Open Thread – Saturday, 25 June 2022

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264 Responses to Open Thread – Saturday, 25 June 2022

  1. Old bloke says:

    kaysee says:
    June 26, 2022 at 7:05 pm

    African countries leading the way

    a/ Pandemic Treaty

    WHO Pandemic Treaty HALTED by 47 African Countries

    Interesting turn around. Thank you Africa to stepping down and buying us some time

    Nevertheless, our Government has committed Australia to fund the WHO for new pandemics.

    “Mr Chalmers said Australia was pleased to be able to play its part in the new fund.”

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  2. Arky says:

    I don’t think the availability of abortions would really be an issue for that ugly herd of slags

    You’ve obviously never done security work at venues and watched sober what ensues as the night progresses and the patrons become intoxicated.

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  3. Fat Tony says:

    You’ve obviously never done security work at venues and watched sober what ensues as the night progresses and the patrons become intoxicated.

    You’re quite correct – i went to a night club probably twice in the early 1970s with a couple of friends and found the collection of drunk noisy fuckwits was not to my liking. Never went back.

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  4. Ragu says:

    I no longer trust any of their other vaxxes – trust level zero for Big Pharma / Big Gov.

    Not so much after finding out that the shots we have got should have been aspirated.

    Going forward the trust is gone from the whole medical fraternity. From the admin karens up to specialist consultants.

    Now that the push is on to mRNA the shit out of every vaxx they can FOAD

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  5. mh says:



    When PJW said I hope you weren’t eating your lunch, I was.

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  6. Ragu says:


    Well done that person. They saw some right angles and a pattern

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  7. johanna johanna says:

    Please keep it up, girls and boys.

    Lovin’ the links here.

    Shy Ted, you are a very naughty boy. 🙂

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  8. mh says:

    7Mate tonight has First Blood followed by Dirty

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  9. Shy Ted says:

    I’ve just see the trailer for 4 Corners, about vaping. Greg Hunt features and says, “I see them as merchants of death” (or something very similar). Gone from parliament. Revoke his passport. If anyone is a merchant of death it’s GHunt.

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  10. mh says:

    Ragu, your link now has

    Age-restricted adult content. This content might not be appropriate for people under 18 years old. To view this media, you’ll need to log in to Twitter.

    This is the level that Twitter has sunk to.
    Useless fvckwits.
    Sack them all, Elon.

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  11. mh says:

    On Sunday I switched my Super from cash to Australian shares.

    It tells you it may take 3 business days for the investment strategy change to show online, however I’m not sure from what unit price the cash gets invested. Is it the price on the Friday close, for example?

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  12. Ragu says:

    Thats a shame, mh

    Try here instead

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  13. mh says:

    George Galloway gets stuck into the ‘pussy hatters’ at the start of this video

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  14. johanna johanna says:

    Wow, I never knew that chlorine gas was bright yellow:

    Amazing photo of a ship enveloped by a huge cloud of yellow gas.

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  15. Cardimona says:

    Time has come to establish an Anti-Globalist Alliance
    by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, addressing a Reawaken America Rally in Salem, Oregon

    We have tolerated the destruction of the family, we have endured the placing of the true God on an equal footing with idols, we have allowed billions of innocent people to be killed by abortion, we have allowed our children to be corrupted with immorality, pornography, the corruption of gender theory and LGBT ideology. We have allowed our rulers to use freedom not to serve God and the common good but to worship Satan and spread sin and vice. We have believed that if we left others free to act against the natural and divine law, they would in turn leave us free to be honest and good citizens. We fell into a huge deception, because our tolerance towards evil has today necessarily developed into society’s intolerance for the good.

