Liberty Quote
- Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.
— Benjamin Franklin -
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Lee Kim Yew
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That is a cryptic comment.
I’m trying to understand what it means.
Please explain?
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The Plans of the Globalists
David Icke
David Wanetick
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Malcolm Roberts
Digital ID and Internet Outages
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I’ve watched a few videos where Mustafa Barghouti has been interviewed. He responds in a calm, dignified manner and maintains his composure despite the provocations from the interviewers.
Peace is possible but we need to get people who truly desire peace to the negotiating table and leave out the ones who have other agendas.
There are Palestinian Muslims, Palestinian Christians, Israeli Jews, Israeli Christians who would be able to have amicable discussions and arrive at peaceful solutions.
Just as there are some, on both sides, who want the war to go on.
If only the trouble-makers would get out of the way.
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In the West, we tend to regard the political Right-wing to hold Conservative views and align ourselves on that side because they are closer to our values. Yet, this Gaza conflict has turned the interpretations of Right-wing/Conservatives vs Left-wing progressives upside-down.
Israel’s Emerging Religious Left
(The above is from a magazine founded in 1946 called Jewish Currents. The website states that it is committed to the rich tradition of thought, activism, and culture of the Jewish left.)
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The WEF’s Harari says that Trump will end the New World Order.
WEF SPOKESMAN Unwittingly Endorses Trump For President! (Live from Two Roads Theater – Jimmy Dore – 6 mins.
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Ritter & Napolitano.
Scott Ritter: IDF Slaughters Innocents in Rafah – 28 mins.
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From the same Jewish Currents magazine:
What the Israeli Public Doesn’t See
In largely ignoring the suffering of Palestinian civilians in Gaza, the Israeli media both shapes and reflects public opinion.
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Bricks to Riches: Running for Rochdale – George Galloway
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US: Who Wants To Be a Millionaire
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House of Commons chaos and confusion over Gaza ceasefire vote
Channel 4 News
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Heaven knows the UK parliament needs me now
George Galloway
361K subscribers
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UK judges deciding the fate of Julian Assange | 9 News Australia
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Al Jizz
China counters US point by point at ICJ
Step Vaessen
Reporting from The Hague, Netherlands
China very well listened to what the United States had to say a day earlier, its representative basically countered all the arguments that the US brought forward.
The US said the UN and the ICJ should stay out of a bilateral issue between Israel and Palestine. According to China, it was definitely a matter for the UN to talk about the self-determination of the Palestinian people.
And also the argument the US made, Israel’s right to self-defence and that’s why the occupation has to continue. The Chinese representative said Israel is a foreign nation occupying Palestine, so the right to self-defence lies more with the Palestinians than with the Israelis.
China said it is actually very important to have the advisory opinion coming from the world’s highest court because it will guide any future negotiations.
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Don’t like this guy, but this is one of the better analysis
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Here’s the lady who is going to monitor everything you say online.
Australia’s eSafety Commissioner Goes to Davos – Malcolm Roberts – 9 mins.
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I’ll see if this gets through….
“The eSafety Commissar has got a big bum”
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Well, that worked.
Who are those uniformed people bashing on my front door?
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America Is Not a Free Country
Nicholas J. Fuentes
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The Chosen Ones
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Not sure why the Brother speaks like Dennis Hopper.
Interview starts about ten minute mark
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Julian Assange
Has Peter Dutton and the LNP explained why they voted NO to the Motion by Andrew Wilkie to free Julian Assange?
Stella Assange
When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals…..
Neil Oliver:
They Want Blood & Julian Assange!
….are we just a whipped dog licking the hand of its master!
If you consider yourself a Conservative and you check out the Con Inc Media sites to get the latest happenings in the world, these are the top two news stories you’ll find:
1/ The Hamas attack on 7 October 2023
Israel is the victim. The Hamas massacre in Gaza on 7 October 2023 killed and wounded innocent Jews. Some have been tortured, taken as hostages. Their families are worried and concerned about their well-being, especially as some of the hostages are ill/ elderly or young children.
All true. This attack should not have happened. Innocent civilians should not be pawns in whatever conflicts exist between two sides.
But the media want you to believe that it is all about 7 October 2023.
Nothing happened before that – 75 years – to lead to this point.
And nothing has happened after that, in Gaza.
It is just one side that has suffered – Israel.
2/ The 2024 US Elections
The primaries have not ended – not the GOP or the Dems. The nominees have not been officially declared. But, as far as Con Inc Media goes, Donald Trump has as good as won the 2024 general election.
