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- Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.
— Benjamin Franklin -
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Open Thread – Saturday, 21 January 2023
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A neat capture of a Space-X rocket component? from the Hawaiian Islands. A lot of traffic up there.
A “Mysterious” Flying Spiral over Maunakea 2023-01-18 UT / マウナケア上空にまた渦巻き出現!
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Australian of the Year
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A Pelosi piss take.👏
The United Spot:
The Power Of Vodka Compels You
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UK Parliamentarians debate excess deaths – and cannot put their finger on the cause.
Government’s response is partly ‘well everyone has excess deaths now, it’s right across Europe’.
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George Galloway
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A classic case of being in the right place at the right time if you got to witness it.
Lundalands filharmoniska orkester:
It seemed like an ordinary sunday in a peaceful shopping mall. Then a guy starts to play the bassoon…
All footage and sound was recorded at Center Syd in Löddeköpinge, Sweden
Lundaland Philharmonic Orchestra / Lundalands filharmoniska orkester
Helsingborg concert hall choir / Helsingborgs konserthuskör
Conductor: Kristofer Wåhlander
Flashmob Flash mob with the Lundaland Philharmonic Orchestra
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Mark Dice:
Brian Stelter Makes a Stunning Admission, But First An Update From Adam Schiff
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Germany capitulates
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I can understand this genre of music is not to everyone’s liking, but less than 50k subs after all these years?
Eternal Eclipse:
Eternal Eclipse – Inferia (feat. Merethe Soltvedt)
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A massive female Huntsman spider ( guessing due to size ) about 1 metre above the bedhead.
I put my face right up to her….about 10cm away and she gave a slight twitch but didn’t really care when giving me the eyeballs. Cheeky bitch.
I’ll let her do her thing overnight. I am perplexed how she got inside?
A mystery. She is a stunner.
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HD Film Tributes:
Soundtrack from the 1972 Barry Shear film “Across 110th Street,” with Anthony Quinn, Yaphet Kotto, Anthony Franciosa, Paul Benjamin, Ed Bernard, Richard Ward, Antonio Fargas, Norma Donaldson, Burt Young & Gloria Hendry.
Across 110th Street • Theme Song • Bobby Womack
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Walking back into the room and Lady Hunstsman is nowhere to be seen. Hopefully I can find her tomorrow so she can be released outside.
LT. Rowdy and Cash.
Lt. Rowdy Mini Horse Attending Granada Hills 17th Annual Street Fair 2022 (9 of 13)
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Walking back into the room and Lady Huntsman is nowhere to be seen. Hopefully I can find her tomorrow so she can be released outside.
Outside? No, no I don’t want to go outside! There are birds and other things that will want to eat me out there. It is nice in here. I like it. Please don’t send me outside.
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Germany now at war
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Germany now at war
“we are fighting a war against Russia” she says. Astounding. Can the world get any more stupid.
But fortunately we have the Australian of the Year Ms Brumfitt: “Men have been left out of the discussion and, like a lot of subjects, they haven’t been asked to explore the feelings that they’re feeling,” she said (in the Oz).
The female bell curve has moved from the sharpest and most talented to the permanently inexperienced and stupid.
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Annalena Baerbock, German minister of foreign affairs
She is also a WEF Young Global Leader
Quelle surprise!
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Alright, I haven’t been through all of them but a few highlights –
Working in healthcare, she recognised the need for better support for teenage and young mothers.
Since returning home during the pandemic, Talei has worked with the Australian Electoral Commission to enrol and educate more Indigenous people about the importance of voting.
is a two-time Olympian, holds the current national 800m record, and in 2021 was the first Australian runner in 53 years to make it into an Olympic 800m final.
delivered a TED talk in 2020 on the power of community to fight climate change.
relocated to Tasmania at age 10 where she experienced racism and was bullied for wearing a hijab. Anxiety, depression and eating disorders plagued her teenage years, but the support she received during her adversities inspired her to give back to the community.
he is passionate about improving the lives of Indigenous people.
And on it goes. People in paid jobs, do-gooders and bingo word winners. And that’s only the runners up.
I heard Humpty Brumfitt on the wireless, extended interview. For someone who says we should be more accepting of our bodies she sure does seem obsessed with bodies.
Tom C of course has given us Alice Springs and the many, many similar places.
A paid soccer player.
