Open Thread – Saturday, 20 May 2023

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131 Responses to Open Thread – Saturday, 20 May 2023

  1. Shy Ted says:

    A 95-year-old woman armed with a steak knife was approaching police “slowly” and using a walking frame when she was Tasered at a nursing home in the state’s south, senior police have revealed.

    How very odd. Having worked in the industry pretty much anything with a sharp edge has long been banned, in fact the knives are so blunt they can barely cut through vegetables. Anyone using a walking frame moves so slowly they could easily be disarmed in slow motion. There are usually policies that prevent staff restraining the elderly and if there’s any aggression to call for backup.
    Release the cops body cam and show it up for the lie it is.

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  2. Shy Ted says:

    Just laughable.
    I’ll bet there are policies and procedures responsible for the escalation.

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  3. mh says:

    Ride the lightning


    Nowland, a dementia patient who weighs 43 kilograms, was carrying a serrated steak knife she had obtained from the kitchen of Yallambee Lodge aged care home in Cooma, and had left her bed and been walking around the home for some time before the incident.

    Emergency services received a call about 4.15am “along the lines of … Clare having a knife in her possession”, NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Peter Cotter told reporters on Friday.

    … The Taser was discharged once by a male senior constable with 12 years experience.

    The incident was captured on body-cam footage Cotter described as “confronting”. He said the video would not be released to the public but would form “a significant and integral part of the investigation”.

    Asked if Nowland was behaving in a threatening way, Cotter said she was moving “at a slow pace” and using a walking frame.

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  4. Shy Ted says:

    Today in Sydney
    Have a scroll down when you’ve watched it

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  5. kaysee kaysee says:

    Borrell warns India. CNN, Patriot damaged. Elensky, Kinzhal 6 for 6. Hersh, Poland wants peace. U/1

    Along with Poland, most people in the world would like peace.
    Except those who are beneficiaries from an ongoing war.

    Such as Zelensky.
    According to Zelensky, Ukraine does not need mediators for negotiations.
    the settlement should be built only around the Ukrainian peace formula.

    Zelensky was expected to arrive in Hiroshima to participate in G7 … but he just went … to Saudi Arabia! ? ! ?
    To stir up trouble about the treatment of Muslims in Crimea

    On May 13, 2023, during a meeting with the Pope, Volodymyr Zelensky presented the pontiff with an “icon” of the Mother of God with a black void instead of the Infant Jesus.

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  6. kaysee kaysee says:

    What I find is curious is that everybody of Aboriginal descent seems to belong to three separate tribes but never acknowledge any non-Aboriginal ancestry.

    Because it is …..
    I’ll let Pauline Hanson explain the Box Tickers. She does it better.

    What do you think happens when all that it takes for someone to “prove” they are indigenous is for them to tick a box?

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  7. kaysee kaysee says:

    How very odd. Having worked in the industry pretty much anything with a sharp edge has long been banned, in fact the knives are so blunt they can barely cut through vegetables.

    A 95-year old frail dementia patient, moving slowly with a walking frame and carrying a knife, must have had such sharp vision and swift reflexes that she would have been a serious threat to any able-bodied adult. Sure.

    That male senior constable with 12 years experience should have his name and photo on display and picked up globally. Everyone needs to know the details about a trained member of the police force who felt threatened in that situation.

    Release the cops body cam and show it up for the lie it is.

    NSW Police can take the path followed by Mr and Mrs Sparkle.

    In an effort to try and hide the Truth, Harry & Meghan have ordered their lawyers to try get all of the footage from the New York paparazzi- which would likely have footage discrediting their claim. The photo agency, Backgrid responded to their lawyers threats with this:

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  8. kaysee kaysee says:

    They are coming for anyone who exposed the scamdemic.

    Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi Case

    Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi is charged with “incitement” and “trivialization of the Holocaust” for statements he made comparing the C19 vaccination program to 1930s/40s Germany. His hearing is scheduled for 23 May in Plön, Germany.

