Open Thread – Saturday, 4 December 2021

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473 Responses to Open Thread – Saturday, 4 December 2021

  1. mh says:

    Intel on upcoming protests this weekend with Mack from Reclaim the Line

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  2. mh says:

    Timmy, the rain that is falling is not running down the cracks in the ground.

    ‘A person is feared dead after their car was swept away in floodwaters in Brisbane’s north. It comes the night after a 75-year-old woman died in floodwaters in Brisbane’s west.’

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  3. mh says:

    ‘A top Israeli health official has warned that it will take at least 7 booster shots for people to be considered fully vaccinated and be able to live their lives without massive restrictions.’

    PJW has more:

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  4. Steve trickler says:



    Tony Heller:

    The Danish Meteorological Institute has made completely implausible explanation for why they suddenly altered their sea ice volume data yesterday.

    Rapidly Disappearing Ice – Part 2

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  5. Steve trickler says:

    Resistance GB:

    Excerpts from the speeches at the 4th December 2021 freedom rally in York, with scenes from the march.

    York: We Will Not Surrender, We Are Winning This War

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  6. egg_ says:

    The Danish Meteorological Institute has made completely implausible explanation for why they suddenly altered their sea ice volume data yesterday.

    They thoroughly deserve a good kicking in their iceholes!

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  7. Steve trickler says:

    He needs a bullet in his head…after a fair trial and conviction.

    Gravitas Plus: Does George Soros manipulate the Global Order?

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  8. Steve trickler says:

    Gunner is f*cked in the head. He is insane.

    Probably paid a handsome sum from the WEF ( I have no proof )

    NT imposes strict testing for travellers

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  9. cohenite says:

    Tony Heller:

    The Danish Meteorological Institute has made completely implausible explanation for why they suddenly altered their sea ice volume data yesterday.

    Rapidly Disappearing Ice – Part 2

    And not one msm outlet will show this outrageous and fraudulent bullshit.

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  10. mh says:

    ‘Anna’s daughter Casey was excited to get the first jab.

    Casey has been in a wheelchair since.

    Anna has witnessed the medical professional minimizing and denying her daughter’s symptoms, post taking the 1st dose of Pfizer.

    This is Anna’s story.

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  11. mh says:


    Jussie Smollett found guilty of faking hate crime
    The former star of the TV show Empire faces up to 15 years in prison after being convicted on five of six charges of felony disorderly conduct.

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  12. mh says:

    Fox News

    Verdict reached in Jussie Smollett trial | Breaking News


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  13. Shy Ted says:

    Renewable word of the week is “volatile”. Volatile seems to mean “doesn’t, wont, not ever” in my language.
    Technology prediction

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  14. Steve trickler says:

    Stew Peters Show:

    In the former democracy of Australia we are now seeing large-scale prison camps built in the name of stopping coronavirus. Yes, prison camps being built on what was, once, an entire continent-sized prison colony. Outside the city of Darwin, authorities are running a 2,000-person prison camp at Howard Springs.
    Mark Aldridge joins us to discuss.

    Covid Prison Camps Not Conspiracy: Aborigines, Healthy Citizens Being Forced Into Confinement

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  15. kaysee kaysee says:

    Michael P Senger

    Good Morning Britain deletes Twitter poll after 89% of respondents indicate they would not support mandatory COVID vaccination.

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  16. mh says:

    😆 🍿

    ‘Jussie Smollett’s defense attorney said they will be appealing the actor’s guilty verdicts Thursday following the conclusion of the trial.

    A jury found Smollett guilty of five of the six charges of disorderly conduct against him following a nearly two-week trial.

    After the verdict was read, Nenye Uche told reporters Smollett was disappointed and that he is “100% innocent.” He said Smollett’s team is confident “he’s going to be cleared of all, all accusations on all charges.”

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  17. kaysee kaysee says:

    Happy to advise my Teddy Sheean VC book wins a national prize…

    Congratulations, Top Ender.

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  18. kaysee kaysee says:

    Joe and Kamala

    Joe Biden Refuses to acknowledge Kamala as he walks right past her in US Capitol. Then Joe asks Jill to SWITCH SEATS so he won’t be close to VP. Neither make eye contact as Joe looks AT THE CEILING and Kamala looks at the floor. CRINGE. See for yourself:

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  19. kaysee kaysee says:

    Kyle Rittenhouse IN STUDIO! Sit-down & Cigars With Crowder | Louder with Crowder

    I am watching the video. Kyle is just 18 years old.

    In Tucker Carlson’s interview, as well as here, he speaks with such maturity.