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  16. Shy Ted says:

    Just finished watching pt 1 of 2 pt doco House of Maxwell. Much so far about dad, Robert and sons and their naughty financial dealings but just a few minutes from the end they begin to talk about Jeff Epstein and Ghislaine, though without mentioning their court cases. Very cagey about when they met but do mention the rumours that she was procuring young girls for him as far back as 1993, when he was 40. Ghis paid a singer/songwriter to write an insiders song for the birthday bash. It goes like this –
    “Poor Jeffrey Epstein is 40, oy vey!
    Life must be tough, his hair is already so grey
    He sure looks older but it’s clear from his smile
    The older he gets, the more juvenile
    Ghislaine is lavishing him with her affection
    She claims he has 24-hour erections
    He taught at Dalton, the naughty boy blushes
    To think of all the schoolgirls and all of their crushes”

    Songwriter says Ghis was insistent on having certain lines and innuendos in the song.
    Naturally, being SBS, there’s only one picture of Jeff in the company of the rich and powerful. Can you guess which 45th POTUS that was? Next episode Thurs evening.

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  17. Shy Ted says:

    Can’t remember when I saved this for posting but relatively recent. Tasmanians going for a swim. Sorry.
    Tee hee
    Usual sources for pics and funnies all a bit hardcore ATM. Good day so far. Emailed one state gummint dept calling them thieves and incompetents and demanding a refund. All they had done was send me a bill for something already paid, with penalties for non-payment, even though I had tried to pay within the timeframe but their website “may not show your invoice for up to 2 weeks”. It didn’t appear for 13 days so there is that!

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  18. Fat Tony says:

    Shy Ted says:
    June 28, 2022 at 10:16 am
    Can’t remember when I saved this for posting but relatively recent. Tasmanians going for a swim. Sorry.

    Sorry my arse!! You’re a sadistic prick Shy Ted…

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  19. Shy Ted says:

    Tribute to CL’ site.
    He had this line the other day –

    Prime Minister of Overseas, Anthony Albanese, supports the killing of the unwanted unborn.

    Anthony Overseasy?
    All that travel? You’d want a massage or 2 at each destination to loosen up.

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  20. mh says:

    Another one in the media who completely fails to understand the US constitution and the role of the SC Justices:

    Samantha Armytage has delivered a scathing response to the news that the US Supreme Court has overturned a landmark legal decision which granted citizens the constitutional right to access abortions.

    The former Sunrise star joined the chorus of international outrage by re-posting a widely-circulated image of the nine Supreme Court Justices, which had the words “F**k you” written across the chests of each of those who voted to overturn the ruling.

    Above newest Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, was written: “And really f**k you”.

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  21. kaysee kaysee says:

    How Australia’s population has changed:
    Latest Census data provides revealing insight into who we are as a nation

    Christianity is still the highest reported religion in Australia with over 40 per cent of responses to this question nominating as Christians or providing a Christian denomination as their answer.

    “However, this has decreased by 8 percentage points since 2016, nearly half of those who reported a Christian religious affiliation reported they were Catholic.

    “The Census has seen a growth of over 50 per cent of people reporting they’re Hindus in line with migration from India, 2.7 per cent of the population in fact are Hindus, and Islam is our second largest religion at 3.2 per cent of the population.”

    While the number of Christians in this country is decreasing, another race is increasing. In a decade, the two will be at parity.

    The decade after that will be similar to this.

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  22. kaysee kaysee says:

    This is similar to the description in the PJW video, posted above by mh.

    Dr Levatino speaking to Congress


    Who gets the blame for the Roe v Wade overturn?

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  23. Arky says:

    However, this has decreased by 8 percentage points since 2016, nearly half of those who reported a Christian religious affiliation reported they were Catholic.

    WASPS, of which I am one, abandoned church going fifty odd years ago, and their children have been brought up with a stupid Sesame Street, saccharin sweet morality loosely based on half forgotten, Judeo- Christian traditions and rampant tribalism.
    Dumb arses.
    Sent the daughter to a conservative, Catholic school at the start of this year because Presbyterian and Anglican private girl’s schools now churn out social justice harpies, just with slightly better manners than the riff raft blue haired and pieced mental cases coming out of the state schools.
    Not paying $30,000 a year for that, thanks.

