Open Thread – Saturday, 12 March 2022

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291 Responses to Open Thread – Saturday, 12 March 2022

  1. kaysee kaysee says:

    NSW Health
    March 13

    Sadly, NSW Health is reporting the deaths of seven people with COVID-19; four women and three men. One person was aged in their 40s, one person was in their 50s, two people were in their 70s, two people were in their 80s and one person was in their 90s.


    Of the people aged over 65, one person had received four doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, two people had received three doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, and two people had received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.


    Two people who died were aged under 65 – a woman in her 40s and a man in his 50s. Both had received three doses of a COVID-19 vaccine and had significant underlying health conditions.

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  2. kaysee kaysee says:

    MSM are reporting Aussie Cossack is having trouble with his beautiful Russian wife.

    From Telegram, the Cossack says:

    This is what happens when an independent journalist like Aussie Cossack exposes the Australian Doherty Institute’s links to NATO funded Biological Weapons Laboratories.

    – The Daily Mail will pay dearly for their attacks on my family, I will be pursuing them for defamation.

    – My wife did not take a restraining order on me, it was done by the police as a form of harassment against me after a nosey neighbour told police “they heard shouting from our apartment”.

    – This restraining order is not court imposed, my wife and I oppose this and will be fighting this in court.

    There is an Audio

    Mrs Cossack responds to the hysterical Daily Mail article about the NSW Police trying to put an order on her husband Aussie Cossack.

    You will need to scroll through to find it, I can’t link directly to it.

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  3. Old bloke says:

    Not just Russia. I’m also a spy for Beijing. Yuja Wang!

    I can understand the attraction to Yuja Wang, those stiletto heels, tight red dress, etc. She’s actually a very good pianist, that piece by Tchaikovsky is a very difficult piece to play and she played it well.

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  4. Old bloke says:

    Cardimona says:
    March 16, 2022 at 7:35 am

    My campaign video, Cats – hot off the camera…

    3m 26s

    That’s a good ad Cardi, great soundtrack too. How’s your mate Bob Katter, is he still talking to you?

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  5. kaysee kaysee says:

    This is behind the Oz paywall.

    Major move to stop Higgins rape trial from proceeding

    The man who is defending allegations he raped Brittany Higgins will make an application to permanently stop the trial going ahead.

    Mr Lehrmann has pleaded not guilty to one count of sexual intercourse without consent.

    With or without consent? That is the case trial question.

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  6. kaysee kaysee says:


    Break time

    In honour of St Pat’s tomorrow.


    Another Irish Drinking Song

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  7. kaysee kaysee says:


    Irish Shepherd’s Pie

    Classic Shepherd Pie for St. Patrick’s Day

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  8. Steve trickler says:

    I don’t always agree with FJ’s however this is some fine investigative work.

    It pertains to one of the finest cops in NSW.


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  9. Cardimona says:

    That’s a good ad Cardi, great soundtrack too. How’s your mate Bob Katter, is he still talking to you?

    BobKat hasn’t spoken to me since I ran against Knuthy in 2020. He crosses the street to dodge me! 🤣

    But he still steals my ideas … well, the parts of them he can get has fading mind around, anyway.

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  10. Old bloke says:

    BobKat hasn’t spoken to me since I ran against Knuthy in 2020. He crosses the street to dodge me! 🤣

    But he still steals my ideas … well, the parts of them he can get has fading mind around, anyway.

    He was very late getting onto the anti-mandate bus, he probably smelled the breeze and thought that he should jump on. I don’t think that he supported Craig Kelly’s no-mandate bill in Parliament though (I might be wrong?)

    Just make sure that you buy one of those broad-brimmed white hats for when you’re sworn in.

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  11. Steve trickler says:

    The campaign clip was a cracker, Cardimona.

    Wish you well.

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  12. mh says:

    Morrison appears to be All The Way With FJB.

    Here’s a tip, ScumMo: Biden is a senile old bastard who is totally controlled. Unless you know who is doing the controlling, best you keep a lower profile. Threatening China if it dares lend support to Russia is ridiculous.

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  13. Fat Tony says:

    mh says:
    March 16, 2022 at 9:33 pm
    Morrison appears to be All The Way With FJB.

