Liberty Quote
- Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.
— Benjamin Franklin -
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This news story from the week before has been keeping the talkback radio shows busy. Dutton called for a ban on refugees from Gaza and got labelled racist and divisive. The station I was listening to is mainly the so-called right-wingers and they were leaping to defend Dutton and support him.
August 14, 2024
Peter Dutton demands complete ban on refugees from Gaza entering Australia
amid concerns over Hamas sympathy
I haven’t had the time to discuss it, but here is my detailed opinion/analysis on it.
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The topic of immigration in general.
Australia needs to have strict migration policy. There need to be stringent rules followed in the taking in of migrants or refugees. The rules should ensure that the security of the country is paramount when considering which applicants should be granted visas. The immigrants should have to pass strict requirements and provide proof to ensure that they have the necessary skills, character, and qualifications. That they can fit in and assimilate into the country, follow its rules and prove to be assets not liabilities.
My views on this are the same as before: Islam is not compatible with western civilisation and values. Those who are followers seeking to come to Australia (or other western nations) will say and do what is necessary to get in, infiltrate, and then establish themselves. But if they are adherents of Islam, their allegiance will not be to the western way of life. Hence, it could result in conflicts and disharmony.
I have no problems with restrictions overall, on any groups of migrants or refugees.
My spat here is with double standards related to the intake of Palestinian refugees.
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Dutton visited Israel last month. Even before that visit, it was obvious that he, and many in the Liberal party had already revealed their alignment with one side of this conflict. On the subject of politicians, the majority of them – regardless of party – don’t really care about anything but their own survival in their political careers and a good gig after they decide that its time to “retire” from politics. Labor, Liberal, Greens, One Nation, Nationals, Teals, whatever else.
A few questions about Dutton’s trip to Israel:
– Who sponsored that visit?
– Dutton was given a tour of the October 7 site. Did he also visit the post-October 7 sites or wasn’t that suitable to view?
– Did he just listen to what he was told by his sponsors, or did he ask any uncomfortable questions?
– While he was in Israel, the story about the rape of a Palestinian prisoner by the IDF was being reported in the news. Did Dutton ask any questions about that?
– Did he ask questions about the genocide taking place in Gaza?
– Had he already decided who were the victims and the good guys vs the villains and the bad guys or did he try to understand the situation objectively?
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Before I respond to Dutton’s remarks on 14 August:
2006: Palestinian Parliamentary Elections
– In January 2006, elections were held to elect members to the Palestinian parliament (Gaza and West Bank)
– There was 77% voter turnout.
– I can’t find the facts on the voter age, but I would assume that it would be a minimum 18 years old to vote.
– Hamas won 76 of the 132 seats – so that was the majority.
What does the above tell us?
– Not everyone eligible to vote, cast a vote (23% did not vote)
– Not everyone voted for Hamas. (People voted for other parties which won a combined 56 seats.)
**Read this carefully**:
In October 2023
– No one below the age of 35 would have been eligible to vote in the 2006 election.
– No one below the age of 17 was born at the time of the 2006 election.
– Not everyone above the age of 35 voted in that election.
– Not everyone above the age of 35 who voted in that election voted for Hamas.
Links for above info:
Hamas sweeps to election victory
Palestinian election facts
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I have already provided details on all of these issues:
– How Hamas came to be powerful (with the help of Israel for its own devious reasons).
– The conflict did not get set off on 7 October – it has been ongoing for over 75 years. Palestinians have been persecuted during that time by the Israeli government and Israelis.
The Israeli government, under Netanyahu, has behaved as though there was no provocation for the Hamas attack on 7 October. They decided on the path of collective punishment. So in retaliation for what Hamas, a terrorist group did, every Palestinian civilian is responsible because they ALL voted for Hamas.
What Australia is doing is repeating the Israeli lies – that every Palestinian from Gaza cannot be allowed into Australia because they have links to Hamas.
Check out the **Read this carefully** in comment 4/ above, again.
Tell me if your logic can work out the same conclusion.
Tell me how children and babies are supporters of Hamas.
Tell me how Christians in Gaza are supporters of Hamas.
Tell me how every single Palestinian – from the newborn baby to the elderly – can be marked as supporters of Hamas.
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Now let’s check the Israeli election in November 2022.
– 70.6% of the voting population voted in the elections.
– Netanyahu’s Likud party won 32 seats from a total of 120 seats.
The remaining 88 seats won by other parties.
– Netanyahu is PM due to forming a coalition with some other parties.
Conclusion: ALL Israelis – newborn babies to the elderly – voted for Netanyahu.