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  24. Arky says:

    All the girl’s classmates now come from super huge Catholic families with seven or eight children and another on the way.
    Meanwhile, protestants are going into some weirdly smug self imposed extinction.
    Oh well, at least they can afford another labradoodle to keep them company in the second holiday home.

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  25. Steve trickler says:

    With this case it is the Hep-B jab.


    Stew Peters Show:

    Hospitals are following in the Eugenic footsteps of Nazi Germany. Naomi Wolf tells the heartbreaking story of a baby denied a heart transplant surgery because she was unvaccinated. Hospitals are now following in the steps of eugenics as they are deciding that unvaccinated children are LESS VALUABLE than children who ARE vaccinated.

    Baby Denied Heart Transplant Due To Vaccine Status: Medical Complex Sentences Baby To Death

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  26. kaysee kaysee says:

    Oh well, at least they can afford another labradoodle to keep them company in the second holiday home.

    For many in the West, secularism is their religion. They are doing well enough on the material front, they don’t need God in their lives.

    This morning on talkback radio, in response to Roe v Wade, the female caller said something along the lines of:
    I am Catholic …. but I support a woman’s right to discuss with her doctor and decide.

    That is Cafeteria Catholicism. Pick and choose which bits of the faith you like (the nice parts that do not disrupt your comfortable life), change other bits to suit your life and discard the rest.

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  27. JohnJJJ says:

    kaysee says:
    June 28, 2022 at 2:33 pm
    nearly half of those who reported a Christian religious affiliation reported they were Catholic.

    I tried the Gov ABS website for this information and gave up. I wanted to find out if they differentiated our muzzy friends into the sunni/shia ( or any of the other e.g. Ahmadi, Sufi..). Doesn’t sound important until it is!

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  28. kaysee kaysee says:

    On the same theme.

    This video is from a year ago.

    Searching for Hope Amid Western Decay

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  29. kaysee kaysee says:

    I wanted to find out if they differentiated our muzzy friends into the sunni/shia ( or any of the other e.g. Ahmadi, Sufi..).

    That info wouldn’t be available as not part of the form.

    Just looking at the religion question on the Census form.
    The listed options:

    No religion
    Anglican(Church of England)
    Uniting Church
    Greek Orthodox
    Other (please specify)

    In the notes, Examples of Other:
    Lutheran, Salvation Army, Judaism, Taoism, Atheism<

    What’s the difference between No Religion and Atheism?

    And where does the Global Warming religion fit in ?

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  30. Ragu says:

    What’s the difference between No Religion and Atheism?


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  31. Steve trickler says:
  32. mh says:

    Courier Mail – not paywalled

    Queensland teacher’s life ‘ruined’ after severe reaction to Pfizer shot

    A young Queensland teacher who suffered a severe adverse reaction to the Covid shot says her life has “essentially been ruined”.

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  33. mh says:

    Short but correct:

    Liberals direct their rage at Clarence Thomas over abortion ruling

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  34. mh says:

    Mayra Flores For Congress 🇺🇸🦅
    I am so proud of my strong, beautiful daughter for not allowing this to faze her. She continued to smile and pose for the picture like a Queen.

    No child should be pushed to the side for a photo op. PERIOD!!
    Quote Tweet

    James Woods
    · Jun 27
    I love this princess stood her ground, while Nancy showed her true colors.

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  35. Steve trickler says:



    The United Spot:

    She didn’t do it

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  36. Steve trickler says:

    Hillary, Bill and Ghislaine


    Where’s the client list?

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  37. kaysee kaysee says:

    Del Bigtree:


    Since it is the FDA, I suppose only the residents of the US can respond. Needs to be a global campaign. What happens in the US gets imposed on the rest of the world, too.

    The alternative media is proving to be a serious threat to the other side.