You can read all about the polls – state by state – which show Trump leading Biden by several points. You can read about all the great plans and policies about draining the swamp and eliminating the deep state. And much, much more.
Of course, those who have worked out the psyops by the media, doing the bidding of their masters, are checking their news from alternate sources.
And they know that there is more to what is taking place than that being provided by the new era of journalism – not facts but opinion. Not objective reporting but bias.
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This past month there have been reports about some Zionists or Jews (not sure which one) in Australia being dobbed and the government is stepping in with laws to prevent this. Revealing the identity of innocent civilians is wrong. People should be allowed to have the right to their opinions, freedom and living their lives as long as they do not advocate violence or break any valid laws.
But do we want freedom and privacy for all? Do we really want to work towards peace? Or do we just want a solution that suits one side and is unfair to the other side?
I came across two of these twitter posts a while ago but did not post them here. I wasn’t sure if they were some kind of hoax or true. Have seen a third one this week so I’ll share them all here.
Shirion Collective-1
Shirion Collective-2
Australian Jewish Association
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This time next week George will be a UK Parliamentarian
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Tips and Tricks 🐵
Remote suddenly stopped working?
Before you change the batteries or toss it out the window,
try these instructions. Applies to any remote.
I had the problem last night and tried the method but didn’t help.
Tried again this morning, and it worked.
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Mitri Raheb
UN veto – again
That veto….?
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A Statistical Trick: Classing the Vaccinated as Unvaccinated
(If you can’t view it on rumble, it is on twitter.)
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It isn’t easy to set aside the disturbing news and images of what is happening in some parts of the world. Yet, we need to take short breaks away in order to stay sane.
Sanity Saver
From good old Disney before it went woke.
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NY Post
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Old bloke, I wasn’t sure why you posted that. Quickly going through the threads now, I see some comments are marked as MODERATED. I couldn’t see that on my system which I check through. It must be some plugin update that has caused it. Is that the reason why you posted that comment?
Ignore those moderated labels. The comments that are really moderated will have an Admin comment added to it and marked as Edited-Admin. No comments have been moderated by Admin for a long time. I will have to send the feedback to the plugin creators.
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This is a test.
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The Covid vaxx
Former vice president at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon:
An apology from a vaccine center manager.
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Then and Now
Population Density of Bombed Cities
The more crowded a city is, the more people are likely to be killed when a bomb drops from the skies above them.
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22 February 2024
Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders)
MSF International Secretary General Christopher Lockyear provides a briefing from MSF on the situation in Gaza to the UN Security Council.
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WATCH: Lindsey Graham gets booed during Trump South Carolina remarks
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It was in reference to my earlier post about the role of the new eSafety Commissar to see if I could mention her big bum without being censored. She’s doesn’t appear to be monitoring this blog at the moment.
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“The BRITISH killed Alexei Navalny and here’s why” | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris – 13 mins.
There’s another possible reason for the timing of Navalny’s death, it coincided with Russia’s capture of Avdiivka (now reverted to Avdeyevka) which was the most heavily fortified city in the Donetsk Oblast. The Ukrainians always pull a stunt of some sort whenever they suffer a significant military defeat to get that defeat out of the newspapers.
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Neil Oliver
Self described elite’ are ‘deliberately DISMANTLING’ Western democracy
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In the Conservative world, some people rise to prominence because they are seen to defend the values of freedom. Are they really fighting for their country and a cause or is it all a personal agenda?
Nigel Farage
Jan 2021
Pro-vaxx and Pro-Blair
Nov 2023
Calvin Robinson on Free Speech
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Details here.
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🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕
And for this Sunday….
Today is the Second Sunday of Lent. I had planned to post something else to fit in with this day. But I watched another video this afternoon and I decided to post it instead.
Two months ago, we celebrated Christmas, yet for many the rubble in Gaza did not matter. In a month it will be Holy Week, and we will be focussed on the crucified Christ, yet unaware of the suffering people in Gaza.
Last Sunday, the First Sunday of Lent, Revd Dr Munther Isaac, pastor of the Lutheran Christmas Church in Bethlehem had travelled to the UK for the Vigil for Gaza. He delivered a reflection at the Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church in London.
The address is to world leaders in general, but more specifically to Christian churches and Christians.
I was trying to pick out a few sentences from the reflection to post here, but it was hard to pick just a few. I found the entire address deeply moving and a sadness and remorse that I have not been able to do more to support and speak up for Gazans trapped in the rubble.
