Open Thread – Monday 13 September 2021

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1,123 Responses to Open Thread – Monday 13 September 2021

  1. mh says:

    Some Aussie footage could be put to this Discharge classic
    Discharge – Protest and Survive

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  2. Steve trickler says:

    Mark Dice on the streets exposing dead set retards. It is nothing to smile about.

    Entire US-Mexico Border Wall To Be TORN DOWN?! Democrats Reveal Their Plan for America’s Future

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  3. caveman says:

    “Not vaccinated ,not our problem” Barnaby’ s harsh message to the unvaxxed.

    Does that mean the unvaccinated now become stateless.

    Barnaby s not vaxxed



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  4. Steve trickler says:

    Barnaby needs to be hanged, too.

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  5. mh says:

    The Beetrooter is a total fake.
    Remember how he used to rant and rave until he turned purple about the debt racked up by Rudd/Swan. Gross debt was about 200 billion AUD at the time. Now it’s about 1.5 TRILLION and Deputy PM Beetrooter couldn’t care less.
    Joyce is a nauseating ugly parasite.

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  6. mh says:

    ‘Aussie Olympic champion Madison Wilson has been hospitalised with Covid-19 despite having been double vaccinated against the virus.’


    All this fake angst from our politicians, who are now puppets of a globalist elite, all over a vax that cannot even keep a gold medal athlete out of hospital.

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  7. Steve trickler says:

    Del Bigtree:

    In a Highwire exclusive, Deborah Conrad, a hospitalist physician’s assistant on the frontlines of the pandemic, pulls back the curtain on the complete lack and disregard in her hospital for reporting Covid vaccine injury to VAERS, this country’s only mechanism to track the safety of these rushed-to-market, mandated products. In riveting detail, including emails & recorded phone conversations, Conrad exposes the internal push to turn a blind eye to injuries and “tow the company line” that this vaccine is safe.


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  8. shatterzzz says:

    Vic cops with their new toys

    Yep, and the sight of one of these impressive souls being harangued from a metre away by a 5 foot nothing female in a CMFEU hoodie yesterday was hilarious  … LOL!

    Mind, I’m assuming he couldn’t reach his pepper spray cos he had both hands on the gun .. LOL!

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  9. Whalehunt Fun says:

    God help us! Graphene is just about THE most chemically inert large molecule there is. Shoving it into yourbody or lacing Ivermectin with  it will do utterly absolutely completely nothing. Nil. Zulch. Zilch and Zolch.

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  10. mh says:

    All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force

    — George Orwell

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  11. Neil says:

    “”””  Other reasons are that the UK has a small nuclear industry, and lacks both the relevant nuclear technology and sufficient money to develop, build and operate atomic powered aircraft carriers. “””


    I think that is the reason the Brits went for a Aircraft Carrier powered by a gas turbine rather than a nuclear reactor.

    Apparently a gas powered ship has one advantage that may never be needed. Apparently once the gas turbine has been turned off it is easy to turn on. You just put the key into the ignition , turn the key and off you go. If a nuclear reactor has been turned off apparently  it does not take days or weeks but months to turn back on. So while the US ship may be stuck in port trying to restart the nuclear reactor the UK ship has left port and is doing its job.

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  12. mh says:

    Headline at the Australian:
    Fears for unvaxxed as Covid case stalks Byron

    Like the Night Stalker.
    What happened to the guy that sneezed in a lift? There was a nationwide manhunt, then I never heard anything.

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  13. mh says:

    This will bring them undone.

    Craig Kelly just tweeted:

    ‘The United Australia Party would abolish the States’

    Stick to anti lockdown, anti vaxx mandates.

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  14. mh says:

    The Age:

    ‘Voters turning away from the Coalition are looking to minor parties, including Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party, new political research shows.’


    Looks like Palmer will blow it if he wants to campaign on pie in the sky stuff like abolishing the States.

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  15. Candy says:

    Stupid talk by UAP.

    Always the same with promising minor parties.  Some down to earth ideas and then something extreme so lot of people write them off.

    Or maybe Clive Palmer never changes.


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  16. Axl Rosé says:

    I was hot for abolishing state parliaments well before Covid-19.  Bring it on.

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  17. mh says:

    Typical of the comments to Craig Kelly:

    Brett Tandy



    Replying to

    This is a hard sell
    . I honestly think by staying on the freedoms and rights campaign you’ll take this by a majority. Policies like this are way too much for the average Australian to comprehend right now. Don’t pollute the message.

