Open Thread – Saturday, 07 May 2022

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454 Responses to Open Thread – Saturday, 07 May 2022

  1. egg_ says:

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sues Elizabeth Warren over COVID-19 book complaint

    C/- Barnes

    Elizabeth Warren leans on Publisher.
    Sued by JFK’s nephew.
    Only on the Left?

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  2. Let’s see what he has to say.



    Clive Palmer on the campaign trail for the United Australia Party. Listen to his live press conference in Warringah as he answers all the questions from journalists as the support for the United Australia Party grows around the nation.

    Clive Palmer Live: Q&A Press conference Sydney

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  3. Ragu Ragu says:

    Wasnt my youtube comment.

    There are people on this planet who have the privilege of living in a democratic country (despite all its flaws), yet shirk their responsibility to vote. And they proudly proclaim it.

    No no. Its my choice to vote, or not.

    Yes, I know democracy doesnt work unlessyou participate, however, it shall be my right not to participate if i choose.

    Voting shouldn’t be forced because it leads to the disengaged voter deciding the poll. We see this time and again in this country.

    Likewise, in a world without fraud, it makes the parties fight for my vote.

    No no. The problem isn’t that. The problem in this country as in many ‘democracies’ there is not a minimum amount of votes. That is fifty point one isnt enough to carry the people. It must be a clear majority and who gives a shit if that takes time. The big lie is we must vote every 3 or 4 years and if the result isn’t in immediately we have failed.

    I wont vote for a Hobsons choice, no one should. There are no freedom candidates down here, so I won’t vote in a preferential system. End of story.

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  4. kaysee kaysee says:

    Gender & Sexuality Art Club

    Erin Lee sits down with Jon Caldara to share how her 12-year-old daughter was emotionally harmed during a school sponsored art club.

    School kids are victims of predators.

    Does the mother realise she is part of the problem? She voted for the governor of Colorado. She says:
    She is not anti-LGBTI. She is not some right-wing intolerant nutbag.

    After her personal experience, has she got it? ….. the queerty movement is not so nice after all?

    Does she realise that those right-wing intolerant nutbags are the ones trying to hold the line? That sitting on the fence and leaning left is not going to help?

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  5. Ragu Ragu says:

    I realise I sound like a california hippy, my point is that in a system in eternal control by the bureaucracy, we don’t need to continually refresh the popular suits.

    Initiated referenda and recall elections with a majority elected senate would solve a lot of problem’s

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  6. mh says:

    Thanks, Steve. Just watched it.

    Almost as good as Trump before he went mad.

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  7. kaysee kaysee says:

    On the weekend, I posted this comment.

    I have been thinking about that question for the past two days.
    I have a few reforms that I can think of. Here are my top 2.

    Stop funding to the ABC

    Not sure whether the ABC should be shut down or the board can choose to make it a subscriber service. Right now, the public broadcaster is getting funds from all taxpayers to provide a biased service that caters to one section of the tax-paying public.

    What is the best way to correct this? Cut off this left-wing media service at it source, completely?

    Or give it the option to switch over as a private media service and find its own funding?

    I’ll leave the details to the experts.

    Sovereignty of Australia

    The Cambridge Dictionary defines sovereignty as:
    the power of a country to control its own government

    There would need to be a law passed that ensures that the government of Australia, elected by the citizens of Australia, rules and makes all decisions related to this country. And that the power and control is retained in the hands of Australia, for the benefit of Australians.

    The government or any of its politicians, officials, agencies cannot be dictated to by any external power or authority or organisation. This would include the UN and its allied organisations, WHO, WEF or the controllers of these organisations.

    Again, the experts can handle the details so that no one can tamper with it or find loop holes around it. Also, anyone found to be collaborating with another person or organisation, to betray the country, will be tried for treason.

    If they can add a retrospective clause that includes the Covid-phase and the Nuremberg Code, it would be great.

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  8. egg_ says:

    ABC host Virginia Trioli ERUPTS at Scott Morrison

    “Trioli, the host of ABC’s morning show, complained that she has been struggling to get a hold of the prime minister for three years, while speaking on Radio Melbourne on Thursday.