    Here’s a tip, ScumMo: Biden is a senile old bastard who is totally controlled.

    I think Scummo is controlled by the same ones who control FJB

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  14. Steve trickler says:

    Zahi was clearly not comfortable and made himself look like a absolute fool…much like a climate alarmists. None dare question the narrative.

    Have a squiz.


    For more than a year the encounter that took place at the Mena House Hotel, Giza Egypt, on 22 April 2015 between famed Egyptologist Dr Zahi Hawass and controversial alternative historian Graham Hancock, had been billed as “the first open debate between the representatives of two completely different versions of history.” On the night of the event, however, as Graham Hancock was focussing his slides prior to giving his opening presentation, and before most of the audience had even entered the room, Dr Hawass saw that one slide contained a photograph of Hancock’s colleague Robert Bauval, originator of the Orion correlation theory with whom Dr Hawass has had disagreements for many years. Dr Hawass immediately became furiously angry and began to shout at Hancock insisting that he censor his talk to remove all references to Robert Bauval and the Orion correlation theory. When Hancock explained that the alternative view of history that he was on stage to represent could not exclude the Orion correlation and therefore could not exclude Robert Bauval, Dr Hawass, again shouting, marched out of the debating room.

    Next, as the audience began to arrive, frantic negotiations took place off stage between the conference organisers and Dr Hawass. Finally Dr Hawass agreed to return and give his talk and answer questions from the audience, but he refused absolutely to hear or see Hancock’s talk, or to engage in any debate with Hancock. Hancock therefore gave his talk to the audience without Dr Hawass present (Dr Hawass sat in a room outside the conference hall while Hancock spoke). When Hancock had finished he answered questions from the audience. Then Dr Hawass entered, gave his talk, answered questions from the audience and left.

    A member of the audience who had arrived early did manage to record part of the scene of Dr Hawass storming out of the conference room and this video can be viewed here:

    Likewise during Dr Hawass’s Q&A he was asked a question about the 11,600-year-old megalithic site of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey and whether it had any impact on his assessment of the disputed age of the megalithic Great Sphinx of Giza (which Hancock and others have long proposed might be of similar antiquity). Unfortunately it appeared that Dr Hawass was completely ignorant of the existence or implications of Gobekli Tepe, arguably the most important archaeological site in the world, so he was unable to answer the question which he passed on to the moderator, Dr Miroslav Barta, Head of the Czech Archaeological Institute in Cairo (who was by prior agreement not supposed to intervene or take sides in the debate at all) and whose knowledge of Gobekli Tepe was also clearly incomplete (for example Dr Barta stated that Gobekli Tepe dates from the “late eleventh millennium BC through the tenth millennium BC” whereas in fact the dates presently established for Gobekli Tepe are from 9600 BC — tenth millennium BC — through 8200 BC — ninth millennium BC — i.e. from 11,600 years ago to 10,200 years ago). Dr Barta also used circular logic, arguing that Egyptian civilisation is thousands of years younger than Gobekli Tepe and that therefore there could be no connection, whereas this is exactly the matter in debate, and the point of the question asked, namely whether the findings at Gobekli Tepe require open-minded consideration of the possibility that the Great Sphinx and other megalithic structures at Giza, and with them the origins of Egyptian civilisation, might in fact be much older than Egyptologists presently maintain.

    Hancock did at that point have a brief opportunity to stand up and give his own point of view on Gobekli Tepe and on its implications for the age of the Sphinx and that exchange is the subject of the present video clip.

    Zahi Hawass vs Graham Hancock on significance of Gobekli Tepe

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  15. mh says:

    ‘Lacking compassion’: Ukrainian refugee family forced into quarantine

    A Queensland health boss has questioned the State Government’s practice of shunting a Ukrainian war refugee family into quarantine.

    Out of the frying pan into the fire.
    Once the fed election is over the Ukranians will get a lesson in tyranny. At the moment the UNiparty is treading softly.

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  16. shatterzzz says:

    – My wife did not take a restraining order on me, it was done by the police as a form of harassment against me after a nosey neighbour told police “they heard shouting from our apartment”.

    How on earth can plod take out a restraining order if no on ewants one?

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  17. kaysee says:
    March 16, 2022 at 8:08 pm

    This is behind the Oz paywall.

