Open Thread – Saturday, 12 March 2022

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291 Responses to Open Thread – Saturday, 12 March 2022

  1. Steve trickler says:

    I’ve been following this couple for a while and because of the conflict they are now constantly getting abused.

    Wanker trolls….or bots?

    Anyway, it is good to get some balance which you will not get from MSM. How long sussietube lasts in Russia is anyone’s guess.


    Different Russia:

    Russian McDonald’s at Night / About the Work of Russian Post / Reply to Some Comments

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  2. Carpe Jugulum says:

    Still has that new car smell

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  3. … but without the microchips…

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  4. mh says:

    Russell Brand

    #Ukraine #Biolabs #Russia
    So This Is What They’ve Been Hiding

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  5. mh says:

    Indian media better than ours.
    It’s for military use – confirmed!

    Does Ukraine Have Bio-Weapons? Arnab Confronts The CEO Of America’s Council On Strategic Risks

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  6. Shy Ted says:

    What! I get up, do my exercise, make a cup of tea, turn on the puter and read what’s going on. And what do I find? No more politicians dying suddenly. None. Do better you guys. 😂

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  7. Fat Tony says:

    Shy Ted says:
    March 12, 2022 at 9:58 am
    What! I get up, do my exercise, make a cup of tea, turn on the puter and read what’s going on. And what do I find? No more politicians dying suddenly. None. Do better you guys. 😂

    Of course not – the politicians mandate the “vaccine” on others, not themselves.

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  8. mh says:

    A new platform to me.

    Ukraine on Fire can be watched here

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  9. Black Ball Black Ball says:

    I had occasion on Thursday to meet the United Australia Party candidate for the seat of Mallee. Quite engaging and someone who runs a local equipment hire business. Would have been 10 people in attendance, bit of a sausage sizzle but he left us with lots of electoral ads to put up around town.
    He was quite upfront about his chances, may not get elected but I believe recent polling here in Mallee shows a significant swing against the Nationals Dr Anne Webster. So anything is possible.
    I shudder to think of what Palmer is spending around the country. Candidate in every electorate, would be eye watering to see his outlay

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  10. Shy Ted says:

    Famous last words.
    No mention of stress or thyroid.

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  11. Shy Ted says:

    ScuMo has given up. He’s out touting his skills for his next job.. But only if hairdressing doesn’t work out.

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  12. kaysee kaysee says:

    Unfunny comedians

    THE LAUGHTER STOPS HERE: An Appeal For Ukraine

    Top comedians team-up for a comedy special for Ukraine. To stress how seriousness the Crisis is they refrain from telling any jokes – and instead lecture us about Russia. One thing is for sure: with this line-up, you won’t laugh!

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  13. kaysee kaysee says:

    Could there be a major reason why there is this keeness to change over to virus like the flu?

    PM Scott Morrison keen to scrap COVID-19 close contact self-isolation

    Close contacts may no longer be required to self-isolate for seven days as Australia continues to treat coronavirus like the flu, with Prime Minister Scott Morrison declaring he “can’t see” a scenario where the world regresses to the previous pandemic restrictions.

    Mr Morrison revealed the National Cabinet on Friday discussed getting rid of the close contact isolation requirement, which he believes “makes a lot of sense”.

    He said the majority of Australia is in “phase D” of the National Plan, which means “living with the virus like the flu.”

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  14. kaysee kaysee says:

    Meanwhile, in Florida

    GovRonDeSantis slams #Disney saying “In Florida, our policies got to be based on the best interest of Florida citizens, not on the musing of woke corporations.”

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  15. kaysee kaysee says:

    Will there be Russian pilots willing to take up this offer?

    The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense just published a promotional video offering each Russian pilot a reward if they defect to #Ukraine with their aircraft.

    USD 1 million per aircraft and USD 500,000 per helicopter.

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  16. kaysee kaysee says:

    Shy Ted says:
    March 10, 2022 at 12:16 pm

    FMD. Time for the repeat prescription.

    Shy Ted, I’m going to be needing my repeat prescription in a few weeks. I shall keep your procedure for getting the prescription in mind, and use it, if necessary.