    She revealed that Anthony Albanese would be on her program after 8:30, however, Mr Morrison shunned her show.

    ‘We have been pretty much told by the Prime Minister’s office and that’s been reaffirmed this morning that we will never get Scott Morrison,’ Trioli said.”

    Calls for a C.L.-like Ahahahahahaha!!!

    ‘Tis only a tawdry li’l Radio show in Melbourne, innit?
    /Best Kenneth Williams voice

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  9. Ragu Ragu says:

    As a thought, what if the criteria for an election was completely turned on its arse. You make two votes. The electorate have a current member and the criteria was 65% of the eligible vote to get them out and 65% of the vote to put a new member in. No time limit for resolution and the people voted in an orderly way until majority ruled.

    While that is in the air, you had no representation. Ok. No big deal unless the issues were grand enough that it was urgent then a candidate would get in, with the ability to recall once they lost the majority

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  10. kaysee kaysee says:

    No no. Its my choice to vote, or not.

    Yes, I know democracy doesnt work unlessyou participate, however, it shall be my right not to participate if i choose.

    So, Ragu, you want a perfect system. How do we get to this perfect system? Wave a magic wand?

    And is it your right to have this system? Or do rights go hand in hand with responsibilities?

    Ask the protesters in Hong Kong and certain countries, what they think of the my right to participate if I choose. There are people in some parts of the world who want to get to our flawed democracies.

    I have just watched the Clive Palmer Press Conference that Steve posted. Clive can sit back and enjoy his billions on his super yacht or mansion. Why is he spending his money and time in fighting for this country? Same with some of the minor freedom parties.

    If we don’t like something, are we prepared to battle to make it right? We may not be able to make it perfect. But we can do something to make a change, even if it is only a very tiny bit.

    Even in a Deep Swamp. If enough people do their tiny bits, it will become a big bit.

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  11. Ragu Ragu says:

    Ask the protesters in Hong Kong and certain countries, what they think of the my right to participate if I choose. There are people in some parts of the world who want to get to our flawed democracies.

    You’ve taken something and applied it to a different situation. I appreciate your thought process but it is flawed.

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  12. kaysee kaysee says:

    You’ve taken something and applied it to a different situation. I appreciate your thought process but it is flawed.

    Explain it.

    I like to learn from my mistakes.

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  13. Ragu Ragu says:

    I don’t want to start this sites first flame war, however, the right to vote needs to be balanced by the right not to vote. That’s freedom.

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  14. kaysee kaysee says:


    Break time


    Konstantina Andritsou

    7-Year-Old Guitarist

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  15. Ragu Ragu says:

    Also, by observation, this idea that every so often we absolutely have to, by statute obligation, vote for a clown show that does very little to improve our lot is flawed. Especially so when the criteria is such a narrow margin, it has enabled the politicisation of everything and also become big business in keeping some in a vocation which is detrimental to the populace.

    My thoughts above were to keep it in a chaotic state such that no one party, or even a uniparty, could gain an upper hand for any length of time

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  16. Check this out.


    Senator Gerard Rennick:

    It’s not the same Spike Protein and they didn’t tell you!

    In the recent round of Senate estimates in April, I asked the head of the TGA, Mr Skerritt, questions about the delivery of the vaccine and the how the body is meant to stop the production of the spike protein that is initiated by the vaccine.

    Sadly he was unable to clearly enunciate clear and concise answers.

    Please note the following points:

    1. When asked about biodistribution studies Skerritt said the distribution of the Lipid Nanoparticles is below the internationally assessed level for genotoxicity. The biodistribution of the LNP’s was assessed in a small number of rats for 48 hours only, despite concentration levels showing higher levels on the second day. The TGA has no idea what the level of concentration of LNPs are in humans and given they did not contain the active ingredient (i.e. the mRNA producing spike protein) have no understanding what is a safe level.

    2. Skerritt stated there was no evidence of ill effects from LNP’s. This is incorrect as there were anomalies in the rats tested. Otherwise there was no evidence of ill effects because there wasn’t any evidence at all. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence!

    3. After stating there was no evidence of ill effects Skerritt states there is a risk of myocarditis and heart issues. One of his many contradictions.