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  38. kaysee kaysee says:

    I am so proud of my strong, beautiful daughter for not allowing this to faze her. She continued to smile and pose for the picture like a Queen.

    Not only a bully but stupid too.

    There are cameras all around and she thought it wouldn’t be noticed?

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  39. kaysee kaysee says:

    Senate Sergeant at Arms – Dead

    Senate Sergeant at Arms Michael Stenger who was in charge of securing the Capitol on January 6 dies suddenly – just one day before the Capitol riot committee is set to call surprise hearing to present ‘newly uncovered evidence’

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  40. Old bloke says:

    mh says:
    June 28, 2022 at 5:05 pm

    Courier Mail – not paywalled

    Queensland teacher’s life ‘ruined’ after severe reaction to Pfizer shot

    It’s interesting that the MSM are starting to run with these stories. I wonder when they’ll pick up the 20% spike in all-cause deaths in Australia.

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  41. Old bloke says:

    kaysee says:
    June 28, 2022 at 6:56 pm

    There are cameras all around and she thought it wouldn’t be noticed?

    The situation would have been worse if it happened with the resident creep in the White House.

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  42. mh says:

    The Left’s second summer of love.
    Sponsored by Soros

    #foxnews #primetime
    Jesse Watters: As predicted, left isn’t taking Roe v Wade overturn very well

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  43. Fat Tony says:

    Not only a bully but stupid too.

    They say that beauty is skin deep – but ugly goes to the bone…

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  44. Fat Tony says:

    Senate Sergeant at Arms Michael Stenger who was in charge of securing the Capitol on January 6 dies suddenly

    Loose ends…

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  45. Fat Tony says:

    The alternative media is proving to be a serious threat to the other side.

    How long before it all gets shut down?

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  46. mh says:

    Put the MSM down and walk away.

    That’s better.

    Now here’s Brian

    Russian Ops in Ukraine (June 24, 2022): Russian Encirclement Closes on Ukrainian Forces

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  47. mh says:


    BREAKING: Last year’s runner-up Matteo Berrettini has withdrawn from Wimbledon after testing positive for Covid-19
    8:05 PM · Jun 28, 2022

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  48. mh says:

    Pop up abortion clinics suggests Pocahontas

    Caroline Kitchener
    I just spoke with @ewarren, who suggested the Biden administration establish Planned Parenthood outposts on the edges of national parks.

    “They could put up tents, have trained personnel — and be there to help people who need it.”

    “It’s time to declare a medical emergency.”
    5:12 AM · Jun 28, 2022

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  49. Steve trickler says:

    Potential ancient petrified trees at Man Pupu Ner…?



    What is Man Pupu Ner & how to get there | Snowmobile expedition in the Far North of Russia

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  50. Ragu says:

    More Heather Heying

    On not being a contrarian

    Finally, during Covid, some people had the expectation that the authorities were trying to do right by us, but that errors occur, and that all conclusions brought forth by them warranted investigation. Other people had the expectation that the authorities were not trying to do right by us, but that we still might get good health policy from them, or reliable data. Over time, many of the Covid skeptics came to have less trust in and respect for the authorities who were making policy; the track record of the authorities was remarkably consistent, in the wrong direction. But the Covid skeptical remain open to new hypotheses, new interpretations, and new conclusions. Countervailing evidence persuades the skeptical.

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  51. shatterzzz says:

    BREAKING: Last year’s runner-up Matteo Berrettini has withdrawn from Wimbledon after testing positive for Covid-19

    There are still folk bothering to get tested? .. hope he’s wearing a face nappy .. LOL!

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  52. Steve trickler says:

    Stew Peters Show:

    Was COVID-19 even REAL!?
    Ken Drysdale joins us to give his theories of how COVID was completely made up from the very start.
    His extensive research PROVES his theory!

    Government Data: There Was Never A Pandemic: 89 Page Document Proves Covid Measures Were All Fake

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  53. Steve trickler says:

    The United Spot:

    Kangaroo Court

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  54. Black Ball says:

    Sponsored by Soros as mh says.