Under Netanyahu’s rule, this current conflict in Gaza (October 2023 – to August 2024 ongoing) has seen the IDF murdering, wounding, raping, harming, persecuting innocent civilians – includes those who did not vote for Hamas, those who were not eligible to vote, those who were not born at that time. They have killed and maimed innocent people – babies, children, women, men. They have destroyed homes, buildings, properties, churches, mosques, universities, hospitals.
They have committed acts of torture and filmed their depraved actions. They have performed vile deeds, they have been sadists, they have taken pleasure in harming and abusing the innocent.
Palestinian Christians who have nothing to do with Hamas have been killed, wounded, spat on, had their faith mocked, churches destroyed. Yet right-wing Aussies on talkback radio will tell you how Israel is our ally, the Biblical connection, and Judeo-Christian heritage.
What I have listed above – the actions of the IDF – are facts. If you have been reading this blog, we have posted links that provide ample proof of the above. These acts haven’t been committed by the IDF once or twice, but several times, over the past 10 months.
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So every Palestinian living in Gaza is a potential terrorist because they may have links to Hamas. We (right-wingers) know this because we only get our news from what is fed to us by the media, including our fave stable, Nooose Cooops, which has brainwashed us and told us this, repeatedly, in many ways, over the past 10 months. And we believe every word they say. And ALL these Palestinians are guilty by association with Hamas because we know from the same media that they ALL voted for Hamas in 2006 – even if they were not born.
So we cannot have these people entering Australia.
Now, let’s apply the same standards to ALL terrorists.
What the IDF, on behalf of its government led by Netanyahu, is doing in Gaza is genocide. It is far worse than what we understand to be terrorism. No rules of war allow for the slaughter of innocent civilians. Yes, they are innocent civilians, even if that trustworthy media company tells you otherwise.
The bombing, the targeted, precision air strikes, the torture – the despicable acts. This counts as terrorism. They have been judged Guilty by the ICC and ICJ.
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We have to follow the rules of collective punishment.
Peter Dutton demands a complete ban on refugees from Gaza coming into Australia over concerns about their links to Hamas.
The IDF, over the past 10 months, have murdered, wounded, tortured, raped, persecuted innocent Palestinian civilians including new born babies who are totally and completely innocent. They have destroyed churches, schools, universities, hospitals.
The IDF soldiers are Israelis. They are following orders of their PM, Netanyahu. Netanyahu was elected by the Israelis.
It doesn’t matter that not all Israelis voted in 2022, or that not all Israelis voted for Netanyahu or that not all Israelis support Netanyahu.
For the safety and security of this country and its people, the government cannot allow into Australia ANY Israelis (or supporters of Israel/Zion) as they ALL voted for Netanyahu who is responsible for the actions of the IDF.
Migration Policy:
– Don’t let in ANY Gazan refugees as they MAY have links to Hamas.
– Don’t let in ANY Israelis/Zionists as they MAY have links to the criminals in the IDF.
Collective punishment.
The same rules should apply to all seeking to enter Australia.
I have spent hours in researching info and writing these comments.
If there is anyone who disagrees with what I have posted, join in and tell me why.
Give me facts and reference links.
Explain to me why the same rules don’t apply.
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I missed out one point. The question being asked and answered:
Q: Why are the other countries in the Middle East not prepared to take in the Palestinians as refugees or migrants?
A: Because these Palestinians are evil and terrorists and they don’t want them in their own countries.
a/ Some of these ME countries are facing their own internal problems such as shortages and other issues. I have links somewhere, but I’ll post them when I find them.
b/ Why should these countries take in Palestinians?
The Palestinians have their own land that they have been living on for centuries.
You have a home in Australia. A group of thugs come to your home and force you out at gun point. So you forfeit your home and go and seek refuge from your extended family and relatives? Even though you had your own property, now your relatives who don’t have enough space for their own families and cannot afford to pay their bills have to take you in?
Why? So that some people who did not work hard and save money to build and own a home have taken over your home and made you and your family homeless?
Why should the ME countries or any other countries have to take in Palestinians as refugees? Just give them back their own land. They can live there with their own people. They don’t need to come to western countries.
We have to ask the question about why these original inhabitants of the land are being driving out by the ones who immigrated seeking refugee and have for over 75 years been persecuting the Palestinians. But it is just easier or more convenient for western countries to make it seem that the real victims are the villains and the persecutors are the persecuted.
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Hamas are aligned to the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Egyptian government sees MB as a threat, given the recent political history in Egypt.
Israel’s intention was for the Palestinians to go Western countries. This was in a leaked document from the Israeli Ministry of Intelligence last year.
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There’s that. And more.