    4. Skerritt implies that the vaccines had to be rushed out because a couple of million of people would have been hospitalised or died from Covid. This is an outrageous statement. No other country in the world had a combined hospitalisation and death rate of 10% during the Covid pandemic.

    5. When asked about genotoxicity studies, Skerritt implied he would have to consult as to what information he can provide as there were over 200,000 pages on the vaccines. This is another contradiction as previously the TGA has said there were no documents on the genotoxicity studies.

    6. Skerritt then implies genotoxicity studies were done in vitro i.e. in the laboratory and went on to say this is the only way to assess the modifications to the spike protein. No its not. Regardless of what the studies in the laboratory show, tests must still be conducted in humans to ensure safety. It is also worth nothing that Skerritt dismissed in vitro studies on ivermectin that showed it had broad ranging anti-viral properties. Another one of his contradictions. How many are we up to now?

    7. Skerritt stated there were no functional changes as a result of modifying the spike protein. This is incorrect. The spike protein produced by the vaccine was modified for the exact purpose of improving it’s functioning. Namely to avoid the innate immune system and increase reliability and stability. As a result, the modified vaccine produces MORE spike proteins than the virus!

    8. Skerritt could not answer my question as to what is the off switch for producing spike proteins. He deflected on numerous occasions. You will note that he was more than happy to say how the spike protein was created but couldn’t really say when production of the spike protein would stop. Given the mRNA has been modified to last longer and be more stable it would last a lot longer than normal mRNA. Furthermore studies have shown that mRNA last up to 60 days, not the 48 hours stated by Skerritt. It is also worth nothing that even once the mRNA stops producing spike proteins, spike proteins still remain in the body for an unknown period of time.

    9. Skerritt states it is only a tiny amount of mRNA being given in the vaccine and therefore can’t do much damage to organs. There are billions of molecules in a dose. This is an ingenious statement as the virus proteins are tiny as well, but have the potential to kill as we have been repeatedly told ad nauseum the last two years.

    10. His final remark stating that there is no evidence that the spike protein does any damage is partially correct in the sense that the active ingredient i.e. mRNA producing the spike protein was never tested in live animals or humans.

    Which is exactly why the TGA aren’t doing their job correctly, because they are not assessing all possible risks.
    The 123,500 reported and suspected adverse events from the Covid vaccines should be enough evidence of a safety signal should they not?

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  17. egg_ says:

    Salty Cracker
    Bill Gates Wants MRNA Cancer “Update” Vaccines To Skip FDA Approval

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  18. kaysee kaysee says:

    I don’t want to start this sites first flame war, however, the right to vote needs to be balanced by the right not to vote. That’s freedom.

    How is this a site war?

    It is not personal. It is an exchange of ideas and opinions. That is how we learn – if we are willing to listen to another’s point of view or knowledge, share our own, agree, disagree, discuss.

    A person goes to the voting booth, gets their name crossed off and drops in unmarked ballots. Done. They are free not to vote.

    If they don’t want to go to the booth, they pay the fine.

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  19. egg_ says:


    New WokeTrek showing Jan 6th Capitol scenes as the end of civilisation.

    Ironically true, but not the way you think, Leftards.
    Weren’t the high fences a giveaway?

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  20. egg_ says:

    Brian Craig, (publicly) rusted-on MAGA, says he trusts Trump’s judgment on Dr Oz and other questionable endorsements.

    Trump shoring up his financial support?

    So long as he doesn’t lose his base.
    Hold his nose and re-recruit Steve Bannon to help the garner the MAGA movement on the ground?

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  21. egg_ says:

    Dr Boob Gates: ‘My new book, “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic”‘.

    Exterminate Dr Boob Gates?
    /Thinning the herd

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  22. kaysee kaysee says:

    EU Parliament MEP Christine Anderson

    warns of the dangerous WHO Pandemic Treaty…If this gets through, The WHO has the power to override and control ALL Participating Countries Pandemic measures….Then nothing short of an uprising can save us…

    Continued here

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  23. egg_ says:

    Salty Cracker
    May 8
    Skinjob lizard people.

