Guest post: Speedbox – Climate change winners and losers

Every game has winners and losers and so it is with climate change.
In 1961 the Institute of Geography at the Russian Academy of Sciences, said that up to 63% of Russia’s territory had climatic conditions deemed adverse for humans. A follow up study in 2010 said the unfavourable zone had shrunk to 50% of Russia’s remaining landmass (allowing for the dissolution of the USSR).

Now, another study by scientists from the United States, Canada, and Britain concludes that Russia has the greatest potential to become the globe’s new agricultural frontier with Russia adding 4.3 million square kilometres of new farming land over the coming century. To put that area into context, it is more than half the size of the Australian continent.

A 2021 analysis by Princeton University predicts that parts of Alaska, northern Canada, Greenland, and northern Russia will see productivity double relative to what it would be without global warming. Additional research by the Russian Academy of Sciences and NASA’s Langley Research Centre concluded that global warming would make the climate of Siberia and the Far East more amenable to both life and agriculture. By the 2080s, climates over Asian Russia, which makes up two-thirds of the country, are projected to get “much warmer and milder,” which could lead to a five to seven-fold increase in the capacity of the territory to sustain a human population. This would result in a higher capacity for population density across the area, which is now sparsely inhabited, and make it more attractive for inbound migration.

In that regard I would leverage the opportunity for Russia to offer itself as the new home for climate refugees. Russia could become one of the main destinations to host people fleeing from extreme heat, droughts, and rising seas. As the Princeton study says, “Ultimately, the best way to adapt to global warming is … to migrate to regions that lose less or even gain from temperature increases. Many of these regions are sparsely populated today, due to their lack of amenities and productivity, but this would be improved as temperatures rise and new migrants invest in them over the next century.”
You read it here first on the Cat. Buy land in or near Yakutsk, the capital of the republic of Yakutia in Eastern Siberia…..and wait.

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17 Responses to Guest post: Speedbox – Climate change winners and losers

  1. Dot says:

    Papa Putin is offering land to pioneers in Kamchatka & other Far East regions.

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  2. Roger says:

    Papa Putin is offering land to pioneers in Kamchatka & other Far East regions.


    I knew someone who was seriously considering taking up that offer with his family.

    His principal motivating factor was that freedom of religion would soon be under attack in Australia.

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  3. Speedbox says:

    Dot says:
    August 12, 2021 at 10:23 pm


    I don’t know whether that scheme is still running but it was to encourage people to move to the east.

    Around Yakutsk, I think the offer was one hectare of land, free. The only catch, if I recall correctly, was you had to build a house on it within five years. Larger parcels of land are available at very low prices. Last time I looked, land around Yakutsk is about $US100 (7,500Rb) per hectare.

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  4. VI Lenin says:

    Im not cosidering moving to the balmy climate of Yakutsk Temperatures of minus 40 C are not suitable for Tomato growing ,I did once grow Siberian Melons! Not a great cropper but tasted good . Didnt the Weather Station north of the city record minus 72c a few years ago ? ,you have to stay indoors in order to breathe normally ,its certainly not the Gold Coast .
    You can watch your house sink into the permafrost every year.
    You must eat horse to stay warm and have heating in your garage to stop the oil freezing .I feel bloody cold just writing this .
    Not my glass of chai tovarishch .

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  5. Speedbox says:

    VI Lenin says:
    August 13, 2021 at 12:18 pm

    C’mon man. We could open the Yakutsk bureau of the Catallaxy-files. Plenty of time to write guest posts!!

    The coldest temp was ‘officially’ -65C but that is thought to be a bit unreliable and was probably colder.

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  6. Kneel says:

    “A 2021 analysis by Princeton University predicts…”

    We won’t know if this is a prediction or a projection until after the event.
    It is standard cli-sci practice to say “see, we predicted this in …” if they get it right, but say “it was a projection, and some elements of the scenario didn’t pan out as we thought they would.”, followed some time later by someone running the newest, latest and greatest models to “prove” that had we known the real numbers, it would have been a perfect prediction.

    We need these projections, otherwise no-one will know how much to adjust the temperature data!

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  7. VI Lenin says:

    Speedbox ,Kashkallaxy Yakutskaya ,Yakutsk Cats ,any amount of time to post whatever as your house sinks slowly into the ground .
    Wonder if all the ? buildings will collapse as the permafrost melts ?

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  8. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    Every game has winners and losers and so it is with climate change.

    What Russia does have is the largest chunk of unused land on the planet outside of Antarctica. And under it are lots and lots of goodies. Vladi is also extending his control to the Arctic Sea floor as much as he can get away with, and he is the foremost expert at “facts on the ground”. (Xi is pretty good at that too.)

    The other thing Vlad has are a whole bunch of climate scientists who happen not to be druids (eg Prof Abdussamatov). They know that “climate change” is rubbish, and several of them have pointed out that a solar minimum like the Dalton is due, and expected on the data they are seeing.

    So what would a guy with lots and lots of coal and gas and oil do, if he expected that Europeans might suddenly find a desperate need to heat their homes and keep the electricity flowing?

    Which is exactly what he’s been doing. Thermal coal prices are very yummy, and gas prices also. The Nordstream 2 gas pipeline is being commissioned and the EU is using peaking gas for electricity generation the same as everyone with delusions of Gaia. So Mr Putin is going to have a very very rich country on his hands, or in the hands of his heir, whoever that is.

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  9. Roger says:

    So what would a guy with lots and lots of coal and gas and oil do, if he expected that Europeans might suddenly find a desperate need to heat their homes and keep the electricity flowing?



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  10. Speedbox says:

    VI Lenin says:
    August 13, 2021 at 3:01 pm

    Пока мы будем ждать, что наши дома утонут. Можно посидеть в Бане с бутылочкой водки. Товарищ!!!

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  11. Speedbox says:

    Bruce of Newcastle says:
    August 13, 2021 at 5:37 pm

    …….or in the hands of his heir…..

    I’ve written a guest post on that very subject! Am giving Adam a break before I send it to him.

    Anyway, get in now to secure your land. Your grandkids or other heirs will bless your name. Heaps of opportunity. BoN – Russian land oligarch.

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  12. Rorschach says:

    Wonder if all the ? buildings will collapse as the permafrost melts ?

    Or be blown to smithereens in a methane clathrate explosion!

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  13. Rorschach says:

    On a serious note … have you seen the size of the veggies that can be grown (in greenhouses) in the the land of the midnight sun?

    Absolutely massive!!!

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  14. VI Lenin says:

    Those must be the cabbages they find babies under!
    Just imagineteamount of shchee cabbage soup one of those would make ?
    Speedbox ,you lost mewith all tat Russian havent spoken or read it for years ,since Pravda went private .

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  15. Dot says:

    *VI Lenin says:
    August 13, 2021 at 3:01 pm
    Speedbox ,Kashkallaxy Yakutskaya ,Yakutsk Cats ,any amount of time to post whatever as your house sinks slowly into the ground .
    Wonder if all the ? buildings will collapse as the permafrost melts ?*

    Seems like nasty noisy negativism. A glowie? Anyway its concern trolling and disinfo.

    Silent weapons for quiet wars.

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  16. Speedbox says:

    VI Lenin says:
    August 13, 2021 at 8:46 pm

    I was suggesting we can enjoy a bottle of vodka as we watch our homes sink into the ground. Comrade.


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