Open Thread – Saturday, 15 January 2022

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460 Responses to Open Thread – Saturday, 15 January 2022

  1. mh says:

    Trickler is in for a treat tonight.

    Mark Moron is holding a presser.

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  2. cohenite says:

    Zeducation is always good for a laugh, but his cringe version is pretty close to the bone: unbelievable shit in clown world:

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  3. Steve trickler says:

    mh says:
    January 20, 2022 at 10:28 pm

    The prick from swinging pig insane. I wish him nothing but ill health.

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  4. egg_ says:

    Time to END the 🤡 show.

    Boris rolled by his Cronies?

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  5. mh says:

    Although not saying it directly, Mark Moron confirming the vaccines are rubbish.

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  6. mh says:

    Mark Moron says he is “trying to get the vaccination levels up”.

    This straight after making statements showing that the vaccines are doing SFA in the eastern states.

    WA hard border – no end date.

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  7. Bazinga says:

    Would Morrison organise an invasion to save us from McClown.

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  8. mh says:

    Mark Moron repeating over and over now that vaccination rates must go up.

    There should be a banner across the bottom of the screen – Brought To You By Pfizer.

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  9. mh says:

    Mark Moron saying booster mandate (3 frankenshots) will kick in once everyone has had the chance to get third shot.

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  10. egg_ says:

    McClown snookers “Strong Borders” Scumoron.

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  11. mh says:

    Mark Moron has now finished.
    His narrative is held together by painting a picture that in the Eastern States Omicron is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
    This is demonstrably horseshit.

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  12. Steve trickler says:



    Fail Army:

    We’ve loaded up all of the best dashcam footage and open road fails we could find into one terrifyingly hilarious video. Eleven minutes of dashcam chaos like this reminds us all to wear a seatbelt and stay on the right side of the road, except for when you need to tuck and roll.

    Crazy Dashcam Fails – Bad Drivers and Road Mayhem Compilation | FailArmy

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  13. DM OF WA says:

    It perfectly reasonable for Western Australia to wait for the COVID pandemic in the eastern states to subside before the government considers reopening our border. WA premier McGowan has done a fantastic job managing WA unlike that your girly swot prefect Perrottet and Dear Leader Dan.

    Alas, reason left the building some time ago on this website since it became a hangout for anti-vaxxers and sovereign citizen-types.

    PS Life in Western Australia is still absolutely fabulous.

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  14. egg_ says:

    Alas, reason left the building some time ago on this website since it became a hangout for anti-vaxxers and sovereign citizen-types.

    PS Life in Western Australia is still absolutely fabulous

    Beyond parody.

    Met an unvaxxed WA tradie (who transited S.A. by road in such a state) – now in NSW for work – who agrees that (ex NSW) McClown is doing a great job in the world’s most remote/retarded capital city.

    Da ironing!

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  15. egg_ says:

    PS Life in Western Australia is still absolutely fabulous

    PS from the air it resembles a cratered moonscape.

    When the iron ore royalties run dry, you’ll be back to being the beggar state of Oz.

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  16. mh says:

    DM of WA,

    WA has a Covid Zero policy, which is achievable in the most geographically isolated place on earth.

    But what is the point of everyone being vaxxed?

    Why are you double/triple vaxxed, DM? What medical benefit does it give you?

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  17. mh says:

    SHOCK As 10-Year-Old Luisa Petenuci Suffers Cardiac Arrest 12 Hours After Receiving Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine, Situation CRITICAL

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  18. mh says:

    QLD forced mass vaccination program achieving super results:

    Queensland’s major industries hit breaking point, supply chain under threat

    Queensland’s major industries are hanging on by a thread, with staff shortages reaching such urgent levels it could temporarily shut down the state’s basic supply chain and see electricity shut down “for weeks”. SEE THE CRITICAL SHORTAGES

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  19. mh says:

    The Age

    Mr McGowan has delayed the state’s reopening over fears lagging booster vaccination rates will cause the Omicron variant to run rampant in the community


    Just nonsense.
    Mark Moron is associating the spread of the Omicron variant with booster shots. It’s retarded.

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  20. egg_ says:

    Triple Juiced Alyssa Milano Says She Is Dying From Long Covid
    Salty Cracker

    Hopefully, my “long COVID” lasts a few decades longer.

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  21. mh says:

    The Oz

    Most Delta kids had only ‘runny nose’
    Two-thirds of children recorded as Covid-19 patients in hospital were never sick but merely required out-of-home care, a sweeping government-funded study reveals.

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  22. mh says:

    The Experts’ “Zero Covid” Plan Was a Total Failure

    … Neo-Zero Covid: The Pivot to Vaccines

    The zero covid mentality endures, however. The second wave of the zero covid mentality came with the idea that with universal vaccination, covid would disappear.

    …It’s no longer possible to even pretend that vaccination prevents transmission. The only argument left to supporters of the vaccine mandate is that vaccines help against serious disease and death. That’s excellent, but it has nothing to do with public health because it’s clear the unvaccinated aren’t the reason the disease has not been eradicated.

