Open Thread – Saturday, 04 June 2022

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366 Responses to Open Thread – Saturday, 04 June 2022

  1. egg_ says:

    Direct quotes to support that would help.

    The Royals work for “The Firm” – perhaps you should take up your umbrage with Paul Burrell et al?

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  2. egg_ says:

    If Liz had been 75 years younger Trump would have shagged her

    LBJ, who had far more mistresses than JFK, said he was a pussy for not taking more of an advantage of his position.

    “Money makes a bald spot look like a part in the hair” is prolly universal among sheilas.

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  3. egg_ says:

    Nigel Ng (Uncle Roger) upthread with Ozzie Man Reviews in Perth: When people in Perth recognize him “Why are you here (no one comes here)?”.
    That would not be the same of anyone in London.

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  4. egg_ says:

    Dave Chappelle On Younger Generation Netflix Comedy Specials
    𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐲 𝐈𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞

    “You have to Google sh1t I lived through” – touche.

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  5. kaysee kaysee says:

    Santos CEO Kevin Gallagher says energy crisis – no quick fix

    Santos Chief Executive Officer Kevin Gallagher says there is no quick fix to Australia’s energy crisis as power prices skyrocket amid supply shortages.

    “The reality of the situation is… we can’t conjure up new gas,” he said.

    “What’s effectively happened over the last decade as gas resources have been used up and new projects have not been able to come forward and be developed and bring new supply into the market, all the buffer and all the slack in the system has been used up.”

    Mr Gallagher said the options to immediately increase supply were scarce amid the strain of coal fire generator outages and underperforming renewables.

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  6. Steve trickler says:

    There is no hiding away from scrutiny for Queen Lizzie. Herself and family are an evil disgrace immersed up to their necks is this CAGW BS! You have to be evil pushing it. What else can you be?

    She chose to give her two bob’s worth on the subject and it is garbage.

    People need to stop making excuses for them.

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  7. What monarch would resign rather than give ascent to distasteful legislation?

    Then again the same could be said for our Governors and Governors General.

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  8. kaysee kaysee says:

    Daniel J. Flynn:

    Why Nineteen Eighty-Four still matters

    If so many of the catchphrases from George Orwell’s dystopian classic seem cliched today, it’s because there is endless fodder for their application. And while not everything he feared came true, Orwell’s greatness lies not in predicting the future but in changing it.

    June 8 marks the anniversary of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. That a greater gap separates us from 1984 than 1984 from Nineteen-Eighty Four’s 1949 publication staggers.

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  9. egg_ says:

    Bret Weinstein: The Couf was a test of character – all the weird idiosyncrasies came out.

    Look at the retards, now on Dover’s blog, who bought into it:
    To Struth: Don’t attend gigs in case you “kill a granny”
    “But Italy*” held up as a mantra
    Would you send your elderly parents on a cruise?

    ALL 3 statements were from VIC lobotomies, any wonder that State was a Couf stronghold?

    *Whereas Couf lotto c/- mh

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  10. egg_ says:

    There is no hiding away from scrutiny for Queen Lizzie. Herself and family are an evil disgrace immersed up to their necks is this CAGW BS! You have to be evil pushing it.

    When are you stringing up that piece of sh1t McGowan (of NSW) scamming you retards in WA?

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  11. mh says:

    Seeing as his name has been mentioned, I spotted this

    #UnHerd #COVID #BretWeinstein
    Bret Weinstein: I will be vindicated over Covid

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  12. egg_ says:

    What monarch would resign rather than give ascent to distasteful legislation?

    Then again the same could be said for our Governors and Governors General.

    When legislators here and abroad say that they don’t get to read all the stuff they vote on?

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  13. kaysee kaysee says:

    What monarch would resign rather than give ascent to distasteful legislation?

    Then again the same could be said for our Governors and Governors General.

    Test of character?

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  14. Steve trickler says:

    egg_ says:
    June 8, 2022 at 7:35 pm

    When are you stringing up that piece of sh1t McGowan (of NSW) scamming you retards in WA?

    String? How about flexible steel wire rope.

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  15. egg_ says:

    Trans athletes in women’s sports: Is this fair?
    Sabine Hossenfelder*

    After all the misandric man bashing by progressives for decades?
    Where’s the popcorn?

