Covid Lies Growing Faster than Cases

To return to WA, travellers must have had one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and show they have had a negative test in the 72 hours before departure.

So mandatory vaccines are now a matter of when not if, adding to the already comprehensive list of lies Australians have been told in the previous 18 months. The argument to be used once again like clockwork to be some form of “as the facts change so must our response”. But this back-flip and let me be very clear this is a straight up back-flip on previous promises has come as no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention.

Whilst politicians being incompentent monsters is to be expected what has really shocked me is the rationalising of these events by the Australian population at large. A recent post by a friend brought to this clearly in focus when she said:

Thinking of my family and friends in Greater Sydney. Dreaming with you of what October will be like once we reach that 70% vaccination rate

Unless that dream is of rolling lockouts, arbitrary rules, a general severe reduction in freedoms and a complete disregard for the negative consequences of “defeating covid” I suspect she will be disappointed. Optimism is important but foolishness will not get us out of this mess.

Where this expectation that things will get better, once we hit a new arbitrary target comes from is a mystery to me. I still remember “14 days to flatten the curve” back in March 2020 which is now sailing past “500 days to eliminate a transmissible virus with no plans on international travel and using a vaccine that doesn’t stop transmission”.

But the list goes far beyond this, in the U.S we had you don’t need a mask, to wearing a mask, to wearing double or triple mask, to no need for a mask after vaccinations, to now wearing a mask once again. Back in Australia we had the NSW Premier exclaiming we won’t need any more lockdowns in March 2022, however we have given the most draconian restrictions yet with Sydney entering its 9th week of lockdowns. We had little chance of transmission during the BLM protest last year to avoiding talking to your neighbours this year. We had talk of vaccines wiping out covid to now simply reducing the severity of the disease once you catch it. We were told that vaccines are completely safe to now multiple deaths of healthy young people from blood clots. We were told you only need one shot of the vaccine which become double shot and will now be an annual booster shot at minimum.

At what point will the majority of Australians stop believing what they are being told and ask questions. We still have 75% of Australians supporting lockdowns. Regardless if that is a dodgy poll or uneducated Australians or a genuine love for big brother it is a disturbing result. When we will hold decision makers responsible and demand transparency behind their decisions and their plans moving forward?

I can help with a few questions:

  • If Israel vaccination rate for adults is well over 80% why are they still looking at lockdowns?
  • If the vaccine doesn’t stop transmissions are we looking at lockdowns indefinitely?
  • What plans does the government have with regards to international travel. Are we to become North Korea or are we prepared for the virus to return to Australia should we open the borders?
  • What studies are we using to make the assumption that masks work?
  • Why are anti-viral drugs Hydroxycholoroquine and Ivermectin considered unsafe despite being used for 90 years collectively but a vaccine rolled out in less then a year is totally fine for the entire population?
  • Why do politicians keep referring to “the experts” or “the science” like its some monolithic thing when there are conflicting opinions amongst the experts and science?
  • When did we decide that personal health matters were the responsibility of politicians? Where will we draw the line in the future, will we be forced to exercise daily, ban sugar, ban dangerous activities or have fitness watches sending data to big brother daily to ensure we are getting enough steps in?
  • Why the hell do we let politicians get away with ridiculous and contradictory rules such as having to sit down when having a drink, or not allowing dancing at a wedding.
  • Why do we need to wear a mask and be double vaxxed?
  • Why do we need to quarantine even with a negative result? Does that mean the test don’t work?

Feel free to add your questions below.

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73 Responses to Covid Lies Growing Faster than Cases

  1. OldOzzie says:

    Sweden Gets It on COVID. Why Won’t the Rest of the World Pay Attention?

    What country has few Covid deaths per day, no lockdowns, and delicious meatballs?

    Sweden is kicking Covid in the crotch. Perhaps Australian authorities should stop beating their own citizens long enough to take a look at what Sweden is, and isn’t, doing. They aren’t locking down. They aren’t pepper-spraying 12-year-old girls who resist mask-mandate tyranny, and, unlike most of the world, they aren’t getting slaughtered by Covid.

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  2. Rabz says:

    Enough – this is beyond a joke – these fascist imbeciles have to be removed from their positions and made to account for the destruction they’ve caused.

