Open Thread – Saturday, 17 September 2022

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312 Responses to Open Thread – Saturday, 17 September 2022

  1. Steve trickler says:

    Brace yourself. Societal collapse continues.


    Fleccas Talks:


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  2. Steve trickler says:

    There should be more of this. No baits; the dogs are happy and the rats get the chomp.


    Joseph Carter the Mink Man:

    100% GREEN Rat Control.

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  3. mh says:

    Barry says not in my backyard

    Emilie Ikeda
    HAPPENING NOW: Migrants, flown into Martha’s Vineyard by Fl’s governor, are boarding buses. They’ll be heading to Joint Base Cape Cod, according to officials. 125 Mass National Guard members are being activated to assist.

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  4. Steve trickler says:



    Stew Peters Show:

    Big Pharma is BACK with a not-so-new vaccine by Novavax, made for CHRISTIANS?

    Dr. Jane Ruby joins to expose the lies of the non-fetal cell injection, which instead contains toxins and animal DNA, and marketed to religious groups!

    Is the Novavax just another bioweapon?

    Big Pharma: We Now have a “CHRISTIAN Vaccine”; Mass Murderers Target Christians With “NovaVax”

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  5. Steve trickler says:

    Yep, the more CO2 the better life is. Anyone suggesting otherwise is a clown…much like those suggesting we go nuclear to reduce emissions. I am 100% pro-nuclear but do not promote it based on a scientific fraud. There are no excuses for that. None!


    Tony Heller:

    One hundred years ago Scientific American knew that increasing the amount of CO2 in atmosphere would make the planet more habitable for humans. But now they have a different agenda.

    Life In The Disinformation Age

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  6. Spiridonovich says:

    Yes but how about the CO2 effects on the clouds? How the clouds look where you are? As billowy and distinct as how you remember them?

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  7. Steve trickler says:

    Back into the thick of it.



    Anti-Government protests kick off Australia wide ✊

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  8. kaysee kaysee says:

    Vaccine Narrative Collapses as Harvard Study Shows Jab More Dangerous than COVID

    As boosters that have not been tested on humans are being rolled out across the country, a new study indicates that the jab is far more dangerous than COVID-19 itself. And the CDC has provided false information regarding their tracking of adverse events linked to the vaccines.

    Masks are not a small thing.

    More and more, I cannot bear the masks. Their use is contrary to a healthy and normal social life. I will probably finally leave mask-fetishising academia over this, that’s how much I can’t stand it. Wearing a mask is participating in an antisocial hygiene virus cult. It’s been devastating for me to watch older colleagues, whose opinion and expertise I respect, succumb to this irrational superstition.

    The Certificate

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  9. kaysee kaysee says:

    Scams are showing up at the top of online searches

    Nasty scams and malware are preying on your trust by hiding behind the ads that sit on top of search pages. Google, DuckDuckGo and Bing are being paid to put them in front of us, and they haven’t figured out how to stop it.

    It’s called “malvertising,” and if you’re not vigilant at spotting it, you could get burned.

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  10. Spiridonovich says:

    I am knocked out by the performance of these Russians. Nobody is picking up all the very many lessons we should be learning from these guys, due to all the misinformation that is going on. Plus the misinformation is getting in the way of good decision-making. Nato blunders every week, including last week. And the Nato leadership may not even understand just how badly they are fighting this war.

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  11. kaysee kaysee says:

    I’m guessing this weekend’s Week In Pics will be a Martha’s Vineyard edition. So let’s get a head start.

    Not a border town
    We don’t have the infrastructure.

    Harbor Views
    Wonder what’s happening to those vacant summer holiday homes?

    St Andrews
    Migrants housed here and then evicted ASAP.

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  12. kaysee kaysee says:

    Buses have arrived in Edgartown to transport migrants from St. Andrew’s Parish House. There is one big bus and two shorter buses to transport folks off the island. People with bags are taking selfies and hugging volunteers goodbye

    Liberal Martha’s Vineyard residents kicking out the 50 illegal migrants out of their liberal island

    Who governs Martha’s Vineyard

    (Adding a few more to The Mock)

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  13. Steve trickler says:

    Spiridonovich says:
    September 17, 2022 at 11:18 am
    Yes but how about the CO2 effects on the clouds? How the clouds look where you are? As billowy and distinct as how you remember them?

