Open Thread – Saturday, 20 May 2023

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131 Responses to Open Thread – Saturday, 20 May 2023

  1. Shy Ted says:

    So, I asked my Asian mate to order me a made to order T shirt
    Anybody think we should have a work of art at the top of the blog? Here’s my suggestion cos someone, somewhere is doing it

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  2. Woolfe says:

    No doubt Clare Nowland will be put down as a Covid death. RIP Clare, killed by real Nazis.

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  3. Woolfe says:

    Robert Kennedy
    Brilliant synopsis of the historical context for the Ukraine War.

    Can anyone read this and still maintain, as the Biden administration does incessantly, that the invasion was “unprovoked”?

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  4. Shy Ted says:

    Here’s how it works in aged care homes for those with dementia. Years ago policies were introduced that forbade carers to intervene in aggression. They have to request support, first call ambos who routinely attend aggressive people. If they can’t resolve the incident they call the cops, each step up having greater powers to address the situation. Lots of sensible ideas have been put forward to deal with the poor old dear but bureaucrats know better. There can be no excuse for what the now stood down cop did and policy for using tasers was clearly breached. But over the years the experts, who have rarely worked in clinical situations, won by the power of policy. Experts in care, ambo and cops created this farce. As with any number of situations where experts become involved, outcomes are adverse. They never get held to account.

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  5. mh says:

    Can anyone read this and still maintain, as the Biden administration does incessantly, that the invasion was “unprovoked”?

    So does Mike Pence.
    I expect many leading Republicans do if Pence does.

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  6. Cold-Hands says:

    Students! You might think twice about getting ChatGPT to do your homework

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  7. mh says:

    Tina Turner and rugby league: an enduring partnership that changed the face of the game

    … When it comes to critical demarcation points in the history of rugby league, Turner’s involvement is certainly one. The game in the late 1970s and early 1980s was a semi-professional one, a game known for its abject violence and amateur administration and blinkered worldview. Turner changed that and by the mid-1990s, rugby league had modernised. The game now had wide-reaching commercial appeal. Stars of the game carried themselves as such. Skill and speed were now prized as much as toughness and aggression. Crowds were up and significantly more diverse. Television wanted in …

    I saw Tina on that ‘93 Tour, in Darwin of all places.

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  8. kaysee kaysee says:

    I see this ongoing news item as one of the notable news stories that can swing into a turning point – a landmark – if the momentum continues.

    This is the Bud’s Getting Lighter drama. Some facts and links need repeating because they are important. What happened to change the expected outcome – forcing beer drinkers to gulp down a mental illness along with the beer – turned into a serious lesson for the other side, the company, Anheuser-Busch.

    Anheuser-Busch has lost a staggering $15.7 BILLION in value
    since Bud Light controversy began – as rivals add $3.2b to their value and experts warn of beer SHORTAGE

    Analysts Forecast DEVASTATING Dip In Anheuser-Busch Earnings

    Strong Men killed the Bud Light brand.
    Take a bow, mah boys.
    We are powerful.

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  9. mh says:

    Vassaldom going well 🇩🇪 🇺🇸

    German economy enters recession as first-quarter GDP data is revised lower

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  10. kaysee kaysee says:

    I mentioned the Target stunt in the Trans post.

    It gets better.

    Target Execs Hold EMERGENCY MEETING to Avoid a “Bud Light Situation”
    After Hiring Trans Satanist to Design Satanic Kids Pride Clothing

    Target removes some LGBTQ merchandise from stores
    ahead of June Pride month

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  11. kaysee kaysee says:

    The Bud Light boycott is getting other woke companies worried. But that is not enough. Shoppers need to continue the boycotts. It may be hard to break habits and inconvenient too, but once the lesson is learnt, it won’t be forgotten by the wokesters.

    It’s Up To Moms To Crush Target

    Boycotts can feel like a drop in the bucket, like you’re hardly making a difference, but they do work. And we know this because we just witnessed a very successful cratering of Anheuser-Busch’s stock price and a decline in sales across all their brands, not just Bud Light’s. It worked because strong, unabashed men proudly stopped buying Bud Light and shamed anyone who did after the beer company partnered with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney. Dudes crushed Bud Light — now it’s time for the ladies to do their part.

    This warning should be sent to all stores.

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  12. kaysee kaysee says:

    What happened to Anheuser-Busch and Bud Light was a result of some non-MSM media commentators taking up the battle to boycott. And the results have the companies worried.

    But we mustn’t forget that this was done without the bigwigs. The humble conservative battlers were criticised and advised to end the boycott. If this advice had been taken, the woke companies would continue laughing all the way to the bank.

    Already posted some of these links, but will keep posting to note who is really a conservative on your side, and who is after what is best for them, not you.

    Donald Trump Jr. Urges Right-Wingers to End Boycott of ‘Conservative-Leaning’ Bud Light

    GOP Quietly Backs Off Attacking Bud Light—Its Own Major Donor

    Matt Walsh
    The GOP establishment wants us to abandon the Bud Light boycott. Hell no. This is exactly why the GOP establishment is useless.

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  13. kaysee kaysee says:

    The mornings this week and through the day, I’ve been thinking:
    Where is Global Warming when you need it most?

    But I’ll trust the Climate Czars. They know better.




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  14. Old bloke says:

    1984 has arrived, its name is Diia.

    This is how they will CONTROL every Ukrainian | Redacted News – 17 minutes.

    Does anyone remember Claus Schwab congratulating Zelensky, just over a year ago from memory, for introducing the world’s first combined drivers licence and vaccination status phone app.

    That unfortunate country is the testing ground for all the WEF/Deep State/whatever-you-call-it new controls, it makes me wonder what testing was carried out on the citizenry from all those bio-labs.

    Brought to you by Visa, Google and US Aid.

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  15. mh says:

    Courier Paywall

    ‘Wanted to see the world’: Brisbane woman dies during family dinner

    A 26-year-old Brisbane woman, with big dreams of travelling the world, has died suddenly after going into cardiac arrest while playing cards with her parents on Sunday evening.

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  16. mh says:

    A Total DISASTER for Ron DeSantis!!!

    Dr. Steve Turley
    1.09M subscribers

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  17. EofT says:

    German economy enters recession as first-quarter GDP data is revised lower

    “The largest economy in Europe has officially entered a recession after a series of disasterous man-made climate and sanctions policies destroyed Germany’s economy. Academic Researcher Ralph Schoelhammer joins Redacted to look at the decline of Germany and the Beyond Growth Conference which promotes the “Degrowth” of Europe.”

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  18. EofT says:

    On the German recession:

    “The largest economy in Europe has officially entered a recession after a series of disasterous man-made climate and sanctions policies destroyed Germany’s economy. Academic Researcher Ralph Schoelhammer joins Redacted to look at the decline of Germany and the Beyond Growth Conference which promotes the “Degrowth” of Europe.”

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  19. mh says:

    Mike Jones, aka iEarlGrey, goes missing

    MASHA and MIKE MISSING on the FRONT LINES… NEVER MADE it BACK! Let’s all PRAY they are OKAY…


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  20. EofT says:

    “Del Officially Launches ICAN Press with ‘The War on Ivermectin,’ Set to Release June 6th!; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the Transgender Movement Targeting Those on The Autism Spectrum, RSV Vaccine Rammed Through For Pregnant Women Despite Major Safety Concerns, and Corporate Media Rebrands as ‘Fact-Checkers’ Again?; Then, W.H.O. Now Says Non-Sugar Sweeteners, Used in Foods Since 1981, are NOW Bad For Your Health?!”

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