A charity that –
Of course.
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Remember what happened to Shinzo Abe.
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AnAl’ go to girl in Alice is Dorelle Anderson, career bureaucrat, whose main claim to fame seems to be removing Aboriginal kids from their families.
The results of which are evident.
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I used to stand like that when I was 18 and trying to hide a boner
Thanks to Michael Smith for the pic
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Tasteless corner
Little ‘uns
Other little ‘uns
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From Kaysee’s link:
More than a million UK households will be offered money for them to cut their electricity use between 5pm and 6pm on Monday in a move that follows the National Grid bringing back mothballed coal plants today to ensure supply.
Note that in Australia are politicians have been dynamiting our coal power stations whereas in Britain and Germany they mothballed them. We’ve got vandals running the show here.
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The Voice comes to the NT, courtesy of big guv
Para 3 – to identify any underwater cultural heritage places for traditional owners along the route.
They need to talk to the subaqua tribe.
Also in the NT –
Mystery social order body?
Transparent and accountable.
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The Courier Mail embraces the spirit of Australia Day
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Hi Cat Peoples,
Happy Australia Day. Hope you are enjoying the day.
To honour this public holiday, I am taking a break today from posting the usual gloom-news comments.
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14 kids in 21 years
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I cracked and went to Humpty Bumfitt’ website. We’ve got our own Lizzo!
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That second twitter link has disappeared.
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If you follow conservative cartoons, you may recall Pat Cross. There have been no toons from him for a few months now. If you don’t know why, here it is.
He put down his cartooning pen in August last year, in pursuit of another cause.
A couple of his old toons
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A few days ago, the remote control for one of my gadgets refused to work. I checked the batteries and they were okay. So I thought that I’d have to toss out the old and would need to get a new one.
Checked online for any solutions and came across a video that helped solve the problem. I had to run the test 3 times before it worked. Good as new and going well, so far.
In case you have a similar problem and need to
Fix Any Remote Not Working
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December 2022
Be Guided by the Angel on Your Shoulder
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Found it.
14 kids in 21 years
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Laurel and Hardy:
Why didn’t you tell me you had 2 legs
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I cracked and went to Humpty Bumfitt’ website. We’ve got our own Lizzo!
Another feminist step towards Islam. She is showing the classic harem. You can be as fat as you like there.
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Fun fact on that topic: The founder of Saudi Arabia ( i.e. he and his mates killed the opposition) Muhammad bin Saud was said to have over 1000 wives but had never seen their faces. Make of that what you will.
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Eyrie says:
January 26, 2023 at 8:15 am
Walking back into the room and Lady Huntsman is nowhere to be seen. Hopefully I can find her tomorrow so she can be released outside.
Outside? No, no I don’t want to go outside! There are birds and other things that will want to eat me out there. It is nice in here. I like it. Please don’t send me outside.
Found! Lady Huntsman is snuggled up on the top shelf of the white book case in the back corner. She can stay for a few days. After that, I’ll relocate her. She’ll need a feed and water eventually.
Still scratching my head as to how she got in.
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Danger Dan:
Albo’s Australia Day address. Anthony Albanese
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Via a crack?
Magpie swooping spider
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Above vid @4/5 secs shows exactly what huntsman do.
Look for a gap to squeeze through.
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More pics from Bumfatt
Waterfront properties have the best views
Not sure if this is the before or after pic
As they say the best contraception after 40 is nudity.
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Nick Fuentes banned from Twitter 24 hours after being reinstated.
Seems Elon is not fair dinkum
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This is global warming too
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Here’s gloom and doom on steroids. Dr. Jane Ruby claims that Australia’s 23 million population will be down to 15 million by 2025.
NEW Dr. Jane Ruby (1/23/2023): All Americans Now Trapped by Vax Status
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JP on the foul Jacinda Ardern
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Is this still for our health?
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Germany has declared war again on Russia, so time to reflect
I find it interesting to put random comments in Google Translate
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George Galloway interviews Chris Hedges on the latest war escalations
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mh says:
January 26, 2023 at 6:53 pm
Still scratching my head as to how she got in
Via a crack?
Ceiling vent in the middle room me thinks. The mesh has separated from the plaster. She’s been on the move again. Hiding somewhere.
Lady Huntsman entry point.