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  17. kaysee kaysee says:

    srr says:

    Mind you, I still work on the belief that it’s those who read but don’t engage who are there to gather information to sort for themselves rather than push an agenda

    srr, there were two comments you posted, earlier this week, and they have points I would like to respond to. The above is one of them.

    When I am catching up on a thread after many days, I sometimes find it difficult to understand responses if they have no context or quote. That is okay, if the intention of the commenter is to only converse with a specific person/persons. Or there is a link pasted and no explanation. In those cases, I simply scroll on.

    If it is meant to be for all on the site to understand, especially those who are coming in to read and learn, it is up to the commenter to make it easy for the reader to follow the conversation or the link or information posted.

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  18. kaysee kaysee says:

    srr says:

    I like coming here to read things worth reading (without having to scroll through pages of Social bullying by those still committed to selling Govt BS), so there’s rarely anything I feel needs adding to what are great posts full of good information.

    When I have the time to join this blog and post comments, I am also catching up on my online reading, from other sources. If I come across some information that I think may interest Cats here, I post it. However, if I see my name in continuous comments – solo performer on the stage – I tune off the site, and carry on with my reading.

    One day, last month, I picked out the previous Open Thread and did a quick check through.

    – 75% of the comments were posted by 5 commenters
    – An additional 10% by another 2 commenters.
    – The remaining 15% was by all the other commenters.

    So between 5 – 7 commenters are carrying the major part of the Open Threads.

    If it is not just 5 or 10 or 15 commenters who value the blog and want to keep it going, then it may be time for some action from others. It would be helpful if there were a wider variety of voices sharing on the thread, at least occasionally, to break the monotony and provide some relief to those who are doing their best to keep posting comments.

    Finding information and posting news clips and articles takes time and effort, as those who are regular commenters know (type, copy-paste, format, check links, post, check again, test links). It would be far easier to sit back and lurk and wait for someone else to do the posting.

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  19. Delta A says:

    Shy Ted says:
    March 12, 2022 at 11:01 am
    Funny MSM toons that haven’t made it to our screens yet.

    Excelent memes, (Not so) Shy Ted. Thanks.

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  20. Steve trickler says:

    I’ll say it again, this blokes training skills with dogs and minks is very impressive. I am curious as to how much he would charge farmers to reduce their rat populations. His crew have obliterated hundreds in a day.

    If you are the squeamish type, you may not want to click on it.


    Joseph Carter the Mink Man:

    Killer Mink and Man’s Best Friend

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  21. Steve trickler says:

    JohnJJJ says:
    March 12, 2022 at 6:17 pm

    🤦‍♂️ How very shit of you, Gilmour.

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  22. kaysee kaysee says:

    egg_ says:

    Finally upgraded my laptop (Inspiron 3493) to Win11 Pro via the “ignore TPM” (Trusted Platform Module) method.

    Win10 died out-of-warranty and I bought a cheap Win10 Pro key online then did the above Win11 upgrade method via USB tool.

    egg_, what do you mean? Win10 out-of-warranty? The Win10 support ends in 2025.

    I am hoping my current system runs problem-free till 2025. 🙂

    When you have had enough time to play with the Win11 upgrade, I would like your feedback. Comparison to Win10. Thanks.

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  23. kaysee kaysee says:

    Eyrie says:

    If you’ve been using Duck Duck Go, it’s now Duck Duck Gone

    This article is from last month where DDG ranked second. I suppose the author will update it soon.

    11 Privacy-Focused, Alternative Search Engines to Google

    To answer this question, I poked around a few popular alternative search engines for a day or two and used them for my daily work.

    My main judging criterion was how each search engine fared in its commitment to protecting user data and privacy. Here are the 11 that got my approval:

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  24. mh says:

    THE LAUGHTER STOPS HERE: An Appeal For Ukraine

    The laughter never started with that lot.

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  25. mh says:

    This is incredible

    RNC Research
    REPORTER: “How long should Americans expect — how long should we be bracing for — this historic inflation and some unprecedented gas prices?”

