We don’t want to be locked down in the future so vaccination is our passport.
Liberty Quote
- Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.
— Benjamin Franklin -
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I don’t want herpes, so tomorrow I’m attending a macrame class
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Who is this ‘we’, JB?
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How long before we see dead politicians laying in the street, dogs feeding on the carcase. Can’t wait.
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It’s a bit stunning how the Liberals have suddenly and completely supported such an overwhelmingly discriminatory policy.
It’s almost as if they want to punish the folks who voted for them.
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Dogs eating the carcasses of dead politicians lying in the streets?
Sounds like animal cruelty to me.
God knows what vermin the poor dogs would pick up from touching scum like that.
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We may be experiencing the Delta variant of COVID, but we are also experiencing the Zeta variant of political humbug.
It seems that politicians are incapable of the embarrassment that any normal person would feel about changing their story multiple times at the expense of the little people.
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Language does not change by itself. Nor does it change at random.
It would be more correct to say that the language is being abused by people in authority, for their own purposes. It will only “change” if we accept the change, rather than calling them out for their lies, obfuscation and prevarication.
It is not innocent, nor is it inevitable. It is just one more example of manipulation, and it is up to us to reject than and stand for the truth.
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They have called the new varient of the Fauci Wuhan Virus the”Mu ” varient ,is that moo as in cow? I was looking forward to the “Epsilon”varient too hard for the left media to say was it ?
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After ‘banning’ Ivermectin yesterday,
we now see that the government is going to spend $95 million on antiviral research……why can’t they just accept the studies
from overseas ??
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“It seems that politicians are incapable of the embarrassment that any normal person would feel about changing their story multiple times at the expense of the little people.”
Of course they’re not embarrassed – they are “following the science” and “listening to the experts”. That way, when it inevitable turns to crap, they can trot out the same lines and throw said experts under the bus to save their own precious hides.
What is annoying is that they are not doing their job – which is to listen to all the experts. Not just virologists, but psychologists, economists etc etc.
What is annoying is their demand for trust, while they simultaneously and obviously do not trust the plebs.
What is annoying is the complete lack of research into treatments for the last 18 months.
What is annoying is the vaccine mandate for health workers – if it turns out to be debilitating in the long term (seems unlikely, but who knows?), we will have lost all our health workers. Nor did they use the significant proportion of health workers who were “vaccine hesitant” to trial chemical prophylaxis like IVM.
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Discrimination is no longer permitted on skin colour, race, religion, disability, obesity, etc. Moralistic maniacs must be rubbing their hands with glee, now they’ve got an unlisted category to excuse their need to create social division. People classed as unfit for normal society can’t get their precious tick certificate. But don’t confuse them by comparing it to a yellow star or a pink triange.
Don’t be silly. They will respond in exactly the same way to any new virus, because “look how successful it was last time”.
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After ‘banning’ Ivermectin yesterday,
we now see that the government is going to spend $95 million on antiviral research……why can’t they just accept the studies
This is tantamount to murder and treason rolled into one. They really don’t want people to get better.
Whoever authorised these restrictions should be publicly executed and hung in a gibbet as a warning.
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Whoever authorised these restrictions should be publicly executed and hung in a gibbet as a warning.
Lt Gen JJ Frewen, head of the vax rollout, as quoted in the Guardian.
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“…we now see that the government is going to spend $95 million on antiviral research…”
Had they started when the pandemic started, it would look a hell of a lot better… as it stands, this looks like CYA and nothing more.
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<blockquote>”It’s almost as if they want to punish the folks who voted for them.”</blockquote>
That has been the official policy by the Liberal party for years. Remember the name ‘delcons’ (delusional conservatives) they gave to those of us who actually still believe in what the party used to stand for?
As far as the long-term effects of the ‘vaccinations’ are concerned, we can have no clue yet.
And I would be very reluctant to say that significant problems are ‘unlikely’. There is evidence already from the latest NHS data that at least some of the vaxxed are now experiencing enhanced symptoms with their ‘breakthrough’ infections. So just like with the animal trials of the mRNA coronavirus vaxxes, every one of which failed, it seems these ones will be no different.
And those types of infections (‘breakthrough’) would be the ones that Fauci/CDC etc claimed not so long ago were impossible.
Hence now the ‘boosters’. Israel has already pretty much stated a third one is not enough, so it will go on and on until the cumulative damage from the S-protein and whatever else is in those ‘jabs’ starts killing people by the million.
Perhaps only then will the frightened sheep wake up. Perhaps.
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I’ve two mectin. That’s one more than you.
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All this talk of hanging is unreasonably humane. Legally declaring them not human and thus entitled to be owned, that would be better.
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I’m a traditionalist.
Heads. On. Pikes…. facing Parliament as a reminder to their replacements.
“All this talk of hanging is unreasonably humane.”
Might I suggest burnt at the stake?
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I just found out my pure blood is valuable to these zombies.
All police officers take note please, Peels rules for policing and The Great Quote: Men Who Wanted to Be Left Alone
“The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of “Men who wanted to be left Alone”.
They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.
They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.
They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over.
The moment the “Men who wanted to be left Alone” are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. . . .
Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these “Men who wanted to be left Alone”, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the Left’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy . . . . but it will fall upon deaf ears.“
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