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Cash 2.0 Great Dane at The Grove and Farmers Market in Los Angeles 35
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Croatian President Zoran Milanovic not on board with Ukraine war, so at least some common ground with Serbia
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Holocaust museums are becoming the new casinos – every city has to have one
Courier Mail
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Another sombre clip…very well done.
Dire Straits – Brothers in Arms – The Falklands War
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Good analysis here from Jimmy Dore
“Germany At War Against Russia!” – Says German Foreign Minister
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The Age
But these heart attacks in young people weren’t an issue until 2021.
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Great discussion
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More Jimmy Dore Show
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Would you look at that, the Adelaide to Alice road trip is booked out. Alice must have some great tourist attractions.
Some days are just… in a toon
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You know what nobody is talking about? What’s happening, if anything, in Canbra hospitals. Because it should reflect what’s happening elsewhere. And if they aren’t inundated with cardiac problems there would be a reason.
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Trump outraged!
Some say crazy war.
BlackRock, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs say profitable war.
btw There have been several young Australian men killed in Ukraine after volunteering for what they believed was a noble cause.
If you ever think someone you know has the same mindset, guide them to the Jimmy Dore Show links above so that they can see for themselves who plans and profits from these wars.
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What are the odds that Bill Gates wanders round Circular Quay and there is NOBODY ELSE in the pictures?
Massive security or green screen?
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Piss off.
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Oh f-off! Covid, the rebranded flu was a nothing burger. Hospital protocols did the killings and that fat gutted prick gets away saying this sh*t because the MSM whores are bought and paid for by BIG-PHARMA will not challenge it. It will all designed to have the brainwashed masses roll up the sleeves and have themselves injected with the toxic muck. Good little guinea pigs they are…most of my family included. Mum and myself are the only ones not to have the crap in our bodies.
Do I feel superior over those that did? No, I don’t…just fortunate I ditched the MSM when I did and broke the brainwashing cycle…that was years before this scam started. There is no going back. Everyday is a worry about what might happen to the family in the future now and it sucks. I’ve convinced my brother not to have anymore and he agrees. My father ( 2 shots ) is a work in progress but damn, his faith in the ABC is bewildering. We had lunch at a pub about a year ago when the restrictions were lifted and I stated all the evidence is starting come out and will come out in the future….and it has. Anyone that has looked into this and dismissed it in order to rationalize and provide comfort in their decision, I sincerely wish you all the best of luck in the future. You’ll need it.
Ask yourself this. If that bastard Gates and his cohorts initiate another scamdemic in the future, will you offer up your body again to keep your job, knowing all the evidence about the dangers is now stacked a mile high on the table? If the answer if yes, then you are a f-wit. Their is no sugar coating it.
Thank God I found Amazing Polly years ago before the psy-op got started. It was her that connected all the dots when I think about. She exposed all the players at the beginning of this “vax” saga so the decision to avoid it was made easy. The players she exposed never once had your good health in my mind. All of them are evil.
I remember at Doomies people taking the piss out of her.
A vast number of people STILL haven’t figured this scam out yet and will probably offer themselves up for the next round of jabs without hesitation. Anyone that believes they have been jabbed and thus protected in some way from this flu are fools, ignorant bloody fools. All they have done is allowed their immune system to be shot to pieces making them vulnerable to further illness in the future.
Such people are probably watching breakfast television as I type and are stupid enough to continue watching the 6pm news and will again fall into the trap.
Oh, and if you believe man boob Billy has had that sh*t injected into his body will confirm their status as d*ckheads. No way is the mRNA jabs in his body. He is dead-set evil, not stupid. I hope his private jet crashes into the Pacific ocean when he decides to fly out. F-him.
Billionaire Bill Gates, 67, keeps a low profile in Sydney Harbour with a mystery brunette during trip to Australia where he warned the next pandemic could be worse than Covid
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…There is no sugar coating it.
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Steve, Bill Gates will know of the latest gain of function research by Big Pharma. Now check this out:
Marco Rubio please explain letter to CEO of Pfizer Dr Albert Bourla
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mh says:
January 27, 2023 at 12:35 pm
He is planting mind seeds like he did in 2016. The MSM whores are AGAIN playing along with it.
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You won’t believe what you’re watching
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If what Pfizer doing is confirmed, Albert Bourla should be immediately arrested and interrogated.