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  18. mh says:

    UAP will go the election as the ‘abolish the states’ party.


    Nate Taylor: Subaru Roof Gardener


    My rage is reaching epic levels.

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  19. Axl Rosé says:

    I honestly think by staying on the freedoms and rights campaign you’ll take this by a majority. Policies like this are way too much for the average Australian to comprehend right now. Don’t pollute the message.


    I agree with that.

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  20. Axl Rosé says:

    Food supply issues


    Here’s one for Graeme.

    Commies gonna commie!  So predictable.

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  21. caveman says:

    Could also work in Craig’s favour as well , the States are also the bad arses restricting travel work and freedom and family, your not advertising for intelligence you want emotion , who would want to say fuk the States.  Bring it on.

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  22. caveman says:

    So now let the States defend what Craig is saying.

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  23. Axl Rosé says:


    Nate Taylor: Subaru Roof Gardener


    My rage is reaching epic levels.


    I am starting to conclude that these people are conscienceless automatons.  No rebuking or reprimanding, just a baseball bat flush over the bonce.

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  24. Top Ender says:

    According to the Herald-Sun:
    Protesters return to CFMEU HQ after day of violence
    Protesters are gathering again outside Melbourne’s CFMEU headquarters after a day of violence that saw riot police and construction workers clash.

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  25. mh says:

    Tim Pool


    holy shit

    Quote Tweet

    Avi Yemini


    · 15h

    Chaos on the streets of Melbourne. CFMEU members turned on their union over Coronavirus restrictions, including mandated vaccinations. Things escalated quickly.

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  26. cohenite says:


    Poll: Only 49% Think Joe Biden Is Mentally Stable Enough to Be President (

    49%. Biden is demonstrably insane yet 49% still think he is compos. Democracy is wasted on most people.

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  27. jo says:

    FlyingPigs had a good one over on the Not so flash Cat.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           “and all construction workers/tradies fronting up with CBUS withdrawal/transfer payments to every CBUS office in Australia.”   Hit them where it hurts the most. Not always in the goolies.

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  28. mh says:

    Tim Pool



    Chris Rock being vaccinated, getting COVID, then telling people to get vaccinated is probably the least effective way to convince people to get vaccinated

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  29. Ragu says:

    If all those blokes having a go yesterday weren’t construction workers, I guess they are free to form their own union. Setka just said they have no right to belong.

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  30. mh says:

    ‘Un-Australian morons’: Setka takes aim as protests resume
    John Setka has labelled protesters as ‘drunken’ and ‘fascist’, blaming them for the construction shutdown as demonstrators gather for a second day.

    Don’t forget Setka’s dalliance with Jaqui Lambie

    ‘Bottles of Coke and a cream cake from her local bakery were also on the menu when Senator Lambie invited the controversial union boss to a Sunday roast at her Tasmanian home.’

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  31. Ragu says:



    《Bottles of Coke…》


    Smart lady, wouldn’t want to get him pissed, tends to get him a bit punchy with the ladies.




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  32. Old bloke says:

    Alfred Jay Knock says:
    September 21, 2021 at 4:52 am

    We could start with reading what this fellow has to say:

    By: Shoshoni
    Updated April 14th 2020
    The focus on the cure for the Covid 19Flu Virus” has been touted over and over again as Hydroxychloroquine and other quinolines.
    “What class of pathogens, respond to drugs like Hydroxychloroquine?”
    The Plasmodium Parasite, or parasite of the blood plasma.  This is specifically a parasite that affects the oxygen carrying capacity of the red blood cells which causes Malaria and other similar diseases in humans and responds to treatment with Quinolines.


    The initial interest in using anti-parasitical treatments came from a French doctor’s observations in January or February 2020. He was treating patients successfully using Chloroquine, I don’t know if zinc or other treatments were part of his regime.

    Interest in using antiparasitic treatments grew from his observation, hence the later interest in Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. I don’t know why these treatments appear to work, it is assumed that they have some special anti-viral properties which defeats the Covid-19 virus, but I wonder if there’s more in play here.

    Given that three known anti parasitical treatments; Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin defeat the Covid-19 virus, there must be something more than a virus at work here.

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  33. Top Ender says:

    List of demands from protestors:

    Protesting construction workers have gathered again near CFMEU headquarters, issuing a list of demands and calling for the resignation of Premier Daniel Andrews.

    The group is demanding an immediate end to lockdowns and mask and vaccine mandates.

    Protesters have also called for the resignation of top political leaders including Mr Andrews in addition to the “mass distribution of ivermectin, vitamins C, D and zinc.”

