Looking Back… Looking Ahead… [Part 2]

[Part 1 is here.]

We can mock and ridicule those on the left, but they have managed to work together and fool enough people into believing their agenda, and voting for them. But, on the right, conservatives will spend more time on the philosophical or the trivial, rather than clarify their end goals and focus on that.

Take a look at the freedom parties that contested the elections. This question was asked: why can they not all unite and form one party? There were around six or seven parties, Palmer had 80 million dollars to spare, the other parties would have had fewer resources. But they could have all combined and listed what are the most important policies that they can all agree on, and coordinated on some power-sharing agreement. Then, they could have gone to the election as a united freedom party. It would mean all candidates and volunteers working together, promoting one party. This would also have been easy for voters. Vote 1 – United Freedom Party.

But conservatives do not function that way. To understand this, let’s look it at it from a Catallaxy perspective.

Last year, Cat2 shut down and we had a new Cat3 blog. During the first weekend of the new blog, Adam did mention that he was busy with other commitments, but since he did not want the free speech site to end, he managed to get this blog up and running, at short notice. After the initial stage of jubilation was past, the whinging began. Having the blog wasn’t enough. It needed to be perfect.

On Cat2, there were swamp creatures messing up the blog, on a daily basis. They weren’t just tolerated. Oh, no. They were greeted each day, fed, and given attention. So they kept returning. If anyone suggested ignoring the vermin, they were howled down by the troll-feeders.

Cat3 had swamp creatures, too. But it had something more. It had a Report comment function which was not available on Cat2. At any given time on the Cat3 blog, there would be a dozen or more Cats (posters+lurkers). Dealing with swamp creatures was very easy. Spot the name of the troll, click the Report link, receive the acknowledgement from the system, and move on to the next comment. Took all of 5 seconds. If everyone did the same, the comments would vanish soon after they appeared. Problem solved.

So how did Cats react? United to keep the blog pest-free and clicked the Report button? Nah. They spent more time in criticism. Then, led by the troll-feeders, many of them picked up their boots and went to safer pastures.

In the final months of the Cat2 blog, there were bugs that made navigation difficult. We grumbled and whinged but most of us carried on, happy to have the blog. Cat3 had bugs, too. Suddenly, the bugs on this blog became a huge, non-negotiable obstacle.

What was the outcome of the above mentioned issues?
The Cat2 population split into separate blogs. 5 or 10 offshoots. I have no idea. I am in the time-poor category, so this is the only Cat blog I can manage to visit. It is a bit strange that what was acceptable on Cat2, suddenly became this terrible plague that it was necessary to run away from, on Cat3.
Double standards?

If we look at our freedom parties, we have the problem where conservatives are not able to look at the bigger picture, find common ground and unite. Add to that, a few others presenting themselves as patriotic freedom lovers, like Boikov and Bosi, who initially garnered a great deal of support. Sadly, it wasn’t about what is best for the country, but self-agendas. Two years of noise and promises. When it most counted, it turned petty and selfish.

This is a general reflection. I know that there are those of you who have stayed with the blog, who clicked the Report link when it was needed, who worked your way around the bugs. With a bit of patience and gratitude, it was possible to ignore or get rid of the trolls, navigate around the hurdles, and also manage to read and post comments on this site.

Last year, when this blog was going through its dark phase, I thought it would be a shame if it shut down, as I couldn’t see any other blog where I would feel comfortable spending my time. So I decided to do all I could, to keep this blog moving along. But it takes up a great deal of time and effort posting comments and writing posts, as well. I understand from some of the feedback that not everyone can write a post. But everyone has the ability to write a comment. We all have something to contribute: information, opinions, experiences, suggestions or feedback.

I plan to continue as a contributor with this blog. I’ll come in and add to the comments and posts, when I can. Add to the CatWiki, if possible. There are a few of you who have been supporting the blog with regular comments, but unless there are others who feel that the blog should continue because it serves as an important platform for free speech and information, it is really difficult for the same voices to keep it afloat.

We have to make a choice: are we in search of what’s in it for us, where we will get the greatest attention, a FOMO, or is it about how we can best do something to change the world for the better. Whether we choose to split into factions in the form of separate groups or unite and work together. Whether we spend our time blog-hopping and watching the scenery from one site to the other, or whether we will try and give as we take, share as we learn.

We can fluff out the pillows on our armchairs, and moan and criticise the changing national and world landscape. Or get involved in the fight back – each of us knows our personal circumstances and can find some way to do our bit. We can leave it to the Freedom parties, Rebel News, and others to do something, or we can get in and find a way to make a change.