    Get a load of this patronising horseshit, setting out Beryl Gladyschlocklian’s wondrously benevolent “new freedoms” for NSW:

    People across NSW who have received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine will be allowed more freedoms next month after NSW hit the target of six million jabs.

    From 12.01am, Monday, 13 September:

    For those who live outside the LGAs of concern, outdoor gatherings of up to five people (including children) will be allowed in a person’s LGA or within 5km of home.
    For those who live in the LGAs of concern, and who have responded to the call out to get vaccinated, households with all adults vaccinated will be able to gather outdoors (including picnics) within the existing rules (for one hour only, outside curfew hours and within 5km of home)

    HOP Time, Now!

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  3. Roger says:

    Why are people required to QR code when entering a shop but not upon leaving?

    If the purpose is to assist contact tracers in the event of a community outbreak isn’t the duration of the visit a crucial piece of data in determining who might be at risk?

    I don’t mean to sound paranoid, but…

    (And I’m deliberatly making a couple of assumptions in the above for argument’s sake).

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  4. rickw says:

    <em> Enough – this is beyond a joke – these fascist imbeciles have to be removed from their positions and made to account for the destruction they’ve caused. </em>

    Indeed, they need to be held to account.

    Nuremberg 2.0 replete with Firing Squads.

    Some of these fuckers need to be tried and executed.  We need to leave a lesson in Freedom and Liberty that will last 100 years.

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  5. shatterzzz says:

    Why are people required to QR code when entering a shop but not upon leaving?

    Because even those addicted to QR-in wouldn’t be bothered to fish the phone out with full bags/trolley ….. simples ….

    QR coding is just to give the daily chocolate wheel figures some solid backing  ..

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  6. Vicki says:


    I’m over even asking questions. I am just damned ANGRY. Beyond belief, really…never been so angry.

    It seems to me that Australia has “distinguished” itself in having maybe the most autocratic response in the western world to COVID.

    We have bureaucrats and politicians who seem incapable of grasping the changes OS in covid responses and a media who have abrogated their purpose of presenting accurate and up-to-date reporting.

    But worse, we have at least 2/3 of our adult population who similarly seem incapable of analysing a medical phenomenon and have succumbed to widespread panic.

    I have rarely felt so despondent.

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  7. Rabz says:

    I am just damned ANGRY. Beyond belief, really…never been so angry.



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  8. Enyaw Enyaw says:

    Adam D , I have no questions , only , from my limited vocabulary I draw one word to the whole scenario ….BULLSHIT !

  9. Mak Siccar says:

    Rabz says:
    August 26, 2021 at 4:20 pm

    I am just damned ANGRY. Beyond belief, really…never been so angry.



    Ditto  …. to the n th degree.

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  10. Robert the Irish Scot says:

    So Morrison and the Government have told another blatant lie which, the so-called Premiers are utilising to their perceived advantage.

    During the last few months they have been discreetly promoting an OPT OUT form under the Privacy Act. This allowed us to opt OUT of having our COVID information including being jabbed being made available to anyone, this is the same as when we opted out of having ANY of our other medical information being made available to anyone other than a Dr with our permission.

    This was duly signed AND returned as required by both myself and she who has put up with me for 40 odd years.

    We  are aware of many with whom we associate having done the same thing.

    Morrison has shown himself to be every bit as BAD as Turnbull, Rudd and Gillard since the beginning of this propaganda, scare campaign. However, he has now shown beyond doubt that he is as deceitful and full of cunning and malice as Whitlam and Fraser, not exactly the a noteworthy place to be.

    Perhaps a more appropriate title rather than Scomo should be SCUMO.

  11. calli says:

    I’m over even asking questions. I am just damned ANGRY. Beyond belief, really…never been so angry.


    Vicki, I’ve been pondering my own emotional response to all the rubbish that’s been heaped upon all of us.

    I can’t do anger for long.  It interferes with the blood pressure.  But I can do disgust in truckloads.  It’s like a trusted employee ripping you off, or a friend disclosing a confidence, turning a shell over on the beach and finding a maggot-writhen mess.  The people who govern me disgust me.  All of them.