    The list of demands was posted in an encrypted Telegram group promoting the protest outside CFMEU.

    Other demands include the immediate resumption of construction work in locked down parts of Victoria.


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  34. Top Ender says:


    A man has taken his own life at a West Melbourne building site, hours after a construction shutdown was announced.

    The body of a man was found at a Spencer St work site about 7am on Tuesday.

    It’s understood he took his life at the Crema Construction site located near Roden St.

    A source with knowledge of the death said: “This wasn’t a workplace accident, it was a suicide”.

    Police will prepare a report for the Coroner and Worksafe is investigating.

    “Emergency services were called to the Spencer St address following the discovery of the man’s body sometime after 7am,” a Victoria Police spokeswoman said.

    “Sadly, the man, who is yet to be formally identified, died at the scene.”

    The tradesman’s death is expected to supercharge the protest outside CFMEU headquarters today.

    A message circulating among angry tradies reads: “Breaks my f—n heart. His blood is on Dan Andrews hands.”

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  35. mh says:

    A message circulating among angry tradies reads: “Breaks my f—n heart. His blood is on Dan Andrews hands.”

    True dat.

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  36. johanna johanna says:

    Trickler, thanks for the link to the Norwegian and the Nepali at Sturgis. 7.33 last night – a bit over an hour and a real hoot.

    I enjoyed the feeling – it was like I was there. What a sense of fun and joy there was!

    We have things like this in regional towns, but they have all been shut down by shinybums with no skin in the game. May their rotted corpses be picked by Greenies who truly believe in recycling.

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  37. Kneel says:

    “Given that three known anti parasitical treatments; Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin defeat the Covid-19 virus, there must be something more than a virus at work here.”

    I am by no means expert on the matter, however my understanding is that:

    HCQ and IVM both “gum up” the ACE2 cell surface receptor, and this is the “path” that both the malaria parasite and COVID-19 use to “enter” the cell. Thus, instead of “sticking” to (and then “entering”) the cell, the virion “falls off” and needs to try another cell.
    Both are also zinc ionophores, which means they tend to increase the amount of zinc in the cell – zinc being “toxic” to the RNA the virus introduces into the cell in order to replicate, thereby reducing viral replication.
    IVM is also anti-inflammatory – reducing/moderating the “cytokine storm” that appears to cause the major damage to the lungs.

    Thus 1 helps to provide chemical prophylaxis (preventative), while 2 reduces viral load and 3 “tones down” the excessive immune reaction from high viral loads.

    Of course, having IVM at the start is better than at “late stage” of the disease, as there are more things it can do – if you only get it when you are having trouble breathing, it is likely you already are battling a large viral load, so only the anti-inflammatory action comes much into play, whereas early on it reduces the number of cells infected as well as reducing the amount of virions each infected cell produces, which gives your natural immune system both a greater chance to “encounter” a virion in the body, and also more time to “gear up” for the fight (produce appropriate anti-bodies).

    But you also need plenty of zinc, vitamin D and other “trace nutrients” (like Vit C etc) to fight off this virus – as you do for many infections.

    I would also note that “natural immunity” (from having been infected) seems to create anti-bodies to more than just the “spike protein” – other virion surface proteins as well as “internal” ones (as the immune system creates anti-bodies based on the “wreckage” of destroyed virions, not just the outer surface). This obviously creates a “broader spectrum” of anti-bodies, and may be why people who were infected with SARS-1 have anti-bodies that attack COVID-19 (they are essentially immune to COVID-19) and are much less likely to be infected by any of the “variants” (SARS-1 and SARS-CoV-2 are about 80% similar in RNA terms).

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  38. Shy Ted says:

    Lame pics, courtesy Mark. 

    Special tribute to deputy PM Vicky Campion.

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  39. Slayer of Memes says:

    Just saw tailgunner of @realRukshan live feed give a shot out to the Cat

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  40. shane says:

    ”Kneel says:
    September 21, 2021 at 12:42 pm

    “Given that three known anti parasitical treatments; Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin defeat the Covid-19 virus, there must be something more than a virus at work here.”…”

    You are beginning to sound like one of those rightwingcrazyconspiracy nutters like me :p     ”

    Its like you are calling into question something that should be so self evident………..of course the State, its politicians & CMO &CHOs & the controlled media love us all  & only wants the very best for us all, else why would they avoid something so cheap incredible safe & effective remember [its out of patent protection] & threaten anyone talking,promoting or prescribing it & instead insist of going with an unproven, experimental treatment .