    *Why is the av. female brain 200g lighter, Scientist Sabine?
    Figured that one out?

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  16. kaysee kaysee says:

    Man divorces wife for cooking instant noodles every day
    for breakfast, lunch and dinner

    A judge said that a man divorced his wife for cooking him instant noodles every day for every meal.

    During a news conference, ML Raghunath, a principal district and sessions court judge in India, presented what he called a “Maggi Case,” according to Insider.

    “The husband said his wife did not know how to prepare any food other than Maggi noodles. It was noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner,” Raghunath said. “He complained that his wife went to the provision store and brought only instant noodles.”

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  17. egg_ says:

    The Couf vs the Frankenvax is just another iteration of emissions legislation vs VW, and almost very other EU manufacturer, cheating the tests.

    A (non) solution to a bogus problem.

    The usual suspects were also up in arms against eebil VW.

    Per the Duran, the EU tards are now figuring out ways around their own Russian oil and gas embargos.
    Virtue signalling nutters.
    Narcs eat this sh1t for breakfast.

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  18. Steve trickler says:

    Nice work on the edit.


    Vietnam War – Paranoid (Black Sabbath)

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  19. egg_ says:

    “But Italy*” held up as a mantra

    The same retard fell for “long COVID”.

    Was that just a thing, prior to the rollout of the Frankenvax?

    Methinks Lefties still use “long Couf” to reel in retards, even with the Frankenvax.

    Dr Boob Gates, MD:
    COVID: “Disease Mainly Of The Elderly, Kind Of Like The Flu” Says Bill Gates
    The Jimmy Dore Show

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  20. Fat Tony says:

    Steve trickler says:
    June 8, 2022 at 7:48 pm

    String? How about flexible steel wire rope.

    My recommendation has always been crucifixion for pollies & other gov filth. Lamp posts etc are way too quick.

    Bang ém up and they might even last a few days – give people a chance to pelt them with dog shit and other delectables.

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  21. Timothy Neilson says:

    Poor old self-beclowning Steve.
    He jumps to the conclusion that Old Bloke’s claim about Prince Philip’s climate sceptic comments is false – see Steve trickler says:
    June 8, 2022 at 12:19 pm

    Then, when his cognitive failure is pointed out he demands evidence – see Steve trickler says:
    June 8, 2022 at 6:20 pm

    Steve, the time to think about evidence is before you make a BIIIIIG statement based on the assumption that another commenter is wrong.
    But, since you ask, here’s one of the first things that popped up on the internet when I searched for the evidence. It tells how Prince Philip tried to get Ian Plimer a speaking gig at the Royal Society, but the squibs there cancelled the invite. If that’s not explicitly bucking the climate narrative, what is?

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  22. egg_ says:

    “But Italy*” held up as a mantra

    The same retard fell for “long COVID”.

    Now, the very same retard is saying that “we didn’t know the risk” at the time.
    Only if you’re a retard.
    Yours truly was discussing the National Road Toll* (driving risk) vs the Couf, at the time.
    *The other retard, who was trying to guilt Struth over attending gigs during the Couf, now uses the very same argument – you see how (former) Leftists never change their spots, always wise in hindsight – that’s NOT how risk management works.

    So, post running around like Chicken Littles with their heads cut off, p1ssing their beds, it’s all now “risk management” – until the next threat on the horizon – rinse and repeat.

    The risk management controls that folks said that gutless Morisson should have implemented ASAP was closing the borders in January 2020 – which would have kept the Wuhan Chinese students out (of “low Couf” Canberra, bulls1t on stilts).

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  23. egg_ says:

    “But Italy*” held up as a mantra

    The same retard fell for “long COVID”.

    But, but… the CMOs all worshipped “the curve” (Farr’s Law, c/- Currency Lad, God bless him).

    Farr’s Law is all about control measures (risk management) and how they mitigate the epidemic’s effect.

    CMOs’ lockdowns likely enhanced the spread of this disease via surfaces (h/t Tel) – it was anecdotally spread via close contact (lovers) per the Diamond Princess anecdotal data.

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  24. Steve trickler says:

    Timothy Neilson says:
    June 8, 2022 at 9:31 pm

    The entire family are screwballs on the subject. Despicable creatures.

    Got any quotes or vision of Prince Philip denouncing the CAGW fraud?