    My BS meter just gave me an electric shock.

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  14. Steve trickler says:

    Marianne Faithfull:

    The complete 1979 12 minute short film for ‘Broken English’ directed by Derek Jarman, comprised of ‘Witches Song’, ‘The Ballad of Lucy Jordan’ and ‘Broken English’.

    Marianne Faithfull – Broken English (Short Film by Derek Jarman) [1979]

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  15. kaysee kaysee says:

    This is how Conservative politicians should deal with the biased media.

    Press conference

    Kari Lake and Abe Hamadeh, who is running for AG

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  16. kaysee kaysee says:

    Melbourne protests now




    Who is Marcus Sherwell?

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  17. Spiridonovich says:

    My BS meter just gave me an electric shock.

    Sure I was just messing with you. Just trolling.

    CO2, with its two double bonds, it can’t be aligned electrically like H20. Its about as good an electrical insulator as can be imagined. So its going to have zero effect on the weather. Its pre-empted in its filtering by water vapour in the first place. And any colour, or filter, is like a pair of sunglasses; A very strange way of warming. Since extra CO2 will mix higher than where the water taps out, you might expect it to be a mild cooler if anything.

    But my point about clouds? Are they really as curvy and fluffy as they once were? Or are they more bumfluffy and frayed?

    As creatures of electricity the anti-gravity clouds are not going to necessarily be neutral to our interference in electromagnetic radiation. But CO2 isn’t going to do a damn thing to them.

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  18. Steve trickler says:

    Doc Coleman:

    Passing Observations 126
    15TH SEPTEMBER 2022

    This is a long standing series of small items which have caught my eye or mind and which seem relevant, startling, amusing or all three. Occasionally, items which appear here may return as a longer piece. Mostly they will not.

    1. Every week I read a magazine called ‘Country Life’. I only look at it for the pictures, because I don’t think there is a more woke and out of touch with reality publication in the country. This week I found this comment: ‘…when I can’t figure out how the world got into the mess it’s in – or how we get out of it…’ from someone called Carla Carlisle. Oh dear. I’d tell her but I’m pretty sure she won’t believe me.

    2. Hospitals will be shut on the day of the queen’s funeral (so waiting lists for vital life-saving operations will grow longer). But the hospitals will stay open to give covid jabs. You couldn’t make this stuff up, could you?

    3. Britain’s economic situation is even worse than I thought it was. The cost of keeping energy bills down (relatively speaking) will cost £200 billion a year. And the cost of paying for our military involvement in Ukraine will cost another £157 billion. Here a billion, there a billion, and pretty soon it adds up to real money. Services are coming down and taxes are going up. And nothing happens by accident.

    4. Was queen Elizabeth II the only person over 70 to die recently without lethal quantities of midazolam in her body? Just thinking aloud.

    5. Small companies are experimenting with incredible perks for their staff. These include: a four day working week, the chance to work from anywhere (including a beach abroad), a six month sabbatical and unlimited holidays. It sounds wonderful and is undoubtedly is. But there’s one snag: some of the best known companies offering all these perks are losing huge amounts of money.

    6. Why do the drivers of very small cars always drive their tiny vehicles far into their parking space? Motorists looking for somewhere to dump their properly sized vehicle see what looks like a space – and drive towards it, full of hope, only to be disappointed to discover that something the size of a cardboard box is taking up the distant half of the space.

    7. Why do people working for banks, utility companies, etc. always sound so excited when you get your name and date of birth right? What’s your name? they ask. You tell them. ‘Fantastic!’ they reply. ‘And your date of birth?’ You tell them. ‘Fantastic! Fantastic!’ they say, as though you’d just answered the difficult question on ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’

    8. In World War II it was quite ordinary people who ran the concentration camps and who did the killing. They were lawyers, policemen, factory workers, shop assistants and, of course, doctors. Today, we have a new breed of specialist war criminals because it’s just doctors and nurses and journalists who are in charge of the genocide.