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James O’Keefe and the Project Veritas team are doing excellent undercover investigations in exposing the corruption in different areas.
In the secret recording:
Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations – mRNA Scientific Planner:
The way he attacks O’Keefe indicates he is in serious trouble and so is Pfizer. His reason for what he said in the interview was because he was:
just trying to lie to impress his date?
That’s the best explanation the legal team at the Pfvirus Pharma could come up with?
What is Bourla’s response going to be to Rubio’s letter? Rubio is a Senator so Bourla should have to appear before a Senate committee to answer questions.
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Does NATO and its allies really think that this is a war game that they can easily win?
Ukraine Under New Missile Barrage as Russia Warns West About Tank Pledges
Keep sending the tanks.
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How long will it take the tranny supporters to realise that they are on the wrong track? Scotland’s Nicola Sturgeon has been pushing extremist policies and is now facing a public backlash.
Transgender double rapist Isla Bryson will move from women’s jail to a male prison
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The APStylebook is out of style and reality.
Terrifying, really.
Any publishing company/media organisation has a stylebook to ensure consistency in usage and quality output.
When it loses its way in wokeology, it is on the road downhill. I wonder whether their chief editor or whoever is responsible for updating the guidebook is fluent in English? Read, reviewed and edited the new rule before hitting the Send button?
The French
the college-educated
the poor
the mentally ill
the disabled
Are all one happy family. People with mental illness.
Good on ya, Associated Press. I’m rushing now to update my own Style Guide.
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And while we discuss Styles, how about this?
Thinking aloud: 🤔
Would I appear in public wearing such an outfit?
For a million dollars? A few million?
A billion?
Posing for the photo.
Add another million? Billion?
Still thinking about it.
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It is indeed astonishing that Nicola Sturgeon would require worldwide media coverage to stop a double rapist with a penis from being put in a women’s prison.
Rest assured, it was the international coverage that shifted her.
Never underestimate the vanity of politicians.
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Keep sending the tanks.
I believe it is all but over. The US is sending the mother of all big tanks: The Stacey Abrams.
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Yep, Trump f*cked up, BIGTIME! All he had to do was admit he was misled and lied to. It would have been a huge blow to Big-Pharma and probably, maybe, put an end to the jabs.
As I’ve stated before, with him doubling down in support of the jabs, it revealed a lot about his character.
I despise the prick now. People should not make excuses for him. Like a lot of high flyers wanting un-jabbed pilots for their private jets, you wonder if he has requested the same for those flying his plane. If that turns out to be the case…that should immediately be investigated to find out, then if so, kaboom! He’s f*cked.
Game over man, game over.
Stew Peters Show:
Trump must admit he was badly misled and quit promoting the death vaxx.
Dr. Paul Alexander agrees with Stew that Trump is totally out of touch on the safety of the Covid-19 vaccines.
*Pull the vaccine from the market now and under no circumstances should the clot shot be given to children.
*Not just children, everyone FFS! I’m getting really pissed off reading that.
Trump Covid Admin SLAMS Trump: “Jab Is A DEADLY Bioweapon”
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And Bill Gates should have his private jet grounded here in Australia, then be taken for questioning at the very least. Gates has to know what US Big Pharma is up to.
The Australian government contracts with Pfizer would have to be some of the biggest ever signed by the Feds. They have a duty to know what Pfizer is doing.
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This is not new. Dutchsinse put up a video from Thomas Bearden detailing how a French bloke could use electromagnetic frequencies to induce illness / disease like leukemia and cure them with simple frequency modulation.
Remember the American consulate in Moscow. The Soviets targeted the joint using electromagnetic frequencies and killed a few of those inside. They got very ill and died in hospital. They were clueless at the time as to what was going on. They know now.
I’ll put the Bearden clip up again soon….if it is still available.
The following comes as no surprise. Anyone suggesting that this is tin foil hat territory is just an ignorant douchebag. I note the local Hungary Jacks has disguised the phone towers as a chimney stack. Most of the locals would not even realize it.
The People’s Voice:
Bombshell new peer-reviewed scientific studies have revealed what many of us knew from the beginning. 5G radiation is not only connected to the Covid-19 pandemic, it actually induces the body to create new viruses and illnesses, including coronaviruses.