    The sorry history of these CVjabs over the past 20 yrs shows that all previous versions failed once the test animals were re exposed with them all expiring, which raises questions about what this current delta type is as its being claimed overseas where the alternate media is able to report these things, that at least 80%+ of those hospitalised are already jabbed.

    Loved the comment from the young girl from ch9 reporting on the march down Vic parade a few hours back, about the marchers not wanting or being willing to do the ‘Right Thing’……..willing to bet she has a degree in journalism or whatever they are calling it these days & as she appeared to be of Vietnamese background, her folks would probably have a very different opinion of this action of state control.

    We are all very lucky that these workers at least haven’t been overeducated by our educational system & made to refuse to deny their innate commonsense & still have a belief in their own innate immune system…& are obviously have a broader perspective than that ”reporter”

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  41. jo says:

    At the centenary of Harley Davidson in Sturgis HD paid for him to freight his bike over as it is 1of 2 known. 1934 something or other. Nice to look at pile of crap. So overrated.

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  42. Old bloke says:

    Kneel says:
    September 21, 2021 at 12:42 pm


    Thanks Kneel for that explanation.

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  43. Ragu says:



    Is there any other way to watch this live without having to join Facebook?



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  44. Ragu says:



    Doesn’t work for me, Carpe.

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  45. Ragu says:

    It sez, tap to watch in the Facebook app.


    Oh well

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  46. It sez, tap to watch in the Facebook app.

    Oh well


    It should unlock if you go in using DDG

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  47. Ragu says:

    Cheers, went in via Brave. Video just sits there shitting itself.


    I’ll wait for the Montage later on

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  48. shatterzzz says:

    Is there any other way to watch this live without having to join Facebook? .. realrushkan feed continuous ……

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  49. kaysee kaysee says:

    March 2020: Dr. Anthony Fauci talks with Dr Jon LaPook about Covid-19

    《 “Right now, people should not be walking, there’s no reason to be walking around with a mask,” Fauci said at the time:

    “When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is,” he said, warning of the “unintended consequences.” 》

  50. gafa says:

    shane says:
    September 21, 2021 at 2:12 pm

    “…We are all very lucky that these workers at least haven’t been overeducated by our educational system & made to refuse to deny their innate commonsense & still have a belief in their own innate immune system…& are obviously have a broader perspective than that ”reporter””

    The left side of that ‘Bell curve’ starting to really come to life.

    The reporter just falls in the in the middle.

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  51. kaysee says:

    Daniel Andrews Has a Broken Heart

    《 Downbeat and dejected after being dumped over text message, Dan struggles with his own confidence as he reveals the news of his new single status. 》

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  52. Neil says:

    How come the PM gets to travel when we are all in lockdown??

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  53. Grigory M says:

    Harley Davidson … 1of 2 known. 1934 something or other. Nice to look at pile of crap. So overrated.


    So unknowing – so unappreciative. Among motorcycles there is no such machine as an overrated Harley Davidson – or an Indian.

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  54. Neil says:
    September 21, 2021 at 3:57 pm

    How come the PM gets to travel when we are all in lockdown??


    He is special

    You are a lumpenprole

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  55. cohenite says:

    Kneel says:
    September 21, 2021 at 12:42 pm

    “Given that three known anti parasitical treatments; Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin defeat the Covid-19 virus, there must be something more than a virus at work here.”

    I am by no means expert on the matter, however my understanding is that:”

    Excellent summary.

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  56. kaysee says:

    Top Ender says:

    September 21, 2021 at 3:55 pm

    Lotsa good pix at the Mail:

    Thanks for that link. That article provides a detailed view of what’s happening in Melbourne.  The 12 points listed in the demands are right.
    Should apply to NSW, as well.

    《1. Emergency state powers to be removed immediately
    2. Lockdowns to end immediately
    3. Mask mandate to end immediately
    4. Vaccine mandates to end immediately
    5. Vaccine passport to be removed
    6. Immediate resignation of Premier Daniel Andrews
    7. Immediate resignation of Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton
    8.  Immediate resignation of Police Chief Commissioner Shane Patton
    9. Royal commission into government’s response to pandemic
    10. Charges laid against officers for ‘assaulting peaceful protesters’
    11. All construction sites to resume immediately.
    12. Mass distribution of invermectin, vitamins C, D, and zinc 》

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  57. kaysee says:
    September 21, 2021 at 4:08 pm
    Posted your missive at the other Cat, Hope you don’t mind.