Why Egypt Refuses to Open Its Borders to Palestinian Refugees
How 100,000 Palestinians Are Surviving in Egypt Without Refugee Status
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Hamzé Attar posted this week:
What he posted on 12 October:
(For those who can’t read twitter threads, I’ll post the info)
And this map included.
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🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕
And for this Sunday…
Oh God, you are my God
A Ponderable
(The Subtitles/Closed captions CC on the video seems to come on by default.
Turn it off as it is not required.)
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Via George Christensen
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Rumble boss flees Europe after Durov arrest
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Where is the logic in this?
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What happened?
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Coming soon – Peter Dutton is Peter Mileikowsky.
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Never forget
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David Kurtenk
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It’s not the Faaaar Right so it’s “mostly peaceful”
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Andrew Bolt should have Nick Fuentes as a guest to highlight where Candy is wrong
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So many news stories as well as the ones posted above.
I want to comment and respond but there’s too much to write on and too little time.
– the weekend NT elections, coming up Qld elections, federal election
– Tanya Plibersek’s gold mine and solar panel farms, scams, electricity bills and shortages
– Covid jabs and scams, free speech censorship, conspiracy theories
– Gerard Rennick quitting the Libs and a new party
– other national news items……
– world news….
Plenty of topics for any serious commenters who want to contribute. It is not just the topics that the three of us post.
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More than a year ago, I came across a team of people aware of the Great Reset and finding ways to counter it – a Great Resist. I started writing posts – meant to be a series – but then time was against me and it got put on hold.
In the past few weeks, I have been reading something on similar lines by the same person – Derrick Broze. It is about finding solutions. How to survive against this Great Reset.
The People’s Reset
In the UK: 27-29 September 2024
What is it about?
2 short videos from Dan Astin-Gregory
The People’s Reset UK Activation Event is about creating a life of freedom, resilience and self-sufficiency!
“What we really want to get across is, how do you come to this event and actually come away with practical strategies that you can implement at home when you go home?”
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Andrew Bolt believes in Free Speech except when that speech is speech that is not nice about Israel, has Jew-hating lies, antisemitism. Then it is disgusting and the speaker is a sick woman. One year ago, would this same Andrew Bolt have been making exceptions about who is allowed free speech?
He works for Sky News. Ben Fordham works for Nine Entertainment.
Both Stephen Chavura and Daniel Wild are right on their defence of free speech.
Stephen and Daniel need to define “antisemitism” before they claim that there is high antisemitism in Australia.
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Those YouTube comments are really giving it to Bolt, lol
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The US Elections
Major pressing issues that matter to American voters when voting this election:
Voting issues-1
Voting issues-2
Voting issues-3
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And the winner is:
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Bolt says it was “shocking” that Milo was banned from Australia.
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This is probably the best, simplest:
In a real liberal democracy, it would go without saying. Even Narrative Gatekeepers Network members regularly recite “censorship’s a hallmark of authoritarian regimes”. But
what we see suggests “aligning and pledging allegiance” by not only politicians but participants in the propaganda machine of our totalitarianism-with-a-smile times.
Ben Fordham, too. Andrew Bolt calls Candace Owens a “kook”; Ben Fordham called ordinary Australian citizens “cookers”.
And for all the “inciting violence is different” talk, I don’t recall a certain ejected tennis player inciting anything at all. (Though Peggy Hall’s pointed out even he went along with the oxygen-depriving slave symbolism of the mask.)
From the David Kurten link above:
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In the daily news roundup, I see the proof of what is happening in Gaza. It is hard to read and watch because I can’t take it in dispassionately. Some of the scenes keep playing in my head.
Should I stop reading that news because it is too disturbing and I can’t do much? Pretend there isn’t a genocide taking place? Innocent civilians being persecuted and murdered?
No. The battle from this small blog continues.
The only ME democracy-1
The only ME democracy-2
The only ME democracy-3
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Quite. Thank God for all the individual, truly ‘free’ voices out there.
I’ve lost interest in national “news” since Covid revealed just how unfree and “compliant” Australian society is. A coping mechanism, perhaps. As “they” continue to avert their gaze and try to distract ours, I find I’m not really interested in their “news”, either.
I’ve started looking at this, too. “Exit and build.” It’s a positive focus.
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News about Palestinian Christians?
Hamas supporters?
16 August 2024
Statement By The Jerusalem Patriarchate On Israel’s Impediments To Freedom Of Worship
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The Christian Zionists in the West think that Israel is their best friend and ally.
Munther Isaac
26 August 2024
Happening in Bethlehem this week. Israel is annexing the West Bank and settlers activities is one an alarming rise
Alice is a Palestinian Christian.
