Dr. Jay Bhattacharya is a professor at Stanford University Medical School. He is also a physician, epidemiologist, health economist and public health policy expert focussing on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations. He is one of the 3 authors of the Great Barrington Declaration.
The Declaration (October 4, 2020) was written from a global public health and humanitarian perspective, with special concerns about how the current COVID-19 strategies are forcing our children, the working class and the poor to carry the heaviest burden.
In this hour-long interview with Peter Robinson (recorded on October 13, 2021), Dr Bhattacharya analyzes the various aspects of this pandemic. In the latter part, he talks about the vaccines and appears to recommend them. His detailed response contains inclusions and exclusions, so it doesn’t seem like a simple vaccine endorsement.
There are several facets to this pandemic, and Dr Bhattacharya provides a good explanation to each question.