This is the speech by Konstantin Kisin at the inaugural ARC (The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship) conference, London (30th October – 1st November 2023). The founding event organiser of ARC, Jordan Peterson, provided Kisin with the theme for his speech: audacity, adventure and a positive vision for our civilisation.
In his memorable speech, Kisin called on the influencers on this planet in various fields— business, education, media and politics—to step up and play their part.
To those who have made their fortunes in the world of business, he said:
We are in the fight of our lives. There is no greater return on your investment than to protect and preserve our civilization.
And to those in the media:
Truth Matters. We are in the fight of our lives.
There is more to life than clicks and downloads.
The Fight of Our Lives
The message is not just for those in the Legacy media with the very big audiences. It is also for those with lower traffic numbers on social media and blogs.
Speak the truth. Share the truth.
Listen to those who are trying to dig up the truth.
Support the truth-seekers and truth-speakers.
It is not about the numbers of clicks and downloads. Or trying to be popular and afraid to lose “followers”, “friends” and blog traffic.
As Kisin says: We are in the fight of our lives.
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A few people share their vision to resist the Great Reset.
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Jordan Peterson is the founding event organiser of ARC and there was the inaugural conference that took place last week. Sometimes, Peterson can speak powerfully on some topics. Other times he goes off strange directions.
Who is the real Jordan Peterson?
10 October 2023
After advocating death and destruction on Gaza,
Jordan Peterson proves he is nothing but a spiritual charlatan
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2 November 2023
There is no desert we can’t make bloom
The most inspiring speech Jordan Peterson has ever given
(23 mins)
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The role of the media
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