    9. I have met and talked to many people who have worked for drug companies. In my opinion, none of them had a working moral compass. All had learned to betray mankind for corporate benefit. All had abandoned their values in order to satisfy the demands of the corporate beast. The higher up an individual rises in a drug company the more likely they are to become irretrievably corrupt. In my experience, drug company people don’t think like you and I do. Their souls are bought and paid for.

    10. It’s crucial to remember that our governments, and those who speak for them, are our enemies in a never ending war.

    11. I fear that Royal Mail, as we know it, will not exist in a few years’ time. The rule that mail must be delivered to all homes – including those which are isolated – will be lifted. Those living in rural and even suburban areas will have to collect their mail from central points – possibly with mail boxes being situated in city and town centres. The elderly and those can no longer afford to drive will have to rely on the goodwill of others – or simply do without physical mail.

    12. It seems that these days it only takes one trivial complaint for the forces of oppression to leap into action (as long as the complaint suits their agenda). If a petty complainant is a woman she will be in her mid-thirties with at least two children. She will be a member of the Green Party and very active on Twitter and Facebook. If she buys a propaganda sheet it will be ‘The Guardian’. She will regularly publish her pictures on Instagram . She has never had paid employment and never will. She washes her hair on alternate Wednesdays, whether it needs it or not, and uses a shampoo made from nettles and tiger dung. If the petty complainant is male he will be in his forties, a coward and a bully and probably semi-literate and borderline insane. He will probably believe the earth is flat.

    13. They’re planning to get rid of cash within five years. And banks are already keeping ATMs empty and limiting the amount of cash they carry. Think of ATMS in the same way that old men think of loos – never pass one without using it.

    14. So-called journalists, fact checkers and hackers are now working through my internet trash. Every few years we delete a pile of articles from to keep the size under control (the website has been operating since the 1980s and was online before Google, YouTube, etc.). Digging through my trash now seems a full time occupation for the trolls looking to find something to attack and old articles now re-appear as though reborn. The thing is that none of them was deleted because I was embarrassed by them – they were deleted to stop the website looking like Imelda Marcos’s shopping list.

    15. Never take financial advice from anyone poorer than you are.

    16. Please never use the Google search engine. And never use YouTube. They are the enemy’s twin assassins.

    17. The medical establishment is corrupt and owned by the drug industry. It is now also obsessed with the global warming myth.

    18. Chris Whitty has a knighthood, presumably for services to baldness and for doing what he was paid to do. But neither Rudyard Kipling nor Cecil Rhodes ever got one. Says it all, doesn’t it, though Kipling got a Nobel Prize and Rhodes founded a country.

    19. I’m beginning to think that the best way to get emergency medical treatment in the UK will soon be to throw a brick through a police station window. The police would be obliged to take you to hospital and demand speedy treatment.

    20. Only 1 in 5 employees in the US believe their work has any meaning or value. I’m not surprised. I suspect that the figure in most countries would be the same – or worse.

    Vernon Coleman’s latest book What’s wrong with the NHS – and how to put it right is available as a (small) monograph which costs £2.99. It took 50 years to research and write, and will take you less than an hour to read. It’s short but packed with truths about the NHS; truths that I suspect NHS staff will deny and that no one else will dare tell you.


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  19. Steve trickler says:

    Doc Coleman:

    There will be no more Christmases
    14TH SEPTEMBER 2022

    We are told that Christmas has been cancelled for 2022.

    Here is how I predicted that this would happen back in March 2021.

    The following extract is taken from my book Endgame and explains why they want to get rid of Christmas.

    ‘By late summer 2020, it was patently clear that one of the main plans of the restrictions being engineered would be to ensure that there were very little opportunities to celebrate Christmas. I have no doubt that this policy will be maintained in future years.

    There are several reasons for this.