    Major move to stop Higgins rape trial from proceeding

    The man who is defending allegations he raped Brittany Higgins will make an application to permanently stop the trial going ahead.

    Mr Lehrmann has pleaded not guilty to one count of sexual intercourse without consent.

    With or without consent? That is the case trial question.

    Brittany may have concluded it’s better for her to have the charge in suspended animation rather than have the court find the poor guy innocent.

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  18. Shy Ted says:

    Hmm. Underlying.
    Def 1
    Def 2

    The underlying features of an object, event, or situation are not obvious, and it may be difficult to discover or reveal them.

    So, these “underlying” health issues aren’t obvious? Despite the person being on a bucket load of medication to try and manage it/them? And well documented?
    Just another lie from the lying liars. Blindingly obvious problems aren’t “underlying”.

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  19. Shy Ted says:

    I spoke too soon
    You’ve got to admire the scriptwriters ability to annoy patriots. (See FJB’ latest vid) – “you’ve all taken secret pics of people and used them for blackmail”.

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  20. Shy Ted says:

    Kochie on his death bed from Convid and all you people can do is mock!
    If he survives he may sound like a 14 year old boy with partially undescended testes.

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  21. mh says:

    He’s not thinking of Hunter. Not at all.
    Biden discusses “a new civil rights cause of action.”

    “I bet everybody knows somebody…that in an intimate relationship, what happened was the guy takes a revealing picture of his naked friend, or whatever, in a compromising position and then blackmails…”

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  22. Shy Ted says:

    Hope you all caught Australian Story this week. Strong wymmins being told lies by men they hardly know and whose stories don’t add up, get taken to the cleaners and fall apart like schoolgirls. “Men need to be held far more accountable”. “Anyway, I’ve written a book and you can buy it at…”
    Cos they’re strong wymmins and shoulder no responsibility.

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  23. Eyrie says:

    Oil, products made from it
    They made the modern world but the Greenies don’t like that so getting rid of the modern world via getting rid of fossil fuels is a feature not a bug to them.

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  24. candy says:

    Biden calls Putin a war criminal and the Kremlin is angry.
    Well, after Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan there is hypocrisy there.

    And I suspect racism. The invasions of American administrations mostly involved the countries of non-white peoples. Whereas Ukraine the images are of white people in very distressing situation.

    I wonder whether if it was non-whites and not Europeans we would see all this uproar? Would people and the media care so much. Just a thought.

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  25. candy says:

    Brittany’s trial: The PM apologised to her and so she’s pretty young and probably thinks that’s good enough to win the trial.
    It may be looked as some kind of evidence that rape occurred despite no scrap of evidence and she was so inebriated she simply has no memory.
    From the PM, so his words must be considered quite significant.

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  26. caveman says:

    PM to Brittany , would you like a trial or a platform.
    I,ll take a platform thanks.

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  27. Steve trickler says:

    After watching this and previous clips from Johnny FD, you get a sense why Hungary are tough on illegal immigration from people of a particular type. Have a guess.

    You just know those public baths…let’s just say they wouldn’t be what they are now after too long.

    Budapest looks impressive.


    Johnny FD:

    My friend Ann managed to make it out of Kyiv, Ukraine, and on her way to France, she stopped by Budapest with her cat for a visit. In my tiny 1 room apartment we had Kate, Ann, myself and a cat, but we made the most of it. While Kate had to work remotely, I took Ann for a walk though the city and to world famous Széchenyi thermal baths. But along the way, we would stumble though the best children’s park in the world and a beautiful castle.

    Best in Budapest. 🇺🇦 🇭🇺

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  28. egg_ says:

    He’s not thinking of Hunter. Not at all.
    Biden discusses “a new civil rights cause of action.”

    “I bet everybody knows somebody…that in an intimate relationship, what happened was the guy takes a revealing picture of his naked friend, or whatever, in a compromising position and then blackmails…”

    There’s YouTube clickbait of “Poor Hunter Biden… (the Devil made me do it)”.

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  29. egg_ says:

    PM to Brittany , would you like a trial or a platform.
    I,ll take a platform thanks.

    They went back to NPH for a late night game of skittles, NOT to bonk on the boss’s desk?

