There’s Nothing Conservative About Renting Wombs

Last year, in an interview, Dave Rubin explained his transition from a left-leaning progressive to a free thinking classical liberal, and from there on, considering himself to be a conservative. He said:

What really is so beautiful about the conservative movement right now, is it is an extremely wide tent. . . . a pretty wide swath of people, and I’d say I fall more on the libertarian side of that.

If the conservative movement is all-embracing, what does it really represent? Can someone decide that since the left is leaning too far, they will hop over to the right, and join those conservatives who welcome anyone? It seems that that conservatives have stretched themselves out of shape to accommodate anyone who agrees, in part, with them.

Two weeks ago, Rubin made this announcement via twitter:

Through the process of using donated eggs and surrogacy, two homosexual men can claim fatherhood. They have bought eggs (genetic material) from one or two women. Two other women will gestate, for nine months, babies that they will give up at birth. Each of these babies, will have two mothers; a genetic mother and a gestational mother. But these women, will have no role in their lives. Once the babies are out of the womb, the transaction is complete. These children will grow up without a mother.

This is self-indulgence. Wanting something that can be purchased with dollars. The needs and rights of the children don’t matter. The bonding that has taken place in the womb is not relevant. Children can grow up without this maternal influence in their lives.

In this essay, Jennifer Roback Morse says:

This is not a “conservative” stance. It is not even a rational stance. “I did it because I wanted to” is not a rational reason for anything. It is simply a statement of willfulness. If a child doesn’t have a right to a relationship with his or her own parents, no one has a right to anything. What remains to conserve, once you’ve stripped away the most basic birthright of a human being?

We have a situation where someone calling himself a conservative, is actively doing something that does not conserve the basic right of a child. If we believe that isn’t in keeping with conservative values, how do we explain the fact that prominent conservatives have rushed in to congratulate Dave Rubin, on his soon-to-be achievement of fatherhood?

Like  conservative commenter Megyn Kelly, conservative writer and filmmaker Christopher Rufo, spokeswoman for the governor of Florida, Christina Pushaw, and conservative outfits like PragerU and BlazeTV.

Fortunately, there are the true conservatives like:

Dr Taylor Marshall

Human babies and wombs are NOT commodities to be rented or harvested like crops. Disgusting and foul and evil. Dave Rubin is NOT “conservative” – whatever that means anymore.

Mark Dice

This is horrifying. Buying women’s eggs & then renting other women’s wombs to grow “their” children (who will be deprived of their mothers) & instead forced to be raised by two gay men as “theirs.” Any Christian or conservative congratulating them is just as bad as the Marxists.

As well as Allie Beth Stuckey, who believes it is important to stay true to your values, and represent them honestly. She did not join the cheering conservatives in offering felicitations to Rubin. She shares her perspective on the issues of marriage, sexuality and surrogacy, and explains her reasons here:

Why I Can’t Congratulate My Friend Dave Rubin


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5 Responses to There’s Nothing Conservative About Renting Wombs

  1. mundi says:

    It reminds of of this:

    ABC of course did 4 seperate stories of them when they adopted, and then sunk away to their holes never to report on what happened to the poor kid.

    However in this case if rich people do it, it will be OK, because they will probably have a nanny to take up that role. Rubin seemingly already has a butler, and 3 maids in his household….

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  2. Fat Tony says:

    I gather they’re looking to the day when eggs can be harvested from girls and the foetus developed in a machine, then raised by the government to be good little ………. (fill in your own descriptor here).

    Maybe next time when humanity rises again from the ashes, it will be different (as if…)

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  3. Shane says:

    ”Fat Tony says:
    April 1, 2022 at 12:57 pm
    I gather they’re looking to the day when eggs can be harvested from girls and the foetus developed in a machine, then raised by the government to be good little ………. (fill in your own descriptor here)…”
    Hey, it just goes to show ”Brave New World” from the 1930s was merely the template rather than the warning just like ”1984” was also a template.
    ”Maybe next time when humanity rises again from the ashes, it will be different (as if…)”
    I have to agree it sure doesn’t look like the current High School reunion of Atlantis High isn’t going to be much of a success,
    it’s starting to read like a really dystopian Scifi novel combining Rand & Huxley with a touch of Stephen King thrown in the vaxtastrophe continues to roll on, scything through not only the average joe but also those of our elites who just couldn’t hear the warnings in those informed consent consults, much less read or believe the small print.
    Now in something that seems a bit like a precursor to Terminator & the zeitgeist, this April 1 clip from the New Scientist dealing with the apparent development of magnetic slime AI gives me the shivers

    P.S You have to wonder if Rubin & his partner have given much thought to the long-term consequences of creating hostages to fortune.

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  4. kaysee kaysee says:

    You have to wonder if Rubin & his partner have given much thought to the long-term consequences of creating hostages to fortune.

    From this article in the The American Conservative:

    In a video posted to his YouTube channel Rubin explains in graphic detail the process by which he and the other Dave created these two children. First, though, he explains that he was so career-driven that he had never seriously considered having children…

    Rubin explains further that, growing up in the Dark Age of 1980s New York, he didn’t quite think it was normal for two men to have babies together…

    But the other Dave finally wore him down, and the two men jumped into a process that seems to a sane observer intensely dystopian:

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  5. Shane says:

    ”He that hath ….children hath given hostages to fortune, for they are impediments to great enterprises, either of virtue or mischief.
    —Francis Bacon ”
    Having repeated the above, still, I wish Dave Rubin & mate, much joy & all the best in their acquisition of a couple of rug rats however it was done.
    Unfortunately, it is no longer as simple as it once was to be a parent….no need to elaborate for any reader of this blog

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