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  20. kaysee kaysee says:

    Good Cop Files Australian Edition:

    “Follow God, Stand Up to Covid Totalitarianism”

    Jacob Gissane is an eleven-year police force veteran in Australia. His grandfather was a detective in Sydney and put in thirty-one years on the job. Jacob carried on that noble tradition, working in the city his grandfather had also served and protected. Jacob worked most of his career in General Duties, and later in a Proactive Crime Unit.

    But Jacob Gissane no longer works as a police officer. He regrettably resigned on November 13, 2021. A Direction given by the New South Wales Police Commissioner put Gissane in direct confrontation with his conscience.

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  21. kaysee kaysee says:

    Rapidly Disappearing Ice – Part 2

    And not one msm outlet will show this outrageous and fraudulent bullshit.

    That is why having blogs like this one are so important. We are able to share what we are learning from other non-MSM/Real News sources into this group pool. That helps us gain more information than would be possible if we were searching news items online, as individuals.

    I am watching videos and reading articles that others have posted here, and at the same time trying to post what I have picked up, elsewhere.

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  22. cohenite says:

    Alex Antic very good on Tucker about his forced quarantine. He is a guy to watch but the ball-less bastards in the lnp will probably disenfranchise him.

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  23. mh says:

    This is sad

    National News Live
    Omicron major topic of discussion at national cabinet: PM

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  24. kaysee kaysee says:

    I’m with Adam

    Adam’s post says:

    I do not want them to change tack; that would save them. On the contrary, they are my enemies so I want them destroyed. And the very best way is for them to destroy themselves by their own actions. Let them reach a point where the populace can stomach no more. Let them be summarily tried and publicly executed.

    I agree with Adam, up to a point. My focus is on helping make possible a situation where we can have Nuremberg 2.0 trials.

    I would prefer a fair and just trial for all those responsible. And all those found guilty face life in prison.

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  25. kaysee kaysee says:

    In court filing, Facebook admits ‘fact checks’ are nothing more than opinion

    In its response to Stossel’s defamation claim, Facebook responds on Page 2, Line 8 in the court document (download it below) that Facebook cannot be sued for defamation (which is making a false and harmful assertion) because its ‘fact checks’ are mere statements of opinion rather than factual assertions.

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  26. cohenite says:

    In its response to Stossel’s defamation claim, Facebook responds on Page 2, Line 8 in the court document (download it below) that Facebook cannot be sued for defamation (which is making a false and harmful assertion) because its ‘fact checks’ are mere statements of opinion rather than factual assertions.

    That would rather compound the defamation.

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  27. Black Ball Black Ball says:

    Andrews extends state of emergency for another month

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  28. Delta A says:

    He is a guy to watch but the ball-less bastards in the lnp will probably disenfranchise him.

    I wish he would run as an independent. He’s far to honourable for the LNP. And he has a spine. He speaks out against the covid mandates.

    All South Aussies should give him #1 on the ticket, even though he is a sfl.

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  29. Steve trickler says:


    The Victorian Governor has officially responded to my ‘Kill the Bill’ petition which gained more than 125K signatures.

    BREAKING: The Governor RESPONDS to our petition

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  30. Steve trickler says:


    Peter Dutton: a threat to your freedoms

    The Greatest Threat to Australia’s Freedoms

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  31. kaysee kaysee says:

    Feminist rips ‘gender identity’ as meaningless

    Kara Dansky of the Women’s Human Rights Campaign discusses the state of women’s right.

    Her plea to viewers is to stop using the term “transgender” as such a term doesn’t exist.

    And she is a Democrat.

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  32. Steve trickler says:

    Far out! Horrible scene to deal with.


    A cargo truck jammed with people rolled over and crashed into a pedestrian bridge over on a highway in southern Mexico on Thursday, killing at least 49 people and injuring nearly five dozen others, authorities reported.

    Mexico: 49 migrants killed, dozens injured in Mexico truck accident | Latest English News | Breaking


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  33. mh says:

    ‘Don’t vote independent’: Joyce warns
    While isolating in the US with Covid-19, Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce issues strident defence of Coalition vs Labor political system.


    He would say that. Beetrooter is a gravy train lifer.

    Vote UAP and Our Pauline.
    You can’t trust the Liberals, Labor, Nationals or The Greens.

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  34. kaysee kaysee says:


    The Victorian Governor has officially responded to my ‘Kill the Bill’ petition which gained more than 125K signatures.

    BREAKING: The Governor RESPONDS to our petition

    To take the easy way out of a critical decision by saying that just because it has not happened before, it should not happen ever, is a gutless response. How does such a person have a role of importance in the government of state or country?

    Here is the relevant paragraph from the letter.

    Avi mentions 3 cases where the Governor of Vic denied Royal Assent. Here are 2 cases.

    Can Avi challenge this legally?