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  30. cohenite says:

    Zeducation’s latest woke meltdown compilation: not quite smash the screen stuff only because of Zed’s commentary:

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  31. Neil says:

    Kochie on his death bed from Convid and all you people can do is mock!
    If he survives he may sound like a 14 year old boy with partially undescended testes.

    I followed his advice during the early 1990’s recession. My home loan interest rate was at 18%. Koch advised people to get fixed rates because you can plan better. So i locked in a fixed rate at 15% for 5 years. Within a few months home loan interest rates crashed to around 13%.

    I decided to get out of my fixed rate home loan but had to pay a penalty. My mortgage then increased to above the amount i originally had. But it was still the best choice. Interest rates kept falling.

    But i will never forget Kochs incorrect advice

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  32. Steve trickler says:

    For the sake of balance, folks.

    Street talk from Russia.



    What young Russians think about Putin?

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  33. mh says:

    Great stuff from the Colonel

    Col Macgregor on the Grayzone 15MAR22 “The War for intensive purposes has been decided”

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  34. mh says:

    You can pay money to the Australian and read the opinions of a thousand Comical Alis.

    Or visit Dash Cat for free and listen to the truth from Colonel Macgregor.

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  35. egg_ says:

    Zahi was clearly not comfortable and made himself look like a absolute fool…much like a climate alarmists. None dare question the narrative.

    Discussed recently by Hancock’s cronies, on a Brothers of the Serpent podcast IIRC, some of whom were present during the discussion.

    NEW Scientific Mission to Explore the Great Pyramid of Egypt | Ancient Architects

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  36. mh says:

    Yahoo Sports

    Daniil Medvedev may be banned from Wimbledon unless he denounces Putin

    Yes, really.

    Meanwhile the UK Prime Minister leads the way to the moral high ground:

    The Saudi regime just executed 81 people – so why is Boris Johnson cosying up to it?

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  37. mh says:

    Russell Brand
    5.26M subscribers

    After a few days of disparaging articles written about me, today we look at whether the stories are justified and how they fit into a larger media agenda.


    Straight off the bat Russell exposes the financing of the Independent newspaper by Saudi Arabia.

    So that’s why the Independent was so obsessed with Tommy Robinson, who was a strong critic of Saudi Wahhabism.

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  38. candy says:

    mh, thanks, an excellent clip of Putin’s entry into the Kremlin.
    A really nicely put together video using the Imperial March.

    Makes the old smoking ceremony and painting faces at opening of Australian parliament look a little dull.

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  39. mh says:

    Makes the old smoking ceremony and painting faces at opening of Australian parliament look a little dull.

    Our politicians deserve no more.

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  40. struth says:

    Why does it take so long to have your comment come up here?

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  41. Steve trickler says:

    I am dubious of any news coming out of China.

    Serpentza though, has been reliable and on the ball. It helps when you have a shed load of contacts over there.

    Covid just Hit China Really Hard – They Can’t Hide it This Time!

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  42. Steve trickler says:

    It’s a bug to be fixed, Struth.

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  43. Steve trickler says:

    Oh really?


    Stew Peters Show:

    Hundreds of blood samples were transferred from the Ukrainian bioweapon labs to Australia’s Peter Doherty Institute – an institute that helped to throw Australia into a complete lockdown. Maria Zeee joined the Stew Peters Show Thursday to expose the Doherty Institute’s tyranny, Putin’s motives against NATO, and more. Zeee discussed how foreign troops are being deployed on Australian ground in anticipations of a war with China, as the states of Australia fall to Covid tyranny.

    Ukraine Biolabs: Australian Doherty Institute, The Pentagon, And The Future Pandemic

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  44. struth says:

    Shame could be a good blog.

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  45. Fat Tony says:

    struth says:
    March 18, 2022 at 4:31 pm
    Shame could be a good blog.

    struth – it is a good blog – bear with it.

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  46. Shy Ted says:

    That vid of Omyacon hitting China. It’s got everything except actual sick people. We know the symptoms of Omyacon are, to all intents and purposes, nothing. Unadulterated bullshit!
    Although they might be working on something.

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  47. Steve trickler says:

    Shy Ted says:
    March 18, 2022 at 5:21 pm


    One thing I note in the sussietube comments is the criticism of Winston a.k.a. Serpentza for not mentioning jab injuries or the WEF. The moment he does that the channel will be booted. It amazes me people still haven’t figured that out.

