The agenda of the globalists is to control the world, and they have been plotting and scheming for decades. To implement their evil plans, these vile, self-appointed overlords of our planet are creating a new breed of cyborgs that will rule over humanity. This species of “humanoids” will be a symbiosis between man and machine and will control every aspect of our lives.
As explained by The Times Examiner:
These cyborgs will become the new masters of this world, they say.
According to the World Economic Forum, the difference between these humanoids (created by the elites) and the original humans (created by God) will be similar to the difference between humans today and chimpanzees. There will come a separation between humanity (homo sapiens) and this new species (homo deus). “Deus” is Latin for “god”. The reason they name this new species homo deus, is because they literally believe they will become gods.
They claim this new species of “homo deus” will save the world.
The rest of humanity will be considered a lower life form, a useless class, animals without value, equal to chimpanzees. These are their own exact words, that you can hear in the film CRY FOR FREEDOM. Their insane idea is being pushed worldwide, among the wealthiest and most powerful, through the World Economic Forum and the financial tyrants who run the World Health Organization, United Nations, World Bank, etc.
The following video from Stop World Control reveals this agenda.
Why cyborgs won’t save the world
If you are unable to view the embedded video, it can be found here.
In other words, Gattaca meets the Forth Reich.
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This species of “humanoids” will be a symbiosis between man and machine and will control every aspect of our lives.
Immortal Cyborgs: Is This Humanity’s Future?
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Ze big bug in 2016
His protégé
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