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  58. kaysee says:

    Project Veritas

    PART 1: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings

    “Vaccine is Full of S**t”

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  59. cohenite says:

    A good reel of biden’s senility. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving grub:

    (1) Facebook

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  60. jo says:

    Indian yes. HD gutless wonders, poor handling. A sofa with a pisspoor motor. All noise no go.

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  61. jo says:

    Kaysee then line up ever pollie that failed to uphold their oath of office and strip them of all benefits and superannuation, then beat them with baseball bats gently so everyone gets a go. Banishment to Macquarie Island too good for these bastards.

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  62. kaysee says:

    The games pollies play to win elections. And voters vote them in.

    More lies …..

    Justin Trudeau speaks after winning the 2021 federal election

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  63. kaysee says:

    And the opposition ……

    Erin O’Toole speaks after Trudeau’s Liberals win minority government

    《Erin O’Toole delivered a concession speech from Oshawa, Ontario early Tuesday morning after Justin Trudeau’s Liberals won a minority government in the federal election. 》

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  64. The Beer whisperer says:

    Do doctors still take the Hippocratic oath? Someone on Twitter claimed they stopped 30 years ago, so it must be true.

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  65. Ragu says:

    Beery, Physicians Oath

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  66. Mark A says:

    jo says:
    September 21, 2021 at 4:30 pm

    Indian yes. HD gutless wonders, poor handling. A sofa with a pisspoor motor. All noise no go.


    jo, you beat me to it. Indian, anytime, yes.

    HD POS.

    Grigs, you don’t always have to disagree for the sake of it.

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  67. kaysee says:

    More rules for thee ……

    Glenn Greenwald


    《 Another beautiful and elegant event with celebrities free and maskless, surrounded by staff forced to wear cloth over their faces: the New Normal.

    It’s The Science.™ 》


    More here: the woman in yellow is rich and famous and thus immune to COVID and thus is free to walk without a mask.

    Sadly, the staff at the end of the video are not rich or famous, lack immunity, and thus must cover their faces for their own good: 》

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  68. mh says:

    Daniel Andrews must resign immediately.

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  69. kaysee says:

    Freedom Protest Israel

    《Israel rising!
    Marching in Tel Aviv towards Rabin Square, joining the worldwide rally for freedom.》

    More videos in the thread.

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  70. Axl Rosé says:

    Where’s TailgunneR?

    Any reports and what not?

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  71. cohenite says:

    kaysee says:
    September 21, 2021 at 4:47 pm

    The games pollies play to win elections. And voters vote them in.

    More lies …..

    Justin Trudeau speaks after winning the 2021 federal election

    Unfucking believable. That lying pansy dog won! Voters are stupid. But then when the so-called conservative opposition have the integrity of a locust in heat, I guess you can’t blame them much.

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  72. Axl Rosé says:

    Unfucking believable. That lying pansy dog won! Voters are stupid.

    It is Uniparty everywhere.  You can’t vote your way out of this.

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  73. kaysee says:

    Ragu says:

    September 21, 2021 at 5:01 pm

    Beery, Physicians Oath

    From the AMA website:

    AMA Adopts WMA Declaration of Geneva

    (2006) 《The AMA has adopted the World Medical Association’s (WMA) Declaration of Geneva as a contemporary companion to the 2,500-year-old Hippocratic Oath for doctors to declare their commitment to their profession, their patients, and humanity.

    “The Declaration is a short, sharp summary of all that is good about being a doctor in the 21st Century,” Dr Haikerwal said.》


    Declaration of Geneva (WMA, 2006)

    At the time of being admitted as a member of the medical profession:

    I solemnly pledge to consecrate my life to the service of humanity;

    I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude that is their due;

    I will practise my profession with conscience and dignity;

    The health of my patient will be my first consideration;

    I will respect the secrets that are confided in me, even after the patient has died;

    I will maintain, by all the means in my power, the honour and the noble traditions of the medical profession;

    My colleagues will be my sisters and brothers;

    I will not permit considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, social standing or any other factor to intervene between my duty and my patient;

    I will maintain the utmost respect for human life;

    I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat;

    I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honour. 》

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  74. Ragu says:



    Ok, Pledge not, Oath – (2017)

    These and other editorial amendments, including the addition of a subtitle identifying the Declaration as a “Physician’s Pledge,”



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  75. Delta A says:

    Kudos to the thousands of heroes who marched (mostly) peacefully through Melbourne CBD today… and then sang and danced atop Westgate Bridge.

