Liberty Quote
- Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.
— Benjamin Franklin -
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Open Thread – Saturday, 03 December 2022
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There was a mega-tsunami in Perth, long before I got here fortunately, which resulted from an asteroid strike in the Indian Ocean. It swept inland quite some distance, up to 100 kms in some places.
The Mega Tsunami that Smashed Western Australia & Drowned Perth
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I’ve only watched the first 25 minutes of this video and listened to Ray McGovern talk about the background to the Russia-gate scam and found it quite interesting. It had its genesis during the Obama years and McGovern, formerly a CIA member who helped create the scam, says that the agency initially treated it as a bit of fun & giggles.
US Intelligence community & conflict with Russia – Ray McGovern, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen
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Great clip and edit.
Clips from s2ep01 of Scrubs, “My Overkill”, merged into a complete song, featuring Colin Hay from Men At Work performing this acoustic version of his classic 80s song.
Overkill – Colin Hay on Scrubs (2002)
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Good work, Senator.
Senator Gerard Rennick:
Boy oh boy is our energy grid going be in trouble with this lot in charge.
If only bureaucratic spin could be converted into electricity we would become the energy powerhouse of the world.
Key points from this line of questioning are:
1) Energy department doesn’t have costings on storage.
2) Nine times more renewable energy that what exists today is needed to meet 2030 targets.
3) The minister can’t understand why I would want costings.
4) It’s impossible to say what costings will be because of counterfactuals. When asked what a counterfactual is the bureaucrat couldn’t answer.
5) 447 gigawatts of storage is required but there is scant detail on what sort of storage that will be. A household battery can store around 10 – 15 kilowatts so that works out at about 44 million batteries – this will reduce as more gas and hydro is used. But even if only 25% of that figure was stored in batteries that’s still a lot of batteries.
The Department of Climate Change admit they can’t cost renewable targets – Senate Estimates 28.11.22
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Malcolm Roberts:
8 Dec 2022
One Nation wants to make sure all Australians, including the indigenous, have access to services and and a successful life. But despite billions being allocated for the indigenous, remote communities don’t even have basic food security.
Most of the money is being skimmed off by consultants in the indigenous industry and bureaucracy. Only the crumbs actually make it to the ground to help remote communities.
Billions in Indigenous funding not making it to the ground
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Important news via The Age
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CBS was forced to apologize under Pentagon pressure for this report showing that most military aid to Ukraine was unaccounted for, and likely flowing into the hands of criminal mafias. Too much transparency, too soon, apparently.
CBS was forced to apologize under Pentagon pressure
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Nat Press Club today – Clare O’Neil, Minister for Home Affairs, Minister for Cyber Security and Federal Member for Hotham.
Most used phrase “Global World Order”. Other than that just the usual pack of lies.
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Neil Oliver
Cancelling Christmas is SINISTER
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Time NonPerson of the Year
You thought this was the winner …..
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There have been some updates.
Decision pending.
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Janitors’ union called a strike outside Twitter,
so Elon Musk canceled its contract and fired the janitors
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Beetle Bailey
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Family circus
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Reality Bites
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There is an uprising on in Brazil. Haven’t seen much being reported about it.
This article is marked “Fact-checked”.
Brazilian Military Begin Executing Lula da Silva Officials
As Bolsonaro Declared ‘Real President of Brazil’
Protest in Miami
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On this day nearly a century ago, while nations warred, the Prince of Peace brought an end to the conflicts and murdering of man.
Christmas Truce of World War I — Joyeux Noel [2005 film]
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It’s not a myth of course.
The ADL is a front group for the richest elites in the west.
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Doc Coleman:
On 6th December the mainstream media in the UK ran a story about babies being given the toxic, useless covid-19 jab.
But I reported that this was going to happen a MONTH ago.
So why did they crooked mainstream media hide the news for a month?
Were they hoping to release the news when no one would notice because there’s a lot of other news around?
Or are they just completely useless at reporting the news?
This website carried my video about the Government giving the useless and toxic covid-19 jab to infants on 9th November 2022.
We reported the news nearly a month before the British media managed to share it.
If you missed my video please watch it now. The video is called ‘Covid Jabs: Never before have we been in so much danger’. It was released on http://www.vernoncoleman.org on 9th November 2022 and most people missed it.
The video is packed with information the mainstream media will never dare tell you. For example, I name the European government which did research over 30 years and concluded that the DTP vaccine was probably killing more children than died from diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus prior to the vaccine’s introduction! I bet the BBC never told you about that. The scientists concluded that the vaccine had ruined the immune systems of children.
If you have children, or know anyone who has children, you MUST watch this video.
Why did the mainstream media suppress the news about doctors giving covid jabs to babies and infants?
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Doc Coleman:
Suddenly, the mainstream media has found another scare story: Strep A (which causes sore throats and scarlet fever and is usually fairly easily dealt with by prescribing penicillin) has killed some children under 10-years-old. And no one seems to know exactly why.
