Australia has a Preferential Voting System. It is very important that every freedom-loving citizen votes correctly. Explain to those who don’t understand the system, how to number the preferences.
In the following videos, Topher Field explains the system. Using marbles, he shows how preferential voting works, and how the numbering order of the votes can make a big difference.
His advice is to put all the Freedom Friendly minor parties at the top and put the majors last. It is a very simple method that could help the freedom loving minor parties gain seats in the House of Representatives (lower house).
1. Preferential Voting: The System
2. Preferential Voting: Why It Exists
These videos have also been posted in the CatWiki: Election section.
[Updated: The original video under Preferential Voting: The System was deleted by Topher Field, due to election-related rules. It has been replaced by a new version which contains the required Authorisation Statement.]
I have long advocated for optional preferential voting for all elections, i.e., number from 1 onwards as many or as few boxes as you wish. Thus, just one numbered box (or two or three) becomes a valid vote. Of course the Uniparty will never accept this as it/they rely on the preferences for the two party system. A pox on the lot of them.
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Mak Siccar says:
February 23, 2022 at 4:58 am
I’d be fine with it if we could also allocate negative numbers.
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Is the $2.75/vote for the primary vote or the final preference vote? Because that is their primary motivation for the status quo
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Optional preferences is my preference too. You can just vote one and not preference any other bastards, or direct your preferences as you will.
Doesn’t always work well. Clive Palmer votes in an optional preference election where those voting for him did not direct preferences killed off the Newman Government. The ALP mythologise it was public service hate for having their jobs slashed, but it isn’t true.
Note how once in power Palaszczuk reinstated compulsory preferences so the same could not be done to her.
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David Icke on our democracy
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According to the Electoral act Part XVIII The scrutiny, Secs 268Aand 269 (Despite what you will be told at the polling pace) a vote in the senate is NOT INFORMAL if…..”.268A(b)if there are more than 6 squares printed on the ballot paper below the line -the voter has consecutively numbered any of those squares from 1 to 6 (whether or not the voter has also included one or more higher numbers in those squares)” AND “sec 269(1)(b) the voter has marked the number 1,or the number 1 and one or more higher numbers,in squares printed on the ballot paper above the line.”
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