    On the national level, the failure is stark.  They have destroyed national pride, what it means to be Australian (even if this was only a chimera, it meant something).  Biden has done the same to America.  Has it been deliberate, or an accident waiting to happen?  A toxic combination of crisis and inept numpties in power attempting to handle it, or something more sinister?

    I don’t know.  I don’t trust our government with anything.  I can’t see that trust ever returning.

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  12. caveman says:

    Where are all these dead people from the increase in cases. There’s got to be more than a handful of old ducks with comorbitites.

    This is the Delta hoax.


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  13. Roger says:

    Biden has done the same to America.  Has it been deliberate, or an accident waiting to happen?

    calli, Biden is one thing, but here I’d suggest a basic ineptitude upon which a disdain for the public has quickly been heaped.

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  14. Rorschach says:

    <I>I can’t see that trust ever returning.</I>


    Democracy is founded on trust.    Once that is gone …

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  15. Whalehunt Fun says:

    these fascist imbeciles have to be removed from their positions and made to account

    The fascist imbeciles at fault are the Chinese government and the 2 billion cretins that live there and allow the fascist imbeciles to govern.


    They are all guilty of murdering 3 million people and counting.

    They while place needs to be annihilated with nuclear weapons, dirty ones that will last a quarter million years. If anything at all, even a bacteria is growing anywhere in Chine a quarter million years from now, the West will have failed to act in a measured and responsible manner.

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  16. Buccaneer says:

    How does locking people in their homes and making it hard for them to complete physical activity prepare the population for when they are inevitably exposed to this virus? Surely having a higher heart lung capacity has to be an advantage?

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  17. DDinAus says:



    1.  the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet (Δ, δ), transliterated as ‘d’.

    2.  a code word representing the letter D, used in radio communication.

    3.  a difference between two things or values
    Example: “there’s a delta between perception and reality”
    perception : a Covid mutation.

    reality : a common cold of the coronavirus variety.

    “There are no coincidences” – Q (and H Poirot)

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  18. egg_ says:

    Unvaxxed Essential Wukkas colleagues joking about Fankenvaxxed “Superspreaders”.

    National FIFO Wukkas are very cynical, just like truckies?


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  19. Chris M says:

    “Why are people required to QR code when entering a shop but not upon leaving?”


    I’ve not used them so don’t have personal experience (govt never gave me the free scottphone yet) but in the state I’m imprisoned in you can legally scan the beastmark at any time – entering, during or when you exit the shop. That’s why they have the marks scattered throughout. They just want to control your access and track your submissive self and can later figure out the finer points such as duration once a situation such as a thoughtcrime develops.

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  20. FlyingPigs FlyingPigs says:

    Adam D

    Additional questions I’d like answered:-

    How do we know that they can tell the difference between Covid-19, and variants, and the normal Covid Influenza varieties?
    With 2 winter seasons now virtually passed, the concentrated urbanization of the vast majority of the Australian population, the number of people that have arrived in Australia since March 2020 then how do ‘they’ and we not believe that most of us have been exposed to covid-19 and variants already?
    What are the number of business closures and applications for bankruptcy in comparison to the norm?
    How does the Age distribution of Deaths differ during these Days of Covid-19 to the long term norm?
    Which Politicians, Public Servants, Media and their families have investments in the Covid-19 and variants Vaccine originators, manufacturers and distributors?

  21. FlyingPigs FlyingPigs says:

    Adam D

    I stuffed the formatting… should be 5 numbered questions

  22. Damon Damon says:

    I think people should simply refuse to do the QR checkin routine. If challenged, say they forgot their phone, and offer to supply their name and address. Companies are going to get very tired of wasting staff time on nonsense, very quickly.

  23. Damon Damon says:

    Gimme a break. I’ve been commenting here for years, most recently a couple of days ago. Ans now I’m moderated?

  24. John A says:

    shatterzzz says: August 26, 2021, at 2:44 pm
    Why are people required to QR code when entering a shop but not upon leaving?

    And following this question:

    What has become of the “fifteen minutes to be infected” idea?

    If I go into a shop for less than fifteen minutes, how would the QR app know? It clearly can’t unless I go somewhere else and zap the code there.