If you are already waging the battle, you can share it on the blog as it will motivate others. If you have useful links and information that may help educate others, add it to the threads or CatWiki, if you have opinions or feedback or suggestions, share that. We do have chats here, but thankfully, not chatter that continues for pages. We can agree, disagree, debate, discuss without being disrespectful. Anyone who is not a d***head, is welcome to be a part of the blog.

The next federal election is three years away. But before that, there are state elections –Victoria, in a few months and NSW, next year. There are also issues related to the voting system and election fraud. Can we do anything? It seems that voters to the freedom parties form 15 -20% of the population. How can that percentage be increased so that they can get seats in Victoria and NSW? And, by the next federal election, gain both lower and upper house seats?

Can we learn from the other side and start working towards the process of gaining voices and votes for our side? It isn’t easy and there is no how-to guide. We just look for ways in which we can educate others or lead them to the path of truth. We can start within our own circle of family, friends, neighbours and colleagues.

In life, you have 3 choices.
Give up, give in, or give it your all.
– Charleston Parker

The only way to fight the Great Reset, the New World Order and the Pandemic Treaty is to awaken the sleeping billions on this planet. You don’t have to do more than is possible for one person. But we have here an alternative media platform. It is a free, free speech blog. Can we use the opportunity to do something more than just sit back and contemplate the panorama? This is not an echo chamber or an ego cabin. We can disagree and debate, as long as it does not turn into a petty point-scoring goal. It is about listening and learning. If you have better ideas and suggestions, go ahead and share them. If you are in the battle but facing setbacks and wondering how to get round them, someone may have a solution. As intelligent, informed people, we can each find ways to wake up one (or more) ignorant or brainwashed person.

This entry was posted in Conservative, Elections, Freedom, Unity. Bookmark the permalink.

17 Responses to Looking Back… Looking Ahead… [Part 2]

  1. Mak Siccar says:

    Kaysee. I was unaware of Catwiki until you wrote these excellent essays, as I simply didn’t look at the menu at the top.
    Catwiki is an excellent concept and valuable resource that I will digest, hopefully contribute to and disseminate to friends. Thank you.

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  2. Arky says:

    What we are living through is the product of huge forces and cycles that stretch back hundreds of years.
    No one person moves the dial one iota. An entire city of people makes almost no perceptible difference.
    The systems are immense.
    The idea that anything you or I might write for an audience of a few hundred will change anything is absurd.
    However, what you can do is describe as best you can what is occurring and share with others some ideas as how best to navigate the inevitable.
    Change anything in the system? No.
    Come up with some formula to move us forward to victory? Silly.
    Help some old codgers and little biddies survive in a bit more comfort and understanding in return for derision, insults and personal attacks on your character? Go for it. I, however, am out.

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  3. kaysee kaysee says:

    Catwiki is an excellent concept and valuable resource that I will digest, hopefully contribute to and disseminate to friends

    The CatWiki has been around for over 6 months. I have been trying to build it but it takes up time – finding good links that explain each topic, especially for those who have been getting their news from MSM. Then, posting them as comments.

    The information would also be useful for those of us who know the facts, but need to quickly find and provide the data when debating with a leftie.

    Thanks, Mak, for your comment, and the offer to help out with adding to the CatWiki content. Sometimes, when I write these posts, I wonder if I am talking to myself. So it is nice to know that they get read. 🙂

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  4. kaysee kaysee says:

    The idea that anything you or I might write for an audience of a few hundred will change anything is absurd….

    Go for it. I, however, am out.

    That’s your choice to make, Arky.

    There are many people in this country, fighting for freedom. There are many more around the world, in the same battle. If we were on the losing side, the tyrants would not be getting desperate that their Great Reset plans and scams are now being exposed. People are willing to go to prison rather than submit to the despots.

    I would rather stand on my feet, do whatever I can to protect my faith and the values I hold dear, including the right to freedom and, I hope, if need be, go down fighting for it. Doing nothing, giving up, is equivalent to submitting to the dictatorship.

    Attributed to the Mexican revolutionary leader, Emiliano Zapata:
    Better to die on your feet than live on your knees

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  5. Shy Ted says:

    Looking ahead I’d like to see more MPs out in public.

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  6. egg_ says:

    Looking ahead I’d like to see more MPs out in public.

    I’m surprised that Globalist Scumoron didn’t cop a vegemite sandwich in his final death spiral, but he got the “baseball bats” that he well and truly deserved at the ballot box – eat that sh1t sandwich, you treacherous cvnt.

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  7. Fat Tony says:

    Shy Ted says:
    June 5, 2022 at 7:14 pm
    Looking ahead I’d like to see more MPs out in public.

    That’s the one thing that’s not going to happen.

    As the country, & the western world, spirals down inside the S-bend, politicians will be too afraid to go out in public – with good reason.