    First, of course, Christmas is (despite the commercialism) a Christian festival. Our future world government needs a world religion and Christianity has to be contained within the new global religion (which has a number of names but which, for obvious reasons, is usually referred to as Chrislam).

    Second, the aim is to remove a festival which (even for non-Christians) is very much an annual focus. People look forward to Christmas as a party season. It is an opportunity for celebrations and feasts and for people to get together with friends and relatives they may not see for the rest of the year. In order to push fear and anxiety deeply into a nation’s psyche, it is necessary to remove all chances for pleasure, relaxation and joy – and to make people’s lives as deeply miserable as possible. Cancelling Christmas also helps to isolate people (who may be lonely for much of the year) from their friends and relatives.

    We must never forget that the people running our lives are truly evil who will do anything to further their luciferian aims.

    The followers of Agenda 21 have weaponised Christmas and will doubtless weaponise other crucial holidays. There are several advantages to making Christmas nigh on impossible.

    First, of course, they want to damage Christianity. The Christian church establishment seems to be keen on this because they are committed to Agenda 21 and the one world religion. Christmas is, of course, the most significant and well-known Christian festival.

    Second, closing Christmas will mortally damage small businesses. Most small businesses make most of their annual profit in the month of December – selling gifts and treats to those who want to celebrate Christmas. The Agenda 21 plan is to destroy these small businesses, and cancelling Christmas is an excellent way to do this. There are still those who don’t understand why they would want to do this but the answer is simple: the plan is to destroy all small businesses (something constantly favoured by the European Union for example) so that large international businesses (with their many lawyers and lobbyists) can grow into complete monopolies. If you doubt this then just look at the way billionaires’ wealth was boosted during the first few months of 2020.

    Third, closing Christmas (or even just threatening to stop it, to turn it into a digital Christmas or to prevent families meeting) is all part of the policy to break down families and communities and to isolate us all as much as possible.’

    Taken from Endgame (which was published in March 2021). Endgame by Vernon Coleman is available as a hardcover, a paperback and an eBook.

    There will be no more Christmases

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  20. Steve trickler says:

    I do not envisage that fat ******g **** eating bugs. Another worthy of a noose.



    GTV last Stand:

    Central Bank Digital Currency will be ‘programmable… ultimately giving the issuer control over how it is spent by the recipient… your freedom to purchase fuel, meat, flights, fertiliser… will be limited to a carbon credit score.


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  21. kaysee kaysee says:

    13. They’re planning to get rid of cash within five years. And banks are already keeping ATMs empty and limiting the amount of cash they carry. Think of ATMS in the same way that old men think of loos – never pass one without using it.

    In shopping centres, I use cash. It is a pain sometimes, having to wait at the supermarket for the cash self-service checkout to be available. They are trying to reduce the number of cash vs card checkouts. I know it would be quicker and easier to use the card, but then I remind myself of what is being planned and I want to do my part is trying to make it difficult for the implementation of the digital currency.

    As with other things, if all those who cared about freedom did the same, we could prevent this compulsory digital currency being forced upon us.

    As Doc Coleman says: Use the ATM.
    And use cash when at shopping centres.

    Central Banks – 𝘿𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙏𝘼𝙇 𝘾𝙐𝙍𝙍𝙀𝙉𝘾𝙔 System

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  22. Steve trickler says:

    Spiridonovich says:
    September 17, 2022 at 4:22 pm

    I know who you are.

    Piss off.

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  23. Spiridonovich says:

    Thats the way to beat the Russians for sure. Don’t get rid of half of your public servants. Don’t get into trade surplus. Don’t revive your small business ecology. Don’t get your manufacturing together so you can outproduce Russia. No ruthless creation of fiscal topside. No massive spread of modular nuclear power.

    Just make these empty gestures like cutting out the Christmas lights. I don’t see the Russians ever breaking a sweat with the way Nato leadership operates. I think the warmest place to be this northern Christmas will be in a Russians families house. Full of optimism and purchasing power. While the West is dying on debt servitude and energy deprivation.