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  25. egg_ says:

    Prince Philip tried to get Ian Plimer a speaking gig at the Royal Society

    Would those pissants go against the climate narrative?

    Is Science a closed shop? (“The (bull)dust has settled.”)

    Do chickens have lips?

    Recall @rsehole Brian Cox on Q+A: It is NOT a Democracy* – you don’t get to tell the Captain of the airplane what to do.

    A (mad) Sciencematist at the levers of Society – what could possibly go wrong?

    *Appeal to Authority much, butch Bwian?

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  26. Steve trickler says:

    I’ll concede. If the Prince tried to get Plimer a gig, why did Queen Lizzie spew that COP26 shit above?


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  27. Fat Tony says:

    Science advances one death at a time…..Old Jungle Saying.

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  28. egg_ says:

    So, post running around like Chicken Littles with their heads cut off, p1ssing their beds, it’s all now “risk management” – until the next threat on the horizon – rinse and repeat.

    The gibbons now standing on chairs re “monkey pox”?

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  29. mh says:

    QLD won SOO game 1 in Sydney.

    Now over to Perth for game 2.

    Yes, Perth. Again. What the hell for?

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  30. Steve trickler says:

    Check out the sussietube comments about Prince William from the clip above. He’s an absolute piece of sh*t, yet many heap praise on the bloke.

    He’s a full blown wanker.

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  31. Ragu says:

    String? How about flexible steel wire rope.

    How about a red hot poker up the bum, then thrown in the dungeon and fed chilli beans until he gives up?

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  32. egg_ says:

    Recall @rsehole Brian Cox on Q+A: It is NOT a Democracy* – you don’t get to tell the Captain of the airplane what to do.

    A (mad) Sciencematist at the levers of Society – what could possibly go wrong?

    *Appeal to Authority much, butch Bwian?

    Speaking of old men who look like Trans/lesbians – have Bwian and Caitlan Jenner been seen in the same room together?

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  33. egg_ says:

    Hopefully not humping.

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  34. Ragu says:

    Farr’s Law is all about control measures (risk management) and how they mitigate the epidemic’s effect.

    Hmmmm. Did the ding-dongs take into accout a leaky vaccine that would help drive mutation of the virus?

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  35. Ragu says:

    Sabine Hossenfelder*

    Jeez, she makes a mess of that.

    Did you see Arvin Ash has come out as a warmist, very disappointing

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  36. egg_ says:

    Sabine Hossenfelder*

    Jeez, she makes a mess of that.

    Kraut woman and femininity are almost mutually exclusive, da ironing!
    Recall East German Weightlifter, “Anna Bollocks”?
    Double ironing!

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  37. mh says:

    Qld’s Wellcamp Airport fell to minus 3.6 C this morning.

    If the Wellcamp quarantine centre doesn’t have some good heating the three inmates will be feeling a bit chilly.

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  38. mh says:

    🔴 The US Economy Gets Weaker as Inflation Gets Stronger – Ep 817

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  39. Ragu says:

    If the Wellcamp quarantine centre doesn’t have some good heating the three inmates will be feeling a bit chilly.

    They can start working the ovens a bit early

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  40. mh says:

    Fuel Poverty on the way

    National plan to phase out fossil fuels

    State and federal energy ministers have signed off on a deal to create a national plan to phase out fossil fuels, fund projects to bolster the electricity grid in all weather conditions and empower the market operator to hold gas reserves. Federal minister Chris Bowen said there was a “real spirit of consensus in the room” at yesterday’s emergency talks and blamed the energy crisis on the previous government failing to see the benefits of renewables.

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  41. egg_ says:

    Recall @rsehole Brian Cox on Q+A: (Climate Science) is NOT a Democracy – you don’t get to tell the Captain of the airplane what to do.

    No hijackers?

    No “Let’s roll!” of 911?
    Bwian wouldn’t save us?

    It’s OK for the Germanwings pilot to deliberately fly your wife and kid into a mountain?

    Pilot and co-pilot fall violently ill due to a Gates bug?

    Did you think your brainfart thought experiment through?

    Reeks of an Academic with no real world experience.


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  42. egg_ says:

    Federal minister Chris Bowen said there was a “real spirit of consensus in the room” at yesterday’s emergency talks and blamed the energy crisis on the previous government failing to see the benefits of renewables

    Was The Parrot wearing his underpants on his head at the time?

