Globalist Power Brokers

Voters elect members of parliament to make laws and decisions on their behalf.  This means that candidates who get elected, should follow the wishes of the people who voted for them.

The majority of voting citizens, if they knew the truth, would want their elected representatives to do what is best for the country and its citizens. They would not favour candidates who disregard the national interests, and follow instead, the rules of those at the global level who have decided what each country and its citizens should be doing. Global organisations like the United Nations and similar other entities, were not elected by the voters of the country; thus, they should have no say in matters of domestic policies – whether financial, business, manufacturing, health, lifestyle or any other area.

As Australians prepare to vote for their representatives to the 47th Parliament, next month, they need to keep in mind that they cast their ballots for those who truly care for the country – the patriots. They need to cast off the traitors; those who are under the influence of agendas that are dictated by some unelected global masters.

Last year, Tim Gielsen, in his documentary MONOPOLY – Who owns the world? explained how a small group of elites control the world.

Now, this documentary by Jonas Nilsson, explains how the global financial elite influence society via the World Economic Forum. It is a reminder about the power brokers who are making the decisions that will negatively impact your life, and that of your country. But you and your fellow citizens did not elect them.

The Power Brokers You Never Elected


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5 Responses to Globalist Power Brokers

  1. Old bloke says:

    That’s an interesting video, it crashed Firefox four times when I was watching it.

    The next virus, the cyber virus they mentioned, will be a worry for those people who are using digital currency. If we’ll all need approved digital id’s to reconnect to the internet, then my little westie will be very annoyed. She likes to watch some cat and dog YouTubes in the morning, take them away and she will be sad.

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  2. Fat Tony says:

    The globalist “elite” regard us as “useless eaters”.

    Strangely though, it’s us “useless eaters” who have built everything they use and enjoy. None at that level would be capable of much more than tying their own shoelaces.

    This “elite” want to change our world – greatly reduce our population, bring back a serf type society…human progress was pretty slow during that period.

    I don’t think they can actually do what they want to do (the Great Human Cull etc) and still keep what they already have. And they’re very poorly equipped to handle that scenario. Unfortunately, they’ll find that out too late.

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  3. kaysee kaysee says:

    That’s an interesting video, it crashed Firefox four times when I was watching it.

    It is also on BitChute. I saved the link, just in case it gets disappeared on the Tube.

    The next virus, the cyber virus they mentioned, will be a worry for those people who are using digital currency.

    The first virus was planned to make it easier to get in the cyber one.

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  4. kaysee kaysee says:

    I don’t think they can actually do what they want to do (the Great Human Cull etc) and still keep what they already have.

    They will try. Unless the useless eaters realise what is happening and unite in resisting the elite.

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  5. The video is unwatchable – the sound is ahead or behind by at least two seconds, or it bears no relationship to the speakers lip movements.

    [Which is your correct email address for this site? You were previously approved on another one. You need to use the same one for all comments. – Admin]

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