Well, there are several explanations.
First, there is no health service. Many GPs (now earning £111,000 and demanding a 30% pay rise for a 21 hour working week) are refusing to see patients except by video. Everyone with more than half a brain knows this is stupid and dangerous. But there are, I’m afraid, many stupid and dangerous GPs around. And the medical establishment now seems to be controlled entirely by the conspirators. The result is that parents with sick children are stuffed. Where do you find a doctor when your child falls ill on a Saturday night? You could, I suppose, go and sit in a casualty department for 20 hours. But you think you’ll wait…
Second, many children have poor immune systems. Our immunity builds up through contact with infections. Children were locked in for months during the lockdowns and school closures. Now, as predicted, they have very little natural resistance to infection. (Frighteningly, in the UK, two million children still haven’t gone back to school. A quarter of the school population never went back when the lockdowns ended.)
Third, many children have been jabbed with the toxic covid-19 jab – which helps to destroy the immune system still further. And even if they haven’t been jabbed their parents and siblings probably have been. Right at the start of the jabbing epidemic I warned that immune systems would be damaged.
Fourth, small children are regularly damaged by a barrage of vaccines. How much damage do they do to the immune system? No one knows.
Fifth, the vaccine scientists are working on a jab against strep A. I’d bet good money that a `suitable’ new vaccine against strep A will be available very soon.
I doubt if the hundreds of doctors allowed to preach on mainstream media will tell you all this, of course. Could it possibly be because most of them are stupid, ignorant, drug company educated bastards who couldn’t see the truth if it punched them on the nose?
The Truth about the Strep A Scare 6TH DECEMBER 2022
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One of These Days (Vietnam War)
Scenes from “Apocalypse Now” and “We Were Soldiers” set to Pink Floyd’s “One of These Days.”
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#FoxNews #tucker
Tucker Carlson: Zelenskyy’s cabinet is devising ways to punish Christians
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I count, twenty.
Doc Coleman:
Insanity and Hypocrisy are now Endemic 8TH DECEMBER 2022
Here are 21 examples of insanity, hypocrisy and behaviour which I regard as ignorant but malignant.
1. Thanks to remarkable incompetence, the UK doesn’t produce much electricity of its own. Governments have repeatedly forgotten to build any new power stations, and solar panels and wind turbines only produce 5% of our requirements even when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. So, since we aren’t allowed to use coal anymore, because it’s black, we get our electricity from France. Unfortunately, France doesn’t have much electricity of its own because their nuclear power stations have either broken down or need a wash and brush up. So France is getting its electricity from Italy which hasn’t got anywhere enough of the stuff so they get theirs from Belgium which has been getting electricity from Norway. No one has any idea where Norway has been getting all its spare electricity but everyone is sure it has nothing to do with Russia. So, there we are.
2. Scientists are digging viruses out of glaciers and warming them up to see how dangerous they are and how many people will die if they let one out of the laboratory by mistake. Not that such a thing would ever happen, of course. I nearly wrote that this as the most stupid thing I’d ever heard of and then remembered those insane experiments linked to Bill Gates which involved genetically engineering mosquitoes and the Gates project to sprinkle power into the sky to keep the sun out. And then I remembered the covid-19 jab and suddenly I couldn’t decide what I mean by ‘stupid’ any more.
3. Commercial airline engines powered by hydrogen are being developed so that 45,000 climate change obsessives can travel to their regular shindigs by air without feeling embarrassed. Unfortunately, the manufacture of hydrogen requires massive amounts of electricity which can only be made using coal, gas or diesel. Still, if it makes them feel good about themselves. Have you noticed by the way that feminists never complain about climate change being described as man-made. They never insist that it’s called woman-made. Curious.
4. Sadiq Khan seems to be waging a crazy war on poorer motorists in London. Khan has been mayor of an unfortunate London for six years and during that time he and his team have accumulated 360,000 air miles between them; and yet Khan’s latest hate war on motorists will cost tradesmen and those trying to get to work over £3,000 a year. The royals aren’t the only ones deserving of awards for hypocrisy.
5. Matt Hancock, the former Minister of Death, thinks he is a media superstar, and several million people now think he should be leader of the known world. I think he should be in Dartmoor, preparing for a long stretch inside and desperately learning to pick up the soap with his toes. Hancock could, I suppose, argue that he was only doing what he was told to do when he was a public servant and Minister in charge of Genocide but he should have found the courage to ask what was going on and why. That’s what Ministers are for. Hancock is doubtless hoping that he has expunged the memory of his tawdry lockdown breaking by allowing a frog to sit on his head but I don’t give a damn about him breaking the stupid lockdown rules (which he must have known were merely to force people to be compliant). I do, however, care about the thousands of old people who died as a result of utterly indefensible policies for which he was responsible.