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  24. Steve trickler says:

    kaysee says:
    September 17, 2022 at 3:39 pm

    I’ll state the obvious. She is gorgeous with a sharp mind. She gave Liam Bartlett a firm proverbial kick up the bum.

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  25. Steve trickler says:

    For those that missed it.

    Good fun!

    Hey you greenie dickwads!, it’s a man made lake and he cleans up the oil after the event. Easy to do these days.

    Launching Cars 300ft off a CLIFF on the 4th of July!

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  26. mh says:

    I know who you are.

    Piss off.


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  27. Steve trickler says:

    mh says:
    September 17, 2022 at 6:40 pm
    I know who you are.

    Piss off.


    Much like JC calling himself, Lyn.

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  28. Steve trickler says:

    Hang them all!


    GTV last Stand:

    The World Economic Forum has released an article justifying the necessity of surveillance technology for patrolling carbon emissions at a personal level.

    WEF highlights benefits of a ‘personal carbon allowance’

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  29. kaysee kaysee says:

    The World Economic Forum has released an article justifying the necessity of surveillance technology for patrolling carbon emissions at a personal level.

    Some of us are chugging away on this blog trying to inform others about the WEF plans, underway. This digital system is a serious method of control. It can be stopped if there is a huge resistance.

    Reserve Bank and ALP/LNP duopoly
    will soon get rid of legal tender notes and coins as promised by WEF operative Scott Morrison

    Chinese students use facial recognition
    to pay for food

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  30. mh says:

    Hi Graeme,

    I known you have zero obligation to answer this, but will taking a Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR) supplement help a man in their fifties lose weight?

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  31. kaysee kaysee says:


    If you want it, my opinion.

    I am wary of any supplements touted as good for weight loss. I took ALCAR many years ago, for some of its supposed benefits for a medical condition (not weight-related). It made no difference to my health.

    There are some, including Dave Asprey’s Bulletproof Diet, that recommend it as a way to burn fat.

    It may be far better to focus on food and diet as a way to lose weight. Avoiding foods like bread and other wheat/gluten foods, dairy, sugar and alcohol.

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  32. Steve trickler says:

    No more AFL games for me. Once they ditch “Pride” and “Indigenous” rounds, I’ll tune in again.

    Stick your Welcome to Country up your arse.

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  33. kaysee kaysee says:

    mh, I follow a fairly strict diet, for medical reasons.

    If you are wondering what to eat without gluten, dairy, sugar foods, and no alcohol, I can provide plenty of tips. Following it for years. Am an expert.🙂

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  34. Steve trickler says:

    They forgot the roof.

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  35. mh says:

    Rabbitohs well on top in their clash with the Sharks.

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  36. Cold-Hands says:

    Powerline’s WiP is running late, but as a teaser, Steve Hayward has linked Ricky Gervais on Minorities

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  37. Cold-Hands says:

    kaysee says:
    September 17, 2022 at 3:39 pm

    I’ll state the obvious. She is gorgeous with a sharp mind. She gave Liam Bartlett a firm proverbial kick up the bum.

    Impressive performance. The only slight negative was her incorrect use of “admonished” which conveys censure, probably the opposite of what she meant to say (I’m guessing “exonerated”).

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  38. mh says:

    Prelude to 2024: Gavin Newsom Challenges Ron DeSantis To Debate On CNN
    by Zero Hedge

    CNN lol

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  39. mh says:

    Not wild about Harry

    Harry’s new anguish: ‘ER’ stripped from his vigil uniform

    Beneath the scene of unity at the grandchildren’s Westminster vigil, with Harry allowed to wear military dress, there was fresh resentment. The Palace removed his grandmother’s initials from its shoulder. Andrew kept them.

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  40. This looks like a nice place – plenty of bonhomie and good cheer!

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  41. Kaysee:

    It may be far better to focus on food and diet as a way to lose weight. Avoiding foods like bread and other wheat/gluten foods, dairy, sugar and alcohol.

    I’ve lost 6 kilos in two weeks by removing bread and seed oils from my diet. Fried eggs and bacon for brekky just about every day, and a light snack at tea time.
    Similar to yours but with cheese and the occasional Chinese stir fry.

