Guest Post: Arky – Parallel Instituions

The migration of the Catallaxy readership to new sites has highlighted the crisis created by big tech de-platfoming, the polarisation of society and the question of “Who can I trust with my online identity”. There is an urgency to build what have come to be known as parallel institutions. As the long march through the institutions has ended, triumphant, and the new occupants of those institutions begin to show their teeth, we must act to preserve our beliefs if not our sanity.

For those of us who depended on Catallaxy as one of those parallel institutions, thankful for the libertarian ethos: tolerance of dissent, this has been a worrying time. The little group of sites spawned by the imminent ending have raised more questions than answers. Concerns about security, functionality and whether we could recapture the lightning in a bottle. ..

Three things occur to me:

1. The need to create many robust alternatives to the berks, thugs, stooges and prigs that make up so much of the new blue checkmark mainstream drones.

2. That those of us who can’t watch much of that mainstream media without becoming dejected, infuriated or even fearful, should turn that shit off and seek out our fellow dissidents.

3. We are at a point of inflection. The future is being created here and now. Colossal forces have been unleashed. I doubt we are returning to a familiar world anytime soon.

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43 Responses to Guest Post: Arky – Parallel Instituions

  1. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    Arky – Unfortunately those colossal forces have now become a religion on a par with Islam for intolerance and bigotry. Any lefty who sins against the herd is in great danger of being cast out, with serious risk of losing their job, spouse and children. It’s an effective strategy.

    The only thing that we can do is witness the truth. Eventually some of it might sink in. But after the fall of the Soviet Union there was still a large plurality in Russia who believed in communism and pined for the squalor they had lost. Which shows just how tightly people will adhere themselves to a secular religion no matter how badly it fails.

    And now that religion has merged with green activism. They will endlessly be saying only they can save the world, from devilish CO2 and now from Covid too. Very hard to cut through that. Especially when most Australians can’t even read a graph let alone work out whether the data has been faked or not.

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  2. Rabz says:

    those of us who can’t watch much of that mainstream media without becoming dejected, infuriated or even fearful, should turn that shit off and seek out our fellow dissidents

    Speaking of, Bolt has that loathsome deadshit peter singer on right now equating the useless unnecessary toxic chemical cocktails with car seat belts. Informed debate, braindead lamestream meeja style, 2021.

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  3. Shy Ted says:

    I honestly think we’re way past the point of any traditional remedial action. As it all plays out either the believers or unbelievers will be wrong. There are lots and lots and lots of aggrieved people out there. Somebody is going to snap. A protest will get a little too heated. Police will become aware that what they are doing is plain wrong. A loved one will be harmed. They know where the elites live. They’ve got the weapons. Nobody wants to go first but somebody will. Some celeb will succumb to a vax injury and then they’ll all panic. Protect you and yours. Prepare for losses. Remember who they are. Remember what your forebears endured, what they built. Apply for a fire arms licence. It sends a message.

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  4. calli says:

    We are at a point of inflection. The future is being created here and now. Colossal forces have been unleashed. I doubt we are returning to a familiar world anytime soon.

    It may be that we are on our way back to the past – strongly differentiated castes, from servants to elites with nothing in the middle. Those who are in a position to take will take and there will be little or no opposition.

    I can’t even say “we happy few” are standing against tremendous opposition – we seem to squabble by default.

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  5. C.L. says:

    Always good to hear from you, Arky – and Bruce.

    It’s more and more obvious in Australia that we desperately needed national leadership to safeguard the Commonwealth – which is to say, the people’s treasury, rights and dignities – over the past year.

    Scott Morrison failed. An absolute drongo of a prime minister.

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  6. C.L. says:


    Bolt has Peter Singer on as a guest expert?

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  7. John Bayley says:

    Scott Morrison failed. An absolute drongo of a prime minister.

    Very true, but can anyone here actually think of ANY current world leader who has stood up to the madness the West has fallen into? Any one that is not utterly corrupt, if not outright evil?

    As Mike Yeadon, the ex-VP of Pfizer, observed in one of his interviews:

    “How do you explain that not just one, or two, but some 200+ countries ALL threw their well-established pandemic plans, and all the science that goes with it, under the bus at the same time, over a virus about as dangerous as the flu?”

