So its only been a couple weeks and I am facing a fork in the road moment already. A genuinely free speech platform seems to lead to complete anarchy (the mad max type not the Michael Malice version).
Sinclair’s decision to close the blog makes more sense day by day unfortunately, so reluctantly decisions need to be made and more moderating policies to be put in place.
1. I sympathise (particularly now) that the Cat can be a place to vent in these ridiculous times. But outright abuse will be moderated. This won’t affect your other post though, we all lapse during heated discussions but our worse nature will be moderated.
2. Doxing is a ban. To be honest I can’t believe I need to write that.
3. Trolls are banned. See the note below for how to deal with them.
4. Individual racism is banned. Race in itself is a boring topic, but the left worship it so we need to address it. Just don’t get personal.
5. Personal responsibility is required. If you emotionally unwell or overly invested please take a break or stick to the post and avoid the open forum. These discussions are important, heated and can take a toll so don’t rely on a third party to look after you personally. A lot of my political growth over the years has come from the Cat, particularly amongst disagreements where evidence lead me one way or the other. The other option is a totalitarian echo chamber and I think we can all see the results of that.
6. Further to the one above, if you have something you want to discuss without venturing into the open thread, hit me up and we can do a post. I much prefer a bunch of post with a single theme in the discussion then a thousand simultaneous conversations in the open thread.
7. No C word. Preferably a reduction in swearing generally but I know some things require the emphasis.
You may have seen a report comment option on the blog. Please use that where necessary, it will let myself or the moderator know immediately of the issue so we can rectify according to these rules above and the no dickhead policy. This will be effective in dealing with trolls as there post will be removed quickly discouraging them from the effort for a few minutes on the site.
Having said that I love the madness that is the Cat. I think just a little bit of restraint will make it a more enjoyable experience for everyone.
Update: I have also turned off auto-approval for first time posters. I forgot I turned it off during the beginning to make it easy for cats to get involved but now that most of us are here it will stop the trolls from returning and avoid the spam that has been slipping though.
Thank you Adam.
Your blog Adam, your rules.
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That sounds perfect.
Thank you, Adam
Thanks, New Doom. I had a suspicion there might be an “experiment” involved.
It has been very instructive to watch what happens when commenting is unfettered by even the gentlest of restraints. I’m sure reams could be written on it by behavioural scientists!
Perhaps, as a nicety in the knock-down, drag-em-out atmosphere, you could make it “Flag Comment” rather than the Stasiesque “Report”. We don’t want to be knocked over in the gadarene rush to alert you as we sip our tea and munch on our petit fours.
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“Thanks, New Doom. I had a suspicion there might be an “experiment” involved.
It has been very instructive to watch what happens when commenting is unfettered by even the gentlest of restraints. I’m sure reams could be written on it by behavioural scientists!
Perhaps, as a nicety in the knock-down, drag-em-out atmosphere, you could make it “Flag Comment” rather than the Stasiesque “Report”. We don’t want to be knocked over in the gadarene rush to alert you as we sip our tea and munch on our petit fours.”
Indeed I had to test it for myself and the results were disappointing but fairly clear at least. Too many people using the site for personal therapy as opposed to adding something for others.
Flag comment: Will do. That is what I asked for, but forgot about it during the testing phase with the programmer.
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True. We’re all fleas looking for a dog at some time or another, best to admit it straight up. I’m glad to see many…many more threads on a variety of topics.
Hopefully the new moderating regime (understandably still in its infancy) will attract posters. I particularly enjoyed C.L.’s takes on the news, for instance, and I believe Rabz is working on an economics post concentrating on the cost of the pandemic response.
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Thank you, Adam.
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Perhaps comments can only be made by paid subscribers. Everyone else can read them but cannot comment. The terms and conditions of the contract can state the rules.
5. Personal responsibility is required. If you emotionally unwell or overly invested please take a break or stick to the post and avoid the open forum.
The clown posse are fair game, in response to “all the above” points.
Recall the “DO IT!” challenge, Grigs?
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“You people”? How very dare. 😇
HA HA HA ha ha ha.
Libertarian comes up against the reality of human nature and finds to his consternation that his outlook is completely shit, has to do quick re-evaluation. Maybe there was a reason conservatives had all those old fashioned notions after all.
But seriously, good work man.
And good that you have set forth the parameters.
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So just you remember all you rude fuckers, keep the swearing down.
There’s absolutely no need for it, and I for one am disgusted.
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Hi Adam, thanks for your efforts. However, if you are in the mood for running repairs, could I request restoration of the function that remembered the name and address of the poster for future use? Thanks
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usYou people causing problemsReport comment
Great news Adam and THANK YOU!