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  42. Steve trickler says:

    Way too cold for me.


    Eli from Russia:

    I spent several days with the locals of a Russian village Oymyakon. Oymyakon is Russia’s and World’s coldest inhabited place, and I thought that the only thing people do there is survive and suffer from the Cold. I was very wrong. Let’s see what I found out from the locals

    COLDEST PLACE on Earth (-71°C, -96°F) Why people live here? | Oymyakon, Russia

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  43. kaysee kaysee says:

    This is really good news. Medical Professionals uniting so that they can do the job they are supposed to be doing.

    Brave doctors SPEAK OUT to reclaim medicine

    AMPS Australian Medical Professional Society

    A newly-formed medical union gathered in Melbourne at the weekend in a bid to RECLAIM MEDICINE from the tight grip of political control. The message from BRAVE DOCTORS who attended was clear: KEEP POLITICS OUT of medicine.

    “Doctors whether they, for example regarding masks, regarding vaccines, regarding lockdowns, regarding any issue in the Covid era, if they’ve evaluated their evidence and if they’re acting and advising their patients in good faith, then that is a matter between doctor and patient,” Dr Robert Brennan said.

    “That’s the substance of free speech and that’s also the substance of the scientific dialectic and so doctors of all stripes and all persuasions need to be able to have their voice unencumbered by regulators injecting politicisation of science, politicisation of medicine into the discourse.”

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  44. kaysee kaysee says:

    Real Time with Bill Maher

    New Rule: A Unified Theory of Wokeness


    Updates to The Mock, this weekend.

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  45. kaysee kaysee says:

    I’ve lost 6 kilos in two weeks by removing bread and seed oils from my diet. Fried eggs and bacon for brekky just about every day, and a light snack at tea time.
    Similar to yours but with cheese and the occasional Chinese stir fry.

    Winston, my diet is not for weight loss. I have the opposite problem ….. I can’t afford to lose weight!! 🙂

    But I have heard from a few others who have said that just eliminating bread from the diet made a difference and helped them lose weight. Your experience is the same. And that is just a small, simple change.

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  46. Steve trickler says:

    Tony Heller:

    Experts predict Australia will be ice-free within six months, unless you purchase an electric vehicle.

    Australia Melting

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  47. mh says:

    Following on from Steve’s post

    Soaring visitor numbers, big snow dumps and an early start to the ski season are giving Australia’s alpine resorts a mountainous lift after the worst two years on record.

    And of course the reason for the ‘worst two years on record’ was the government/s. The big snow dumps still happened.

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  48. mh says:

    Robby Starbuck
    50 people is too many for the Democrats in Martha’s Vineyard but they call all the border states racists for not wanting to take in millions of them. Amazing to hear their cognitive dissonance so clearly.

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  49. Steve trickler says:

    Taiwan copped at 7.2 EQ…..and I see the .9 society aka the USGS have downgraded it to a 6.9. Typical useless wankers.

    Dutchsinse is up soon.

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  50. candy says:

    Not wild about Harry

    Harry seems to have no idea how much he hurt his brother, father and grandparents. Going on 40 with not much awareness, let alone the damage done by himself and Meghan to the future of the Royals by claiming the family is racist in their TV interviews seen around the world.

    I tend to think he looked a sulky boy jealous of his older brother and is now a sulky man jealous of not being the Prince of Wales.

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  51. kaysee kaysee says:

    What is this focus on 23-24-25 September 2022?

    A Conspiracy Theory? A Scare Campaign? A False Flag?
    Is it for Germany? Or the US? Denver, Colorado ?
    Part of the Reset? Or against it?

    September 24th / body count WARNING

    Predictive Programming Pointing to September 23rd and Associated Events – This Year Perhaps?

    The creator of this video says:

    Just to inform you that I discovered today that Youtube republished this video today (September 14th). I had nothing to do with it. I guess they want more people to know about what is coming September 23rd and 24th.

    The comments below each video add to the subject.