    Was it designed on a beer coaster?

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  43. Steve trickler says:

    Tony Heller:

    “Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts”
    – Richard Feynman

    Stay In Your Lane

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  44. Old bloke says:

    and empower the market operator to hold gas reserves.

    The gas reserves would probably be held where our oil reserves are stored, over in the USA and India.

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  45. Steve trickler says:

    Faarkin funny reading comments from people saying masks was risk mitigation. BS!

    Fauci applauds.👏 It is amazing how many people have been sucked in by this prick.

    “Not fit for medical use” was printed on the sides of the mask boxes during the initial offerings. That may have changed.

    Fauci: You don’t have to wear mask when walking outside. That changed to make sure you wear a mask…two masks would be better. How about THREE!

    I also read people saying life is getting back normal. NO, IT IS NOT! We now have millions injected with that toxic crap ( family included ) and we now sit back and await the ramifications.

    Anyone that trusts the CDC-TGA-FDA-NIH etc etc etc and Big Pharma are fruit loops. Plain and simple. Anyone that post links to are certifiable nut cases….I doubt the silly bitch@Dovers visits here.

    Bill Gates loves you all. Go eat bugs!


    Hey Timothy, have you got a defense for Queen Elizabeth yet at COP 26. She is a evil bitch. Her husband was equally so, and her kids are scum of the EARTH!

    Come up with an excuse the for globalist supporting cow. Give it your best shot.

    The entire Royal Family are scum. All of them…maybe Anne gets a pass.

    Change my mind.

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  46. Steve trickler says:

    Oh no!

    The Queen carks it and we get Charles. More of the same. People suggest Elizabeth cares about the people, yet she probably has Schwab on speed dial.

    When she ultimately carks it, I hope she burns in hell. She has done nothing to address people suffering from high energy costs that will ultimately lead to deaths…funny that, many people celebrating her Jubilee will ultimately suffer the consequences because the evil mole and family support of the CAGW scam.

    She just doesn’t care. She doesn’t give a rats arse about common people struggling to stay warm.

    If a meteorite strikes the Earth and wipes out Balmoral…GOOD!

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  47. Steve trickler says:

    The excuses people offer up to defend that evil cow are mindboggling. That family is well and truly rooted.

    New Idea and Women’s Weekly magazines contributed to that.

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  48. Arky says:

    Thank you everyone who over the years took an interest…
    Good night and good luck.

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  49. calli says:

    Oh Arky! I am so very sorry. That’s all I can say.

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  50. egg_ says:

    Faarkin funny reading comments from people saying masks was risk mitigation. BS!


    IIRC no single Cat evah said masks were effective on any of the Cat blogs.

    Stop being a silo, dude.

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  51. Mak Siccar says:

    Sh1t Arky! What devastatingly rotten luck.

    I am genuinely sorry for the loss of your restoration and your shed.

    Please take care of yourself.

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  52. egg_ says:

    For Royal watcher, Trickler:

    Harry and Meghan caught BLACKMAILING the Royal Family
    The Body Language Guy

    Put your money where your mouth is and sign the petition for Harry to rescind his title (as I did):

    Invitation to Prince Harry to request that The Queen put his titles into abeyance

    Stop being a whiny pissant like those on Dover’s blog.

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  53. egg_ says:

    From one of the Nobility, quoted in the YouTube above and the instigator of above petition to the Queen, a supporter and friend of Thomas Markle:

    MEGHAN FACING RUIN: Netflix, her father & FACTS of his STROKE & JUBILEE visit: her POLO posturing
    Lady Colin Campbell

    She’s doing a lot more than whining on a blog.

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  54. Ragu says:

    I just rushed here to post the vid

    Looks terrible, Arky. Devastating.

    If you ever need a hug or punching practice give me a hoy

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  55. egg_ says:

    (of a place) uninhabited and giving an impression of bleak emptiness.


    Cratered by mining like the Moon, so we in the Eastern States don’t have to keep paying for the retards?

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  56. Delta A says:

    That’s a terrible shame, Arky. Best Man and I both enjoyed your videos of the restoration. A big virtual hug from both of us.

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  57. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    Really best wishes Arky, such a fine set of wheels. Commiserations to your lodger too.

