We Must Ask Questions

To dare query or raise doubts about the news that is being beamed out, day and night, can cast you on the route to ridicule, criticism or condemnation. If you just express reservations about the narrative, that gets you labelled as a supporter of the enemy — whoever or whatever, that may be.

Neil Oliver speaks on behalf of the non-gullible people, all over the world, when he asks: How did we get here? 

Two weeks ago, Oliver had another question: What is going on in Ukraine?
His opinion was that it was necessary for the West, to accept a part of the blame, for the evolving crisis.

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5 Responses to We Must Ask Questions

  1. PeterW. says:

    No man is an island….. Seek not to send for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.

    Maybe that also holds for the drums of war.

    There will be violence in the world, as long as unscrupulous men believe that violence will get them what they want.
    We are responsible when we make them think that there will be no price to pay.
    We are responsible when we let them think that we are weak and afraid.
    We are responsible when we fail to uphold fairness, justice and the value of what we know to be right.
    We are responsible when we take the easy way out – pretending to ourselves that if we are just “nice”, others will be nice in return.
    We are responsible when we fund a dictator’s military buildup because buying oil, gas or any other produce, is easier than producing our own .
    We are responsible when we make commitments and fail to honour them.
    We are responsible when we seek friends, but fail to stand by them when they are in need.

    “If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;
    if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may
    come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

    This was said when facing another dictator whose demands and excuses were very similar.
    “It’s just a border dispute”
    “It’s a historical part of my country.”
    “The people speak the same language”.

    We could have stopped him. We didn’t…. and he didn’t stop until Europe was in ruins.
    We could have stopped him, but we were afraid of another World War.

    We could have stopped him…..

    Yes… there is a cost and there is a risk. What is the risk of doing nothing?

    [PeterW: What is the User Name and email address that you want to use to post on this site? You cannot use multiple ones. Post a comment using the one name and email address that you will be using from now on – Admin]

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  2. PeterW says:

    [PeterW: What is the User Name and email address that you want to use to post on this site? You cannot use multiple ones. Post a comment using the one name and email address that you will be using from now on – Admin]

    My apologies.
    I have multiple email addresses, the one that I normally use for fora like this being one that does not get checked often. I occasionally use my working email if I am likely to get feedback.

    Regards…. Peter.

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  3. mh says:

    Tucker Carlson Tonight

    Glenn Greenwald on Nuland’s Testimony About Biological Facilities In Ukraine


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  4. kaysee kaysee says:

    When we begin to ask questions and look for the facts, we will learn the truth. It may take time, but we will get there.

    Here is one video:

    Inside A White Supremacist Militia in Ukraine *

    Watch the video. Then, read the comments that follow.

    (Posted by mh in the Open Thread.)

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  5. kaysee kaysee says:

    George Galloway

    We’re being lied to, repeatedly and consistently. Here’s why…

    What kind of people would you be if all you wanted to watch, listen to, and read, was the propaganda that your masters wanted you to.

    (* Posted by mh in the Open Thread.)

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