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  8. Speedbox says:

    Colossal forces have indeed been released. By early 2020, the fading concept of social media platforms as unbiased conduits for information sharing was utterly shattered.

    The Black Swan event we know as covid amplified this beyond all recognition and to our permanent detriment, governments became far more adept at promoting their message via the MSM and social media platforms who are all willing co-conspirators. Control of the narrative has been largely achieved.

    Our lives will never ‘return to normal’. All we can do is find solace in sites such as the Cat. There are precious few platforms available to us and we should treasure and support those few we have.

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  9. mh says:

    Arky, did you accidentally delete your first line?

    ‘I ran off into the arms of a fat lezzo leftist. Please forgive me.’

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  10. egg_ says:

    As Mike Yeadon, the ex-VP of Pfizer, observed in one of his interviews:

    “How do you explain that not just one, or two, but some 200+ countries ALL threw their well-established pandemic plans, and all the science that goes with it, under the bus at the same time, over a virus about as dangerous as the flu?”



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  11. Zipster says:

    for people that haven’t noticed

    we have yet another Cat, this time moderated to keep the loons and abusers quiet.

    invite here:

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  12. We need a blog roll just for Çatallaxy 3.x.

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  13. Bar Beach Swimmer says:

    pined for the squalor they had lost

    Sorry, Arky, I know this is important stuff, which needs pondering by clear heads.
    And sorry, Bruce, but I can’t help it…was that squalor in any way cheerful? 😁

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  14. Perplexed of Brisbane says:

    Well put Arky,

    Definitely where to from here?

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  15. Boambee John says:


    “And sorry, Bruce, but I can’t help it…was that squalor in any way cheerful? 😁”

    The principal pastime of many in the Soviet Union was alcohol, so probably not. 🤔

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  16. duncanm says:

    The answer?


    (I’m sure it is.. isn’t it? Hello Sinc)

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  17. Vicki says:

    “We are at the point of inflection”.

    Couldn’t agree more. The media are becoming frighteningly threatening now in respect to vaccine scepticism. I actually heard one morning TV presenter angrily ask a government rep what he was going to do to MAKE ( his emphasis) people have the vaccine.

    This angry, hysterical authoritarianism is reflected in attitude of vaccinated “friends” who, paradoxically, see the unvaccinated as threats. This attitude is as contagious as the damn virus.

    I won’t be browbeaten by those who know very little about the facts of the development of these vaccines or the efficacy of covid treatments.

    So, yes, this blog is essential for support and information.

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  18. Bar Beach Swimmer says:

    The principal pastime of many in the Soviet Union was alcohol, so probably not. 🤔

    But isn’t alcohol supposed to help to cheer you up, BJ? Or has everyone I know been doing it all wrong, like, forever? 🥂

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  19. Rabz says:

    Bolt has Peter Singer on as a guest expert?

    Not for the first time, either, CL.

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  20. Roger says:

    “It may be that we are on our way back to the past – strongly differentiated castes, from servants to elites with nothing in the middle. Those who are in a position to take will take and there will be little or no opposition.”

    Do a search on “neo-fuedalism”.

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  21. Buccaneer says:

    The situation with Parler highlighted that this issue runs deeper than just platforms and strikes to the heart of control of whole swathes of infrastructure. That the control of social media that occurs in china, could be replicated in the US should be of concern to every person who values freedom and liberty.

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  22. Roger says:

    Or even better…”neo-feudalism”.


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  23. Epicurious says:

    Bruce “Especially when most Australians can’t even read a graph let alone work out whether the data has been faked or not.”

    Sadly very true. Also sadly, most of my friends (all in our 70’s) have had the AZ jab but are clueless to the ramifications. When pressed by them I’ve stopped trying to educate them and just say “when these medical devices, not traditional vaccines are no longer on trial and have approval I will consider it”, although this is BS as I never intend to take these toxic killers. Should approval be granted by one or many corrupt institutions then my narrative will change as there will be even more evidence of clinical disasters

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  24. NotSoPlato says:

    Given concerns by many of us about security of comment, what we used to call free speech, has anyone any ideas on where to obtain an email address that does not require other authentication like a phone number or other? I am concerned about future or even present tracking of comments by government or other hackers or later legal action. Preferably I don’t wish to use a false email address for this site.