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  52. mh says:

    Tokyo: Typhoon Nanmadol bore down on Japan’s southernmost main island of Kyushu on Sunday with the Japan Meteorological Agency warning of gales and high waves “like never experienced before”.

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  53. mh says:

    Oops, forgot the lol

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  54. Steve trickler says:

    Aussie Cossack:

    Only 24 hours after being released from prison , the Aussie Cossack and thousands of his supporters march through the streets of Sydney to vent their disscontempt at the Australian Government’s crackdowns on political, economical, medical and social freedoms. Aussie Cossack goes to the air to give the people a voice.

    The Government’s greatest fear: The Voice of the People.

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  55. kaysee kaysee says:

    Matt Walsh

    Every parent should hear this!!!!! DONT let your children be abused

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  56. kaysee kaysee says:


    The difference between your pet dog and pet cat.


    Your Dog

    Run in opposite directions to see who your dog loves more..


    Your Cat

    While you are busy ….

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  57. Steve trickler says:

    This bloke is camping under a chunk of ancient petrified tree and he doesn’t even know it.

    Surviving the Night Under a Rock in the Snow – no sleeping bag

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  58. mh says:

    The funerals that really mattered to Londoners

    TV News of Ron, Reg, Violet & Charlie Kray’s Deaths

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  59. Steve trickler says:

    Part 3.


    Indigo Traveller:

    A day in Port-au-Prince’s downtown area.

    Inside Haiti’s Gang Neighborhoods (interrogated by military)

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  60. Steve trickler says:

    A bloke walking his dog.


    woof bark growl:

    Cash 2.0 Great Dane at Oakridge Estate Park in Northridge 1

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  61. Shy Ted says:

    Reading Anal’ tweets around the web. He’s a lot more articulate than in real life. Could it be that he doesn’t actually write them? Could it be this is what his media people do? And there’s not spittle in the tweets whereas in real life… I for one have had enough of the MSM tongue bath he gets. Ahh, that’s better.

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  62. Steve trickler says:

    Stew Peters Show:

    Dr. Martingano believes the government is executing a plan to change our way of life completely. The plan is, simply, this: Destroy the middle class totally, and take control of their children to shape as they wish. That means rewriting the history books and making our schools even more indoctrination-based than they already are.

    Destroy Families, Steal Kids, and Reshape U.S.; Totalitarian REWRITING History, DESTROYING America.

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  63. mh says:

    Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has backed an interventionist role on climate change for Australia’s new head of state, saying the British monarch was entitled to keep up his advocacy work on the issue.

    Piss off

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  64. Steve trickler says:

    Tony Heller.

    A big part of the effort by government and the press to misinform the public about energy and climate, is the use of fake and/or meaningless weather statistics.

    Lies, Damned Lies And Climate Statistics

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  65. johanna johanna says:

    What galls me is that ARM head Pirate Pete’s girlfriend/wife (who knows these days) Lisa Wilkinson is over there joining in with the festivities. Is she a closet monarchist, or is she just enjoying a junket to London?

    Oh, and TheirABC ran a story yesterday about how awful the British Empire was. They didn’t run stories about the Spanish, Dutch, French or Belgian empires when significant figures in those countries dropped off the twig. To add insult to injury, the story was about “unpicking the damage,” which is a concept that no rational, literate mind could comprehend.

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  66. Steve trickler says:

    Is she a closet monarchist, or is she just enjoying a junket to London?


    As are most of the media whores, johanna.

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  67. Steve trickler says:

    Have a squiz at this. No control inputs at all. I reckon a medical episode.

    Reno air race 2022 . Airplane Crashed 

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  68. Steve trickler says:

    Those f*ckwits at gulag are still tacking C-19 flags on such clips.

    Get the latest information from the Department of Health about COVID-19.

    Those bastards have been wrong from the get go. A lot need to be criminally charged.

    Who clicks on this crap? The brainwashed , that’s who….my family included.


    Real Rukshan:

    Not enough time to release independent reviews into covid rules prior to election.

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  69. Steve trickler says:

    Oh FFS!