Munther Isaac asks:
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The address begins just after the 11-minute mark (timestamped) and concludes at 48.30. A total of 38 minutes.
Christ Under the Rubble: A Vigil for Gaza
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I watched the video first and then read the transcript to absorb the details. The address is being delivered by someone who has a first-person experience of what is taking place and I thought that just reading the speech would not convey the full meaning.
The transcript
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New York City is going down the gurgler.
They are turning it to A WASTELAND. – Neil Johnson – 5 mins.
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Thanks for the heads up on Farage, kaysee.
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We’ll have to wait & see what happens to free speech if the Disinformation bill gets passed.
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lol, sure.
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A new guest to the show
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Zionist Nigel Farage gets a mention in this vid.
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Al Jizz
US airman sets himself on fire outside Israel embassy to protest ‘genocide’
26 Feb 2024
An active member of the United States military has set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC, according to officials, in an apparent act of protest against Israel’s devastating war on Gaza.
The man, whose name was not immediately released, was rushed to the hospital on Sunday with “critical life-threatening injuries”, according to the US capital’s fire department.
The agency said emergency responders rushed to the scene just before 1pm (18:00 GMT) in response to a “call for person on fire outside the Israeli embassy”.
They arrived to find that officers from the US Secret Service had already extinguished the fire.
The US Air Force said that the incident involved an active duty airman.
US media reported that the man livestreamed himself on Twitch, wearing fatigues and declaring he would “not be complicit in genocide” before dousing himself in liquid.
He then lit himself on fire while yelling “Free Palestine!” until he fell to the ground.
The footage has since been removed from Twitch. Local police said they are investigating the incident.
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Fiends of Israel
George Galloway
361K subscribers
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Powerline’s The Week in Pictures: Dog Bites Man Edition
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Bill Gates has the answer! – pollute the atmosphere to save us
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Courier Paywall
Supreme Court bombshell: Qld’s mandatory Covid vaccine orders ‘unlawful’
Dozens of police and health workers have won a mammoth legal battle over mandatory Covid vaccination orders after the Supreme Court declared they were unlawful.
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Dozens of police and health workers including paramedics have won a mammoth legal battle over mandatory vaccination orders after the Supreme Court declared they were unlawful.
In a 115-page decision handed down by Justice Glenn Martin on Tuesday he declared police commissioner Katarina Carroll’s direction for mandatory Covid-19 vaccination issued in December 2021 was unlawful under the Human Rights Act and banned her from taking any steps to enforce the direction.
He also ruled that a similar order by John Wakefield, the director general of Queensland Health’s equivalent vaccination policy “is of no effect” and Mr Wakefield be blocked from forcing paramedics to have the injection.
Seventy four people opposing vaccinations took the state government to the Supreme Court to challenge vaccination directives, they were included in three separate applications before the court.
Two related to police officers or civilian staff, and the third case related to Queensland Ambulance Service workers.
The workers did not have to be vaccinated while their legal fight was underway.
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And the Jews that run the news went nuts.
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That is good news. It follows a recent decision in South Australia which said that an employer has to pay compensation to an employee who has vaxx injuries resulting from a “no jab no job” rule.
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Clive Palmer says he is happy to fund more cases
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Max Blumenthal
US Airman Aaron Bushnell did not kill himself to protest some other country’s war
The US Department of Defense has compelled the participation of Air Force members like Bushnell in Israel’s Gaza genocide
Their orders to deploy to Israel read “mandatory”
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Aaron Bushnell death covered here
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mandatory Covid-19 vaccination issued in December 2021 was unlawful under the Human Rights Act
This is it? I hope not. Imagine I was walking along the street minding my own business and someone came along and stabbed me with a syringe. The judge said my human rights have been violated. So, am I supposed to be very happy with the judge’s decision?
Talking about human rights, where was the Human Rights Commissioner at that time?
I found this in their website.
“And restrictions on human rights can sometimes be justified if they are necessary to protect public health.”
Who made the decision to justify the restrictions? Don’t tell me. They are all in it together.
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Jan 2024
Article in Cureus – a Journal of Medical Science
COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines:
Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign
Reading the above article led to an apology from a doctor.
Internist Dr Bosworth
Peter A. McCullough who is one of the authors of that article says:
Every doctor who supported, recommended, forced COVID-19 vaccination on their patients will have to go through this process.