    He has been charged with the following:
    1. having incited hatred against a religious group and attacked the human dignity of others by insulting and maliciously disparaging that religious group, while acting in concert in a manner likely to disturb the public peace; and

    2. having publicly trivialized an act committed under the rule of National Socialism of the kind described in Section 6 (1) of the International Criminal Code in a manner likely to disturb public peace.

    Additional info from Sucharit Bhakdi’s friend Stefan Homburg.

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  9. kaysee kaysee says:

    Covid and pandemics

    Christine Anderson, MEP:
    “This whole Covid madness, it was really just a test balloon, to see how far they could go… “

    Clip from Redacted
    The next pandemic is coming

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  10. kaysee kaysee says:

    If you like making desserts, how about this one?

    Pig Pickin’ Cake

    Pig Pickin’ Cake is a classic North Carolina dessert made famous by being widely served at picnics, pig roasts and barbecues.

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  11. Old bloke says:

    On May 13, 2023, during a meeting with the Pope, Volodymyr Zelensky presented the pontiff with an “icon” of the Mother of God with a black void instead of the Infant Jesus.

    I don’t know if Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris’s views represent the general consensus of the eastern Orthodox churches (I assume that both Alex and Alexander are Greek Orthodox), but they were outraged that the Pope gave Zelensky an audience whilst his regime is imprisoning Orthodox priests and burning churches.

    From the 8 minute mark…
    Russia destroys collective west weapons, as Zelensky tours Europe

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  12. Old bloke says:

    Hersh, Poland wants peace.

    Seymour Hersh thinks that he is reporting leaks, I think that he’s unwittingly reporting misinformation which he’s being fed, i.e., plants not leaks. This started with his Nord Stream bombing story, this said that Norway was involved whereas it was an entirely 100% USA effort.

    I see no sign that Poland wants peace, it may want a piece of Ukraine but it doesn’t want peace. Poland has around 20,000 rebadged Ukrainian soldiers in Ukraine, they more than any other European nation want to fight the Russians.

    There was an outcry a few months back about the Polish soldiers dying in Ukraine who weren’t being properly acknowledged by their government who was trying to keep their involvement quiet. The government relented and acknowledged just over 1,000 dead Polish soldiers who were buried in a military cemetery. That number has now gone up to 2,200, or around 10% of the force Poland sent into Ukraine.

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  13. Old bloke says:

    Judge Napolitano speaks about a recent dissenting report from Justice Gorsuch about some proceedings in the Supreme Court, about which I know very little.

    Justice Gorsuch’s dissenting verdict goes into the impacts on people of the various governments handling of the Covid “pandemic”, and the injuries to people’s civil rights.

    Napolitano also shares his opinions on various other matters too, but he does eventually come back to Justice Gorsuch’s dissenting opinion.

    Justice Gorsuch-Greatest Intrusion on Americans/ Ukraine Aid Over Estimated? – 22 minutes.

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  14. mh says:

    I’m checking the footy results

    Wests Tigers 66 – 18 Cowboys


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  15. mh says:

    Jimmy Dore receives a phone call from Joe Biden

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  16. mh says:

    Key Donbass city captured – Wagner chief


    Meanwhile in America

    This is democrat Nebraska State Senator Machaela Cavanaugh

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  17. mh says:

    No infomercial in this one

    Bakhmut Has FALLEN! Media Lies EXPOSED!!!

    Dr. Steve Turley

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  18. kaysee kaysee says:

    I don’t know if Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris’s views represent the general consensus of the eastern Orthodox churches (I assume that both Alex and Alexander are Greek Orthodox), but they were outraged that the Pope gave Zelensky an audience whilst his regime is imprisoning Orthodox priests and burning churches.

    Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris are right about their discussion points on the current pontiff. Roman Catholics have similar opinions. One error from Mercouris is when he refers to this Pope as the Vicar of Christ. Francis dropped that title years ago.

    Zelensky should not have been admitted into the Vatican for many reasons. But Francis rejects all the traditions of the church. So those who revere what has been passed down the Church through the ages, whether Orthodox or Catholics, won’t get much attention from this pope.