    “The former police officer who fatally shot Australian woman Justine Damond outside her Minneapolis home has been released from prison on parole.
    Muhammad Noor, 36, was convicted of third degree murder and manslaughter in 2019 after he shot the dual citizen while responding to her report of a possible sexual assault on a woman in the alleyway behind her home.’

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  55. Black Ball says:

    Another tidbit:

    “Home appliance chain The Good Guys will stop using facial recognition technology in stores after a customer backlash. The reversal heaps pressure on even larger retailers Bunnings and Kmart, which are also using special cameras to build profiles on shoppers.

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  56. Steve trickler says:

    Tony Heller:

    “the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics.” – Michael Crichton

    Intended Consequences

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  57. Ragu says:

    Test one two
    one TWO

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  58. Ragu says:

    On not being a contrarian

    Finally, during Covid, some people had the expectation that the authorities were trying to do right by us, but that errors occur, and that all conclusions brought forth by them warranted investigation. Other people had the expectation that the authorities were not trying to do right by us, but that we still might get good health policy from them, or reliable data. Over time, many of the Covid skeptics came to have less trust in and respect for the authorities who were making policy; the track record of the authorities was remarkably consistent, in the wrong direction. But the Covid skeptical remain open to new hypotheses, new interpretations, and new conclusions. Countervailing evidence persuades the skeptical.

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  59. Ragu says:

    Site either does not like substack articles or the author

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  60. Ragu says:

    Finally, during Covid, some people had the expectation that the authorities were trying to do right by us, but that errors occur, and that all conclusions brought forth by them warranted investigation. Other people had the expectation that the authorities were not trying to do right by us, but that we still might get good health policy from them, or reliable data. Over time, many of the Covid skeptics came to have less trust in and respect for the authorities who were making policy; the track record of the authorities was remarkably consistent, in the wrong direction. But the Covid skeptical remain open to new hypotheses, new interpretations, and new conclusions. Countervailing evidence persuades the skeptical.

    [WordPress sometimes blocks comments for unknown reasons – especially some links. When that happens, test without a link/ or use tiny url. I can’t see any reason why these comments got blocked. – Admin]

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  61. Ragu says:

    I give up.

    For now.

    Hola, comrades

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  62. Ragu says:


    Cheers Blog God

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  63. Ragu says:

    Home appliance chain The Good Guys will stop using facial recognition technology in stores

    The Big Wuh has covered theirs over with a placard. Haven’t been to colesworths for a while.

    I hope they changed their mind as a result of getting sued so hard they got arse cancer.

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  64. mh says:

    #FoxBusiness #kudlow
    Larry Kudlow: This is a complete failure

    FOX Business host Larry Kudlow calls out President Joe Biden’s green energy policies and explains how Putin has found new customers on ‘Kudlow.’

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  65. Black Ball says:

    hope they changed their mind as a result of getting sued so hard they got arse cancer.

    Or double pneumonia of the arse a la Arnie Ragu 🤣

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  66. Black Ball says:

    Treat yourself if you love darts. The making of Mighty Michael Van Gerwen

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  67. Eyrie says:

    Reminds me of the Illuminatus Trilogy and Markov Chaney, the malign dwarf who made the “walk” signs red and the “don’t walk” signs green.

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  68. Black Ball says:

    And hopefully the last of Serena Williams has been seen.

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  69. Steve trickler says:

    Black Ball says:
    June 29, 2022 at 7:12 pm

    Not knowing who was going to win gobbled up 50 minutes. Cheers.


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  70. mh says:

    Todd Woodbridge getting grilled by John McEnroe before the Djokovic vs Kokkinakis match about the diabolical handling of the Djokovic situation by Australian authorities at the AO.

    Woodbridge very uncomfortable, didn’t really give an answer.

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  71. Steve trickler says:

    The church bells from the Cash clip above triggered the memory.