And…….just two days ago, Feb 26, a retraction.
The Editors-in-chief just changed their minds?
The same day as the apology from Dr Bosworth?
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The immolation video on twitter has been deleted. It was there yesterday with this comment from the poster:
This video BREAKS MY HEART. This is Aaron Bushnell Setting himself on Fire DEMANDING ‘FREE PALESTINE’.
He was only 25 years old.
His last words
Message from Lucas Gage
Probably done before the news of the mandatory orders.
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The Editors-in-chief just changed their minds?
The same day as the apology from Dr Bosworth?
They are all in it together.
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There are questions being asked in the UK about what is going on.
Do the elites know something the rest of us don’t? Are they preparing for something?
Or is all this just a coincidence?
The Royal family. Charles is ill. This is in the news.
Kate’s health condition – she will be off royal duties for a while.
Prince William
has unexpectedly pulled out of attending the memorial service for the late King Constantine of Greece, where he was due to give a reading.
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Thomas Kingston
A couple of days ago,
Jacob Rothschild died aged 87
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The justifications like:
ATAGI advice
Exemptions for elites
They may all be in it together.
But some of us were also out of it out there.
We’ve resisted them.
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How to deal with the lies, the scams, the hoaxes from the elites like the WEF and the UN, the globalists ……
Roger Walters
Shares this advice from his mother.
Read, read, read. Read the history
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So much to read and watch about the Gaza conflict. If, like Roger Waters (not Walters – error above), you follow the advice of his mother to keep reading the history and the non-propaganda news, you will learn the truth.
And then, as his mother says:
You do the right thing.
Anyone who is seen to be a supporter of the Palestinian cause gets two phrases tossed in their direction:
– Antisemite/Jew hater
– Hamas supporter
Let’s take up the first one.
This is Sofia Orr. She is an Israeli Jew being called antisemitic.
Sofia Orr
Her story here.
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Yuval Abraham, another antisemite
Two days ago….
Update today.
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On 4 March 2012, Clive Palmer was named as a National Living Treasure by the New South Wales Branch of the National Trust of Australia.
And Clive is still doing some great work, as seen upthread.
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The Israel Defense Forces Spokesperson announced Wednesday that two soldiers were killed in combat on Tuesday in the northern Gaza Strip.
The two officers were Maj. Iftah Shahar, 25, and Cap. Itai Seif, 24, from the Givati Brigade.
… Seven combat soldiers in the brigade were also severely wounded, the IDF announced.
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The fact that Max Blumenthal can tweet something and get 1.6 million views is so awesome.
He used to be an honest toiler. Now he’s a guy in demand.
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What are his plans for the next election? If he has spare cash and wants to make a difference, he should hire a professional to handle it. Or financially support one of the minor parties.
Craig Kelly has moved to One Nation. It makes sense for all Conservatives/Freedom Parties to unite instead of splitting the vote and the effort.
I think Pauline Hanson has a few on her management team who have too much control. If that can be sorted it may be the party to support.
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Vladimir Putin…
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Escalate Wildly
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Senator Thorpe shut down the Senate.
Australian Senator’s Unhinged Meltdown Shuts Down Parliament – More Lidia Thorpe Lunacy! – PH – 4 mins.
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Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸
🚨🇺🇸🇷🇺 I had a wonderful dinner with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Moscow tonight after being elected as the only American to the Executive Council of the “Movement for International Russophiles.”
On behalf of my fellow American patriots, I gifted Minister Lavrov with a 1945 newspaper announcing “Elbe Day” — the day American & Soviet troops first united on the battlefield in WW2, splitting Germany in half. The newspaper is framed with the inscription: “To a lasting peace” — a vision for the future that I hope can serve as a guiding light for American & Russian patriots in these calamitous times.
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Senator Babet had a victory in the Senate. The Liberals, Nationals and cross-bench Senators voted for a Senate inquiry into the excess deaths, Labor and the Greens opposed the motion but they didn’t have the numbers.
The mainstream media in the US are now talking about the excess deaths so it can no longer be hidden.
Senator Babet gets senate to agree on inquiry into excess deaths: Labor Greens alliance opposed – Cairns News.
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New York Governor has threatened to seize the bank accounts and homes of truck drivers who refuse to deliver goods to New York City.
NYC Protest Begins🔥Truckers Block New York! Gov Kathy Hochul SHOCKING Decision Freeze Truckers Acc – US Immigration – 20 mins.
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The Chosen Ones
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