Westerners who defend Islam insist that it has a moderate side, and that others who claim it to be radical are intolerant, racist and Islamophobic. However, Muslim clerics call out these distinctions being made about Islam, to be a lie. In a sermon dedicated to explaining these dichotomies—radical vs moderate Islam, Sheikh Yunus Kathradas details various ways in which Islam has been incorrectly split into two groups.
Speaking in both Arabic and English, Kathradas, a Canadian imam, explained:
What is the difference between radical Islam and moderate Islam?
The only ones who use these terminologies are either enemies and opponents of Islam, or those who are ignorant and have no understanding whatsoever of what Islam is, or hypocrites who are out to distort the image of Islam.
The Western advocates who know nothing of Islam, or its teachings, continue to champion it as a way of life that is perfectly compatible with western values. But the strict adherents of Islam—its leaders, preachers and researchers—insist the teachings of Islam are not open to debate or to being differentiated as being “moderated” or “radicalized”.
Jihad expert Robert Spencer answers the question:
Is there such a thing as moderate Islam?
Reviewing what the Quran says:
…even if you take Quran only you’re gonna be killing a lot of unbelievers and that does not make for a peaceful harmonious pluralistic society.
When comparing the outcomes of the faiths:
This is one element of the fact that the civilisation that comes out of the Judeo-Christian tradition is simply better for human life in general, than the civilisation that comes out of Islamic faith.
On the question of Muslims lying to unbelievers:
In the Quran, Chapter 3, Verse 28, it says:
Do not take unbelievers as your friends and protectors in preference to believers. Whoever does this has nothing to do with the law unless you were doing it to guard yourselves against them….Companions Abu Darda and Aby Dhar say:
We smile in the faces of some people but behind their backs we curse them…
Dr. Gad Saad, a Lebanese-Canadian marketing professor at the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University, provides this explanation:
It’s not radical Islam, it’s not Islamism, It’s not militant, violent, extremism – It’s Islam.
Islam is codified in the Quran. It’s codified in the Hadith; it’s codified in the Sīrah, the biography of Muhammad. That’s it. Now, is there a way that I could read those texts and come up with a message of brotherly love and love for Jews? No, that’s not Islamism. That’s not radical Islam. That’s Islam.
If there is, then, only one interpretation of Islam and that is not one that seeks to co-exist peacefully with others, how can those who follow that code live compatibly in Western nations, which have a different set of beliefs and values? And yet, the West and its ill-informed progressives believe that adherents of this intolerant religion can co-exist in Western societies, when their beliefs and cultural values are so different from Western civilisation, its freedoms and tolerance.
Dutch politician Geert Wilders from the Party for Freedom (PVV) told the Prime Minister:
You have imported a monster called Islam into our country.
Wilders sent a warning to sharia-adherent Muslims who refuse to assimilate:
Leave for an Islamic country; you can enjoy Islamic rules….
This is our country, not your country.
Spanish politician Ignacio Garriga, from the VOX party, declared:
Islamism is incompatible with our Western culture. And it has to be repeated every day; that’s what it takes to sink into the head of some columnists, some journalists, and some politicians who deny the reality that Islamism is incompatible with the culture of the West.
And the terrorist, the attacker in Algeciras the other day, was an Islamist. An Islamist who killed in the name of his faith. And who, by the way, attacked various Christian sites.
Some Muslim refugees in Germany refuse to learn German so they will not have to work and can live on welfare. Others are offended that they are expected to integrate into German society.
The traditional and correct Islamic views are those followed by the radicals. They are submitting to the commands of Allah, which are enshrined in sharia. The West, as in the cohort of politicians, media and allies, seems to think that true Islam is moderate. That it is just a few radicals who cause Islam to be misunderstood.
As long as they persist in this myth that the extremists are the minority and not the mainstream Islamic followers, they will continue to welcome Muslims as immigrants to their countries. This, as is already obvious in many nations, is a situation that is headed for disaster.