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Thank you Adam.
The open threads in particular were becoming unreadable, and I was on the point of giving up The Cat altogether, even at the cost of missing so much good discussion and discovery of good links and information in these disturbing times.
Very thankful that should not now be necessary.
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“Flag comment: Will do. That is what I asked for, but forgot about it during the testing phase with the programmer.”
you’re paying a programmer? cat refuge bots are now 800+ lines of code. I am getting the hang of python
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This is WHY private property is vastly superior to the commons.
People and views can be legitimately excluded to the benefit of those who remain. The skill is in the choosing.
Discrimination (in the older, positive sense) drives civilization.
Let the wild dash-Cat be tamed just a little.
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You’ve gone above and beyond, Adam. I prefer this format but gotta keep up with all the info the Cat brings. You’d hope rescued Cats would be more appreciative than rescued livestock.
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Yes, all quite right Adam. I would add that I very much dislike the ‘f’ word too; it sounds ugly but has somehow crept into rather frequent use.
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Tut tut.
You lot!
Nuked by the shepherd.
Mmm, self warming lamb chops!
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On ya Adam.
(PS wot bushkid said +1)
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Thanks Adam!
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So the Feral Cat is going to be domesticated? Good thing, because the scroll wheel on my mouse was beginning to wear out.
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Thanks Adam I am glad you have spelt out the rules again as I was observing posters who may have been struggling with Lockdown . Too much nasty personal stuff not really very interesting .
I still don’t know who bird is
I would still like a remember me box too.
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Great update and thanks!
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One tiny suggestion: could you change “Report comment” link to a button instead of a hypertext link? Otherwise it looks like part of the comment (and it is ugly).
Also: One or two people who comment copiously and compulsively here are obviously mentally ill. I do not hate them: I pity them. You cannot expect such people to show self restraint and it is unreasonable for you to expect these people to obey your rules; you will need to manage those people yourself.
What I don’t understand is why otherwise rational posters on this forum cannot also show restraint and obey the golden rule of online discussion:
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“I am getting the hang of python”
Erk – any language where white space is highly relevant syntacticly is “dodgy” IMO 🙂
My current “project” involves: HTML, JavaScript, Perl and SQL.
HTML clicks -> JS->Perl(on web server)->Perl(again: RPC on same host)->SQL
Plus the odd bash script and shell executions (Perl backticks) for manipulating routing tables, iptables, namespaces etc.
Real-time debug is pretty much impossible, log files help though.
Only a few MLoC so far…
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What DM said above.
We constantly tell our children “sticks and stones”, we should lead by example. I don’t mind a bit of biff on a blog, but there are basic rules. Leave the mentalists alone. DON’T FEED THEM.
The other thing that is mildly annoying is when a couple of commenters settle in with a huge pot of coffee and drone on about the minutiae of their lives. I really enjoy reading a lot of commenters stories about their lives, but, instead of snarking at the boring ones, I tune out and go elsewhere, just like I do out in the real world. When a commenter goes after the boring bits, it reminds me of the people who take out their miserable frustrations on the checkout chicks at the supermarket, and then pat themselves on the back about how tough they are.
Lastly, for all the gung-ho vaccinators who keep rabbiting on about how easy it has been for them, have you forgotten one of our most loved commenters and the hell she and her husband had been going through because of the poxy jab? maree s hasn’t been heard from for weeks. I keep her in my prayers and hope everything is okay.
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Excellent work so far, Adam.
The “report comment” could be smaller in a different colour, now we know it’s there. It perhaps catches the eye too much visually?
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Thanks Adam, it seems that most but sadly not all posters get it.
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Who are these gung-ho vaccinators?
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Sah, I must report that I have nothing to report. Sah.
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I didn’t mean to report you Boambee. I just clicked on the link to see what happened, and suddenly you are being investigated. I hope they are not to rough with you.
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Thanks Adam for efforts to date. I have been a mostly quiet poster and enjoy learning and contributing where I think I might have something to offer. I seem to have missed the reasons for the closure of the Mother site but will move forward. I do miss Rafe’s contribution however, so hope he will be back soon. He would enjoy this riposte, “It seems to me that the main obstacle to climate action is the lack of legitimate scientific support that anything needs to be done.” from an anonymous contributor at Anthony Watt’s site,
Cheers mem.
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Jannie says:
August 16, 2021 at 3:06 pm
I didn’t mean to report you Boambee. I just clicked on the link to see what happened, and suddenly you are being investigated. I hope they are not to rough with you.
