When a society does not learn from the events of history, it will be faced with the same outcomes. There is much that has happened in the world that offers important lessons. If we are prepared to examine closely the records of times gone by, we will understand why totalitarian regimes established themselves in some countries, at different periods in time.
We can see that there was a pattern to these occurrences, similarities in the circumstances that gave rise to them, and the parallels in the aftermath following this period. And if we study and understand these chronicles of the past, we will be able to avoid similar consequences, in the future.
In the introduction to his new documentary Doomed To Repeat It, Doug Barry explains the reasons for making this film. He says:
This is the first of many projects that we intend to produce. And what it does is it reminds us of the importance of being vigilant. I hope and pray that it will reach many hearts, many lives, and that you will share it wide and far. Look at the state of our world, and please do anything and everything that you can in any way, shape or form to defend and protect what is good, what is right and what is true.
What is taking place in the world today is the result of tyrants using various deceitful schemes to control people, and when we look back at the past, we see that much the same authoritarian measures were used to control the public. Physical and psychological methods are being used to achieve devious plans.
The reason for creating this film is to make people aware of the means used by dictators to gain power. Initially, they conceal their true natures and show themselves to be someone who wants to help and save the oppressed people from their problems. They present themselves as trustworthy rescuers. They use psychological means to induce fear and thereby gain the path to control the working classes. They exploit some aspects of the human mind – how the brain functions and how it can be manipulated. They create situations of fear which can then be used to control the general population. It is easy to exploit those who are afraid.
The film takes us through the phases followed by those who want to subjugate their citizens. It includes interviews from professionals such as Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Mattias Desmet and Dr. Joe Lipetzky, as well as testimonies of eyewitnesses including Lala Suarez Mooney, born and raised in Cuba during Fidel Castro’s regime.
Psychologist Dr. Joe Lipetzky explains how stress levels can affect the body and the mind. These natural biological responses are then used as methods to control people. Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Mattias Desmet explain how the tactic of Mass Formation Psychosis has been used by dictators in the past, and again during the Covid pandemic.
Dr. McCullough summarises the four conditions listed by Dr. Desmet to understand the phenomenon of Mass Formation.
1. Isolation and lack of social bond
2. Being removed from your interests
3. Free Floating Anxiety and Free-Floating Psychological Discontent
and when the above three conditions are present,
4. Being offered a solution.
Dr. Desmet describes the reaction by mainstream society to those who were not duped into this collective hypnosis, during the Covid pandemic.
If you didn’t buy into the narrative, if you didn’t want to go along with the narrative, or if you tried to say something critical about the narrative, then people indeed blame you of showing lack of solidarity and lack of citizenship. And that is extremely typical for the…process of mass formation.
Dr. Peter McCullough sums up this psychosis with this grim conclusion:
In the end, what really ends it is worldwide catastrophe…
Reflecting on the means used for control, Lala Suarez Mooney says:
You wonder: How do they keep control?
The control is by fear.
Doomed To Repeat It
Gotta be a badass!
Albert Bourla, CEO Pfizer, 4 x vaxxed has Convid. In conspiracy world it means he’s just been arrested.
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Sometimes that might be even how they see themselves. But then their mission becomes a business. The monkey wants to hold onto its new baubles and privileges. The monkey becomes just as corrupted as those they usurped.
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