    KAMALA HARRIS: ……………

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  26. kaysee kaysee says:

    REPORTER: “How long should Americans expect — how long should we be bracing for — this historic inflation and some unprecedented gas prices?”

    Translation: I don’t know what is going on. I am just the VP.

    Harris got some well deserved ridicule for her response. I can’t remember which one of these videos. I watched them one after the other.

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  27. kaysee kaysee says:

    Brittany Higgins: Judge gives stern warning ahead of Bruce Lehrmann’s rape trial

    The ACT’s top judge has given a “blunt” warning that the more people talk about the Brittany Higgins case the greater the danger her alleged rapist’s trial will be postponed or not proceed at all.

    Former staffer Bruce Lehrmann has pleaded not guilty to raping Ms Higgins in Parliament House in March 2019 with a six-week trial set down for June.

    At a mention on Thursday, Chief Justice Lucy McCallum said she wanted to send a strong message to “any person who has any interest” in the case, after questioning Mr Lehrmann’s lawyer about whether there would be an application to temporarily or permanently stay the proceedings.

    “A man has been accused of a very serious offence, it is an offence that can only be tried with a jury,” she said in the ACT Supreme Court.

    It would be fair for the case to be thrown out.

    The ones who have turned it into a soap opera, can’t complain that they did not get justice. The system has rules that need to be respected.

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  28. egg_ says:

    what do you mean? Win10 out-of-warranty?

    OEM system image (Dell) backup has no out of warranty support online – can no longer download it after putting in my official Dell service tag number.
    I’d already put an old (2012) Acer 10″ netbook on Win10 Pro with a cheap online key (single use) – so bought another for the Dell.
    The new (2020) Dell 14″ notebook actually didn’t request a key to upgrade to Win10 Pro – Micrsoft said it was already registered against my account, so I put my old (2015) Win10 Acer 15″ notebook on Win10 Pro with the key ($51 online with discount).

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  29. Eyrie says:

    USD 1 million per aircraft and USD 500,000 per helicopter.
    Cheapskates. They are worth far more than that, even used.

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  30. mh says:

    BBC Newsnight
    Mar 1, 2014
    Neo-Nazi threat in new Ukraine

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  31. egg_ says:

    So far, so good with the Win11 Pro.
    The upgrade actually kept all of my apps and data – no reinstallation necessary!
    The look and feel seems like a hybrid between Apple OSX and Windows XP – sort of retro.
    IIRC Intel are re-introducing old x86 architecture, too (for cut down devices)?

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  32. mh says:

    TIME Correspondent, Simon Shuster, travels to Ukraine in the summer of 2019 to investigate white supremacists militias that are recruiting people to join their fight.


    How quickly the media forget.
    Looks like Russian forces arrived in the nick of time!

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  33. egg_ says:

    OEM system image (Dell) backup has no out of warranty support online – can no longer download it after putting in my official Dell service tag number.

    Although Win10 had crashed, the Dell OS Recovery Tool would still run from the boot menu, but after attempting repairs, it then even lost my Windows user details, so couldn’t even restore my apps and data!
    So a fresh Windows install was necessary in any case.
    This was all likely a result of two former failed attempts at upgrading to Win11 via Windows Update, whose tool said my PC was Win11 compatible, natch.

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  34. egg_ says:

    Biden’s Biolabs Exposed ReeEEeE Stream 03-11-22
    Salty Cracker

    (On Rumble – YouTube has been yanked by Salty, as usual)

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  35. mh says:

    The Age

    Ukrainians touch down in Melbourne

    I saw a stat recently that 65% of Ukranians were unvaxxed.
    So are all the Ukranians now arriving vaxxed and boosted?
    Government playing favourites?

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  36. Shy Ted says:

    Did you know Oz was importing oil from Russia? (we’ve got none here). Now you do.

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  37. johanna johanna says:

    Thanks for the mink videos Steve – fascinating!