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  35. Cardimona says:

    Today’s LTE submission to the Courier Mail…


    The Editor

    Sane societies remain so by having good laws, based on experience, and always respecting them. Our foundational, overarching law is the Australian Constitution.

    In 1946, after the experience of WWII, we had a referendum and voted for a change to our Constitution.

    We reacted to the extremist eugenics program of the Nazis and introduced Section 51(xxiiiA) – which forbids civilian conscription in medical or dental care.

    That means that no civilian can be forced to provide or receive a medical or dental procedure.

    And yet here we are, just 75 years later, with our own government, in lock step with globalist organisations, attempting to use their corporate mates to bypass our Constitution (C-M, p.68, 10/12).

    That is completely unacceptable, and it is why I am supporting Craig Kelly, Clive Palmer and the United Australia Party (C-M, p.7, 10/12).

    Having disregarded several clauses in our Constitution in the past two years, neither Labor, Liberal, Greens or Nationals can ever be trusted again.

    (160 words)

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  36. kaysee kaysee says: Execs Jump Ship After Backlash Against CEO Who Fired 900 Employees over Zoom

    Three top executives at have reportedly resigned from the mortgage lender after CEO Vishal Garg received major backlash for awkwardly firing at least 900 employees over Zoom. Additional bizarre communications from Garg have leaked out, such as an email reading: “You are a bunch of DUMB DOLPHINS and…DUMB DOLPHINS get caught in nets and eaten by sharks. SO STOP IT. STOP IT. STOP IT RIGHT NOW. YOU ARE EMBARRASSING ME.”

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  37. kaysee kaysee says:

    Fully vaccinated, anyone?


    Pfizer CEO says fourth Covid vaccine doses may be needed sooner than expected due to omicron

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  38. Steve trickler says:

    Scroll alert!

    30 minutes watching boats. You can’t help but laugh at some of the situations.


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  39. kaysee kaysee says:

    The world has to be grateful to Pfizer. Says the CEO.

    Aaron Ginn

    CEO of Pfizer says that boosters are going to be annual going forward but it is a good deal.

    They have saved the world “trillions of dollars” from unnecessary lockdowns and they deserve a “financial reward” for a vaxx that isn’t as good as they promised.

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  40. kaysee kaysee says:

    What a surprise.

    Restrictions on Australia’s international border extended until February

    Health Minister Greg Hunt has announced restrictions on Australia’s international borders have been extended until February 2022.

    Mr Hunt said the extension until February 17, 2022 will assist Australia’s reopening effort and the response to the “emergence of the Omicron variant”.

    And in February 2022, it will be the variant Pi or Rho or Sigma.
    Likely, Sigma – it has the right sound.

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  41. Steve trickler says:


    The global Urea and AdBlue shortage is placing Australia in the front line for major food supply problems.


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  42. Delta A says:

    Thanks, kaysee. I always enjoy your funnies.

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  43. mh says:

    Joe Biden

    What happened today to @JussieSmollett must never be tolerated in this country. We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts. We are with you, Jussie.

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  44. mh says:

    Sweden and Germany: No Deaths In Children Due to Covid BY PAUL ELIAS ALEXANDER DECEMBER 8, 2021

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  45. mh says:

    Alex Jones vs Gene Simmons on Howard Stern Show

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  46. Black Ball Black Ball says:

    Holding Back The Years is a great song.

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  47. mh says:

    The world of American football is in mourning after the sudden death of five-time Pro Bowl star and Super Bowl winner Demaryius Thomas at the age of 33 just months after his retirement.

    …Thomas’ cause of death is still unclear, but police said preliminary reports suggested his passing is related to a medical issue with no indications of foul play.

    In a statement, the Broncos said they were “devastated and completely heartbroken by the sudden, tragic passing” of a former charge who would have turned 34 on Christmas Day.


    A Pfizer related ‘medical issue’?

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  48. mh says:

    Super Bowl winner Demaryius Thomas had been having seizures in the months leading up to his death.

    That is not inconsistent with vaccine injury.

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  49. mh says:


    ‘Inflation accelerated at its fastest pace since 1982 in November, the Labor Department said Friday, putting pressure on the economic recovery and raising the stakes for the Federal Reserve.

    The consumer price index, which measures the cost of a wide-ranging basket of goods and services, rose 0.8% for the month, good for a 6.8% pace on a year over year basis and the fastest rate since June 1982.’

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  50. Black Ball Black Ball says:

    Thomas should still be playing. Along with Gronkowski he has redefined the tight end position to be a deep threat downfield or yards after the catch. FMD

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  51. Ragu says:

    Wasn’t Gronk pissed at getting 4 mill a year to average 2 TDs, many many yardage and being The season player that won them about 5 trophies?

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  52. cohenite says:

    Suck it up suckers, Mark A’s Lame Pics:

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