And before the mainstream media gets hold of this study and convinces the masses that it is unimportant, you should know that these are peer-reviewed scientific studies published on the National Institute of Health website.
U.S. Government Admits ‘5G Radiation Causes COVID-19’ – Stunning Admission
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It is still up – amazing. Dutch got sent this through the mail, direct from Bearden’s staff after he passed away.
Make the time to watch or forever remain ignorant.
4/29/2022 — Secret Super Weapons That Drive Disarmament Negotiations – Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden
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Pfizer director admits they MUTATE and ENHANCE viruses!
The Body Language Guy
Watching it now for the first time.
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Breitbart not covering the Pfizer developments.
Quelle surprise!
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Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc:
We’re Heading for Nuclear War
Western Governments seem clearly determined to force Russia into starting a nuclear war. The west is already providing Ukraine with bombs and bullets. And now they’re determined to provide tanks. Soldiers will doubtless be provided with the tanks. There has been no public debate about whether we should deliberately push Putin into starting a nuclear war but the aim, it is clear, is to help Ukraine prevent Russia winning – and to make it impossible for Putin to negotiate a face-saving peace.
The result is looking more and more like a nuclear war.
Billions will die – while the conspirators (those responsible for the war) hide in their well-stocked underground bunkers.
Several decades ago, starting a major war was the conspirators’ plan. They then decided that the global warming myth would serve them better – designed to create fear and to kill billions through absurd net zero policies that would cause widespread famine.
Now, it looks as though they’re adding war to the deadly cocktail. They know that a war with Russia will destroy the global economy (part of their plan) destroy energy and food supplies (part of their plan) and kill billions (part of their plan). Two things cause maximum damage to an economy: inflation and war. The conspirators have created the first and they’re working hard to create the second.
Is it a coincidence that billions of people have been jabbed with a toxic mRNA brew which will damage their immune systems and make them more vulnerable to radiation sickness?
In May 2022 I made a video entitled ‘Why THEY Need World War III’.
Here is the transcript. I haven’t altered a word. If you want to watch the video it is available here.
It’s May 2022 and this is video 309.
I am increasingly concerned that what is happening in Ukraine is being used as an excuse to build up enthusiasm for World War III. The conspirators are working hard to push the collaborating public (brains softened by too many months of mask wearing and too many toxic injections) into demanding a war against Russia.
Superficially, it is possible to argue that in the same way that Germany’s invasion of Poland led to World War II, so Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could be used as an excuse for the conspirators to start World War III.
But I think that misses the point.
The fact is that the conspirators behind the covid fraud and the global warming fraud and the Great Reset need a war to keep up the fear – and they’ve already got one. Ministers are talking about a war lasting years – a permanent war – a war straight out of Orwell’s 1984. They’ve created the war they need and it’s already happening: a war to kill billions through starvation and poverty; a war to destroy economies; a war to create permanent compliance.
Just look at what is happening as a result. Bankers think that the war could be used to accelerate the adoption of digital money by central banks. And that, as I’ve been warning for months, will be programmable currency. You can only spend it on the things they allow you to buy.
The sanctions that have been introduced are the war the conspirators need. The sanctions are going to result in hundreds of millions of deaths in Africa and Asia. Even the World Bank more or less admits that the sanctions are effectively creating genocide on two continents. It’s the sanctions, not the bombs and bullets, which will do the killing. World War III started with the sanctions and America is already in it with Europe.
The war is already resulting in massive poverty. Fuel and food costs are soaring and will continue to soar. None of this is happening by accident. Taxes are rising and will continue to rise. Someone has to pay for a war and since we’re in it, we’re paying for it.
There is no longer any doubt that NATO deliberately pushed Russia into invading Ukraine. Nor is there any doubt that this is not, by far, the most egregious military activity occurring at the moment. The wars in Yemen and Syria have killed far more people but have aroused little or no interest among Western politicians or journalists.
I don’t think anyone who has studied the evidence would disagree with the conclusion that Russia was inspired to invade Ukraine in order to help further the plans of those prosecuting the Great Reset. The West has deliberately pushed Putin into a corner – and demonised a whole nation – to create the war they need to help force us into the Great Reset and Schwab’s new world order in which we will own nothing and be happy. You’ll own no house, no car, nothing. You’ll have no money. You’ll queue and be a slave to a digital world. Communism on speed.
