Liberty Quote
- Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.
— Benjamin Franklin -
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Thanks for bringing this MSM story about Ron DeSantis’ eating habits to my attention, Trumpers!
And Ron’s plans to cut government spending are awful!
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I don’t know about the other thing, but it is a fact of life that public figures need to display acceptable table manners in public.
Remember Kevni munching on earwax from his fingers in Parliament? Eeeuw!
Not that a knife and fork would have helped much. 🙂
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I have been serving up on the 2024 topic in small doses. But I am watching how this is being played out and so will add more over this weekend.
Here’s one from yesterday.
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It is possible the Conservatives do not want to win in 2024. Trump and his team are saving their most vicious attacks for DeSantis who has not yet announced his candidacy. While the DeSantis team has been fairly low key, the Trump side has been going after DeSantis as if he is a horrid Dem not someone from their own side. Is that the way to campaign for the main goal – winning in 2024?
If Trump is as popular as the polls say, why is the Trump team bothered by DeSantis? They could just shrug their shoulders. Trump will sweep up the primaries and win the nomination by a wide margin. DeSantis will be humiliated by losing badly.
Here are a few comments that have been posted:
So what is the point of the Trump team going out of their way to anger not just the DeSantis team and supporters but fair-minded Conservative voters? There will also be many undecided voters out there….
Not everyone likes ugly street brawlers; especially if they are being nasty to their own side.
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The Trump supporters go on about DeSantis being a RINO and getting his donations from RINOs and how bad those RINOs are.
So let’s check out this Rinoism.
We are told that evil DeSantis is a Rino. That must mean he gets along well with Dems. He supports them (like Crist, Abrams, Harris and Newsom) over the GOP candidates.
Is there a definition for a RINO?
A Crash Course in Republican Name-Calling
Pure MAGA1
Pure MAGA2
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Pure MAGA3
Pure MAGA4
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Carbon wallets
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Lisa Shaw death:
Legal action ‘only option’ for husband
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Bud’s Getting Lighter
New Bud Lite Commercial – Tommys Garage
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While Trump, DeSantis, and others may do battle in 2024, the facts don’t change that US hegemony will increasingly be eroded, and nations will continue to explore trading outside of the US dollar.
There are many good guys that don’t accept this, but their arguments are hopeless.
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Branco toon
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In Trump’s favour, he knew that the hegemon was coming to an end hence his UN speech on the benefits of a multipolar world. His view was that America should cease being the world’s policeman and that America had no reason to maintain 130+ military bases around the world. America was secure within its borders, it just needed to stop foreign entanglements and bring its troops home.
This was his recipe to “Make America Great Again”, just focus on America’s internal needs and stop meddling elsewhere.
It’s a simple recipe, unfortunately deep forces in America didn’t like it.
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Why can’t a Republican DA indict Jill Biden for elder abuse?
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Powerline’s The week in Pictures: Light Bud > Bud Light Edition
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The Age
Thousands left waiting for compensation after claims of COVID-19 vaccine injury
April 16, 2023
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Was this before or after appointing arch neocon John Bolton?
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Dead nurse comes back to life.
It must be an Easter thing.
2023.04.15 About That Nurse (Line B Is The Longest)
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He made some dreadful staff appointments.
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Can’t have a baby in the UK? Go shopping in America.
BBC Scotland
presents the shoppers.
Calvin Robinson
on the designer babies and designer lifestyles.
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A Voice for Transgenderism
Michael Knowles responds to a question.
Is Transgenderism Indigenous?
From Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (2007), this clip. Check the response at 1 min mark. Would apply to this land, too.
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Paris burns
Liberté going down the drain in France.
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Back to my topic for this week.
The difference between the way the Conservatives and the Dems operate.
Trump is busy telling everyone how wonderful he is, how 2020 was stolen and throwing missiles at DeSantis. Dems are probably going through electoral rolls looking for dead people.As well as buying up radio stations.
While MAGA cried stolen elections, Soros was buying up the conservative Hispanic radio stations. Dems thinking ahead to the next polls. Conservatives focussed on the past or in-fighting.
George Soros-funded liberal takeover of Hispanic radio stations
‘reeks of desperation,’ critics say
Now, 2023
Mark Levin Accuses Auto Manufacturers of Removing AM Radio
to ‘Attack’ Conservative Talk Shows
2020 election: Trump was in the White House. But couldn’t stop the election fraud.
2024: Dems are in the White House. Think there will be no fraud?
Conservative media are running polls showing how Trump is leading DeSantis, leading Biden, leading everybody.
Just like the 2019-2020 polls. And we know how that worked out.