    Now to make a related point:
    We are prohibited from going into small-business-type premises by the structure of the lockdown/curfew rules about essential vs non-essential businesses (yet another specious bureaucratic idea).

    Our essential grocery-type shopping is therefore herded towards the big four retailers (Coles Woolworth, Aldi, IGA for simplicity) where we spend more than fifteen minutes. Is not that asking to be infected, whereas going to a take-away and picking up a phoned order will take less than five minutes BUT we must zap the QR code because we are still supposedly at risk of infection – huh?

    And finally, how confident are we that the government-operated QR code tracing log is actually deleted after 28 days?

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  25. John A says:

    Caveman, in the PDR Of Viktoriastan there are none, zip, nada, zilch!


    Everyone who has been “diagnosed” as a “positive test result case” has eventually recovered.


    It would be interesting to see how long it takes to see them defined as no longer an “active case”, yes?


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  26. caveman says:

    “It would be interesting to see how long it takes to see them defined as no longer an “active case”, yes?”


    That is it, all those that were covid cases at the  beginning of this lock down in NSW now over 60 days. What has been the outcome of the cases, say diagnosed in the first 28 days.  Have any of those people died from covid. If anything thay would be cured after 14 days supposing they followed the health rules and were isolated.


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  27. mh says:

    The Vaccine Passport is the End of Freedom

    Greg Reese


    This is the hill to die on

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  28. mh says:

    Oops. Meant for OT ⬆️

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  29. jo says:

    Nuremberg 2.0 replete with Firing Squads ____________________________________________________________Save time, go straight to firing squads.

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  30. Eyrie says:

    “Nuremberg 2.0 replete with Firing Squads.”


    I have a better idea.

    Hold the convicted in a wire cage at one end of a football field. Let them out one at a time. If they can run through the other goal they go free.

    However one side of the field is lined with punters with semi auto rifles. We can sell those positions for say $100 a throw. Then we can take bets on how far each of the convicted will make.

    The wounded on the field can be despatched by the umpire.


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  31. candy says:

    Waiting to see if Coles and Woolies ban the unvaccinated.  That will be a turning point in Australia.

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  32. Old bloke says:

    It’s the ban on international travel that I can’t understand. You can justify banning incoming travellers as they might bring the dreaded disease with them, but why ban Australians who want to go somewhere else?

    In the 1930’s NAZI Germany, the persecuted Jews were allowed to leave the country, but we here have less rights than them.

    ScoMo isn’t a Hitler, he’s worse.

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  33. DavidH says:

    QR codes and checkout … I always check out as quickly as possible on leaving a shop. (Open the app, touch on “covid safe check-in”, then “recent” and do the checkout.) If an infected person checks in to the same place a minute after I left, I’ve made sure (I hope!) that I won’t be hoovered up into an enforced 14-day isolation.

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  34. Old bloke says:

    candy says:
    August 27, 2021 at 9:53 am

    Waiting to see if Coles and Woolies ban the unvaccinated.  That will be a turning point in Australia.


    I went to my nearest Colesworth store yesterday and noticed that a few of the parking bays near the mall entrance were painted bright red and collection bay signs were erected. I have seen similar with other retailers and hardware stores in the past, for people who didn’t want to leave their cars to avoid the deadly sniffles.

    I’d guess that that is our future. You’re unvaccinated and want a loaf of bread, phone your order to Colesworth and drive to the red bays and someone will bring your stuff to you.

    That could make life easier, even the vaccinated might pretend that they are unvaccinated to get that extra service.

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  35. Shy Ted says:

    Does Gladys’ nose grow bigger with every lie?

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  36. Kneel Kneel says:

    I am just damned ANGRY. Beyond belief, really…never been so angry.


    I am feeling a lot of pressure to get vaxxed – a lot.

    Despite being an “essential worker”, I will now “require” at least one “jab” to continue going to work from next week. I am still trying to discover if a standard RT-PCR test is OK, or whether the company needs the fast anti-gen testing setup (they are unlikely to get it). NSW GovCo website says the fast anti-gen test is “not as good” as the RT-PCR test, and while it says getting the fast anti-gen test is OK, it doesn’t say the RT-PCR test is OK for someone in my position. Even if it is, how long will that last?