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  25. A Lurker says:

    It was predicted…

    “History is seasonal, and winter is coming. Like nature’s winter, the saecular winter can come early or late. A Fourth Turning can be long and difficult, brief but severe, or (perhaps) mild. But, like winter, it cannot be averted. It must come in its turn. . .

    The next Fourth Turning is due to begin shortly after the new millennium, midway through the Oh-Oh decade. Around the year 2005, a sudden spark will catalyze a Crisis mood. Remnants of the old social order will disintegrate. Political and economic trust will implode. Real hardship will beset the land, with severe distress that could involve questions of class, race, nation, and empire. . .The very survival of the nation will feel at stake. Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II.

    The risk of catastrophe will be very high. The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort — in other words, a total war. Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the technology of destruction, and in mankind’s willingness to use it.”


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  26. HD says:

    Vicki says:
    August 10, 2021 at 8:03 am

    “…angry, hysterical authoritarianism is reflected in attitude of vaccinated “friends” who, paradoxically, see the unvaccinated as threats.”

    I am taken aback with the apparent personality changes of older relatives who were vaccinated months as soon as they got a chance and have since had their second dose. It is as though they have gone from fully functional 70+ year old functional persons of above mean intellect to semi-demented and below average. Hope whatever assisted living costs likely to be soon required are covered by their insurance. They seem to have forgotten what my degrees are in and what my professional experience consists of.

    You have got to be kidding me, the development of infantile reasoning and anti-intellectual rationalisation(s) in the space of months(?) The presentation of childlike spiteful egocentric behaviours I have never before witnessed- just like that? How to explain that in the absence of recent head trauma and no previous ageing related disease processes identified? Brain micro-clotting?

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  27. Kneel says:

    “How do you explain that not just one, or two, but some 200+ countries ALL threw their well-established pandemic plans, and all the science that goes with it, under the bus at the same time, over a virus about as dangerous as the flu?”

    Good question. Like many, I suspect they knew it was a bioweapon and freaked out, but never told us what they knew for fear of precipitating a war with China.

    Certainly part of the answer is in the contracts Pfizer, BioNTech et al foisted on every country – including, IIRC, that there would be no therapeutics to compete, as well as the (not bad at all) “once you order, you pay even if you don’t want ’em”, and the disgusting “we can change whatever we want, whenever we want to” clause.

    We need someone in the media with a large audience to FOI these deals, and if they cannot be had, start asking some hard questions from the pollies. If these “vaxxine” contracts do indeed specify “no therapeutics”, that is unconscionable and needs to be voided, with Big Pharma held to account, even if it means fining them to oblivion or not being able to source from them any more. No one can or should be able to say “to get this cure, you must guarantee no other cures are available” – that is disgusting and totally unacceptable, as well as very dangerous. If such exists, it is an invitation to supply a never-ending series of “boosters” that line the pockets of Big Pharma and increase the risk to everyone of a bad reaction to the “vaxxine”, with every other option ruthlessly suppressed using GovCo force.

    Mayhap that is all just a “conspiracy theory”, but it is worth checking, IMO.

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  28. Kneel says:

    ” There is an urgency to build what have come to be known as parallel institutions.”

    Already well under way – gab, gettr etc. These are not the big issue though – if this crap infects the monetary system, we will be screwed, big time. And such has already started, with PayPal “taking sides”. Ugly. Dan Bongino has invested in AlignPay, which is a payment processing system that is apolitical and “anti-woke” (in that they don’t pay any attention to the wokerati/twitterati). But we need more.

    As more and more of this alternative stuff becomes available, and as more and more of the centre-left is affected (they just run out of right-wingers, so the centre-left becomes the new “right”), they far-left will eat itself in de-platforming et al. That is already happening, and it is becoming more and more apparent that some of this is beyond ridiculous – people getting cancelled for what they said in high school decades ago? Absurd.

    There remains some hope – last night I watched a Joe Rogan interview with Jordan Peterson, who suggested “send your kids to a trade school, not a university”. He thinks it is that broken, and universities may already be doing more harm than good.