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  19. kaysee kaysee says:

    The Spectator

    Alan Jones: treaties

    I can’t be the only person who wonders whether, on matters critical to our future and, most importantly, the future of our children, the Liberal Party (whatever it might be, and whoever it is) seems to have lost its voice.

    ‘Voice’ seems to be the in word.

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  20. kaysee kaysee says:

    This is Britain.

    Oldham, North England

    This is a huge Islamist march in the town of Oldham, in the north of England. Imagine seeing scenes like this but Christians marching in Saudi?

    Big Banks

    ‘Let this be a warning to all of us. We cannot trust big banks any more than any other big business or big government.’

    @calvinrobinson gives his take on banks refusing people bank accounts.

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  21. kaysee kaysee says:

    Billboard Chris is travelling the world, raising awareness about the issue of child abuse related to trannyism.

    Here he is in Ireland. The Irish police are threatening to arrest him quoting section 7.

    What happens when you hold firm and call their bluff.

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  22. johanna johanna says:

    Indeed, kaysee, Islamist marches are very disturbing – not that the British spooks will do anything, concerned as they are about garage Nazis and ‘extreme’ right wing groups who oppose transgenderist takeovers of schools and public libraries.

    I see that another ten men have been charged with multiple offences in the very belated aftermath of the appalling events in Rotherham. By now, the trail is cold and evidence will be difficult to find. The defendants will benefit from the British legal system to the max, no doubt at public expense.

    Meanwhile, immigrants continue to pour into the UK, girls still undergo genital mutilation and forced marriages – business as usual. The government is merely sweeping up the dried old manure in the stable from which the horses bolted years ago.

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  23. Woolfe says:

    Johanna, from ChapGPT
    Around 70% of young people with Pakistani heritage in Bradford are thought to marry their first cousins, despite medical evidence suggesting the practice leads to genetic problems for their offspring.

    In the UK, half of all Pakistanis marry a first cousin, and they are 13 times more likely to produce children with genetic disorders than the general population. In Birmingham, one in ten of all children born to first cousins died in childhood or suffered from a serious genetic disorder.

    Despite the health dangers, it is estimated that 55% of Pakistani-heritage couples are in cousin marriages, and they account for a third – 33% – of children with genetic birth defects.

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  24. mh says:

    LIVE from Ukraine/Russia border – Patrick Lancaster Indy journalist

    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom

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  25. mh says:

    Personally I find Judge Napolitano a little dumb speaking on foreign affairs.

    But he has some good guests.

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  26. JohnJJJ says:

    Around 70% of young people with Pakistani heritage in Bradford
    They do this to keep the wealth in their extended family – which may number over 200 people. It happens in all Islamic countries as the culture is based on tribalism. The successful family eventually becomes a tribe and then, possibly, become rulers. Saudi Arabia is an example, the country of the tribe al Saud. The dowries and inheritance never leave the extended family or tribe. And indeed in these countries, I am told by the nurses who work there, are found the most bizarre genetic diseases. BTW it explains the nepotism and what we see as corruption, but they see as rational behaviour.

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  27. JohnJJJ says:

    Judge Napolitano a little dumb speaking on foreign affairs Yep agree. Like most of the Youtube interviewers, drives me nuts with his inanity. But still he is among the best. Same with Viva Frei. But they both occasionally ask a good question.

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  28. mh says:

    JohnJJJ says:
    May 21, 2023 at 9:30 pm

    I was going to get to the end before posting this, but saw your comment.

    This is a great interview with Colonel Douglas MacGregor – the interviewer is Donald Trump Jnr!

    Recorded May 15, 2023.

    I love Junior’s style in this. At times the Colonel is trying to correct him, but I know exactly where Jnr is coming from.