    If I am not physically present, I can only do about 50% of my job, so I basically won’t have a job at some point if I can’t come in any more. That would put me in a rather severe bind, financially.

    Seeing my doc ASAP re the whole sorry mess.

    Not happy at being coerced into taking it, but not sure the alternative is a real option.

    Would be interested if anyone is looking at a class action lawsuit against GovCo for coercion to have medical treatment or some other human rights violation – please contact Adam for my email address if you are.

  37. Truth-in-Footnotes says:

    QR Codes?  Don’t use ‘em.

    I’ll scrawl a name and contact number on a piece of paper, and that’s it.  If a store doesn’t let me do that, they don’t get my business. And I tell them that very politely, but very, very clearly.

    And I know dozens of people who simply pretend to scan the QR Code.

    Not getting this “jab” or that “jab”.  My Body, My Choice.

    And in any case, “Vaccine Passports” are SYSTEMICALLY RACIST.

    I tell that to every a Lefty I meet these days, and it does their heads in.

    Great fun . . .

  38. Richard says:

    I don’t see a way out of this. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve always laughed about the concept of a zombie apocalypse, but it appears I’ve been living in one the entire time. The people in Australia really are followers, and when you look at the caliber of the people who are leading them it is utterly frightening.


    The only way to fight this is to not comply, but this being Australia . . . . . . As I said, there does not seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel.



  39. KARABAR says:

    Why are we even fed the numbers of “cases”, when that information is determined by a useless and flawed test, according to the man who invented it, as well as the FDA in the USA who withdrew its support for the RT-PCR test at the end of July?

    Are our politicians so stupid that they think the “cases” have any significance whatsoever? (I suppose thaty are the same idiots who continually refer to the “emissions” whaich are equally irrelevant.

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  40. Richard says:

    Why are my comments being moderated?

  41. slackster says:

    So to be clear:

    Vaccination is optional, but mandatory, although voluntary, but you cannot refuse, more precisely you can, but you can be fired, although it is illegal, but the judge decided it is not.
    No revaccination needed, although it might be required, but not necessarily, since the vaccine protects for 2 years, but the antibody count will be too low in six months, however you will have some antibodies, but they won’t help against the new variants, nonetheless another jab will help grow new antibodies, but we are not sure if that will be the case.
    Get vaccinated and you won’t get sick, although you may get sick later, but it won’t be as severe, although there are new variants, but you should not get sick, however there is a lot of patients with the antibodies, but you are immune if you already had the disease or were vaccinated, but we are not sure of that, therefore get vaccinated, which is optional, but is going to be mandatory. /s

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  42. Destroyer D69 says:

    An astute consideration of the current “policy”

  43. Chris M says:

    “I always check out as quickly as possible on leaving a shop. (Open the app, touch on “covid safe check-in”, then “recent” and do the checkout….”


    Good grief! Thinking this is comedy

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  44. Docket says:

    Amongst many other questions, but for those who are facing the brutality of an employer ‘requiring’ the jab (I’m talking about the F*^&ckers at SPC/Ardmona!)
    I write with regards to the matter of COVID-19 vaccination and my desire to be fully informed and appraised of ALL facts before accepting and consenting to the treatment. I’d be most grateful if you could please provide all the following information, in accordance with statutory legal requirements:
    Can you please advise and provide proof of the approved legal status of any vaccine and if it is experimental?
    Can you please provide details and assurances that the vaccine has been fully, independently and rigorously tested against control groups and the subsequent outcomes of those tests?
    Can you please advise the entire list of contents of the vaccine I am to receive and if any are toxic to the body?
    Can you please fully advise of all the adverse reactions and risks associated with this vaccine since its introduction?
    Can you please confirm and prove that the vaccine you are advocating is NOT ‘experimental mRNA gene altering therapy’?
    Can you please confirm that I will not be under any duress from yourselves as my employers, in compliance with the Nuremberg Code?
    Can you please advise me of the likely risk of fatality, should I be unfortunate to contract Covid 19 and the likelihood of recovery, and in those circumstances in the case where my life insurance may be invalid, that you will cover me to the same $ amount if I died?
    Can you please advise contact details of your insurer and the policy number and contact details from WorkSafe in case I do suffer any adverse reactions or death.
    Once I have received the above information in full and I am satisfied that there is NO threat to my health, I will be happy to consider your offer to receive the treatment, but with certain conditions – namely that:
    You confirm in writing that I will suffer NO harm.
    I look forward to your response in writing.

