What Can I Do?

Let’s go back in time, a few years. Say, it is 2015, right now. There are topics to discuss, problems to be concerned about, and politicians to be critical of. But, it’s okay. I am reading the Cat blog and I’m happy to sit back, to look through the comments, to lurk and to learn. To watch others commenting and responding. Those who want to, can talk and debate. I’m just a bystander watching the show, content to be an onlooker rather than a contributor, on sites and blogs. It is easier that way.

The year, however, is 2021 – the tail end of the year. The past two years have revealed to us what is happening in this country and the world. Being laid-back and waiting for others to do something is not an option. Being active here, in some small way – whether it is sharing information, knowledge, opinions, experiences or responding to what is being shared by others – helps us all learn. And helps us stay sane, too.

This sharing of information on the facts and the truth is not something we can get from the mainstream media. If you think that the country and the world are in a mess, find ways in which you can make a change. This blog is an opportunity to participate with others in a common goal to unite for a better country and a world. And some on the blog are doing so. You are either trying to make a change for the better, or you are not. Apathy is not an alternative.

Some of you may remember that, last year, I tried to start a Catallaction Club on the previous blog, Cat2. It was not something that started out as a plan – it just evolved. Although there were a few tentative Yeas, it was only at the end that I got one commenter who contacted me with a definite interest. By then, it was too late, and soon after that, Cat2 folded up.

As we moved on to Cat3, I looked for another method. One door had closed (in more than one way), so I thought of a possible solution. It turned out that Adam had an idea on similar lines. But the battle has been with time; he has been busy with other commitments, and I have been limited on the time front, too. Hopefully, soon, we may be able to get this other plan, going. It is not proceeding as envisioned due to time constraints, so we may begin with a raw version, and get around to refining and polishing it, later.

The globalist agenda will not stop and we need to work together to push back. To find ways to confront the tyranny with whatever resources we have, even if they are limited. We have this blog which is a great avenue to do something. Let’s use it.

It is important for each of us to ask ourselves: What can I do?

Are we willing to push our boundaries and get out of our comfort zones, or are we going to give up, sit back, and wait for someone else to do something. We are too busy. It is so hard. Too hopeless. There’s no point.

Those are excuses. We have seen many examples shared on this blog, of the many brave people who are fighting back. Would we rather lurk and be spectators, or do we join the battle against the globalist agenda?

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11 Responses to What Can I Do?

  1. John A says:

    I’m prepared to give something a go.

    I have been saving a few choice links to good stuff (such as Dr John Campbell of the UK, Spectator and Quadrant articles).

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  2. kaysee kaysee says:

    I have been saving a few choice links to good stuff (such as Dr John Campbell of the UK, Spectator and Quadrant articles).

    John A, hold on to those links.

    In the meantime, if you can pick a few sentences from each link that would explain what it’s about, or your own explanation, the source, and any other relevant information, there will be a use for it in the coming weeks.

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  3. Shy Ted says:

    I’m afraid every letter, every petition, every blog and so on is in vain. None of the various gummints, media, CHO’s et al have altered their agenda in any way. So I’m fine with what we’re doing. Whichever Cat blog, as in the old days, is supportive for those who visit. We all know the collusion between the various parties exists. Soon enough various names may lose their seats which is good but they’ll still get their pensions and the favoured, diplomatic and such posts. I fully support the protestors but remember, carry your phone and ID and you’re being monitored. And you’re on the list.
    The best viewing has been the elites having to have police protection, Sutton, Andrews, McGowan, Gunner. This needs to happen to them all. They need to be scared to go out. Make them prisoners in their own palaces. So if you see one of them, give it to them verbally. The official figures of vax deaths are 595. Unofficially due to reporting guidelines, much higher. They are mass murderers. Let them know.

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  4. Muddy says:

    In any competitive endeavour – such as business, sport, politics – one of several pre-requisites is to know, REALLY know, your opponent/s.

    You don’t run onto the field in a game of football, for example, without studying and analysing the past performance of the opposing team (as much as your resources allow).

    Similarly, you don’t enter a crowded marketplace with a new business without researching what your potential competitors are doing.

    I don’t believe that ‘we’ (right of centres) know our opponents, and never truly have. Hence why ‘we’ are still competing in a field where we permit our opponents to set the rules. I would even argue that we don’t actually know what ‘winning’ is, but that’s a digression.

    Kaysee and partners, I firmly believe that if you have not already done so, I would respectfully suggest you begin with a comprehensive, formal examination of our opponents. There are other questions to ask, of course, but knowing our competition – there is an awful lot of open-access information out there, just waiting to be utilised – will assist with the questions that follow.

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  5. egg_ says:

    The best viewing has been the elites having to have police protection, Sutton, Andrews, McGowan, Gunner.


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  6. egg_ says:

    I don’t believe that ‘we’ (right of centres) know our opponents, and never truly have. Hence why ‘we’ are still competing in a field where we permit our opponents to set the rules. I would even argue that we don’t actually know what ‘winning’ is, but that’s a digression.

    The founder of the Green New Deal movement came out and said it wasn’t about the Environment, but Economics – i.e. “human activity” – control of humans.

    That’s why Space Weather has never mattered to the Gaia movement – it’s all about control of humans.

    Any mention of the Milankovitch Cycle will fall on deaf ears in the CAGW crowd.

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  7. kaysee kaysee says:

    Kaysee and partners, I firmly believe that if you have not already done so, I would respectfully suggest you begin with a comprehensive, formal examination of our opponents.

    Muddy, who are these partners?

    My post here, is an open call out to all those visiting this blog, sometimes, or all the time, to decide whether they want to unite and to fight against the globalist tyranny or sit back and do nothing.

    There are no partners involved. We are all busy with the responsibilities in our life. I do not have the time, resources, skills or ambition for any grand plan involving some comprehensive examination. But since we are fortunate to have this blog where we can meet (no matter our geographic location), it is possible to share and brainstorm ideas and together find solutions. We can’t solve the problems of the world but we can make a small difference. Those who can’t already see the threat of the New World Order and the need to work collectively against it, must be living under a rock. Or simply don’t care.

    I am using the opportunity we have, of this blog, and taking on a project that will only work (in a small way) if others are prepared to spare some time and effort, as well.

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  8. Muddy says:

    Kaysee, your comment perplexed me. I can only guess that my own comment at 2.05 p.m. has been interpreted as a criticism, because I addressed you personally. This is not at all the case.

    You asked for expressions of interest in practical tasks, and I responded by suggesting that the most practical & beneficial task we could perform at this point is an analysis of where we are & how we came to be here, beginning with our opponents. In order to break what I see as a limp, defensive-reactive cycle, planning is required. I would be willing to participate in that.

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  9. struth says:

    If you don’t know who your enemies are by now you are being obtuse.
    You have been told and shown the proof.

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  10. FlyingPigs says:


    Australia’s biggest problem is being a founding member of the UN.

    Until we get out of that then all we can do is bemoan our loss of liberty.

    There were fighting soldiers came back from real fighting in WWII who could not believe Australia signed into the UN crap and set up organization to oppose it and expose it.

    Check ALOR, Australian League Of Rights.

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  11. kaysee kaysee says:

    Australia’s biggest problem is being a founding member of the UN.

    Until we get out of that then all we can do is bemoan our loss of liberty.

    So, FlyingPigs, you see the solution as sitting back, whinging about our loss, and waiting for the country to be completely thrashed?

    Or, somebody else will do something which will get us out of the UN?

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