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  29. mh says:

    “I’ll Take Drooling Joe Biden” Say The View Hosts

    The Jimmy Dore Show

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  30. mh says:

    Stroke Victim John Fetterman Forced To Give Speech On Debt Ceiling

    The Jimmy Dore Show

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  31. johanna johanna says:

    You have to wonder what is behind Democrats’ refusal to enforce criminal justice when it comes to property crime. The same mentality is seen in California, where shoplifting below $950 worth is not even prosecuted. That is one of the reasons why several prominent retailers have closed up shop there, and inevitably others will follow.

    Could it be that rich Democrats are immune, hiding behind high walls and security systems? And poor Democrats are over-represented among the perps?

    I stayed in San Francisco for a while before it began its decline into a filthy, crime ridden mess. It was undoubtedly one of the best cities in the world – small and beautiful, blessed with natural beauty and safe, clean, thriving public spaces.

    While the Democrats are not yet up to the Taliban standard of vandalism, they are reaching. Another example is Baltimore, once a treasure trove of ante bellum architecture, with lots of quiet, shady streets and lovely old houses. Nowadays, the population is falling, the murder rate is rising, and district after district is decaying. It now looks less like old Baltimore and more like Detroit – another failed Democrat city.

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  32. Old bloke says:

    I stayed in San Francisco for a while before it began its decline into a filthy, crime ridden mess. It was undoubtedly one of the best cities in the world – small and beautiful, blessed with natural beauty and safe, clean, thriving public spaces.

    Let me guess, you had flowers in your hair?

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  33. mh says:

    Thanks Murdoch. Extreme fake news

    YouTube video from The Sun

    Inside the battle for Bakhmut where Putin’s troops are meeting tanks, guns and their bloody defeat

    The Sun
    544,577 views 18 May 2023

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  34. mh says:

    1 day ago (edited)
    The Sun in this video is falsely claiming of the victory of Bakhmut. Bakhmut no longer exist as a city of Ukraine, it is now officially called Artemovsk, after the takeover by the Russian armed forces. Please explain yourself!!!!!!!!~I again demand an explanation and if you do not do this then you will be charged with lying and your name will be dragged into the mud as unreliable English source.


    Welcome to regime media.

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  35. kaysee kaysee says:

    This is a great interview with Colonel Douglas MacGregor – the interviewer is Donald Trump Jnr!

    Col Douglas Macgregor is a very intelligent man and in the interview details solutions that are possible under ideal circumstances. Then Don Trump Jr butters up MacGregor – a (hypothetical) offer of a role in the Trump Admin.

    I wondered when the interview would reach the agenda that was obvious all along. It happened at 57:28. And MacGregor dropped in my esteem with his response at 57:43. Was he blindsided with that question?

    Talk is cheap. They are discussing Wokeness. Opportunists. Globalists.

    Reality. Which Republicans did not support the Bud Light boycott because the company donated to Republicans? It is the real conservatives who went ahead and cancelled the product which resulted in a victory. The first step in winning the culture wars by teaching other companies that getting woke may not be such a good idea after all.

    Rallies and speeches are wonderful. Nice to see the crowds cheering on. But what is needed is real action. It needs someone with leadership qualities that include self-confidence and integrity.

    Don Jr can interview Vivek Ramasway, next, and promise him the role Anti-woke chief in a future Trump Admin. Why not? The butter-up, flattery route works. Honesty doesn’t.

    Vivek1 – The Soros connection

    Vivek2 – Self-appraisal?

    Vivek3 – Best of all.
    Here’s what you need to do if you want to get an endorsement from Donald Trump.

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  36. kaysee kaysee says:

    Story from last week.

    Pregnant New York nurse Sarah Comrie ‘in HIDING’
    after CitiBike incident went viral

    “She’s been called a racist. She’s been called a thief. There are reasons defamation laws exist, and we plan to pursue that.”

    Lawyer for woman at the center of viral Citi Bike video is planning to sue the media.

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  37. kaysee kaysee says:

    Dr. Steve Turley:

    “The World Economic Forum faces collapse amidst Global Elite chaos”.