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  29. Vicki says:

    Right again, Kneel.

    The signs were clear very early in 2020 that the Chinese were turning an ostensible research project into a bio-weapon development program. Stuff leaking out now by Markson & others suggest there was serious concern in some sectors, And nonchalance & profiteering in others ( eg Ecoalliance).

    Panic set in when it was clear that the the virus had escaped from the lab. That’s when, very likely Fauci had urgent meetings with Big Pharma. Anti-virals (except for the unprofitable existing ones off patent) take some to develop, so vaccine programs were given huge funding, exclusivity from anti – viral therapy competition & we now have the disgraceful debacle of almost mandated vaccination with experimental vaccines.

    Meanwhile, the anti-viral programs are coming to fruition, & will earn Big Pharma another motza. And all the while mug punters are prevented from accessing cheap, effective anti- virals already available.

    And the vaccine devotees have the cheek to say us “hesitant” are irresponsible!

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  30. Boambee John says:

    BBS at 0852

    Not at half a bottle of vodka a day!

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  31. Kneel:
    “We need someone in the media with a large audience to FOI these deals, and if they cannot be had, start asking some hard questions from the pollies. If these “vaxxine” contracts do indeed specify “no therapeutics”, that is unconscionable and needs to be voided, with Big Pharma held to account, even if it means fining them to oblivion or not being able to source from them any more. No one can or should be able to say “to get this cure, you must guarantee no other cures are available” – that is disgusting and totally unacceptable, as well as very dangerous. If such exists, it is an invitation to supply a never-ending series of “boosters” that line the pockets of Big Pharma and increase the risk to everyone of a bad reaction to the “vaxxine”, with every other option ruthlessly suppressed using GovCo force.”
    It’s very simple to deal with this shit.
    Under a State of Emergency, cull all the upper echelon decision making machinery from the pharmaceutical industry. Confiscate their personal assets and make sure they never work again.
    They know who was in this scam, we know who was in the scam. Go in, go hard, and make sure the lesson is learnt that crap like this has no chance of being repeated.
    Going in half hearted and slapping wrists has never worked – we must rip this moral corruption out or we are stuffed.

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  32. Muddy says:

    Roger mentioned neo- feudalism.

    During the latter year or two of Cat2, I stated on several occasions that I considered an energy-based feudalism may be a future possibility, though I could not then, and still cannot, elucidate my thoughts on exactly what form that may take. I wonder, though, if the promise of, competition for, and rationing of, affordable energy, may be a bargaining chip. What would the lucky serf promise in return? What services might be acceptable to the energy lord?

    I agree with what Callie wrote at 7.34, in terms of the further fracturing of society.

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  33. Muddy says:

    What do politicians have to fear from the electorate?
    What do the media have to fear from their audience?

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  34. DrBeauGan says:

    “How do you explain that not just one, or two, but some 200+ countries ALL threw their well-established pandemic plans, and all the science that goes with it, under the bus at the same time, over a virus about as dangerous as the flu?”

    There are two explanations that spring to mind:
    1. There is a gang that can control governments and is pushing neo-feudalism.
    2. Bureaucrats have no original ideas so slavishly copy each other.

    There is supportive evidence for each of these. I am increasingly inclined to 1.

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  35. Muddy says:

    It’s interesting how parallel institutions are sometimes acceptable: the indigenous courts here in Australia, and, I believe, sharia courts in some parts of the U.K.

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  36. hzhousewife says: – Neil Oliver – My children won’t be getting the Covid jab – for me, it’s a question of morality
    Apologies can’t do a link on the device I have just now- use duck duck go to find it 😊

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  37. Tom says:

    Thanks, Arky, and to all Cats who commented on this thread.

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  38. Annie says:

    This is my first comment on Cat3. Very many thanks for what you are doing.

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  39. John A says:

    Rabz says: August 10, 2021 at 8:54 am
    Bolt has Peter Singer on as a guest expert?

    Not for the first time, either, CL.

    The name Peter Singer is enough for me to say “No thanks!”

    Does AB know that he advocates for infanticide and philosophies (HA!!) about “speciesism”?

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  40. Muddy says:

    Welcome, Annie.

