyone who only comes to this place to troll and disrupt.

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  86. kaysee kaysee says:

    I hope some of our dedicated regular readers, occasional commenters and lurkers will switch to commenting mode and help mh with the posting on the blog from next month.

    If you don’t know what to post, check a couple of links from the News Sites. If you have suggestions for other sites, add them to the comments.

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  87. kaysee kaysee says:

    Thanks, mh. I missed that.

    Is GG aware of Trump’s allegiance to Israel?
    His calls for Israel to go and finish the job?

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  88. kaysee kaysee says:

    Back in time to 1984

    Sending an email
    Well, it’s very simple, really….

    Checking your emails
    The big advantage is ….

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  89. kaysee kaysee says:

    🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕
    And for this Sunday…

    When God Paints

    Sung by Alan Jackson


    A Ponderable

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  90. mh says:

    23 hours ago
    Piers wears an earpiece and is fed information by researchers (56:30) and Galloway exposed him. Even so Galloway wiped the floor with him.

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  91. Esme says:

    Thank you for the welcome, kaysee. Your commentary is more nuanced and aware than much of what I see in Australia. I find the mainstream – even ‘mainstream alternative’ – news sources just so much theatre now. Find myself looking overseas to lesser known, lower profile sources in the hope of any real understanding. Many of them Christian, mostly writing on Here’s a few: (former MSM journalist who’s ‘woken up’ and rediscovered his faith in the last few years, interviews a variety of interesting guests and also does a series on the psalms) (British comedian, arrested for protesting outside COVID inquiry, points out Tucker Carlson’s casual memory-holing of COVID tyranny and carnage in touring Australia to say how great we’ve got it here) (James Delingpole has referred to her as his younger, female version) (Ukrainian/US former pharma exec, talks about the reality of the COVID injections and also does beautiful artwork) (US paralegal who’s done extensive research on the US framework for COVID tyranny)

    [Esme the system only allows for 3 links max per comment. More than 3 links it will send to moderation until I release it so split in to 2 or more comments. Try a test on the new thread & your comments should get through immediately. – Admin.]

  92. mh says:

    kaysee says:
    June 30, 2024 at 7:28 pm
    Thanks, mh. I missed that.

    Is GG aware of Trump’s allegiance to Israel?
    His calls for Israel to go and finish the job?

    Trump’s agenda for his 2nd term is to annex the West Bank.

    That’s how Trump got the recent 100 million dollar donation from Miriam Adelson.

    Trump has already guaranteed the Neo-Cons will be part of his administration. Does George Galloway really think they will let Trump bring an end to their war against Russia? In one MONTH? Piers pulled George’s pants down in that clip.

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  93. mh says:

    Trump is America first? Really?

    Here is Trump’s number one donor.
    She can hardly speak English, FFS.

    New Mavs owner Miriam Adelson speaks about Israel-Hamas war at conference

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