    I’m convinced Zuckerberg chose the painting “The Scream” for his human skin model.

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  24. Ragu Ragu says:

    1, ok. I just sent you a message via the central scrutiniser offering the same

    2, copping a fine =/= free not to vote.

    I’m gunna zip

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  25. egg_ says:

    If this gets through, The WHO has the power to override and control ALL Participating Countries Pandemic measures….

    According to its Charter, the WHO reports to its Health Ministers.

    Who’s a cuck, GHunt?

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  26. Eyrie says:

    Screw voting. Sortition.

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  27. egg_ says:

    Brian Craig
    12 hours ago
    Will Dr. Oz Win?

    924 votes cast

    Uh oh!

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  28. Don’t worry folks. See you nothing gory unless you consider the butchering process as such.


    Butchering a WHOLE BULL for a Super Recipe! The National Main Holiday Of The Year

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  29. mh says:

    Dow futures down 560 points.

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  30. Ragu says:

    You know what else is down?

    My libido.

    Watching and reading sensible people talk about trans kids, drop boxes and viral oligosaccharrides is killing my mood. I don’t have a lot to boast about and this shit is just getting too much. I no longer have the will the get my tip into the anchovy.

    How much worse will it get when we are in a recession proper? I’ve already traded in, I have no more moves. I got kids coming out my larder into my pantry and wasting cash wiping their arse wondering why in a world without fences do we need Gates.

    Ask your mum
    She says you’re the smart one
    Then we are doomed. Eat your dry weetbix

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  31. mh says:


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  32. mh says:

    Ragu, you could try poetry

    A Bit of Fry and Laurie – “Prize Poem”

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  33. mh says:

    Dow Jones fell 2% overnight.

    The ASX will follow, adding to the bad economic vibe leading up to election day.

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  34. mh says:

    Craig Kelly’s how to vote card


    Remember it is the VOTER that decides where preferences go.

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  35. Eyrie says:

    Dow Jones fell 2% overnight.

    The ASX will follow, adding to the bad economic vibe leading up to election day.
    Last Federal election the ASX rose quite strongly in the last 2 weeks leading up to the election. In retrospect someone must have had access to internal party polling. Looks like a Labor government this time and it will be shit.

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  36. Old bloke says:

    Ragu says:
    May 9, 2022 at 6:37 pm

    No no. Its my choice to vote, or not.

    Yes, I know democracy doesnt work unlessyou participate, however, it shall be my right not to participate if i choose.

    Yep, I agree, there shouldn’t be compulsory voting and there shouldn’t be mandatory preferential voting. If there are no candidates standing who represent my views then I shouldn’t be forced to vote. Likewise, if there are only one or two candidates who are worthy of a vote, I shouldn’t be compelled to vote for the others even if they are further down in my preferential list.

    I wont vote for a Hobsons choice, no one should. There are no freedom candidates down here, so I won’t vote in a preferential system. End of story.

    Are you in Franklin or Clark Ragu?

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  37. Ragu Ragu says:


    Apparently. I made a comment around about the time about dogs that put me into a specific suburb. Looking at the electorate map I’m stunned that it incorporates parts of the eastern shore, especially Bellerive, while also taking in the Huon and places further south where if you had a medical episode then you’ll be waiting a lot longer than most to revive you.

    I cant see any visible signs that Collins or Bilyk or Winter or the brunette in the complex with the dentist give a shit. The worst road in town is up the main street where their offices are.

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  38. Ragu Ragu says:

    To be revived.

    The worst kept road

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  39. Ragu Ragu says:

    Having said that. I’ll agitate around my electorate and circle to change peoples minds, it doesn’t mean that i shall reflexively vote.

    If no dickhead currently in office, local state or federal can not see that the main road through town is a crumbling mess then they shouldn’t get acess to the, frankly corrupting, two dollars something per vote that they gave themselves.

    At this juncture, the best protest vote is not turning up.

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  40. Old bloke says:

    Franklin includes remote Macquarie Island, meaning Franklin has the nation’s highest population of penguins and seals.

    I wonder how they vote.