The Dems want Trump to win the primaries. They have a plan to “win”.
Before the election, Biden will be sent to the basement. And he will win with 100 million votes.
But Trump’s priority is …………bashing up DeSantis.
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DeSantis is an evil Rino because he gets donations from Rinos.
But Donald Trump is true MAGA. He is a billionaire with his own plane but still puts out his hat for donations.
Conservatives all over the US have united to make the Bud Light boycott hurt not just this company but also be a warning to any others planning to go the same route. True conservatives would support this campaign against Bud Light. In fact, many of them are pushing back hard and urging the ban to continue.
But, here’s advice from a “conservative”.
Donald Trump Jr. Urges Right-Wingers to End Boycott
of ‘Conservative-Leaning’ Bud Light
Don Trump Jr is happy to erase women and pretend that women are not being harmed by trannies because Anheuser-Busch donates more to Republicans than Democrats.
Yes, Forever Trumpers, DeSantis is bad because he gets donations from “Rinos”. But donations from a company that supports woke agendas that hurt children, women and conservatives is okay.
MAGA. Standing for conservative values.
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Is this called Free Speech? Just disrupt something like a book-signing because the author does not support your hero? What would happen if DeSantis supporters decided to derail a Trump book-signing? Would that also be Free Speech?
DeSantis Book Event Derailed by Angry Trump Supporters
If a leader possesses confidence in himself and his supporters, why would he need to stoop to threaten and warn a possible rival – someone who has not yet declared his intentions?
Truth Social
Are these conservative values?
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Seymour Hersh
Trading With The Enemy
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Trade Time-lapse
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2022 promised much for the GOP, but delivered only an astonishing result for Ron DeSantis and not much else.
Trump wants to spend his time and other people’s money on crushing Ron.
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Interesting graph
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The Age
Also at The Age
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At TheirABC, McGowan says that there is no threat from China. People need to settle down, because just now we are making good money.
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Beetle Bailey
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Dennis the Menace
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Family Circus
Johannes Leak
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A shot across the bow for Penny Wong.
Keating joins the attack:
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‘Death to Christians!’ Holy Land Christians Under Unprecedented Attack in Far-Right Israel
Chris Menahan
Apr. 16, 2023
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Aussie Cossack TNT Radio Monday 17.04.2023
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Peace and security? There are countries in our region who complain about US NGOs and such like who are meddling in their internal affairs.
The US State Department tries to gain influence by threatening the region and causing strife and chaos like a Mafia gangster, perhaps if they approached these countries with a genuine desire to help rather than threats, meddling and woke lectures they might gain influence.
“Right of navigation exercise” is what it’s called, the right to sail your warships through some other country’s military exclusion zone. All countries have economic and territorial zones around their coastal borders, and there’s also an internationally recognised military exclusion zone. The military exclusion rules apply to ships of war only, merchant shipping is free to come and go, but foreign navies are expected to seek permission before entering another country’s military exclusion zone.
These are what is known as the internationally recognised rules of the sea, but these have been put aside recently and we’re now entering a new era where a “rules based order” has come into effect, no one has seen these new rules or knows of their author.
Most nations recognise that there is a single nation called China, and that the island of Taiwan is a province of that one nation. Even Taiwan recognises that it is part of the singular nation called China, as do all the western nations.
The Taiwan Strait falls within the military exclusion zone for China and accordingly no nation should send their warships there without requesting approval from China. These “rights of navigation” exercises are outside the rules of the sea and are just an unnecessary provocation.
China doesn’t sail its warships through the Bass Strait nor the Torres Strait as that would breach our military exclusion zone, but we’ll follow America and find a seaworthy ship somewhere and join America in these provocations.
Do you remember a few years ago while Morrison, the minister for everything as well as being the Prime Minister, was sitting in the big chair. A Chinese warship totally unexpectedly and without any approval was discovered sailing down Sydney Harbour. The Harbour Master was on the phone to everyone in Canberra to ask why he wasn’t told about this visiting ship?
No one was told, the ship just sailed into Sydney Harbour. If someone asked the captain of the ship why he was in Sydney Harbour, he’d probably just shrug and say “right of navigation exercise”.
Provocation just leads to more provocation, I’m not sure this is a wise path to follow.
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Funny you write that Old bloke
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Trump appointee has a plan for us
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Germany closes its last nuclear power plant and electrical retailer E.ON announces a 45% increase in electricity costs. The last person to leave Germany won’t have to turn the lights off as there won’t be any lights to turn off.
