Misinformation and Disinformation Bill 2024

Last week (19 September 2024), the Senate referred the Amendment of the   Misinformation and Disinformation Bill to the relevant Senate committee which is required to report by 25 November 2024.

The public can make their submissions, but the deadline is 30 September 2024.
That is only a few days away. The government is using the sneaky method of providing only a few days for the submissions because they want to push it through. If you value Free Speech and our Freedoms, I hope that you can spare a few minutes to send your submission to the government.

Make your voice heard and let the government know that you oppose this bill. The message will not just be heard by the current Labor government but also by the politicians in the other parties. Your submission letter can be short – a single sentence –  or a detailed one. It is very easy to do. Please make sure it is polite. Urge everyone you know to join in and send a submission, as well.

The important part is the number of submissions that the government receives.

Details about the amendment are provided here.  There are a few ways in which you can make your submission. Due to the short time-frame in which it has to be sent, there is the option of a tool to help you. Also added below are some tips to help you write the letter.

1. You can make your submission via the government website. Follow the instructions.

2. You can write your own letter and send it via the email address provided here.  There is a postal address too, but given the deadline, email is the best option.

Email address:   ec.sen@aph.gov.au
Subject:   SUBMISSION on Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024

3. You can use this tool provided by the Free Speech Union of Australia.

This is a really quick option.
– Complete the fields in Step 1.
– Click the Create my letter. You will get the generated letter.
– Choose the Recommended option. It will send the letter to your email address.
– In your email, it provides instructions on changes to be made.
– Copy the content and paste it into a new email.
– Edit it and rewrite some parts to personalise it so it doesn’t appear auto-generated.
– The Email address and Subject are the same as in Option 2.
– Click the Send button.
– Done.

Tips for writing your letter
You can also refer to some letters that have already been sent and pick some points from there for your letter.

▹ Submission by Cauldron Pool

Letter by a Twitter poster

Draft points by another poster

▹ Australian Citizens Party media release

An analysis of the bill is in the following video.  Robbie Barwick from the Australian Citizens Party and Economist John Adams from In The Interests Of The People discuss the bill.

Seven Days To Stop 1984!


If you can, join this Protest Rally in Sydney.



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14 Responses to Misinformation and Disinformation Bill 2024

  1. kaysee kaysee says:

    Former deputy chief medical officer during COVID pandemic Dr Nick Coatsworth
    slams Labor’s misinformation bill

    Former deputy chief medical officer Dr Nick Coatsworth has argued the Albanese government’s misinformation bill “should be rejected in its entirety” as he raised concerns it could censor genuine health debate.

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  2. kaysee kaysee says:

    Another sample that can be used:


    Please use your voice to object via email over the new Labor Misinformation and Disinformation Bill below. Feel free to copy and paste the below. You ONLY have until September 30th 2024.

    That tool mentioned in the post which is provided by the FSUA is quite good. It generates a submission with points that apply to the bill. I tested it twice to see if the responses appear robotic, and they are not the same.

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  3. kaysee kaysee says:


    Per the ‘Online Misinformation & Disinformation Reform, Impact analysis’ report, the take-home salary for full-time staff members who will monitor misinformation for ACMA is estimated to be $262,500 per year.

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  4. kaysee kaysee says:

    A wild new ‘conspiracy theory’
    is spreading about how the government is trying to stifle your free speech – only this time it’s actually TRUE, writes PETER VAN ONSELEN

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  5. kaysee kaysee says:

    Dr Reuben Kirkham spoke to Russell Broadbent about the extreme dangers to Australian’s free speech posed by the Mis/Disinformation Bill and the campaign we’re waging against it.

    Sydney rally

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  6. Interested observer says:

    Thank you for your guidance kaysee. I would never have made it through the procedure without this. I have now spent a day studying the bill and making a submission, for what it is worth.

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  7. Esme says:

    Good feedback for kaysee from Interested observer.

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  8. kaysee kaysee says:

    …making a submission, for what it is worth.

    It is worth a lot. The government gets the message that it can’t do as it pleases in a democracy. The more submissions, the louder the message.

    Thanks, Interested observer, for sending your submission. This means two of us from this blog have done our part in trying to save free speech.

    Smoking ceremony at yesterday’s rally.

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  9. kaysee kaysee says:

    We can’t really count on the Coalition to be supporters of free speech. They didn’t support the release of Julian Assange and they haven’t opposed this bill, from the start. It is only in the past day or two that they’ve said that they will be opposing it.

    There is still a day to the deadline, tomorrow 30 September, if there is anyone else wanting to send a submission. All that is required from us as citizens, considering the deadline, is to send our submission as an email and clearly say that you oppose this bill. Add a few sentences taken from the Tips in the post – such as it is a threat to free speech and suppresses public discussions. If everyone reading this comment spares ten minutes to send that email, it will add to the number of submissions opposing the bill.

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  10. kaysee kaysee says:

    They are making it appear that they wanted feedback. If so, why didn’t they allow a few weeks for submissions?

    I made a submission to the first iteration, last year, one of the 24,000.
    And to the second one last month.
    Waiting for the number of submissions to be revealed.

    For those who say there is no use in these submissions: the department has to record and announce the number of responses received. So even if you just sent a submission with one or two sentences about opposing the bill, it would add to the total. Anyone who supports Free Speech and knew about these submissions but didn’t respond, cannot ever complain about any future restrictions on freedom and free speech.

    Asst Secretary Sam Kursar says his department will look at all submissions.

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  11. kaysee kaysee says:

    It would have passed easily, but the free speech brigade made enough noise about it. So the Independents, at least, may be wary about giving it the nod. The greater the number of submissions, the harder it will be for pollies to pretend that they can fool the public.

    Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell reports that the ‘Combatting Misinformation & Disinformation’ bill does NOT have the support required from the Greens and Independents to be passed into law before the end of the year.

    MisInfo Agenda

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  12. kaysee kaysee says:

    Do you think the Liberals are supporters of Free Speech and will defend it?
    Think they are your friends in this battle?

    Alexandra Marshall

    The Liberals have pledged $10 million to expand the role of the eSafety Commissioner, to implement their OWN misinformation & disinformation bill – and to destroy social media by classifying platforms as publishers.

    So much for freedom. So much for the Liberals.

    Contact your local federal member and Senators to let them know you oppose the bill. The LNP needs to know this as well. We don’t need another version of the same attempt to block Free Speech.

    same bird

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  13. kaysee kaysee says:

    Submissions received by the Committee

    Can’t see the individual submissions. Maybe they will be posted later. But they have posted the first set which appears to be from organisations and groups.

    Submissions received

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  14. kaysee kaysee says:

    From the Human Rights Commission

    Article by David Coleman, Shadow minister
    The government’s misinformation bill is a betrayal of democracy

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