No problem, only a light go-over with the knuckle duster, no cats of nine tails or keelhauling. 👍
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Hang in there Adam. It will come good. Shame we have lost a few along the way. I have never been a fan of the People’s Front of Judea.
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2. Doxing is a ban. To be honest I can’t believe I need to write that.
Both Bird and his pal, Zulu are heavily into doxing. Bird is totally crazy, while the other doxer is a totally despicable swine.
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Thank you Adam D, Pogria and DM have covered my thoughts very well so I’ll say no more.
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There is a lot of humour on this site when it is fast flowing and not stuffed up with Birdsh … droppings. There, I didn’t use a swear word all. 🙂
Thanks Adam.
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@ ikamatua
HA HA HA ha ha ha.
Libertarian comes up against the reality of human nature and finds to his consternation that his outlook is completely shit, has to do quick re-evaluation. Maybe there was a reason conservatives had all those old fashioned notions after all.
I am a theoretical libertarian and a practical conservative lol.
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I’ve never understood the ignorance of the above comment with respect to Libertarians. Libertarianism doesn’t mean that you can knock the door down to my home and begin yelling and screaming. This is Adam’s blog and he can do what he wants and set whatever rules he chooses because it’s his blogsite. This is actually an important facet of free speech and freedom generally. It’s analogous to the demands made by those militant gays on the cakemaker in the US and the arguments against their demands.
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“So just you remember all you rude fuckers, keep the swearing down.
There’s absolutely no need for it, and I for one am disgusted.”
Appreciate the help Struth, need men of culture around here
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Thanks, Adam. Hoping the cesspit this may become is avoided. Don’t lose heart, we loved the Cat as it was and look forward to it getting back to what it was like.
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I keep her in my prayers and hope everything is okay
Thanks, Adam, for all your hard work and preparedness to keep the Cat and us going!
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Thanks Adam,
Don’t lose heart.
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Bar Beach Swimmer says:
August 16, 2021 at 6:59 pm
what they said.
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“…need men of culture around here”
Just to be clear, the beer type of culture, not the yogurt type 😉
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Kneel @ 9:02
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I admire your efforts, Adam D. You got this site up and running very quickly and kept the community connections alive.
I’m not at all surprised you’ve been somewhat overwhelmed with the attack of the utter morons but it was probably an inevitable result of the fast start. Thanks for current clean-up.
I, for one, appreciate the effort you’ve put into this. Fingers crossed we can make it work.
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What Megan said.
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Thank you.
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Hi Adam. Why am I censored from this site?
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Now why the hell did that work? Every other post I’ve made goes into moderation except that one.
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Thanks Adam, great work. (I was seriously thinking of giving up – the scroll wheel wasn’t adequate relief from Bird’s ravings.)
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”Pogria says:
August 16, 2021 at 1:27 pm
Lastly, for all the gung-ho vaccinators who keep rabbiting on about how easy it has been for them, have you forgotten one of our most loved commenters and the hell she and her husband had been going through because of the poxy jab? ”
Here is a thought , maybe these gung ho vaxxers got the saline version without any spike protein generator instead of the actual vax for the same putative virus that the Canadian province of Alberta’s version of Brett Sutton couldn’t find any evidence of its existence.
There have been at least 2 reports out of Canada well over a month back, where medical clinics had appeals going to past patients to contact them as they likely got the saline version.
Its hard to be sure that this isn’t all just a piece of theatre scripted by Kafka or Monty Python.
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Thanks Adam, great work.
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Thanks Adam, a cleaner, troll free environment…. like a hot bath, works well. The Cat and all those who have been around it since day dot (and Dot) keep life interesting.
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Glory Be . . . The Cat is back ! ! !
I’m only a part-time poster but I always used to religiously check-in to get my daily fix.
Thank you Adam.
Thanks Adam,
Please change ‘there’ to ‘their’ in “as there post will be removed quickly”.
Thanks from me, too, Adam.
All things considered, you have done a great job keeping the site ticking over when your time is obviously limited and a few (very few) ferals try to screw things up for the rest.
Any further bells and whistles are a bonus, especially when we take into account the price. 🙂
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Adam, can you return the blog to how it was a couple of days back. The new features have become bugs.
If they are a work in progress, then I look forward to the updates.
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Cheers, bloke.
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I’ve only just re-found the community.
I’ve missed you all.
Thanks for getting the site back up and running, Adam, and for the time you put into it.
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I’ve got more control with a computer screen, but scrolling on the ‘phone has seen me accidentally hit the flag button twice on comments I had no problem with.
Also, I suppose I should try these funky buttons now that proper html no longer works.
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Okay, buttons not working.
Unless it’s me. 🙂
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