From the 16 minute mark…
Poland-Ukraine food fight. Yellen not worried about de-dollarization. FT, high-risk offensive. U/1
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For those who haven’t seen it yet, this video by 3D Epix Inc is a good one to share with any normie friends or relatives.
Beyond the Great Reset
24m 08s
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Don’t get on the bus.
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White woman attacked by blacks
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Beetle Bailey
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Dennis the Menace
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Family Circus
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George Galloway with guest Jimmy Dore
17 Apr 2023
“INTERVIEW: It’s a mask-off moment. How come a junior part-time serviceman has access to shocking US documents? And how come no one is talking about the $400m the Zelensky government skimmed off aid? Asks Jimmy Dore
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That is an excellent animation video. The content, the presentation and the editing. He’s covered all the necessary points in under a half hour. There’s always a sense of hope to know that there are not only so many aware and awake people out there, but they are also using their skills and talents to pass the message and educate others.
The ones who really need to watch it are the ones who will not just willingly get on the bus, but they will dob their conspiracy theorist neighbours before that.
Just in case the you tube link gets disappeared, it is also on rumble.
From the FDA this vaxx message. Link to thread here.
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I don’t know if the rest of you are facing a similar time battle. It flies.
The clock seems to be tick-ing but not tock-ing. One-third of the year 2023 is nearly gone.
There is so much taking place by way of news to read, watch and share. I’d like to be here posting on this Cat, but it is becoming harder to find the time. It’s a juggling act trying to complete the real life tasks and projects and then have “free time” for blogging.
No more long rants and opinions from me. But I will try to get here when I can and post links. If I can find some 🕗….
Thanks to all those who are posting here….
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The music is annoyingly loud, but he gets his truth out despite woke attempts to interrupt.
Indian gentleman vs. Oxford University students
The truth about slavery
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The farmer asks pollies a simple question.
What percentage of our atmosphere is CO2?
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10 Steps to Stop the WEF
Many of you have asked me how we can take action and stand up against the WEF and its agenda. Don’t be discouraged – here are ten powerful steps you can take to make sure the Great Reset fails:
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Budweiser Ad PARODY
Banana Advice
About Stuff
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Beetle Bailey
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Dennis the Menace
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Family Circus
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Putin meets China’s new defence chief in Moscow, hails military cooperation
China’s defence chief salutes Vladimir.
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Let’s see if Kamala’s recent charm offensive in Africa is bearing fruit.
Oh …
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A fascinating five hours if you are interested in the military and justice in USA. “In their first joint interview on The Shawn Ryan Show, the four men of Blackwater USA’s Raven 23 Tactical Support Team sit down with Shawn Ryan to discuss the most controversial gunfight of the entire Iraq War, the complete system failure of the U.S. government, a corrupt court system, and incompetent journalists that demonized them as war criminals and convicted them before standing trial, despite their innocence”. The Blackwater Massacre
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Kelly toon
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An ABC guy Michael Janda answering questions online about the RBA review.
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It’s why they get the big bucks:
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A long time TheirABC ‘journalist’, supposedly one who uses words for a living, doesn’t know that the correct expression is: ‘the proof of the pudding is in the tasting.’
I bet he doesn’t know the difference between ‘reign’ and ‘rein’, either.
Being lectured by these semi-literate and arrogant members of the nomenklatura is insufferable.
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Beetle Bailey
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Dennis the Menace
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Family Circus
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Scott Adams gets it
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Bunnies beat the pink Panthers 20-18 with a try in the last 90 seconds.
Great entertainment this year from the NRL.
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I thought the commentary from the ABC guy was quite good.
Compare to this final paragraph of The Age Editorial:
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Daily Tele
Bunny boilover: Panthers toppled in all-time thriller
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Latest Please Explain is brilliant
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Lachlan Murdoch drops libel case against Crikey:
My guess is that he realised that the cost and effort wasn’t worth the candle.
It certainly seems defamatory to me.
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Turkish Interior Minister: Whole World Hates U.S.; Europe is U.S. Pawn
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Jimmy gets it
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Bobby Kennedy with Tucker
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Hello All,
Do you want a new Open Thread for next week or should this one continue?
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Hi Adam, it’s nice to start afresh on a regular basis.
Still checking in on a daily basis even if I’ve not much to contribute.
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Nelson, thanks for the feedback.
I am puzzled when anyone says that they don’t have much to contribute. If you do want to take part, send me an email.
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The above is not just for Nelson but for anyone else who wants to join in the blog.
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Vlad should run in the Democrat primaries next year, he’d probably out poll old Joe.
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Easier to keep track of things with a fresh open thread for each week.
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