    I like this candidate, Anna Bateman from the Local Party. She says…

    I will fight for real action on climate and for a national integrity commission with real teeth.

    Real teeth are important, can’t have people walking around with dentures. Scott Morrison could still win this election if he promised real teeth for everyone – “Real teeth and a chicken in every pot,” he’d win the election on that slogan.

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  41. Doc Coleman.


    BBC Does it Again!

    Here’s another BBC fact check fail.

    I think it’s fact check fail number 9836463746 though I may have missed one or two of their fails.

    The BBC website recently had a headline which claimed ‘Child Hepatitis cases falsely linked to covid vaccine’.

    Here’s what the article said: ‘Social media posts have falsely linked a recent spike in unexplained hepatitis in children to the covid vaccine. The affected children were mostly under the age of five and therefore not eligible for the jab, health agencies monitoring the situation say.’

    The British Medical Journal reported that there had been 169 cases of acute hepatitis recently and that 17 had needed liver transplants. The children affected had been up to 16-years-old.

    I’ll repeat that.

    The children affected had been up to 16-years-old.

    I haven’t been able to find out exactly how many of the children were under the age of five. I note that the BBC uses the word ‘mostly’ which is not a scientific term.

    I think the jury is out on whether the covid vaccine caused the hepatitis in children.

    There are several possibilities.

    How many of the children involved were jabbed with the experimental covid-19 poison?

    How many of the children under the age of five had been breast fed by women who had been jabbed with the experimental covid-19 poison?

    Could any children who not been jabbed have been affected by shedding from parents who had been jabbed?

    Those are the sort of questions that scientists like to ask.

    But they don’t seem to be the sort of questions the BBC thinks worth asking.

    And the BBC refuses to talk to doctors and scientists who have questions about vaccines – presumably preferring to get its one-side information from spokespersons for drug companies and governments.

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  42. mh says:

    Looks like a Labor government this time and it will be shit.

    The inevitable economic difficulties that will accelerate during the next term of government will lead Labor to attempt all sorts of stupid shit that will only make things worse.

    Good times 🍿

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  43. I read that some are suggesting that with Clive saying we will putting the sitting members last, it somehow pertains to Craig Kelly.

    Anyone with a few functioning synapses knows this relates to the Libs, Labs and Green filth.

    Dickheads galore persist in a lot of places.

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  44. Lunch today with triple jabbed father.

    D: “Why haven’t you had them son”
    Me: They are not vaccines, father”

    ….not looking forward to this.

    Triple jabbed cousin cop is in bed as I type with c-19. However, considering the PCR test is garbage, it could be seasonal flu?

    Who knows.

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  45. I shall be telling Dad to get back to NSW asap….he’s travelling up North to go fishing from tomorrow.

    Once this election is over, the WEF will pick up the phone and order more lockdowns to commence.

    Gee whiz, I hope this not to be the case and I am wrong. My gut tells otherwise.

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  46. kaysee kaysee says:

    Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘2000 Mules’ Movie,
    Makes $1 Million On Streaming Sites

    Filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza’s movie alleging voter fraud in the 2020 election, “2000 Mules,” has made more than $1 million on streaming sites Rumble and its subscription-based platform, Locals in the first weekend out.

    The conservative political commentator’s latest film hit the streaming site at noon on Saturday, and after 12 hours it had grossed “more than one million dollars” on Rumble and Locals, making the sales “good enough” to put the film in the “estimated box office top ten for the weekend of May 6th to May 8th,” according to

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  47. kaysee kaysee says:

    How many cards does it take to claim total victim hood?

    Karine Jean-Pierre:
    ‘If You’re Not White, Male, Straight, or Wealthy There Is a Target on Your Back’

    After former President Donald Trump won in 2016, Jean-Pierre wrote her memoirs and spoke about the problems of racism in America during her book tour.

    “I always say, if you’re not white, male, straight, or wealthy you’re under attack, I mean there is a target on your back,” she said.

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  48. mh says:


    Bitcoin is off nearly 55% from its November peak, and 40% of holders are now underwater on their investments, according to new data from Glassnode.

    💧 💦 🌊

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  49. kaysee kaysee says:


    The Ugly Truth About Pro-Abortionists!