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  45. mh says:

    Shy Ted says:
    August 27, 2021 at 11:03 am

    Does Gladys’ nose grow bigger with every lie?

    It’s not a lie if you believe it

    — George Costanza

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  46. Indolent says:

    Why are we even fed the numbers of “cases”, when that information is determined by a useless and flawed test, according to the man who invented it, as well as the FDA in the USA who withdrew its support for the RT-PCR test at the end of July?

    Are our politicians so stupid that they think the “cases” have any significance whatsoever? (I suppose thaty are the same idiots who continually refer to the “emissions” whaich are equally irrelevant.


    They are not stupid, they are evil.  This is being done to us deliberately.  Anyone who does not see that is not looking.

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  47. Enyaw says:

    my post earlier today did not get up  , maybe it was interpreted as contentious ? ..I did include the word in isolation as , BULLSHIT ..  , I was referring to the whole COVENVID scenario , nothing more  , no malice or sarcasm to you Adam D , I am not upset just curious  , if you deign to reply ok , if not I accept that , Thankyou . Enyaw ,

  48. FlyingPigs FlyingPigs says:

    testing 321

  49. John A John A says:

    <blockquote>Can you please confirm that I will not be under any duress from yourselves as my employers, in compliance with the Nuremberg Code?</blockquote>

    Never mind the Nuremberg Code, there is the Australian Immunisation Register and the legal problem of informed consent, which assumes, expects, even demands that you be not under ANY form of coercion or duress.

    This is the only question you need to ask.


  50. John A John A says:

    Leave a Reply
    Logged in as . Log out?


    Dear Owner, I think we have another bug, which eats our login name.


  51. Old School Conservative says:

    Why do we need to wear a mask and be double vaxxed?

    ….AND wear the plastic face shield many medical practices are imposing on their staff. There will be a roll out to the general community soon.

    They are just making it up as they go along.

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  52. Old School Conservative says:

    for those who are facing the brutality of an employer ‘requiring’ the jab (I’m talking about the F*^&ckers at SPC/Ardmona!)


    Here’s another group facing the sack.

    “More than 5000 teachers could be out of work by November as the NSW government enforces a “no jab, no job” mandate for school staff.

    A survey by the NSW Department of Education of more than 57,000 staff has revealed almost 10 per cent do not intend to be vaccinated.” The Oz.

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  53. egg_ says:

    Waiting to see if Coles and Woolies ban the unvaccinated. 


    Do they dare turn away 20%/30%/40% of their customers, Grigs?


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  54. Kneel says:

    “…government enforces a “no jab, no job” mandate for school staff.”

    Not just teachers. As of 7th September in NSW, any “essential worker” that lives in an “area of concern” MUST have had the first vaccine shot to travel to work outside of 5km from home.

    That includes me.

    If I cannot travel to work, I will lose my job.

    I cannot afford to lose my job.

    I am being coerced into taking a vaccine I don’t want, on pain of massive financial penalty, albeit indirect.

    You will be next, don’t doubt it. Unless you happen to have sufficient resources at your disposal to be completely independent of the entire rest of society, they will keep increasing the pressure until you, like me, have no choice.

    Firing squad is too good for these goons – we need something much nastier. Drawn and quartered, then burnt at the stake, perhaps.

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  55. mem says:


    Natural Immunity Protects Better?

    Quote from new study from Israel;

    ‘The researchers point out that their results may only apply to the Delta variant, and to the Pfizer vaccine, and that they couldn’t control for all relevant differences between the two groups. Nonetheless, their paper provides the strongest evidence to date that natural immunity beats vaccine-induced immunity when it comes to infection.’ Read this research summary here:

    My concern is that the government’s push to vaccinate people and children under 30 here in Australia will work against the development of natural immunity. Let the children play, let the children play…

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  56. Docket says:

    Not just teachers. As of 7th September in NSW, any “essential worker” that lives in an “area of concern” MUST have had the first vaccine shot to travel to work outside of 5km from home.