    I was interested in the one about the difference between mink and ferrets. I have a book about a young girl who grew up on a hill farm in Scotland in the 1920s. She had a Scottish collie (a sort of half size Lassie) and a ferret, and used to make a bit of pocket money by getting rid of rat infestations in the nearby village. The ferret would flush the rats out of their holes, and the collie would grab them and snap their necks as they emerged. They were an effective team, and thoroughly enjoyed their work.

    The ferret didn’t really try to kill the rats, although it would kill any babies it found. It just chased them out of their tunnels for the dog to catch and kill. A mink will always try to kill anything it can.

    That’s what a thousand years of domestication and selective breeding can do to change behaviour. The wild polecat which the modern ferret is descended from is a very different animal, more like mink or other mustelids – i.e. very aggressive and dangerous, and only specialists should even attempt to have anything to do with them.

    That said, even domesticated ferrets (especially entire males) can be quite aggressive, and they have a nasty bite!

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  38. mh says:

    The Global Times is a good indicator of what Beijing is thinking

    US owes world an answer on bio lab: Global Times editorial
    By Global Times
    Published: Mar 11, 2022 11:54 PM

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  39. Cold-Hands Cold-Hands says:

    An open letter from the Covid Medical Network– Dr Mark Hobart’s mob.

    Now that the manufacturers admit that the Pfizer & Moderna are gene therapy, the Covid Medical Network call for them to be withdrawn, as it’s clear that the TGA didn’t assess them appropriately, & there are many questions to be answered to determine if they’re safe for use.

    Worth looking at.

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  40. mh says:

    Max Blumenthal: US is Arming Neo-Nazis in Ukraine

    Feb 5, 2018

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  41. egg_ says:

    Biden’s Biolabs Exposed ReeEEeE Stream 03-11-22
    Salty Cracker

    There’s a whole bunch of Salty nomenclature, but some key ones:
    – “Cross-dressing TikTok tards” (Chinese platform)
    – (Silicon Valley/Social meeja) “diversity hire” Leftoid retard dictating social policy

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  42. Steve trickler says:

    johanna says:
    March 12, 2022 at 10:39 pm

    A friend of mine who had a good stocked chook pen complete with some ducks decided to get a ferret. Goes to work one day, returns home and sees the critter lurking outside its enclosure. How it escaped I can not remember. Head swings to look at the chook pen…decimated. No survivors.

    Crazy critters.

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  43. Steve trickler says:

    Mark Dice in fine form as always.

    BIG UPDATE About Ukraine / Russia!

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  44. mh says:

    Very entertaining

    I SMELL A RAT – We’re being lied to, repeatedly and consistently. Here’s why…

    George Galloway

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  45. Steve trickler says:

    Catching up on Brendan Kavanagh a.k.a. Dr K.


    Piano composer plays her own composition and challenges me to spontaneously improvise

    Pianist challenges Me To Improvise Over Her Own Composition

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  46. Steve trickler says:

    Star Wars Cantina just popped in the head.

    Oldie, but a goodie clip here.


    Thaddeus Reynolds:

    Martin Ellis plays a medley from Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark on the Sanfilippo organ, the largest theater organ in the world.

    “Star Wars/Raiders of the Lost Ark”

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  47. hzhousewife says:

    That CovidMedicalNetwork letter is 52 pages ! It is thorough and hard hitting, and the government surely cannot shadow-ban all the medicos and academics involved. Spread it far and wide folks!

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  48. mh says:

    George Galloway

    What did Roman Abramovich do in Britain, other than to own Chelsea, deserving to be sanctioned?

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  49. Thanks for the hint, Egg. I’ll have to look up the TPM workaround for when I’ll need it. Never thought to hunt for one until now, but where there’s a will, there’s a way…

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  50. mh says:

    Some great stuff on this one

    George Galloway

    The average American is more concerned by price hikes at home than arming the Azov Battalion.


    Keep in mind if any of this was said on the ABC’s Q&A, sTan Grant would have to throw them out. The precedent has been set by sTan.

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  51. mh says:

    🔴 President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Florence, SC 3/12/22

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  52. Shy Ted says:

    It’s a bit sick on the net this morning. take my word for it or click
    Man stealers

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  53. Old bloke says:

    Cold-Hands says:
    March 12, 2022 at 11:53 pm

    An open letter from the Covid Medical Network– Dr Mark Hobart’s mob.


