Will You Wake up With the Lions?

Lions, a song by Five Times August, performed live on The HighWire.


Some day when the war is finally won
After all the damage has been done
You will look around and have to ask yourself
Did you wake up with the lions
Or did you just stay asleep?

Someday when the truth has been revealed
After all the effort to be healed
You will see the wounded everywhere you go
So wake up with the lions
Don’t let yourself stay asleep

Wake up to the crossfire
Wake up from the lies
Wake up from fear that’s covering up your eyes
Wake up from the hate
And wake up to the cries
Wake up as a warrior fighting for what’s right

Wake up as soldier
AND Wake up with the lions
Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!

Someday when the dark has been destroyed
Broken by the rebel girls and boys
You’ll be looking back and have to ask yourself
Did you fight for it with lions
Or did you just stay asleep?

So will you wake up with the lions?
Or will you just stay asleep?

According to the blurb below the video, Lions is available on his album Silent War which is out on all digital music platforms, CD, and vinyl, including his website.

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3 Responses to Will You Wake up With the Lions?

  1. kaysee kaysee says:

    Democracy Now!
    Palestinian Reverend Munther Isaac to U.S. Faith Leaders:
    If You Are Silent, You Approve of Genocide

    Reverend Munther Isaac, pastor at the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church in Bethlehem, who joins us in our New York studio for an in-depth conversation. He is in the United States on a speaking tour to encourage faith leaders to oppose U.S. support for Israel’s onslaught. “We’re still calling for a ceasefire, and it feels like we’re still calling for the world to humanize the people of Gaza, to humanize Palestinians,” says Isaac. “If you’re silent, knowing how your money is being spent, that means you approve.”

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  2. kaysee kaysee says:

    Munther Isaac

    Gaza has become the moral compass of the world.

    I want you to look in the mirror and ask: where was I when Gaza was going through a genocide

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  3. kaysee kaysee says:

    New York
    August 13

    Riyad Mansour

    Palestine’s Ambassador to the UN Riyad Mansour delivers one of the most powerful speeches in modern history to United Nations Secretary Council…

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