    What a stirring sight!


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  76. Steve trickler says:

    Images from the Canary Islands.


    “A volcano on the Spanish Canary Island of La Palma sent lava fountains shooting hundreds of feet into the air on Sunday (Sept. 19), forcing thousands of people to evacuate the area. The volcano, called La Cumbre Vieja or “The Old Summit,” last erupted in October 1971, when lava continually poured from the volcano for more than three weeks, according to NPR. This time around, the volcano is expected to remain active only “for the next few days,” the president of the Canary Islands Ángel Víctor Torres said, Reuters reported. Several streams of lava are still spilling from five fissures in the side of the volcano. One lava stream, measuring dozens of feet wide, reportedly surged over a number of homes in the nearby town of El Paso, from which residents had been directed to evacuate. In all, the eruption has destroyed about 100 homes in villages near Cumbre Vieja, BBC News reported. No casualties have been reported.”

    Lava from Cumbre Vieja Destroys Homes on La Palma – Sept. 19 / 20, 2021

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  77. Delta A says:

    As Abe says in the Liberty Quote at top o’ the page:


    “To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.”




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  78. Steve trickler says:

    johanna upthread re: Sturgis 👍 I recommend checking out the rest of Harold’s channel. You’ve got years of material to wade through.

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  79. Barry says:

    Somehow the following component of the original Hippocratic oath got lost

    I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.

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  80. Ruprecht Ruprecht says:

    Woe betide the next 70 year old woman that VicPol meet at a protest. They will do aall they didn’t dare do with a few lads who are bigger.

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  81. Axl Rosé says:

    I think it was tear gas.

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  82. cohenite says:

    Bird has more fucking names then WC Fields and Groucho Marx put together.

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  83. Lizzie of Sydney says:

    Adam, I was alerted on the Flash Cat to your post about hotel quarantine with your wife and six kids.  I copied some of it over there because it is one hell of a tale.

    You are the best dad to your kids.  What more can be said?  We are living in tyrannical times and somehow even those who have suffered far more than most still keep going.

    All praise to you and I hope your business works well in Queensland.

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  84. The Beer whisperer says:

    <blockquote>I will maintain the utmost respect for human life;

    I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat;

    I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honour. 》</blockquote>


    Where are the disclaimers about following government orders that violate those pledges? 2020 Addendum?

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  85. Axl Rosé says:

    Steve trickler says:
    September 21, 2021 at 7:53 pm

    Cheers.  Was good to hear what blokes had to say.  Encouraging.

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  86. Top Ender says:

    Herald Sun

    Jeff Kennett: Victoria’s cancerous leadership eating state from within


    Dictator Dan’s “my way or the high way” style of leadership now verges on megalomania — and it shows his government has lost control.



    The Premier and his government have lost control yet again of the administration of Victoria’s response to the pandemic.


    This autocratic style of governing that verges on megalomaniac is totally unacceptable after almost two years of restrictions and lecturing by our elected leaders.


    Decisions made late at night without any understanding of the consequences for the community are almost dictatorial. “My way or the highway”, regardless of the damage.


    On Monday just before midnight the government closed down the construction industry, except on its own two projects, level crossing removals and the tunnel construction. Neither vital.


    Tradies, many of whom are vaccinated with one or two shots, are prohibited in completing electrical, plumbing, or other jobs at your home, let alone trying to finish projects before Christmas.


    This is what happens when you have people running the state who have no private sector experience whatsoever. They finish school or university and move straight into the political stream. They keep giving themselves pay rises while making decisions that prohibit others in the private sector from even earning an income.


    We Victorians are paying a price, no community in this country has ever experienced before. Not even during war time.


    We are being eaten from within by what can be compared to a spreading cancer, but the cancer is the government. If you did not know otherwise, you could believe this was an orchestrated action to weaken the state of Victoria and its people to the point of submission.


    Of course, the so-called road map out of the pandemic was no road map at all. Because it failed to deliver one important ingredient. Hope.


    What it committed Victorians to was another five or six weeks of lockdown. The community is increasing disillusioned, depressed, and hurting. Importantly, it left unsaid what would happen if we dido not reach 80 per cent double vaccination by the appointed date.


    There were a whole range of rewards the government could have offered those who were already vaccinated. They gave none. No hope. They just continue to snarl at the vast majority of law-abiding, vaccinated Victorians.


    It is time for a new way. Victoria cannot continue to be destroyed by these Labor apparatchiks who have never directly employed anyone in their lives and who have no appreciation of what makes the world go around.

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