It has been demonstrated time and time again that Islam is incompatible with normal Western values and democracy (not the corrupted versions of which exist today). Adherents should immediately and permanently relocate to Islamic countries. Full stop!
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So many news stories, every day.
College censors art exhibit with content warning, curtains
following Muslim students’ complaint
The Content Warning message.
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When Western women visiting the Middle East are complict in the compulsory hijab rules of a murderous regime, while the women who live there are protesting for freedoms.
Swiss Envoy’s Visit To Iranian Shrine Triggers “Hijab-Gate” Controversy
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This is why hanging is too good for the elites. Too quick.
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Wilders sent a warning to sharia-adherent Muslims who refuse to assimilate:
Leave for an Islamic country; you can enjoy Islamic rules…
While he was Treasurer, Peter Costello made a similar statement, along the lines that “Sharia Law will never apply in Australia, if you wish to live under it, you should move to a compatible country”.
[Your comment got blocked by the system due to the change of email address. – Admin]
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Rather than double-post, see two comments in Open Thread posted here.
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Thanks for releasing it, I thought I had registered the new address here, but obviously not. Apologies, this is now the email address I use.
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Since very few have commented here is my five dirhams worth. the part the West and the coppers don’t get is that the fundamentalist are revered in Islam. They all believe that waging Jihad is a path for your extended family to paradise. All Sunni Islam believes this. How they interpret Jihad is a open – but that is the important bit. Surprisingly this was shown in the French film L’Assault, when the hijackers said they were going to paradise no matter what, so threatening them has no consequence.
The NSW police should have shot Monis immediately. We are led by girls.
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Sweden is where it’ll show up first- they’re further down the path of National suicide than the rest of the west.
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Well my prediction is that the population in many countries will convert to Islam gradually. There is nothing to stop it. LGBTQRST, faux tolerance, scientism, diversity, climatism has no moral strength. The West has lost all the wars since the 1950s. Now it is rotting internally. Soon the Dykes on Bikes with become the Jihadi Breeders.
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That was so very long ago.
If he was a politician now – 2023 – would he say that? Or would he be thinking of cancel culture and lost votes?
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But that is the true face of Islam – the radical version. As long as they lived in their own lands and practised that extremism there, it may have been okay.
It is the Western activists (the ones who don’t believe in God) who are responsible for promoting them as peace-loving refugees and immigrants. They have brought their radicalism here. By the time these “advocates” realise that they have supported a dangerous situation, it will be too late.
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Comments on this topic in the Open Thread – here.
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By the time these “advocates” realise that they have supported a dangerous situation, it will be too late
Yeah. But these activist will be the first to convert. Here is how it goes:
Morally vacuous (the Left) convert as it provides answers to their empty lives. Rabid feminists follow as the only real men are the Muz.
People having to deal with Islam convert as it make business easier and gives them power.
Islam get more power and money, then academics and other public servants convert for career reasons. Politicians follow for the votes.
Pretty well mapped out in Michel Houellebecq’s novel Submission.
The pathway is already tested courtesy of the Woke movement, which mirrors Islam perfectly. The Teals don’t even realise it.
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News dot com
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Since one cannot leave Islam without becoming an apostate (and hence impose a death sentence on oneself according to Islamic law) ‘moderate’ Muslims would be the ones who don’t particularly adhere to the tennents but ‘maintain appearences’ for the sake of harmony and peace. Safer to do that than declare anything.
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Considering The Project is scripted any shock or apology is disingenuous. Pure advertising to get more mongs to watch.
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Muslim writer at The Age wants more Jesus jokes
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The final ( third) report on the Manchester Arena bombing has just been released. Here – it is a 200 page pdf Report of the Public Inquiry into the Attack on Manchester Arena on 22nd May 2017 this one focuses on the Jihadi. Usual academic experts saying it is”not mainstream Islam” and the like. But it does discuss the family’s involvement. They all came to the UK as refugees, got visas and citizenship, went back to fight in Libya and then killed young people at the concert. Good old Limey does it again. But it has nothing to do with Islam, of course. The West is dead.