    And then there is the fact that vaccination has, in part, likely contributed to new covid mutations. This isn’t new with covid. The idea that treatments can lead to new mutations is not new, of course, and it’s long been known that under a variety of situations, leaky vaccines can produce vaccine resistant mutations.

    This is also known to occur in the case of covid. For example, in an article for the Journal of Physical Chemistry (December 2021), the authors note “vaccine-breakthrough or antibody-resistant mutations provide a new mechanism of viral evolution.” …

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  23. Mark A says:

    A note to those who are considering moving to Europe and spec. to Hungary or Poland.
    We live in Hungary at present and happy to be here, but a word of caution, the government recently set the price of petrol at 480 Ft (about $2 a litre) and also set the price of some basic food items.

    I didn’t know they could do this. Can the OZ gov. do this?
    This sounds like a government controlled economy, and it rings bells for me.

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  24. mh says:

    Dan voters

    Australian Open
    World No2. slams ‘disrespectful’ Melbourne fans, as having a ‘low IQ’

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  25. Shy Ted says:

    Just catching up
    egg_ says:
    January 21, 2022 at 2:00 am
    Fwit Frewen says “we’re back up to 200 million doses in a week”
    Couldn’t believe my ears so listened a couple more times. Worthy of a gong next time round. Overall theme is that people are waking up and “they” are losing. So glad he’ll never be in charge of an actual war.

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  26. Shy Ted says:

    Steve trickler says: January 20, 2022 at 9:43 pm
    Check out Zoom Earth or the BOM satellite viewer.
    Is that smoke off the coast of Carnarvon?

    Seems to be the Tonga ash cloud. Clearly going to Africa rather than risk quarantine hear.

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  27. mh says:

    ‘No vax, no play’ wipeout looms for surfer Slater

    Greg Hunt says American surfer Kelly Slater will not be allowed into Australia to compete, drawing parallels between the 11-time champion and Novak Djokovic.

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  28. Ragu says:

    Greg Hunt says American surfer Kelly Slater will not be allowed into Australia to compete

    Wait for ScoMao to spruik Pfizer party cabinet solidarity! and teamwork! and other vomit inducing anti-liberal viscera.

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  29. Black Ball says:

    And Rita Panahi teeing off on the VEC censuring Andrew Bogut

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  30. mh says:

    Greg Hunt says American surfer Kelly Slater will not be allowed into Australia to compete

    Thank you government for keeping me safe.
    Slater arrives, Aussies die.

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  31. Old bloke says:

    DM OF WA says:
    January 20, 2022 at 11:58 pm


    The reason we have McGowan as Premier over here is because we have people like DM over here.

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  32. johanna johanna says:

    Suggesting that some of the fittest, most health-conscious people on the planet are a threat, while elderly persons with co-morbidities who have had the shots are OK to come in, is truly perverse.

    The Kelly Slater thing will arouse a lot of public sympathy, as Slater is very popular personally in a way that Djokovic is not. While it is unfortunate that political issues are determined by irrelevancies such as personal popularity, that’s the way it is.

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  33. Old bloke says:

    egg_ says:
    January 21, 2022 at 2:02 am

    Triple Juiced Alyssa Milano Says She Is Dying From Long Covid


    So, vaxxine injuries are now called “Long Covid.” She should take another booster.

    No, second thoughts, take another two more boosters.

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  34. mh says:

    Kelly Slater and Novak Djokovic need to be more like Graham Richardson.

    It’s about health.

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  35. mh says:

    Cohenite, that could almost double as one of those raunchy book titles that you post here.

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  36. Black Ball says:

    Chortle. Tim Blair presenting Mark Steyn’s work on Djokovic:

    Read Today’s PaperTributes


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    BlogsTim BlairCalled It

    We haven’t even reached February, but let’s see how this year’s predictions are turning out.

    Tim Blair


    less than 2 min read

    January 20, 2022 – 9:57AM

    WA Premier and multi-linguist Mark McGowan

    These sports forecasts were close enough:

    Novak Djokovic is a no-show at the Australian Open after refusing to disclose his vaccination status …

    England’s Ashes team lose the toss in Hobart, lose 10 wickets for 54 runs in the first innings, lose all their video referrals against Australia within three overs, lose 10 wickets for 16 runs in their second innings, lose the Test within two days, lose their tickets back to the mainland, lose their luggage on the way home and finally lose their citizenship.

    And there was also this unlikely prediction for our friends in the West:

    WA Premier Mark McGowan denies reports that isolated residents of his barricaded former state have declined to the point they now communicate in a crude pidgin language of their own invention.

    “We not becomma dum-dum or simples,” McGowan tells Sky News from Perth’s parliament hut. “Muchly good-good Westland, yes boss.”