    Here they are trying to disrupt Mass at Cathedral of our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles.


    The left-wing protesters continued to resist being moved out of the Cathedral.

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  50. kaysee kaysee says:

    She is a Liberal candidate. From the following, it appears that she’s also a Conservative. She’s had death threats and is not rolling over. I hope she wins the seat.

    Katherine Deves – Warringah

    But she appeared to walk back on her stance about the use of “mutilation” when quizzed by Sky News Australia host Chris Kenny.

    “Look, that is actually the correct medico-legal term,” the mother-of-three said on Monday as she met voters at pre-polling in her electorate.

    “It’s very emotive, it’s very confronting and it’s very ugly so of course people are going to be offended. But when you look at medical negligence cases, that is the terminology they use – it is also contained in the Crimes Act of NSW.”

    When questioned by Mr Kenny if it meant she was backtracking on her apology, Ms Deves said she was only saying sorry “for how people might have perceived it”.

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  51. egg_ says:

    Jean-Pierre was born in Fort-de-France, Martinique, on August 13, 1977

    Death in Paradise?

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  52. kaysee kaysee says:

    Brian Craig, (publicly) rusted-on MAGA, says he trusts Trump’s judgment on Dr Oz and other questionable endorsements.

    Bad judgement and a big mistake.

    Trump National Security Adviser:
    ‘Problematic,’ Unprecedented if Turkish-Tied Mehmet Oz Elected to Senate

    There may be no need to worry.

    Kathy Barnette has jumped into second place. She may well get to the top.

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  53. kaysee kaysee says:

    Little Miss Frowny Tame has turned into a behavioural advisor to aspiring PMs.

    Her response to the Albo photo with Alan Jones:

    Yeah nah, this is where you could’ve just frowned and walked off. Or better yet, not done it.

    There are plenty of other ways to broaden your messaging without enabling known agents of sexism and abuse.

    None of us is obliged to speak to bigots.

    The optics of this aren’t good.

    Like the optics of this one?

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  54. kaysee kaysee says:

    Bitcoin is off nearly 55% from its November peak, and 40% of holders are now underwater on their investments, according to new data from Glassnode.

    Crypto is dead

    So cryptocurrencies are no longer making anyone rapid fortunes, are no longer protecting against inflation, and governments are working out how to find them. What exactly is the attraction? They are clearly little more than a pyramid scheme: machines for redistributing wealth from players who are late into the gold rush to those who were early. And like all other pyramid schemes, they have a brief and finite life. Many of these new get-rich-quick schemes – like NFTs – have already come and gone.

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  55. mh says:

    Anthony Albanese’s call for a 5.1 per cent pay hike contradicts his shadow assistant treasurer and has been lambasted by economists as a “magic pudding” approach to the cost of living.

    The same economists who didn’t believe expanding the money supply year after year would result in an inflation problem.

    It’s all magic pudding.

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  56. mh says:

    Owen Shroyer got a few seconds on MSM:

    ABC World News Airs Interview With Owen Shroyer Making Pro Life Stand

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  57. egg_ says:

    @ c. 23 min mark Craig addresses Dr Oz.

    Craig**, with an adopted negro daughter*, now in her 20s, understands the current popularity of black conservatives and thinks Kathy Barnette is a worthy contender, but makes his case above for a strong return of Trump in 2024, i.e. “Winning”, as we used to stir M0ntifa with.

    *She features in some of his cruise videos.

    **He’s good at chopping off a lot of Leftoid “soft bigots” at the knees, just like D’Souza.

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  58. egg_ says:

    Brian Craig
    1 day ago
    Will Dr. Oz Win?
    1.3K votes

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  59. egg_ says:

    @ c. 46 min mark Craig addresses BLM and the adoption of his negro daughter.

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  60. Black Ball Black Ball says:

    Peter Doocy should have a field day with the new Press Secretary. The material is there to give this slag a right walloping. I’m sure Israel are watching

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  61. kaysee kaysee says:

    Pfizer Data Fraud?
    The Pfizer Documents Show Major Anomalies in Clinical Trial Enrollment Data

    Steve Kirsch: “ The Pfizer documents just released show evidence of clinical trial enrollment at one site that appears to be impossibly fast. Is it fraud or just brilliant execution? We need more information. If it is fraud, it means Pfizer is liable for all the deaths and disabilities caused by their drug.