“Salman Abedi killed 22 people, and injured 500”..500!
Cost estimate of the inquiry: $50,000,000 AUD.
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Yeah, but they bring us great food
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Kettlethorpe High School (KHS)
This incident in Kettlethorpe High School in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, UK. Posted a link above to my comments in the Open Thread, two days ago.
It probably needs a Post on that topic but I don’t have the time so I’m posting them as comments with links.
Here’s some background.
The question being asked is why is it that a non-Muslim had a copy of the Quran in a school which is non-religious.
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The bowing to the mob. The appeasement of the infiltrators.
This is the “damage” to that book.
The Headmaster has no spine – he gave in to the mob and suspended the students.
As well as this
The mother.
I feel sorry for her. She has an autistic child and with the death threats she must be scared. And no support from the school or police.
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The local imam preaching to the press?
The inspector Andy Thornton of West Yorkshire police nods along
Inspector Thornton
What is this?
The inspector thinks this is tolerance?
If a Christian preacher had said this there would be outrage.
Are the lgbtxyz protesting?
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Some comments in the thread:
A Saudi drain
If you want to read the thread.
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Nabeel Qureshi
Why I stopped believing Islam is a religion of peace
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20 years ago I was anti-Muslim. These days, after seeing the demolition job the boomers did on the West, I am starting to take a shine to Muslims. If white people are going to be ethnically cleansed/replaced in the lands their own forefathers built, which is the fate the alleged “democracy” loving Boomers have in mind for us, funnily enough without giving us a “democratic vote” on mass replacement immigration, I’d rather it be with Muslims than any other group. I don’t like how Boomer-raised and influenced women dress like harlots, I don’t like how Boomers enabled homosexualists and transsexualists etc., how the red in tooth and claw Boomers murdered millions of children in the womb… and if the Muslims are going to in some minor way clean up the grotesque murderous and degenerate culture of the Western Boomer, then I say give them a shot. I certainly see in the UK at least the Muslims are the ONLY ONES with the spine to protest the homosexualist propaganda in the schools. Being obsessed with how allegedly dangerous and damaging Muslims are to the West, is a ridiculous 2001-2008 archaic Boomer obsession. It is pathetic. Boomers who worship the fake “democracy” of the completely destroyed (by Boomers) West, but whine about Islam would be better served looking around at the total destruction THEY THEMSELVES have achieved in their own nations. As your children secretly think in their minds, of the property wealth hoarding boomers, you’re worth more to your kids dead than alive. You have bequeathed us nothing but a soft totalitarian Woke world of lunacy where nobody can afford to buy a home to start a family, you’ve bequeathed us LGBT training camps as schools, you’ve bequeathed us stifling regulations and a Nanny State hellscape. If some Imam is going to tell your granddaughters to stop dressing like utter whores, is going to crack down on the absolute lunatic school teachers brainwashing kids about LIES like being born gay, then by God I’ll try anything, I’m desperate. The West has needed REAL MEN to reclaim it for at least 50 years. NONE HAVE BEEN FORTHCOMING from the spineless, gutless, vile evil Boomers who believe in NOTHING but murdering their own babies and making houses unaffordable for their grandchildren and signalling to all that they “are a good person because they accept gays”. If a few million Muslims are the final solution to the White Boomers and the disgusting HELLSCAPE they have created then I say BRING IT ON!
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You are correct on the problems facing Western societies. Also correct on the fact that there are Westerners who have been the enablers and brought us to the current crisis – either actively or by their silence.
But believing that Muslims, following the radical teachings of Islam, are the solution is completely wrong.
This is the short answer. I will get around to one or more detailed responses, when I have the time, maybe in the next few days or weeks. I hope others on the blog will join in.
This thread will close today – so if you want more answers, you’ll need to follow the Open Threads.
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