    Quench – Dreams (Original Mix) [HD]

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  72. Steve trickler says:

    Bells @12:51, with Cash.

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  73. Black Ball says:

    Woodbridge all on board if memory serves me correctly

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  74. Black Ball says:

    And Trickler, fast forward to the tie break in third set.
    Williams wins first four points, entourage were fingering there own arses, commentators gushing. Weren’t so much at the completion of the match. She didn’t even shake the chair umpire’s hand.

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  75. Black Ball says:

    Watching the late news, it appears Ghislaine Maxwell is a victim. How, it remains unexplained. And Cassidy Hutchinson is still getting a run. FMD

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  76. mh says:

    “I’m very happy with my performance. I started very well, solid from the back of the court,” said Djokovic, who is looking to join Pete Sampras as a seven-time Wimbledon champion.

    “I made him work for every point and worked him around the court,” added the 20-time major winner.

    Kokkinakis had likened Djokovic to a “brick wall” before the match. “It was one-way traffic. I got chopped today,” said the 26-year-old Australian after his Centre Court torment.

    “If that’s not his top intensity, I’m going to get chopped even more next time,” said the Australian.

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  77. mh says:

    The Age

    Celebrities are sharing their abortion stories after the end of Roe v Wade

    Stevie Nicks

    “If I had not had that abortion, I’m pretty sure there would have been no Fleetwood Mac,” she said. “There’s just no way that I could have had a child then, working as hard as we worked constantly. And there were a lot of drugs, I was doing a lot of drugs … I would have had to walk away.”

    Abbie Chatfield

    “I remember not sleeping the night before the procedure, worried that I had missed the cut-off date, and I would have to carry a child to term. I was 23, and had a decent job, but I did not want a child, and that was reason enough. It wasn’t an easy decision but it was the right decision.”

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  78. Eyrie says:

    Stevie Nicks – hot but crazy. Up there on the matrix.

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  79. Black Ball says:

    Anyone else catch Chris Bowen yesterday at the National Press Club? Terry McCrann did. His opinion:

    “There’s one huge and dangerously potent exception to the ‘Labor starting cautiously’ theme I argue yesterday.
    This is the Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen.
    Coming into office to be faced immediately with the biggest energy crisis in Australian history – with prices of both electricity and gas going through the roof and with the very real threat of actual electricity blackouts and also gas shortages at the same time – what did Bowen do?
    Simply, instructively and ominously, a combination of absolutely nothing and doubling down on the very cocktail of drift and the killing off of our gas and real electricity generation that has caused the mess we are already in and has taken us right to the edge of a truly cataclysmic cliff. Bowen, in the privacy of his delusions, undoubtedly thought he was given an agenda-setting landmark speech to the National Press Club in Canberra on Wednesday. It was in fact a mess of sludge and – clearly to Bowen, utterly uncomprehending-contradiction.
    He ruled out banning future coal and gas projects, but said he would not approve anything that was ‘inconsistent with our mandate’. That’s a mandate which effectively totally bans certainly coal fired power stations and is all but incompatible with gas fired power stations.
    Does anyone seriously think this Labor government and this ‘Energy’ Minister is going to even grudgingly approve far less aggressively push for either coal or gas?
    I put ‘Energy’ in quotation marks because it is seriously important to note that Bowen is the ‘Climate Change and Energy minister – not the other way round. This government has made it officially clear that the main policy objectives and focus is on Climate Change. It is officially not on Energy. Not on actually securing energy for 26 million Australians – far less, securing the energy at the cheapest possible price and reliably and without rationing. That is secondary.
    That in itself is disturbing enough in a generalised sense. But putting the preference for Climate Change over Energy in the hands of Bowen makes it far worse, for he is the very worst combination of ambition unmatched by ability and rather petulant enthusiasms. He’s not one that takes even discussion far less contradiction well.”

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  80. Steve trickler says:

    10 months in the slammer for the Cossack.

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