26 August
The IDF has arrested Alice Kaissieh and her mother from outside their home which has been stolen from Israeli settlers…
Activists had joined Alice to fight to take back her home and land from settler thieves
Update from Munther Isaac
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We need to know what is happening. The MSM version vs the facts. It is the same controllers around the world, so there are similar news incidents in Europe, America and here.
In terms of time, it is difficult for just the 3 of us to keep sharing news.
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Wonder if Calley and Casey Means are the Narrative Gatekeeper Network’s counter to Dr Sam and Dr Mark Bailey
Trying to direct focus to food rather than virology.
@19:50 Dr Mark Bailey says they spent years trying to engage with Del Bigtree and (RFK Jnr’s) CHD to no avail.
Similarly, Katherine Watt in the comments here
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Does Bolt believe Hitler should be banned from YouTube?
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American Pravda: YouTube Censorship and the Curious Case of Candace Owens • 51m ▶
RON UNZ • AUGUST 26, 2024 • 6,700 WORDS
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Conclusion of the Ron Unz article
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“New Narrative Network” and funders
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Announcing the Independent Media Alliance:
Not sure about another “alliance” but…
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RFKTrumpuniparty talking chemtrails
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Probably one of the most important Free Speech cases in Australia.
Mary Kostakidis v Zionists
Sydney-based law firm to defend pro-Gaza veteran broadcaster
Mary Kostakidis:
She is right.
It would be a public service to the country if the XD Law firm can also finalise the permanent definition of antisemitism.
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During the scamdemic, I watched some of Sam Bailey’s videos and wrote posts on a few of them. Learnt about the Covid “virus” and the life-saving “vaxx”. But I wasn’t aware that Drs Sam and Mark had made this big lifestyle change, moving to the country.
I am envious (in the good sense of the word) of the way they are living. Growing your own food and having your own livestock, cooking healthy meals, drinking purified water. The best part is the emphasis on eating meals together as a family, prayer and their Christian faith.
Faith, Family, Work. Healthy food, exercise. Home-schooling. Community.
Respecting God and nature. Everything else follows on…
Towards the end, Sam says to Peggy:
Shining the light of truth onto things for those who want to learn.
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That is one long, detailed article by Ron Unz covering references to world issues by a host of commentators, platforms and YouTubers. The censorship of those who strayed over the line. This link needs to be saved somewhere because of its reference links.
But when it comes to Candace Owens, I don’t think he has got it right on his analysis.
“Controlled opposition” vs “promoted opposition”?
Doesn’t puppet-master controlling the puppet also use the same puppet for promoting some cause or ideology?
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It would be good to be able to get news from reliable investigative journos through one centralised location. It will be great source as long as it is not subscription-based or paywalled.
Derrick Broze
He’s got the focus right on the big three scams and the media narratives:
Covidism, Palestine, Uniparty
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Yes. The ones who spotted the truth very quickly.
1/ Not the ones who went along with taking and promoting the jabs in 2020-21 and cheered for penalties to be imposed on the “anti-vaxxers”.
2/ Not the ones who accuse the truth-tellers about the genocidal Gaza war as “antisemites” and think that Israel is their ally and the only democracy in the ME.
3/ Not the ones who think that Deep State Trump is some saviour who is fighting the deep state and they get triggered by anyone who tells the facts about their hero.
We’ve already seen in 2024, many of those famous pro-Covid vaxxers doing an about-turn. When it is too late.
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There are a number of people who see the insanity – but we are just spread thin over the world. We need to find a way to unite before the globalists find a way to censor us.
While Derrick Broze is working to unite independent media outlets, I wonder whether we can do something here on this blog. I have a few ideas, but it seems that it is just 3 of us who are prepared to speak up, think critically and share our opinions.
I am sure there are others. But there is no point if you are among the few who see “the insanity” that Derrick is referring to, but choose to stay silent.
I’ve written a 4-part series on the sanctity of the human life in the womb and the evils of abortion, but it seems as if it is a topic that doesn’t matter to anyone else.
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It’s feasible that Candy O is still up on YouTube due to Deep Staters allowing her to muddy the waters with her endless stream of ‘conspiracy theories’ ie dinosaurs, flat earth, Macron’s wife. Not controlled, but allowed to continue – for now. No one knows for sure, Unz is just throwing it out there.
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Same. Ideally we’d all be able to live something like this.