The food, fuel and fertiliser shortages which are a direct result of the orchestrated invasion will wreck the global economy and force up inflation, prices and interest rates. In Britain, we are suffering the steepest decline in living standards since the decade after World War II. We have the highest tax burden since the 1940s. There is effectively no health care for millions. In the UK, over two million are waiting for cancer treatment – most will die before they are treated. Patients have to wait three years for dental treatment.
In the West, particularly Europe, there will be much hardship. Millions will lose their jobs and millions will lose their homes. But the real cost will be felt in Africa and Asia where hundreds of millions will die of starvation in the coming months. It would be naïve to think that this was anything other than deliberate genocide. I have previously suggested, quite seriously, that Biden, Johnson and others responsible for the deadly sanctions should be treated as war criminals.
A few weeks ago I thought it somewhere between unlikely and impossible for the fighting in Ukraine to spread into the rest of Europe and lead us into World War III. I thought that even the most aggressive, war-loving collaborators would baulk as food and fuel prices rose.
But the media has done its job well. Letter columns are full of demands for more action, more bullets, more war. Political leaders talk of deposing Putin and arresting him. People who said nothing during the war between Russia and Ukraine in 2014, and those wars in Yemen and Syria for example, are now suddenly filled with horror.
The people who have been brainwashed into demanding a greater war have been manipulated and do not realise that they are being used. They are the same people who fell for the recycling myth – the continuing farce that means that carefully washed out yoghurt cartons are transported to China or Turkey to be burnt or dumped. Or they’re just dumped into the sea. They’re the people who fell for the global warming myth – even though there is no evidence for the myth. When 500 world class scientists wrote and pointed out that global warming was a myth, the world’s media ignored them and reported the claims made by a young girl. They’re the people who accepted the toxic, experimental jabs with unfettered enthusiasm – even though everyone admits the jabs don’t do what they are claimed to do, but have killed and maimed countless thousands. These people have been moulded and trained and turned into gullible compliant servants of the Great Reset conspiracy.
Now, I think the risk of World War III developing is increasing rapidly and will soon be somewhere between likely and inevitable.
Look at what is happening.
The British Government has reportedly sent arms and troops (described, inevitably, as advisors) into Ukraine, thereby involving Britain in the conflict. Johnson has allegedly sent in tanks. Other British ministers want the West to send aeroplanes to support Ukraine. Not surprisingly, Russia responded by threatening to bomb bits of Britain. Ms Truss, the Foreign Secretary talks of digging deep into our inventories, ramping up production and increasing defence spending – at a time when millions are having to choose between eating and keeping warm. Almost every day the Government talks of spending hundreds of millions more – that we haven’t got. We’ve been warned that the war will continue for years. Re-read your Orwell. Permanent war. Fear and terror.
Other countries are doing the same.
In the US, Biden whose own family links with Ukraine are still something of a mystery, has asked Congress for an immediate $33 billion to send to Ukraine for the war. Wikipedia says there is no truth in any rumour of a link between Biden and Ukraine so we can be pretty certain there is something going on that the conspirators want to hide.
The EU has sent over a billion euros to Ukraine – though it has sent 38 billion euros to Russia for energy supplies and is therefore hedging its bets and supporting both sides, like a corporate sponsor backing both parties at an election.
The public is being encouraged to support Ukraine. Under the guidance of the conspirators, the media is constantly reporting on atrocities (which may or may not have happened) and encouraging the public to call for more Western involvement. Britain will soon be twinned with Ukraine and we’ll probably have a joint Eurovision song contest entry. It would be our best chance of winning.
Individual Russian citizens (who may not have committed any crimes, let alone been involved in the invasion of Ukraine) are being hounded and punished. Sportsmen and musicians who happen to be Russian are being denied the opportunity to ply their trades simply because they carry Russian passports. Businessmen are seeing their property taken from them – simply because of their citizenship.
And members of the public are being constantly encouraged to support Ukraine. The Ukraine flag is flying from public buildings and private flagpoles all over Britain. I haven’t seen any sign of support for the oppressed people of Syria or the oppressed people of Yemen but the people of Ukraine are being treated as very special.
And there is no doubt that the war is being used by Johnson and the Conservative Party to help distract from the fact that the Prime Minister, Johnson, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sunak, lied to the British people and to Parliament about their behaviour during the lockdowns.