    Thanks Cold-Hands, would you know if any of the addressees have responded?

    I note that the letter was CC’ed to all sitting members of Parliament, it might be worthwhile writing to your local member and requesting his/her response.

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  54. Old bloke says:

    mh says:
    March 13, 2022 at 10:44 am

    Keep in mind if any of this was said on the ABC’s Q&A, sTan Grant would have to throw them out. The precedent has been set by sTan.


    That would have caused problems at the ABC. How could they throw that old commo George Galloway out of the studio for speaking against Azov?

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  55. kaysee kaysee says:

    List of Ukraine biolab documents reportedly removed by US Embassy

    Up until recently, the existence and details of these bioweapons labs were public knowledge. The US embassy had previously disclosed the locations and details of these laboratories in a series of PDF files online. On February 26, 2022, the official embassy website shut down the links to all 15 bioweapon laboratories.

    All the documents associated with these labs have been removed from the internet. If you click on any of the links, the PDF files are no longer available. Thankfully, these files have been archived and can still be accessed.

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  56. kaysee kaysee says:

    So far, so good with the Win11 Pro.
    The upgrade actually kept all of my apps and data – no reinstallation necessary!

    This was what happened with the Win7 to Win10 upgrade. There were no major problems. Fairly smooth.

    The Win10 suits my needs. Why can’t they keep an old system as an option and continue support for it? Not everyone needs some new fangled apps and additions to their devices.

    Shall await the updates on Win11.

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  57. mh says:

    Sky News host Chris Kenny says Jussie Smollett has become the personification of the modern left’s yearning for victimhood and its addiction to virtue signalling.

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  58. kaysee kaysee says:

    TIME Correspondent, Simon Shuster, travels to Ukraine in the summer of 2019 to investigate white supremacists militias that are recruiting people to join their fight.

    The video ends with the oath:
    Death to the enemies

    The comments below the video are heartening. It shows people who are looking for the facts and not simply swallowing the media hype.

    I find my head spinning with the Russia-Ukraine related information I have picked up from videos, comments, articles over the past few weeks.

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  59. kaysee kaysee says:

    Natasha from Russia has a message for America

    Thank you, Natasha. 🙂

    There has been this rejoinder that the exit of the McDonalds et al from Russia will result in a healthier life for the Russians.

    The West is attempting to cut off Russia with their sanctions.

    Here is an Orthodox priest telling his congregation how he feels.

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  60. egg_ says:

    I’ll have to look up the TPM workaround for when I’ll need it.

    Seems to be an open secret* with Microsoft themselves offering a registry hack to bypass, but the preferred method – discussed on reputable sites – is the “Rufus + TPM bypass” USB tool method that downloads a pre-hacked upgrade package with the TPM + CPU etc. installer checks bypassed.

    *Manufacturers trying to get you to upgrade your hardware to a new TPM (2.0+) motherboard?

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  61. egg_ says:

    This was what happened with the Win7 to Win10 upgrade.

    Oh OK, I even needed to reinstall MS Office with mine even though it kept my data files, but I constantly back them up anyway – MS cloud and others are offering 1TB of online storage which is handy when synched across devices.

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  62. mh says:

    Russell Brand is now getting over 2 million views for his YouTube videos.

    Russell Brand
    5.23M subscribers

    How did a US-backed, far right–led revolution in Ukraine help bring us to the situation we find ourselves in today with regard to the Russian invasion?
    #Russia #War #Ukraine #UnitedStates

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  63. kaysee kaysee says:

    Did you know Oz was importing oil from Russia? (we’ve got none here). Now you do.

    Australia joins Russian oil import ban


    Sanctions will come into force only after the arrival of shipments that have already been purchased

    When you get on the virtue-signalling bandwagon, you should do it with immediate effect. Don’t worry about money already spent. It’s only taxpayers dollars, anyway.

    Send a strong signal to Russia by not accepting any oil from them.