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  38. Old bloke says:

    These people are going crazy, Rishi Sunak wants Britain to go to war against China. Britain couldn’t defend itself against anyone for more than three days, what can it do to fight against China?

    What has got into the heads of these crazy people?

    Britain’s unelected Prime Minister beats the war drums over China George Galloway – 18 minutes

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  39. Old bloke says:

    If you’re up for another George Galloway rant, you would like this interview from about a month ago. George interviewed Gerald Celente and Gerald out-ranted George by a factor of 20. It was an interesting interview as it was George’s first interview of Gerald and he wasn’t expecting Celente’s Italian passion and outspokenness which left George speechless.

    INTERVIEW: Does Hillary Clinton lie? Do her lips move? – 15 minutes.

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  40. mh says:

    What has got into the heads of these crazy people?

    Or who.

    EndGame full length version

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  41. mh says:

    He’s having a go

    Another secretive Bilderberg meeting! 😠

    Jeff Taylor

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  42. mh says:



    Garland Nixon
    52.9K subscribers

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  43. mh says:

    Posting this to watch tomorrow


    Garland Nixon

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  44. Interested observer says:

    We’re excited to announce that Q+A will have its first non-binary host – Courtney Act!

    If only!

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  45. Old bloke says:

    Tan can come back but he has to identify as an indigenous lesbian to tick enough boxes to beat the tranny.

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  46. mh says:

    The Age

    Stan Grant’s presence on any program drives engagement, and it’s any employer’s responsibility to step up, to defend and protect.

    Jenna Price
    Columnist and academic


    Engagement lol

    He hosted the ABC’s Question and Answer show, and ejected a youngster for asking a question.

    Shut. It. Down.

    Fire. Them. All.

    Piss. Off. sTan.

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  47. Interested observer says:

    So the well run and popular Calvary Hospital in Canberra is about to be taken over with 76 years lease to run, in order to provide Canberrans with abortions, even though the badly run government hospital already does so
    From behind the paywall:
    Calvary Hospital says it is at an “impasse” with the ACT government over its proposed compulsory acquisition of the site in Canberra.

    Calvary’s national chief executive, Martin Bowles, confirmed he had met ACT Health Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith last Thursday over her government’s intention to pass a bill in coming weeks allowing them to take over the hospital.
    But he said Calvary had still not received any meaningful options to resolve the matter, including service delivery or compensation.

    “We remain hopeful the ACT government will give Calvary this matter appropriate consideration and provide options beyond the legislation. Our people deserve this,” Mr Bowls said.

    “This legislation could be enacted as early as next Wednesday, and yet we seem to be at an impasse, with the ACT government choosing to double down on its proposed legislation filled with draconian measures,” Mr Bowle said.

    “Calvary has 76 years left on our contract, which is part of our long-term business planning and the ACT Government cannot simply take that away from our overall business without impacting our services more broadly.”

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  48. kaysee kaysee says:

    If you’re up for another George Galloway rant, you would like this interview from about a month ago. George interviewed Gerald Celente and Gerald out-ranted George by a factor of 20.

    A vocabulary-enhancing rant from Gerald Celente

    – Repulsicans and Democraps
    – Presstitutes media whores
    – NYT: toilet paper rag
    – globalnomics
    – swallow the crap
    – death of the dollar
    – the world has had enough of American
    – We’ve been finked

    By the way, RFK Jr has done great work in exposing the Covid-vaxx and other scamdemic issues. But he is pro-abortion.

    We at Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights join the rightful growing chorus of outrage over the pending reversal of Roe v. Wade.

    The draft Supreme Court opinion would overturn a longstanding right to abortion and represents a grave threat to human rights in the United States.

    But after signing up as a Prez candidate, the tune has changed to mummmmmm on that topic. He will be hoping for votes from conservatives who support his anti-vaxx stand.

    Kennedy Jr., however, has not made recent remarks about abortion, nor does his campaign site clarify his position on reproductive rights. When reached by Newsweek, a campaign spokesperson said Kennedy Jr. “believes strongly in the principle of bodily autonomy, whether the issue is abortion or medical mandates.”