In a way, their behaviour was explicable, of course. They knew that there was no plague and that the lockdowns were entirely unnecessary. But that doesn’t alter the fact that they, and a vast variety of public servants, simply ignored the laws they had created.
Some are saying that the war has been fortunate for Boris but that’s misdirection. Boris is merely benefitting from what is for him a fortunate side effect.
(It is worth remembering that lying to Parliament used to be considered an unforgiveable crime. It was for lying to Parliament – and nothing else – that John Profumo was exiled from public life.)
Johnson and Sunak are now both proven to be criminals, liars and hypocrites. Neither is fit to hold any public office. But neither has the decency to resign. These are bad people, surviving in a cess pool. There’s a type of air conditioner in Mexico which the locals call a politician – because it makes a lot of noise but doesn’t work.
Johnson, in particular, seems to me to be using the war to distract from his blatant criminality.
Arguing that this is not a time to change leaders is blatant nonsense. The French have just held elections. Britain changed leaders at the very outset of World War II.
Is there anyone who doesn’t believe that Johnson would welcome the chance to push us further into the conflict – whatever the cost – to save himself?
Meanwhile, there are endless daily distractions in the media. Crossed legs. Porn on phones. The endless royal soap opera created out of hubris and entitlement. Vandals destroying petrol pumps in the name of a senseless cult. We’re heading for fiscal obscurity and the mainstream media enjoys the carnival.
The conspirators who control the world, and whose publicly avowed aims include genocide, digital enslavement and a world government appear now to be pushing the public into demanding that Britain, America and other countries become directly involved in the conflict in Ukraine. Biden keeps offering more money. He’s promised $90 billion for bullets. The $33 billion is just for starters. Britain is sending 8,000 troops. Isn’t that what you do in a war? American, British and French submarines are being prepared.
And what then?
Will China become involved in support of Russia? Will China use the war as an excuse to take Taiwan? What will happen in the Middle East? These are bad times, orchestrated and conducted by evil conspirators.
The only certainty is that the conspirators are in control. And the innocent stooges who wear, wave or fly their little flags in support of Ukraine are playing into their hands.
The conspirators created this conflict. And it is becoming increasingly clear that they aren’t finished with it.
Two months ago, World War III was nigh on impossible.
Today, you’d have to very naïve not to realise that World War III is part of their plan. And that in practical terms World War III has already started. And now there are no rules.
You and I have to spread the truth to combat the propaganda. Digital enslavement, social credit and the end of freedom are just months away – hurried along by our senseless, unwitting involvement in a war that appeared out of nowhere and which will take us into a world without freedom, without independence, without anything we value.
Don’t forget to watch my friend Dr Colin Barron’s amazing videos which are always pertinent and always entertaining.
Please visit my own websites http://www.vernoncoleman.org and http://www.vernoncoleman.com. There are free articles and new stuff is added most days.
I’m pleased to be able to tell you that the English version of my book Covid-19 – The Greatest Hoax in History is now, at last available in paperback. It was banned three times but just go to korsgaard publishing if you’d like a paperback or eBook. There’s a link in the box and details on my website. It’s taken 18 months to get the book back into print.
Finally, although it may feel like it at times, please remember that you are not alone. More and more people are waking up and once they are awake they don’t go back to sleep.
If we are going to win this war then we have to fight hard and with determination and passion and the truth.
Distrust the Government, avoid mass media and fight the lies.
Thank you for watching an old man in a chair.
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I’d be really annoyed if the retirees are to be conscripted to re-enter the workforce to fill the gaps. I’ve been enjoying my retirement.
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FFS. That WA nuclear capsule is such BS.
Came loose! Something that tiny! Came loose from what?!
It gets worse. 1/4″x1/3″!!! There’s even a pic
Shouldn’t it be transported in a lead-lined box?
Try harder you wakners.
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I’d be really annoyed if the retirees are to be conscripted to re-enter the workforce to fill the gaps. I’ve been enjoying my retirement.
I *really* have no desire to learn to drive a D9 to make the pits in which to bury the dead.
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The US is going off in the best way
It’s hilarious out there
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Lock him up
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It could be worse Eyrie, imagine being called upon to repopulate the earth with 100 wives and 1,000 screaming children. I prefer a quiet retirement.
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The celebrations that Scott Morrison didn’t want these children to experience
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