    A mate suggested grabbing a druggie off the street, giving him your medicare card and paying him a couple a hundred to get the jab for you 🙂

    Where there’s a will


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  57. mem mem says:

    Kneel says:
    August 28, 2021 at 4:55 pm

    “…government enforces a “no jab, no job” mandate for school staff.”

    Not just teachers. As of 7th September in NSW, any “essential worker” that lives in an “area of concern” MUST have had the first vaccine shot to travel to work outside of 5km from home.

    This dictate is unworkable, illogical and contrary to Australian Law. It will unravel as too many people and businesses will be affected. It is the prissy health mafia at their bureaucratic best supported by naïve scared  politicians. Go to your Dr.  and  express anxiety and stress , get certificate and call in sick due stress. Do not accede to jab if contrary to wishes. A case is being put together to challenge these mandates. contact Australian United Party and lodge your issue. I am not a Clive supporter but at the moment he is looking better than most at challenging this complete nonsense There is plenty of evidence that now shows that the jabs don’t stop you contracting and transmitting the virus. Indeed there is some research coming in that suggests the jabbed are more likely to transmit the virus.

  58. Lizzi55 says:

    How Civil Disobedience Safeguards Freedom and Prevents Tyranny:

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  59. Muddy says:

    What I find most shocking about this torturous decline in morality and cognition is not the intoxication of our political caste (Ladies & Lords of Fire), the orgasmic hyperventilation of our media caste, nor the rigor-mortis-like stupour of the general population. It is the dead-fish silence of those we would normally look to for reliable evidence that the pyro-pixies we expect to lie to us are indeed doing so. Where is the medical science community (below the political level, that is)? On Cat2 (Peace Be Upon It), numerous posters suggested that the Australian Medical Association was not a universally respected entity within the profession; that it did not speak for everyone.

    For me, I have not lost any trust in the media caste anxiety-ejaculators, for there was none there to begin with. I regard them, almost without exception,as indelible stains on date-night underclothing.

    I admit I have been astounded that the pebble-sized trust I had held – for the sake of nostalgia, perhaps – in the political caste, has crumbled to a fine dust and slipped through my fingers to be carried away on the breeze.

    I am struggling to find words, however, for the breach of faith and trust in those ‘middle’ entities; the groups and associations, both professional and community-based, whose degree of influence by dint of membership or resources or historical status, could have opened a more rational debate and perhaps lessened the burden on the citizens they claim to support and value. A continuation of this abrogation of responsibility can only lead to social disintegration.

    I hope my fears of profound social consequences prove to be fantasy. As an individual who tends to be neither a glass ‘half full’ nor ‘half empty’ type, I worry that the glass has now been placed in the box with the cat, and that even comparatively simple beliefs – If I cannot fight on my own, there are others who will assist me – will never be the same.

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  60. mem mem says:

    Sometimes we need to read what someone from overseas is thinking  to understand what is happening in our own country. This is a wake-up call and should be read in full. I learn from the ABC today that the Vic Parliament is likely to be suspended again. My guess is until after 9 September when Andrews will be required to formerly extend the powers of emergency under which he will continue his tyranny. Keep this in mind while you read this.


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  61. OldOzzie says:

    from a sky news report “Israel’s COVID surge shows vaccines ‘not enough’, says public health expert”
    and from the comments
    “Let me see if I understand this properly. Person A feels that they need the vaccine to be protected, so they get vaccinated. However, Person A doesn’t feel protected unless Person B also gets the vaccine. And if Person B refuses to get the vaccine, Person A shames them until they do.
    Let’s take this a step further. Person A, who is vaccinated, can still catch and transmit the virus, but is not subjected to going through daily/weekly testing. Person B, who is not vaccinated, and who can catch and transmit the virus, has to go through daily/weekly testing and potential quarantine. Why does Person A not have to go through testing and quarantine if they can still catch and transmit the virus?
    And to go even further than that: Person A is vaccinated and, even though they can catch and transmit the virus, can walk into any number of locations that state they will only allow the vaccinated inside. Person B is not vaccinated and, even though they may test negative for the virus, are not allowed inside any of the locations that state they will only allow the vaccinated inside.
    Wanna piece this together now? It boils simply down to segregation and discrimination with no real basis for doing so.
    1. Person A is vaccinated.
    2. Person B is not vaccinated.
    3. Both Person A and Person B can catch and transmit the virus.
    4. Person A does not have to get tested, but Person B does.
    5. Person A can go wherever they want, but Person B cannot.
    6. Person A is allowed to live their lives, while Person B cannot.
    7. Person A perpetuates the shaming of Person B by stating that Person B needs to be vaccinated for Person A to be protected.
    Anybody disagree with anything I just said? You do? Then go look this up because this is all fact. Nothing I typed above is untrue; you need only read the news to see that this is exactly what is happening.
    If your shot works, why do I need one? If your shot doesn’t work, why should I get one?”
    You left out. Person B can prove they don’t have the virus and still not be allowed to enter while Person A is allowed to enter while having every possible symptom … as long as they haven’t yet tested positive.

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  62. mem mem says:

    Muddy says:
    August 29, 2021 at 11:25 am
    Excellent thoughts Muddy. I too would have thought the unions might have stood up for their members rights but they seem to have folded like wet lettuces when they have really been needed. Perhaps too committed to wokeness and green gobbledy-gook to stick their heads above the parapet.

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  63. Vicki says:

    Good morning.

    And it is a good morning – the truckie  blockade on the border of Qld was greeted by support of even those inconvenienced.

    Just as police were moving in to make arrests, Pauline Hanson spoke to truckies & persuaded them to remove the blockade.

    Point made. Car toots in support as they moved through.

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  64. jo says:

    Stop making sense OldOzzie. Sense is not politicians strong suit. Hand waving jedi style, thats not the sense you are looking for.

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  65. Kneel says:

    Docket says:
    August 28, 2021 at 8:10 pm

    Thank you.
    I have lodged a complaint.
    I will advise here what results.

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  66. Kneel says:

    “…neither a glass ‘half full’ nor ‘half empty’ type…”

    That depends on what I am doing – if I am drinking the contents, it is half empty, if I am filling it, it is half full.

    Alas I do not have a cite from whence this came, but it makes a great deal of sense to me!

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  67. Indolent Indolent says:

    QR coding is just to give the daily chocolate wheel figures some solid backing  ..


    No, it is far my insidious and dangerous than that.  It is getting people used to asking permission for every single thing they do.  What happens the first time it says NO YOU CAN’T?  We are doing this to ourselves by co-operating.

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  68. David Brewer says:

    Tell your friends:

    More than 3000 people die in Australia each week.

    Weekly Covid deaths are currently around 20, i.e. less than 1 per cent of weekly deaths in Australia.

    Out of more than 1000 Covid deaths recorded in Australia since the beginning of 2020, only 1 was of a person under 20 years old, and only 14 were under 50.  These figures are comparable with the death rate from being struck by lightning (8 deaths in 2 years according to a recent study).

    Sure, old sick people are much more vulnerable to Covid, as they are much more vulnerable to flu, food poisoning and other “preventable” infections.  But if older people have had the chance to get the jab, which is the only meaningful protection available at this time, what on earth is the case for forcing young people to be vaccinated and wear masks, and for preventing them from leaving the country, seeing their friends, and even leaving their own house without an approved reason?


  69. Kneel says:

    “No, it is far my insidious and dangerous than that.”


    What happens when it is “You are going to the pub too often” or “You are going to a fast food restaurant more often than health guidelines suggest”, etc etc? And then “mandatory” weight loss/alcoholics anonymous etc etc?

    They could have avoided all this crap if they had shown trust in people instead of forcing behaviour by decree. Why should I trust them, when they clearly don’t trust me?

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  70. Vicki says:

    “Ultra-Vaxxed Israel Shattered Their Record for Covid-19 New Cases Today. Are ‘Vaccines’ Spreading Covid-19 Faster? (

    The simple answer is yes.”

    Of course, but the health bureaucrats & pollies pretend that nothing of interest is happening in the rest of the world in respect to vaxxing.


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