    This reminds me of the die-back scare in WA. Humans not welcome, yet Skippy and the feral pigs etc just carry the shit on their paws / hoofs and spread it anyway.

    Another load of bulls*t from the green wankers. We shall see if that little prick from swinging pig will follow his lead.


    GTV last Stand:

    Daniel Andrews has been accused of trying to install “nanny state” rules across his state’s city and regional parks.

    Walkers and riders caught not using government-sanctioned trails could face heavy fines, while swimmers could be barred from some waterways without a permit.

    ‘Dictator Dan’s’ new nanny state rules

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  70. johanna johanna says:

    And yet, Steve, they also recently passed a law that allows campers to stay at riverside sites where the only access is through private farmland. Landowners have no say. Apparently, biosecurity doesn’t matter, not to mention risks to valuable livestock and cropland.

    They are the worst.

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  71. Steve trickler says:

    Another memory from the Leederville Hotel in Perth on a Sunday afternoon. We were on the piss with half of the South African cricket team. Had a good chat with Allan Donald…this was playing in the background. Good blokes.

    Hanse was nowhere to bee seen.


    Scatman (ski-ba-bop-ba-dop-bop) Official Video HD – Scatman John

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  72. Salvatore, Iron Publican says:

    Walkers and riders caught not using government-sanctioned trails could face heavy fines, while swimmers could be barred from some waterways without a permit.

    My favourite is the $1840 fine for refuelling or oiling a chainsaw on a turf or earthen surface, rather than a man-made hard surface.

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  73. Steve trickler says:

    johanna says:
    September 19, 2022 at 3:15 pm
    And yet, Steve, they also recently passed a law that allows campers to stay at riverside sites where the only access is through private farmland. Landowners have no say. Apparently, biosecurity doesn’t matter, not to mention risks to valuable livestock and cropland.

    They are the worst.

    I am in two minds about this. Back in the early 80’s we used to go to Warroora Station in North West WA. Too young to remember if a fee was paid. The place was pristine and clean and you could 4WD anywhere. Riding in the back of a 4WD, holding onto the cab was a hoot….now that I think about it, there was a roll bar behind the cab on the tray.

    Anyway, brother and I go back with the old man in the late 90’s….roll up to the homestead, a fat prick running the show did not even make eye contact with us…he just pointed his finger towards to the counter to leave the cash.

    So we move on, open and shut the gates and go for a favourite spot from memory. We approach on hill and get to the top and see the camping spot. About 6 families camped out with generators, televisions, stereos.

    We had to what hours for them to leave…knowing there time was up. We got there eventually and the place smelt like a sewer. They were shitting and pissing behind every bush they could find.

    Thankfully the smell abated and the nights ahead was spent looking at the fire.

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  74. Steve trickler says:

    Private landowners in VIC should have every right to charge $ for people traversing their land.

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  75. kaysee kaysee says:

    Royal welcome for Bolsonaro


    Crowd in raptures welcomes Jair Bolsonaro to London. The world needs more Jair Bolsonaro and less Ursula von der Leyen!

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  76. kaysee kaysee says:

    Mask mandate lifted on public transport in NSW

    Commuters will no longer be forced to wear masks on public transport in NSW, with the Covid-19 rule set to ease this week.

    Masks will no longer be required on public transport – including taxis and rideshare services, in transport waiting areas and the indoor areas of cruise terminals – from Wednesday.

    “This is a common sense approach that brings the rules into line for people travelling on buses or trains with those for planes and airport terminals,” Premier Dominic Perrottet said.

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  77. Eyrie says:

    No control inputs at all. I reckon a medical episode.

    Could be G-LOC Steve. They were going around the pylon. Pull the G on suddenly and you don’t have time to do the anti G thing and the G suit may not be quick enough. Assuming they wear G suits at Reno.
    Friend of mine died in a Pitts at Beverley WA in late 1980. Pulled into a low level loop suddenly and only went about 3/4 of the way around. Likely G LOC. (G-LOC – G induced Loss Of Consciousness). Blood suddenly runs into lower part of body, leaving brain starved.

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