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  8. Kaysee:
    Thanks for the hard yards you’ve been putting in – I’ve been over on the New Cat site, but need a change.

    I’ve been on my hobby horse for 50 years now, trying to convince of the ‘perfection’  🙂 of my views and logic but have finally given up. When others refuse to see the fruits of the left lunatics and their fellow travelers it gets disheartening.

    Having recently come to the realisation a large majority of Australians refuse to learn except by the ‘other hard way’, sometimes we have to let that happen. I’m not denigrating your efforts – I applaud them. I just don’t have the spirit any more. My sympathy bucket is dry and it will take some filling.

    I’ve used the story a couple of times on the New Cat –

    Sometimes all the efforts to protect a drunk will amount to nothing. They need to wake up in the gutter, covered in shit and blood, before they accept they have a problem. This is Australia at the moment – waking up with a blinding headache, not yet looking for the bottle but aware it will fix them. It hasn’t yet dawned on the nation that it isn’t the bottle that will fix them, nor will it be the government or anyone else. The only fix is from within.

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  9. Kaysee:

    There are many people in this country, fighting for freedom. There are many more around the world, in the same battle. If we were on the losing side, the tyrants would not be getting desperate that their Great Reset plans and scams are now being exposed. People are willing to go to prison rather than submit to the despots.

    A very valid point. I have the faint hope the WEF is starting to panic just a little.

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  10. Shy Ted says:

    Good posts, Winston. Back in my training we called it the slippery slope of addiction – you had to hit rock bottom before climbing back. Not quite true but valid for the hardcore. Bit by bit by bit the do-gooders introduced “harm minimisation” which should be labelled “harm perpetuation”. A never ending supply of “support”, which usually meant financial one way or another, has made the bottom hard to reach. Each has a different depth to which they stoop before reality bites. I’m convinced the “softcore” element have a delayed turnaround and that’s where the real damage is done, physically and cognitively.
    Articles over on Quadrant ATM talking about Aboriginal intergenerational trauma, a completely fictitious” condition” IMHO. Now, if they started talking about intergenerational alcohol and related brain damage they might find a better explanation of why things are as they are.

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  11. Annie says:

    That was an interesting video Winston Smith.
    I think our society has been turning rotten for years. I do think that each one of us has to lead the best life we are able to under our own circumstances. That is, we each need to ‘cultivate our own garden’. That, in itself, is quite a challenge.
    My other half is an Anglican priest; a pretty challenging thing in itself as the Anglican Church has gone so ‘woke’ it now feels foreign to us. There are a couple of attendees who are so smitten by the AGW and Covid nonsense that they are really vicious towards us, especially him. Ditto the RSL. My major task is to look after him as he copes with all this.

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  12. Annie:

    My other half is an Anglican priest; a pretty challenging thing in itself as the Anglican Church has gone so ‘woke’ it now feels foreign to us.

    The Church is in desperate need of a saviour, unfortunately it fails to realise the saviour comes from within.
    The strength is there but the will is not.
    Salvation is not imposed by God – He just watches and lets humanity stuff it up.
    Then He judges.
    Nb: I’m not a Christian, but I do recognise the value of the Church. I walk alongside but not with you.

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  13. Annie says:

    Winston Smith:
    Thankyou for your comment. Salvation is not imposed by God but we are none-the-less obliged to make our own puny efforts in order to let Him in and help!

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  14. kaysee kaysee says:

    Having recently come to the realisation a large majority of Australians refuse to learn except by the ‘other hard way’, sometimes we have to let that happen.

    Thanks for sharing your observations, Winston. There are many ways to prepare for the future. We can look at the past and learn from it or from the present events. Or bury our heads in the sand.
    As Confucius said:

    By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.

    You’ve said that it gets disheartening and you don’t have the spirit anymore. I have felt that way too. But maybe, we need to look for the right kind of fellow-travellers. Those who understand what is happening and want to do something, to make a difference.

    We have to pick and choose the people who will join us in moving forward rather than stay with the naysayers who will drag us down.

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  15. kaysee kaysee says:

    Something to think about. He makes an interesting few points.

    As I said above, there are people fighting for freedom. In this video, he is doing it by giving us food for thought.

    Democracy used to be accepted as not perfect, but the best form of government that we can have. In 2022 AD, we have to wonder if this is true.

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  16. kaysee kaysee says:

    I do think that each one of us has to lead the best life we are able to under our own circumstances. That is, we each need to ‘cultivate our own garden’.

    Annie, I think that is the dilemma we face. We are being forced into situations where we have to make choices and then find ways to survive and fend for ourselves.

    You’ve mentioned the wokeness in the Anglican Church. The same is happening in the Catholic Church.

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