Yes, it’s great in that way, and addresses what many awake individuals have expressed concerns about, in terms of controlled opposition, ‘late convert leaders’ etc. Those very sorts of concerns did have me wondering how much we could really trust any “alliance” on these platforms – centralising or ‘corralling’ dissidents not caught by the Trump&RFK Jnr narrative. I’ve seen some querying the way Whitney Webb’s been ‘promoted’, for example. I don’t know much about any of them. Great if genuine.
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Perhaps it’s not that it doesn’t matter, kaysee – far from it…have you seen Peggy Hall talking about how she manages how much of the “insanity” she takes in, for her own wellbeing? She didn’t watch the Paris Olympics opening ceremony, for example, because she knew enough from what she’d read. And she chose not to cover Ukraine because many other people were covering it. Abortion is a particularly distressing subject and one which people may feel helpless to do anything about.
It is hard with just three people commenting, because you don’t get a variety of responses.
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Strange times, to be sympathising with an SBS presenter!
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There can be no permanent definition.
Let Rabbi Barclay explain:
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Yes. Or Lewis Carroll:
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When 21-year old Kyle Rittenhouse said he wouldn’t be voting for Trump, Maga hit him hard with their responses. When pro-lifers say they will not be voting for Trump, they get nasty replies. That is how the cult responds to true conservatives.
News revealed in the past day is that one of the big Maga Influencers, Julie Kelly, around 700,000 followers, has been donating to the Kamala Harris campaign. There is proof by way of FEC filings. She hasn’t denied it. But the other Maga Influencers are rallying in to support her. They aren’t asking the questions.
Why not? They are all grifters on the Maga gravy train.
The Maga chief grifter – Republican nominee for President.
They are all playing their parts. Grifting.
Curb Your Enthusiasm
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A few seconds after that point, Rabbi Barclay mentions Candy’s father in law. A veiled threat, lol
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Peggy Hall is in the group of those who see the insanity, think critically and share the truth. So there is a limit to how much she and others like her (and us) can take on. I didn’t watch the Olympics either and am skipping certain topics because I don’t have the time and need to limit the insanity I take in.
But I think of the people on the receiving end, as in the war in Gaza, and wonder how my discomfort and uneasiness compare with the reality that the people there are experiencing. So I keep posting the news about the genocide as a reminder to the rest of the world.
The same with abortion. Saying nothing wins no battles. There are minds being changed when pro-abortionists see what happens during an abortion. Even speaking up and being prepared to say that we are pro-life, or passing on the videos to others and sharing their reactions helps to change opinions and save lives.
I am not referring to those of us who are doing the regular posting here. We can only do that much.
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A personal story
Shojaa al-Safadi is a Palestinian writer and poet.
Some things we can never rebuild
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SECOND British journalist arrested for ‘crime’ of criticising Israel!
67.2K subscribers
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Died Suddenly
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Weekend version of the national paper: antisemitism and Money, Money, Money
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“Vaccinating” children in Gaza
Two ‘shots’ 4 weeks apart.
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Candace Owens: “Stopping a Catholic mother-of-three from coming into this country, that’s quite startling”
“Discord”! Discord. There will be no discord, no disagreement, no non-shared opinions in Australiastan! Refer to the The Australian newspaper, MSM TV or radio hosts, or the relevant government website as your sources of truth for approved thoughts and utterances.
She shouldn’t be too surprised, though. She did call for the US to liberate Australia from tyrannical Covid restrictions a few years ago. It’s the same country, even if the MSM celebrity chatter rings a bit hollower than before.
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He could ask Sky News presenters to make the decision.
Or a former Immigration Minister.
As for the Labor government ….
Does Candace really think that America is still the land of free speech and freedom?
‘In America, we care deeply about free speech – we care deeply about freedom in general… and so this completely shocked me,’ she said.
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Media reporting about October 7.
Aaron Maté on the Mass rape by Hamas story
Israel and their media/political allies claim there was mass rape by Hamas on Oct 7
Update: Israel’s Channel 13 confirms that the “anonymous Israeli who witnessed Hamas rape on Oct 7 and then committed suicide” is a complete fake.
Israeli media has confirmed that a widely circulated claim about a purported “witness” of Hamas sexual violence on Oct. 7th committing suicide was yet another hoax.
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40 beheaded babies
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href=”https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/scott-morrison-says-a-coronavirus-vaccine-would-be-as-mandatory-as-you-can-possibly-make-it/mcg55d7r1″>…and former “Liberal” Prime Minister
That great humanitarian. Apparently cast as the “freedom” party implementer of tyranny here, as Trump was in the US.
It must be said that America is freer than here. They have their constitutional rights.
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Katherine Watt
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Died Suddenly in Western Sydney
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Powerline’s The Week in Pictures: Kamaladammerung Edition
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