    Is it a cop out?..sort of, but hey, I consider it a trade off.

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  48. Delta A says:

    Excellent toons, mh.

    Hard to laugh at them, though, because they are so true.

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  49. mh says:

    Courier Paywall

    ‘Licking their paws’: Private school girls think they’re animals, sparking parent concern

    A handful of students at an elite Brisbane girls school have begun identifying as animals, walking on all fours and cutting holes in their uniform for a ‘tail’ in a move that has created confusion and concern amongst parents.

    Notice it’s only the parents that have concerns.

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  50. struth says:

    I’d be fixing the lagging comment thing, Adam D.

    Posh Cat will be boring the better types over there back over here within days.

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  51. mh says:

    On Dash Cat you get different stuff – like George Galloway.

    I wouldn’t post anything of his, but most of it is quite informative and entertaining

    #BigPharma #BigTech
    FULL INTERVIEW: Faran Fronczak and other media dissenters have had all their work cancelled

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  52. egg_ says:

    One for Arky:

    Will Taiwan Strait, not Ukraine Trigger WWIII? Or Has It Already Started?
    Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng

    Chinese America conservative journo.

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  53. egg_ says:

    Why does it take so long to have your comment come up here?

    Tried hitting ‘refresh’ in the comments section in your browser?
    The sidebar often lags what’s inside the topic comments section.

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  54. mh says:

    I wouldn’t post anything of his

    As in just anything. Meaning a George Galloway video I would watch right through before posting here.

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  55. Steve trickler says:

    If you were there it would sure get the adrenaline flowing. Three gazebos set up on the runway centerline for the day out…

    Fabulous stuff.


    Elwyn R:

    Watching the Blue Angels train at NAF El Centro end of runway was an exerience I will never forget. Seeing four Super Hornets flying straight at you! the power from the afterburners was just WOW!!
    With the NAF El Centro Festival Of Flight this weekend I traveled to El Centro a few weeks ago to watch the Blue Angels train ahead of their 2022 airshow’s season. As the winter home of the Blue Angels, the Naval Air Facility El Centro Festival of Flight is the first event of their season, every year. The Festival of Flight is one of the largest single-day events in the Imperial Valley.
    Spent a week in California with a couple of Days searching for some low level flying up near Star wars canyon and then headed South for four Days to watch winter training of the Blue Angels. A great Holiday and much needed after Covid!!

    Blue Angels Spectacular Take-Offs El Centro video 2022 Holiday US Navy

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  56. mh says:

    She’s on the Foreign Affairs Committee, but this wannabe war hawk seems a little out of her depth.

    #FoxNews #TuckerCarlsonTonight
    Tucker Carlson clashes with Rep. Salazar over Russia-Ukraine war and borders

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  57. egg_ says:

    She’s on the Foreign Affairs Committee, but this wannabe war hawk seems a little out of her depth.

    Clueless Sheilas with no skin in the game don’t mind throwing others’ sons into war.

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  58. egg_ says:

    Putin Arrests Intel Officers; Time for U.S. to Discourage this War to Be Fought to the Bitter End?
    Zooming In with Simone Gao

    Yet another Chinese American conservative journo.

    Absolute babe Gao switched from music video stuff to political journalism.

    And there’s always the Sound of Hope Network broadcasting into Communist China.

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  59. egg_ says:

    Caught GMAP channel, Trickler?

    Red Flag 22-02 action video from the flightline and runway

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  60. Steve trickler says:

    egg_ says:
    March 18, 2022 at 9:48 pm
    Caught GMAP channel, Trickler?

    Negative…having a squiz at the clip.

    It all boils down videography, egg. That channel has a long way to go to catch up.

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  61. mh says:

    Aussie Cossack responds to attacks by the Main Stream Media

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  62. mh says:

    Aussie Cossack

    Preparations for Nuclear War underway! NATO must back down!

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  63. mh says:

    Don’t touch the football

    Covid casualty: Libs on brink of defeat

    Steven Marshall looks set to become Australia’s first post-Covid political casualty, facing defeat in an SA election which would rob Scott Morrison of a key ally.

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  64. says:


  65. ghi says:



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