    “He will keep government away from women’s childbearing choices. The moral issues are best left to the woman, her family, and her religious community,” the spokesperson added.

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  49. mh says:

    College girl gets graded 0 on her assignment because she used the term “Biological women”

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  50. kaysee kaysee says:

    Reading the news stories this past week, I am trying to work out who are the real victims vs the scamsters. Which of these current cases in Aussie news are deserving of your sympathy?

    Choose one or more that apply. Or suggest others.

    – Stan Grant, ABC (ex?)-employee
    – Clare Nowland, 95-year-old dementia patient tasered by police
    – Shane Drumgold, Director of Public Prosecutions
    – Bruce Lehrmann, accused of alleged incident
    – Brittany Higgins, accuser of alleged incident
    – “First Nations” peoples of Australia
    – Anyone else?
    – ??
    – ??
    – ??

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  51. kaysee kaysee says:

    Does he stand a chance of winning? Who knows?
    But he has decided to get in the race because of “conservatives” compromising on their beliefs and moving closer to the values of the left.

    Taylor Marshall says he’s running for president because so-called “conservatives” have “capitulated on the most fundamental ideas of political discourse,” namely life and family issues.

    The Catholic podcaster took time out of his busy schedule to discuss with me his presidential candidacy, how conservatives can learn a thing or two from Viktor Orbán’s Hungary, and the role of the Christian faith in the public square. This is The John-Henry Westen Show.

    Taylor Marshall explains why he’s running for President of the United States

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  52. kaysee kaysee says:

    Another secretive Bilderberg meeting! 😠

    Bilderberg 2023

    Another ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Proven To Be True!
    If You Thought Davos & The WEF Were Bad
    Bilderberg = An Annual Secretive Meeting of Global Social Engineers Who Decide The Future of Humanity
    & Humanity Doesn’t Have A Say

    New Footage of Bilderbergers / Illuminati Puppets

    If you hadn’t heard of Bilderberg before or want to know more about it, I wrote a post on the topic, last year.

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  53. kaysee kaysee says:

    The Voices

    NZ: The precedent ….
    UN indigenous movements take control of resources: Case study NZ

    Aus: If only we were prepared to learn from NZ.
    Voice will allow legislation embodying United Nations Declaration
    on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples creating a black state within a state

    Diversity, inclusivity, multicultism
    What can go wrong with having nice little tribal hubs all over the country?
    We can have a 100 different Voices to Parliament.

    Sydney precinct to be renamed after push from community

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  54. kaysee kaysee says:

    A sanity break ….

    Two versions

    Ricchi e Poveri
    Come vorrei

    Jan 2012: 36 million + views

    Dec 2018: 98 million + views
    Hmmmm…..I wonder why? 😉

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  55. mh says:

    Rolf Harris, brown bread.

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  56. mh says:

    When you stuff up yet blame everyone but yourself. Stan Grant QandA

    Danger Dan Reviews

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  57. mh says:

    Great work from Senator Ted Cruz

    BREAKING! Hundreds Of Undercover Feds Were In The Crowd On Jan 6th!

    The Jimmy Dore Show

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  58. Shy Ted says:

    Gordon Bennett, all the meeja crying about DAndrews ineptitude running up so much debt. Not one that I can see asking why all his mates are rolling in it.

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  59. Perplexed of Brisbane says:

    Interested observer says:
    May 23, 2023 at 5:16 pm
    So the well run and popular Calvary Hospital in Canberra is about to be taken over with 76 years lease to run, in order to provide Canberrans with abortions, even though the badly run government hospital already does so
    From behind the paywall:
    Calvary Hospital says it is at an “impasse” with the ACT government over its proposed compulsory acquisition of the site in Canberra.

    Calvary’s national chief executive, Martin Bowles, confirmed he had met ACT Health Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith last Thursday over her government’s intention to pass a bill in coming weeks allowing them to take over the hospital.