    You’ll never believe it:

    UPDATE. Ernie Dingo did it first:

    UPDATE II. Speaking of Djokovic, mentioned above, here’s Mark Steyn’s summary of recent events:

    The Djokovic deportation is a sign that they’re now taking it to the next level. Alex Hawke, the Australian Health Minister, concedes that the world’s Number One tennis player is no health risk to anyone but is rather a free-speech risk:

    “I have given consideration to the fact that Mr Djokovic is a high profile unvaccinated individual, who has indicated publicly that he is opposed to becoming vaccinated against Covid (which for convenience I refer to as ‘anti-vaccination’) …

    “I consider that Mr Djokovic’s presence in Australia may pose a health risk to the Australian community, in that his presence in Australia may foster anti-vaccination sentiment leading to (a) other unvaccinated persons refusing to become vaccinated, (b) other unvaccinated persons being reinforced in their existing views not to become vaccinated, and/or (c) a reduction in the uptake of booster vaccines.”

    This is worse than the concept of “pre-crime”; it’s “pre-speech”: if Djokovic were to remain in Australia, he might say something that might cause Mrs Scroggins of Alice Springs to consider foregoing her seventh booster shot.’

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  37. Steve trickler says:


    If Scott Morrison wins the next election, I will hold a funeral for freedom of speech.

    Morrison likens albo to Twitter trolls:

    It’s Now Illegal to Criticise the Government

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  38. mh says:

    George Christensen will pursue a post-parliamentary career in journalism, he told an online forum featuring a who’s who of right-wing provocateurs on Friday…

    Mr Christensen, who will not seek re-election in the central Queensland seat of Dawson at this year’s election, told the forum he planned to return to his journalistic roots.

    Before entering politics, he worked at several small newspapers and was a media adviser to former Howard government minister De-Anne Kelly…

    “I’m not leaving politics, I’m leaving Parliament,” Mr Christensen said.

    “We are all involved [in] politics as citizens and I’m going to fire up and get back into the fray, but from a different point of view…

    “I was a journalist before I was in politics, and that’s my trade. I want to report what’s going on and I want to prod the powerful.”

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  39. mh says:

    Craig Kelly MP
    George will be on the right side of history.

    It’s Morrison & all the other 🤡🤡 who are dangerous.

    Looking after their Pfizer mates & using marketing spin as basis of govt “policy”.

    #IStandWithGeorge NOT the dangerous 🤡🤡 who look after their Pfizer mates

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  40. mh says:

    Meat Loaf, brown bread.

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  41. mh says:

    Morrison – Code Brown

    Pauline Hanson’s Please Explain, Episode 10 “Please Explain The PM’s Perks”

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  42. Cardimona says:

    Meat Loaf, brown bread.

    Eaten by transvestite aliens and their unsuspecting guests?

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  43. cohenite says:

    The Federal Court Djokovic Judgment in all its glory:

    Djokovic posed no threat of infecting anyone but was a risk to the health or good order of the Australian community which justified the minister’s discretion in expelling him.

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  44. Shy Ted says:

    Mike gets the boot
    Differing opinions in the comments. There simply isn’t anyone in the swamp who hasn’t worn a moon boot in recent times.

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  45. Rohan says:

    If Meatloaf died from his first vax booster, were his final words “Two out of three ain’t bad.”

    Ok, I’ll see myself out.

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  46. mh says:

    ‘Longest day of my life’: Mum left ‘broken’ after baby ripped from arms until negative PCR test

    A Queensland mother claims her newborn baby was taken away against her will after giving birth because of a heavy-handed hospital decision to remove him until she returned a negative Covid PCR test.

    Caboolture Hospital has launched an investigation into the shocking claims made by Narangba woman Aleasha Pique, 36, who said she was told the test result could take “days” due to a backlog, and the agonising wait alone in the maternity ward left her “broken”.

    Ms Pique, who is fully vaccinated and exclusively breastfeeding, said the hospital’s nurses were even shocked when her baby boy Remy was taken away after she revealed her teenage daughter was a casual contact of a confirmed Covid case…

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  47. mh says:

    Perth Scorchers wicketkeeper Josh Inglis scorches Mark Moron 🔥

    “You have had two years to sort this out,” Inglis wrote. “Two years of bragging about how good you are.

    “Two years to sort out your disaster of a hospital system with your record surplus.

    “Two years of separating families and destroying people’s mental states in the name of health.

    “Two years, we all did what you asked of us so we could get out of this.

    “And you spit in our faces and take away any hope West Aussies had of this ending.

    “You are a disgrace to this state and a disgrace to this country.

    “Absolute muppet.”

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  48. Barking Toad says:

    Meatloaf – disaster at the Grand Final at the G.

    I blame him for the Collingwood loss.

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  49. mh says:

    The Oz

    BoM ‘cools the past, warms present’
    The Bureau of Meteorology has remodelled Australia’s official temperature record for the third time in nine years and found things to be warmer than readings had measured.

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  50. Barking Toad says:

    Josh Inglis seems smarter than most in the West

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  51. says:

    cohenite says:
    February 11, 2022 at 6:27 pm

    Pauline’s latest:

    Good find cohenite, is there a link for the older ones?

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