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  64. mh says:

    Here is an Orthodox priest telling his congregation how he feels.


    While they lose Maccas, Pornhub and Eurovision, the West is cancelling Tchaikovsky.

    Tchaikovsky – Piano Concerto 1 (B Flat Minor)

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  65. kaysee kaysee says:

    An open letter from the Covid Medical Network– Dr Mark Hobart’s mob.

    Cold-Hands, thanks for that letter. Have added it to the Cat-Wiki, Medical Aspects section.

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  66. kaysee kaysee says:


    (That Tina toon is clever: Dept of Trans.)

    This being is allowed anywhere near kids?

    This being is allowed in public?

    Women/feminists have allowed it to reach this point before getting angry?

    Rowling Warns Politicians of ‘Anger Building Among Women’ over Attempts to Silence Them on Trans Issues

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  67. Steve trickler says:

    If you want a break from all the doom and gloom, have a squiz. Some stunning footage captured from up North.


    Back 2 Basic Adventures:

    The craziest series of events… Humpback Whales, Killer Whales & Giant Squid! 🦑
    Strick, Fran & the crew head offshore for an epic few days on the water. The have some crazy rare encounters with wild animals of the deep!
    As always they’re relying on the Ocean for food and have a delicious Mahi Mahi cookup to finish.

    Orcas vs Giant Squid & Whale 😲(CRAZY RARE ENCOUNTER!) Mahi Catch & Cook

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  68. candy says:

    Assuming we are allowed to have conspiracy theories my particular conspiracy theory is that US entities/politicians have been doing “business” with Ukraine government about the bio warfare factories and perhaps other nasty things and doing deals with the Ukraine government, both sides profiting. The Ukrainians are getting money to arm themselves as they have been preparing for this war for years and not just suddenly had weapons and strategies as of 2 weeks ago. It’s been a long time in planning.
    Certain Ukrainian entities and certain American entities have been in cahoots for years. Just a theory.

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  69. mh says:

    That would have caused problems at the ABC. How could they throw that old commo George Galloway out of the studio for speaking against Azov?

    Quite easy these days as the ABC is fully on board with the NWO. Galloway posted his interview with GB News today, aired last month.

    George Galloway
    139K subscribers

    A tour de horizon with broadcaster Alistair Stewart

    I saw this comment on the GB News YT channel:

    You know something is definitely wrong with politics when you begin to agree with George Galloway.

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  70. kaysee kaysee says:

    Skim-Skam Special Edition




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  71. kaysee kaysee says:

    I SMELL A RAT – We’re being lied to, repeatedly and consistently. Here’s why…

    George Galloway

    I’ve just finished watching it. It is more than entertaining. There are plenty of truths there.

    – Ignorance is a choice.

    – You may have the alibi that you are an idiot.

    – What kind of people would you be if all you wanted to watch, listen to and read was the propaganda that your masters wanted you to.

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  72. kaysee kaysee says:

    Any good, informative articles or videos related to the conflict, posted here, please re-post in the relevant main page threads, too.

    This would help those who don’t have the time to watch all videos but are interested in getting to the truth, view them. Will also be easy for quick reference, later.

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  73. mh says:

    candy says:
    March 13, 2022 at 6:40 pm

    Remember Trump was IMPEACHED when someone started digging around in Hunter Biden’s ‘business’ dealings in Ukraine.

    Hunter was representing “The Big Guy”, his father and Vice President Joe Biden.

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  74. egg_ says:

    Coles Radio on DAB (a good mix, as is Chemist Warehouse):

    A promo announcing that they’re eliminating the scoops in all of their laundry products saving tonnes of waste per annum.

    Corporate wokeness.

    Likely inline with a recent EU (packaging waste) Directive – 94/62/EC – currently being enforced on OEMs.

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  75. Siltstone says:

    The Galloway interview is most interesting. Would never be shown on BBC or ALPBC.

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  76. mh says:

    Very interesting

    George Galloway
    140K subscribers

    “FULL INTERVIEW: Former weapons inspector reveals the toxic truth #ScottRitter

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