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  41. Shane says:

    ”John A says:
    August 11, 2021 at 3:23 p
    The name Peter Singer is enough for me to say “No thanks!”
    Does AB know that he advocates for infanticide and philosophies (HA!!) about “speciesism”? ‘
    Mere minor points of disagreements, this duo however are in agreement with the Big Picture & would see the current crop of mRNA vaxxs as the fastest way to get the world back to normal…..& would take issue with the following

    from jimstone’s site
    ” Open Letter to the Unvaccinated – Doctor Angela Durante (and 7 others)
    You are not alone! As of 28 July 2021, 29% of Canadians have not received a COVID-19 vaccine, and an additional 14% have received one shot. In the US and in the European Union, less than half the population is fully vaccinated, and even in Israel, the “world’s lab” according to Pfizer, one third of people remain completely unvaccinated. Politicians and the media have taken a uniform view, scapegoating the unvaccinated for the troubles that have ensued after eighteen months of fearmongering and lockdowns. It�s time to set the record straight.

    It is entirely reasonable and legitimate to say ‘no’ to insufficiently tested vaccines for which there is no reliable science. You have a right to assert guardianship of your body and to refuse medical treatments if you see fit. You are right to say ‘no’ to a violation of your dignity, your integrity and your bodily autonomy. It is your body, and you have the right to choose. You are right to fight for your children against their mass vaccination in school.

    You are right to question whether free and informed consent is at all possible under present circumstances. Long-term effects are unknown. Transgenerational effects are unknown. Vaccine-induced deregulation of natural immunity is unknown. Potential harm is unknown as the adverse event reporting is delayed, incomplete and inconsistent between jurisdictions.

    You are being targeted by mainstream media, government social engineering campaigns, unjust rules and policies, collaborating employers, and the social-media mob. You are being told that you are now the problem and that the world cannot get back to normal unless you get vaccinated. You are being viciously scapegoated by propaganda and pressured by others around you. Remember; there is nothing wrong with you.

    You are inaccurately accused of being a factory for new SARS-CoV-2 variants, when in fact, according to leading scientists, your natural immune system generates immunity to multiple components of the virus. This will promote your protection against a vast range of viral variants and abrogates further spread to anyone else.

    You are justified in demanding independent peer-reviewed studies, not funded by multinational pharmaceutical companies. All the peer-reviewed studies of short-term safety and short-term efficacy have been funded, organized, coordinated, and supported by these for-profit corporations; and none of the study data have been made public or available to researchers who don�t work for these companies.

    You are right to question the preliminary vaccine trial results. The claimed high values of relative efficacy rely on small numbers of tenuously determined “infections.” The studies were also not blind, where people giving the injections admittedly knew or could deduce whether they were injecting the experimental vaccine or the placebo. This is not acceptable scientific methodology for vaccine trials.

    You are correct in your calls for a diversity of scientific opinions. Like in nature, we need a polyculture of information and its interpretations. And we don’t have that right now. Choosing not to take the vaccine is holding space for reason, transparency and accountability to emerge. You are right to ask, ‘What comes next when we give away authority over our own bodies?’

    Do not be intimidated. You are showing resilience, integrity and grit. You are coming together in your communities, making plans to help one another and standing for scientific accountability and free speech, which are required for society to thrive. We are among many who stand with you.”

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  42. Kneel says:

    “I am increasingly inclined to 1.”

    If so (and I am inclined to agree), then I see two possibilities here:
    1) bribery
    2) blackmail

    You may think blackmail is unlikely on such a scale, however if the “zero click” Pegasus phone malware has been sent to many leaders (they just need to send you a text, and your phone can be infected!), then this seems like a likely scenario to me.
    And there was a list of 50,000+ numbers that was leaked.
    While political leaders may have been so targeted, so may have many “deep state” players – heads of gov departments etc. If this has also spread to MSM at any level, we’ll never get out of this pickle without a “kinetic” (civil) war.

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  43. Tom Atkinson says:

    Hi all! Great to see most of you again.

    Help! Have got Discord installed, and I accepted the invite from Zipster (above), but I can’t post anything in the Discord chat, nor see anybody else’s postings.

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