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  62. kaysee kaysee says:

    Atherton, North Queensland

    truckloads of avocados dumped to create a food price crisis..

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  63. Eyrie says:

    The same economists who didn’t believe expanding the money supply year after year would result in an inflation problem.

    Keynesian/neo Keynesian macroeconomics is a voodoo “discipline”. Practitioners should be arrested, tried, found guilty and executed.

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  64. egg_ says:

    Musk does a ‘Pauline Hanson’ – ‘if you see this, I may be dead’ on Twitter.

    Probably seriously giving credence to potential Arkancide for his sins.

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  65. egg_ says:

    @ c. 46 min mark Craig addresses BLM and the adoption of his negro daughter.

    The shocking thing in that vignette was the fact that his ‘Adoption Lawyer’ (specialist) advised him on enquiry that virtually no black households adopt any kids of any kind.

    So, it’s all up to Whitey, as usual?
    Craig was saying that black associates advised him that it was a cultural thing – black men have a ‘thing’ about raising other people’s kids.

    Not even the wealthy blacks adopting poor kids from sh1tholes?

    Makes Archie Roach-by-name-and-roach-by-nature look like a hypocrite, with ‘they took the (half caste) children away’ – so they wouldn’t be fvkn abused, eh bro?
    How many were grateful, in hindsight?

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  66. Boambee John says:


    “Winning”, as we used to stir M0ntifa with.

    Reminds me, it is as quiet as the grave over at Phat Pussy.

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  67. egg_ says:

    Peter Doocy should have a field day with the new Press Secretary.

    The Calypso Lefty Liar?

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  68. egg_ says:

    The Colonial powers still rule the Caribbean?

    Sint Maarten is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Caribbean… it encompasses the southern 40% of the divided island of Saint Martin, while the northern 60% of the island constitutes the French overseas collectivity of Saint Martin… Collectively, Sint Maarten and the other Dutch islands in the Caribbean are often called the Dutch Caribbean.

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  69. These clips just work. Cash, the Great Dane getting walked in a shopping mall.

    Marvelous looking creature.

    Cash 2.0 Great Dane visits an indoor shopping mall 22

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  70. egg_ says:

    New car sales update, 2022 | Auto Expert John Cadogan

    New car sales down on where they were 5 years ago, makers blaming chip shortages when it’s a demand issue.

    Leading sales: SUVs and utes (just like the US) – Cadogan: gas guzzlers.
    Particularly “MG” Chinese SUVs.

    I.e. business buyers for some and mums and dads for the cheap and cheerful Sino offerings.

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  71. egg_ says:

    Cost of living report:
    Wrigleys gum:
    Woolies: $4.80 (up 80c i.e. 20%)
    Aldi: $4.20 (up 70c i.e. 20%)

    20% price rise at the supply end?

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  72. egg_ says:

    Something BIG is About to Happen to General Motors
    TMIO Tesla

    Sales down 20%.
    Doesn’t know what its customers want, as no direct customer contact due to Dealerships – producing 30 new EV models by 2025.


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  73. mh says:

    Wyatt Reed

    Incredible—Sky News host asks Russian Deputy UN Rep Dmitry Polyanskiy about the British Defense Secretary comparing Russian troops to nazis, then CUTS HIM OFF after he pulls out a tablet and shows the audience Zelensky’s Instagram post of an SS totenkopf-wearing Ukrainian soldier

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  74. egg_ says:

    CUTS HIM OFF after he pulls out a tablet and shows the audience Zelensky’s Instagram post of an SS totenkopf-wearing Ukrainian soldier

    Big Rupe’s Producer’s sphincter was puckering?