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  58. Megan says:

    Oh Arky. I’m heartbroken for you. I warched along with all that effort you put in, now gone up in smoke. Good to know you are planning to keep on with it. Resolve beats resilience, every single time.

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  59. egg_ says:

    Jeebus, an inundation from Dover’s Ladies Pages.

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  60. Arky says:

    All is good.
    Just wanted to update the model A story for those who followed before making vids on the next project after the long hiatus.
    New project involves a huge chunk of American black walnut timber and a lot of hand planing.

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  61. calli says:

    Tabletop? Coffee table? Guillotine?

    Do tell. I love woodworking projects. The smell of shavings is the background to my childhood.

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  62. mh says:

    Did I spot an armadillo in Arky’s vid?

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  63. Megan says:

    egg_ says:
    June 9, 2022 at 4:41 pm
    Jeebus, an inundation from Dover’s Ladies Pages.

    Didn’t realise it was a closed shop. Never stopped me in the past but.

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  64. egg_ says:

    Surprised by the amount of lurkers from Dover’s.

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  65. egg_ says:

    Do Blackpillers believe in God?

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  66. egg_ says:

    Tabletop? Coffee table? Guillotine?

    Charity rainbow dildos c/- The Cat Men’s Shed.

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  67. Delta A says:

    Jeebus, an inundation from Dover’s Ladies Pages.

    You have a problem with caring people offering genuine commiserations to a valued Cat?

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  68. Delta A says:

    Surprised by the amount of lurkers from Dover’s.

    Why? Adam has a great blog with great posters. Why wouldn’t other Cats want to lurk or post here?

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  69. egg_ says:

    You have a problem with caring people offering genuine commiserations to a valued Cat?

    Attention seekers?

    How come “Kaysee” rarely posts nowadays, Grigs?

    Would Adam have all of your IP addresses?

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  70. Steve trickler says:

    That possum in Arky’s clip was humongous. Terrible news about the fire.

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  71. egg_ says:

    Why wouldn’t other Cats want to lurk or post here?

    Don’t you hang out with gutless Lowe Browe over at Dover’s, who now has a new nom de plume?

    He was “Ruprecht” on Blair’s old blog IIRC, should people wish to recall his brilliance.

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  72. egg_ says:

    Poor ole Grigs, having to divide his time between here and Dover’s, likely involved in some major sh1t stirring at Dover’s (larger) blog when he’s absent from here for days on end.

    Often conspicuous by his absence on a Thursday – when he visits mummy?

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  73. Steve trickler says:

    He is a f8ckwit.



    It’s like they think we forgot the rubbish he was pushing last time

    Al Gore… The vast majority of businesses want environmental and social credit scores (ESG’s)

    ESG’s Environmental, social, and governance

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  74. egg_ says:

    Adam has a great blog with great posters. Why wouldn’t other Cats want to lurk or post here?

    I thought it was self-evident from the regulars’ comments here that they chose it as a more tasteful alternative to Dover’s blog, a bigger “Furniture Store” blog, if you will.

    You are very disingenuous as always, Grigs, what an affliction.

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  75. mh says:

    Two pale stale males

    No Mercy for the Debt Sheep sent to the Slaughter

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  76. Delta A says:

    Oh, my goodness!
    Eggy actually thinks I’m Grigory.

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  77. egg_ says:

    From next week, yours truly will be too busy to pick up BoN’s cudgels and post ‘News’ updates from Salty Cracker et al as seemed to be appreciated by Ragu.

    Someone else may choose to do so.

    Meanwhile, passers by from Dover’s can wave to each other.

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  78. egg_ says:


    You’ll have to add that to legless, Grigs.

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  79. egg_ says:

    Da ironing when “DeltaA” complained of being one of Grig’s stalkees at Sinc’s blog – then disappeared from sight when Grigs was banned!

    Hint: When someone is truly absent, so are their socks.

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  80. Shy Ted says:

    Terrible news, Arky, best wishes. Was it one of those EVs?
    Anyway, tune into Q&A tonight –

    As the arts sector roars back to life, some of Australia’s leading artists and thinkers explore the future of the industry, insecure work, and the connection between creative expression and mental health.

    Best watched in colour for the hair and glasses. (Roars back to life means more taxpayers money)

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  81. Steve trickler says:

    The economics building at UWA is populated with fat lesbian purpled haired pigs.

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