    It will be interesting to see what sort of legislation comes out of the Voice if it gets up. I do hope that the Greens, Teals, LNP and ALP have their mansions ‘acquired’ first. It should be the highest rating show in Oz. Might even beat MAFS.

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  60. Shy Ted says:

    Having just seen the ASIO BS about increasing numbers of Nartsies, I think they’re taking a tip from Murrica’ top men

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  61. mh says:

    Problem for Ron is he did a 180 on Ukraine following instruction from his donors. Therefore he cannot be taken at his word.

    DeSantis War Room 🐊
    “We can never allow ‘Warp Speed’ to trump informed consent in this country ever again.”

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  62. mh says:

    Shy Ted says:
    May 24, 2023 at 1:06 pm

    Americans are protesting

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  63. mh says:

    They Hide it from You┃A Radioactive Cloud has Engulfed Poland & Is Moving into the Depths of Europe

    127K subscribers

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  64. Cold-Hands says:

    Australians were also censored the Twitter Files has discovered, and surprisingly the Australian actually reported it.

    While the comment that caused my suspension was rebutting Albanese’s tweet: “Eligibility for fourth booster shots has been extended. If you’re 30 or older you can book yours from today!” -this was in July 2022 so it may not be due to Aust. Governmental request …still suspended though.

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  65. Perplexed of Brisbane says:

    Shy Ted says:
    May 24, 2023 at 1:06 pm
    Having just seen the ASIO BS about increasing numbers of Nartsies, I think they’re taking a tip from Murrica’ top men

    Are Grampian Nazis worse than Illinois Nazis? That is the question.

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  66. mh says:

    Bakhmut in Russian Hands, Now What? – Col Doug Macgregor

    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom


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  67. mh says:

    Sad news

    Clare Nowland dies in hospital after police officer charged with Tasering her

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  68. mh says:

    Same topic, different guest

    Ukraine Fighting – What’s Next, after Bakhmut? Larry Johnson fmr CIA

    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom

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  69. win says:

    Shy Ted 8.15pm : Add to the agender hypocrisy. There must still be somewhere around photos of well known and international artists performing and in the audience girls screaming and throwing their used knickers on to the stage. Now why did they do that and if the out front girls did it what about the ones behind the scenes.

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  70. mh says:

    Tina Turner, brown bread.

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  71. johanna johanna says:

    Meant to add – in the clip I linked (she would have been about 52 at the time) the atmosphere is electric, the crowd is going wild and the band are having an absolute blast. You can’t fake that.

    What a superstar!

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  72. EofT says:

    This was in the latest ‘Redacted’ email:

    “Classical music is racist. So says a movement to punish classical music and opera professors for teaching and producing pieces from European men.

    Dona Vaughn, the artistic director of the Manhattan School of Music, was fired because she had produced Franz Lehár’s allegedly racist operetta, Das Land des Lächelns (The Land of Smiles), several years earlier. Why was it racist? Because it portrays a Vietnamese woman who is forced apart from her Chinese lover due to Chinese customs.

    Nameless online accounts began petitions against Vaughn and she was fired, despite character references by musicians of color.

    In Texas, another professor was fired because he taught the work of 20th-century Austrian music theorist Heinrich Schenker. His critics said that this “hierarchy of keys and of harmonies… [is] constitutive of Western tonal music” and that “tonal music is itself racist.”

    Shenker was an Austrian Jew whose fiancé died in a concentration camp. Doesn’t matter, say race baiters. Racist.

    Is everything created by Europeans racist? What will we get from this crusade against whiteness? As the author of this think piece about classical music puts it, “To reduce everything in human experience to the ever more tedious theme of alleged racial oppression is narcissism. This music is not about you or me. It is about something grander than our narrow, petty selves.””

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  73. EofT says:

    And here is an interview with Evelyn Rae from ‘The Caldron Pool’ talking to the ‘Cross Politic’ team in the U.S. It’s interesting to see their reactions to Aussie law:

    Interview starts at about 1.40 mins in if you want to skip the ads.

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