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  75. egg_ says:

    the SMH reports this morning that Liberal candidates in key seats will benefit from chair Clive Palmer’s preferences — even though Palmer said last week he’d urge voters to put the major parties last, as ABC writes. Several how-to-vote cards from the United Australia Party (UAP) show Liberal leanings — in the Sydney seat of Mackellar, Liberal MP Jason Falinski and UAP candidate Christopher Ball both put each other in second place, while in Wentworth, UAP candidate Natalie Dumer has recommended voters put Liberal MP Dave Sharma third, while Sharma put her second. The UAP says there was no deal done.

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  76. mh says:

    Zelensky’s Instagram post of an SS totenkopf-wearing Ukrainian soldier

    Why skulls?

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  77. mh says:

    Dow slips for a fourth day ahead of key inflation data

    Oh, I thought Jerome Powell had tamed inflation with an interest rate setting of 0.75%

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  78. Black Ball Black Ball says:

    Michael Gunner resigning. What would prompt this?

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  79. candy says:

    The UAP says there was no deal done.

    Of course a deal done. Scott Morrison is most clever and wily and works out what people want in exchange to give him a favour. He’s a master of pork barreling and turning the charm on and that kind of thing. I think no doubt he would have hinted at favourable positions on committee type jobs that MPs across the parties engage in.

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  80. candy says:

    Looking at the major news the propaganda about Putin reminds me of that about Trump. Trump was pictured as insane, sick, evil Hitler type, wanting to crush other nations and take money for his family illegally. That he was killing 100,000s of immigrants at the border. Stories of those around him in Whitehouse hating him and writing books about him. That he was not really voted in because he did not win the popular vote. That Melania was a prostitute and their son had autism.

    Really if you substitute Putin for Trump and Kremlin for Whitehouse it’s much of a muchness. Except the media does not speak of Putin’s ex-wife and daughters and other intimate relationships. Perhaps because unknown consequences?

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  81. Ragu Ragu says:

    Michael Gunner resigning. What would prompt this?

    Hmmmmm. Lets pit some names together and find out what ole Angry Meth Eyes has been accused of

    INDEPENDENT MLA Robyn Lambley has said she was told by Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Michael Riches that the Chief Minister was under investigation over travel expenses last week.

    Ms Lambley said at a press conference on Tuesday afternoon that Michael Gunner was allegedly being investigated over expenses he charged to the taxpayer in the lead up to the 2020 Territory election.

    “I made a referral to the (ICAC) in the Northern Territory last January,” Ms Lambley said.

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  82. Ragu Ragu says:

    Homo Davos is a strange iteration of the species. Like that kyphosis specimen with the big ears in the southern part of the contiguous nation of australia.

    Does dodgy shit
    Gets investigated
    “Fuck this, I’m going to take it out on everyone “

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  83. Ragu Ragu says:

    That’s just not fair

    Phhhhrraaaaaat squelch

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  84. egg_ says:

    Turbo cars are disposable at 60,000 mi. (100,000 km)?
    EU recycling Edicts?

    I Was Wrong and I’m Sorry
    Scotty Kilmer

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  85. candy says:

    There was a lot of people on Twitter whose minds were affected and sort of bent by Trump being elected and were hostile and nasty and vented on Twitter. I wonder whether Donald Trump would want to go through that again. He seems a pretty emotionally sturdy person but would he go through all that again.

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  86. Ragu Ragu says:

    Turbo cars are disposable at 60,000 mi. (100,000 km)?
    EU recycling Edicts?

    I Was Wrong and I’m Sorry
    Scotty Kilmer

    That was quality. That 1.5 idling sounded like a diesel, she was rooted.

    I dunno. Experience tells me that low-pressure turbos dont last that long.

    Interesting to see his high-end CAN/OBD interface set-up. A lot of info to access. I’ve only got a cheapish Autel that gives me timing and a few other things, but nothing like that. I still have to get the multimeter on sensors and work it out.

    Cars sure are getting complex. We bought a freelander diesel, second hand for a good price. Ok. Find the workshop manual to download. 3200 pages. Fuck me, the manufacturer didn’t make it easy to change the oil in the haldex coupling.

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  87. Ragu Ragu says:

    Haldex. What the fuck is that?

    Google google.

    Result; Treat it better that your first new born with regular oil change.

    Gets under car

    Well how the fuck am I supposed to do that? Looks at manual. Bwahahahhaha.

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