6. The EU is still doing its best to destroy the world and prove itself full of lunatics. I suspect that the price cap the EU has introduced on Russian oil (and the associated rules on the insurance of tankers) is almost certainly going to push the price of oil still higher. And the EU has introduced a law preventing the import of goods linked to deforestation which I find rather strangely amusing. They’ll ban the import of things like chocolate, leather, soy and palm oil (all of which are, as we know, grown on trees) but they don’t seem to have noticed that a huge chunk of our electricity is obtained by burning North American wood pellets brought across the Atlantic in huge ships. The EU has obviously decided that wood pellets have got nothing to do with trees so they’re OK. The EU’s new rules will produce a good deal of extra paperwork for countries and companies everywhere. I wonder where all the extra paper will come from. My guess is that the EU’s rules will actually increase the number of trees which have to be chopped down.
7. The parent company of Facebook and Instagram (Meta) has been fined 265 million euros (whatever that is in real money) for mishandling user data. EU regulators have so far fined Facebook nearly 1 billion euros. Anyone who still has a Facebook account and intends to keep it must be barking. Oh, and by the way, deleting material on Facebook doesn’t do anything. They still keep your data forever. And it’s their copyright by the way, not yours. I am so glad I am banned from everything.
8. We all know the BBC is as dirty and as bent as a rusty paperclip, so why do people still give it money? The quicker the BBC dies and its 22,000 treacherous and painfully ignorant employees are re-employed in the fruit picking business, the sooner we will all rediscover democracy and freedom. I suspect that BBC employees are the sort of sad, malignant souls who use and trust Trip Advisor. Half of them are trainspotter types (anoraks and a flask of milky coffee) and the other half are nothing more than rabid hoodies who leave work and spend their evenings sniffing glue in bus shelters.
9. Two million children never went back to school after the lockdowns. That’s a quarter of the British school population. In ten years’ time anyone who can read or write will be able to open up a business reading and writing for the illiterate and innumerate.
10. TV stations constantly insist on trying to please crazed feminists by putting women into historical dramas where they weren’t. A new TV series about Kim Philby, the double agent, apparently contains an integral female character who never existed. I believe that historical dramas which aren’t accurate are dangerous and a betrayal of the truth. I’m thinking of writing a TV series about the history of British television in which all the characters are raging communists. No, on second thoughts that would be too close to the truth.
11. There was a headline in the Daily Telegraph the other day which read: ‘Britain is sleepwalking into censorship and we’re running out of time to stop it’. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The whole of the mainstream media is crooked and heavily censored. Editors and journalists have suppressed the truth and demonised truth tellers with a savage disregard for honesty and integrity. The worst offender is doubtless the BBC which suppresses doctors who dare to tell the truth about vaccines. (They ban anyone, including doctors, who questions vaccination.) But newspapers aren’t any better.
12. When I was younger, women used to go back to work a day or two after having a baby. One editor I knew had her baby in the morning and returned to work in the afternoon. These days mothers have a year off every time they have a baby. And the fathers have a year off too. For all I know the neighbours have a year off and maybe granny and granddad have a year off as well. I’m surprised the whole nation doesn’t take a day off every time a woman has a baby.
13. Sportsmen are dying young a lot these days. Australian star cricketers Warne, Marsh, Jones and Symonds all died young. And other Test cricketers from the same era have had heart attacks. What could be the cause, I wonder. It’s obviously not the covid-19 jab because governments everywhere tell us it couldn’t possibly be. Maybe the cricketers are all wearing shoes that are too tight. Maybe their statistics were inadequate. Or maybe, as I suggested earlier in the year, they all ate too many marmalade sandwiches.
14. How deep in with the conspirators are the royals? Meghan and Mr Meghan, the shyest people in the world, seemed to me to be simply leading the move towards entitlement and racism super awareness. But maybe they’re part of the conspiracy. Is it possible that the royals are intelligent enough to know exactly what they are doing?
15. Monkeypox has been renamed mpox (which no one knows how to pronounce). I can only assume this is because a monkey complained that the original name was speciesist – which indeed it was.
16. The Dutch Government is buying and closing down 3,000 farms to comply with stupid EU rules. This will, of course, help make food scarcer and more expensive. Anyone who supports or defends the EU is clearly homicidal or completely without any functioning brain tissue.
17. I’m delighted to see that Chinese demonstrators are making their views known by holding up blank pieces of paper to show that they are being censored. Feeble minded mainstream journalists are using the ‘blank paper’ trick as evidence that the Chinese are suppressing the truth. Well, I used the ‘blank paper’ trick in the summer of 2020 to try to keep my videos on YouTube. But the world’s most oppressive channel still deleted all my videos and banned me for life. (I’m even banned from looking at videos on YouTube.)
18. The German Euthanasia Association has decreed that it will only help people who have been vaccinated or who have recovered from covid-19. That must surely be one of the indefensibly stupid decisions ever made by any association in the history of mankind. ‘We won’t kill you unless you have been jabbed with the toxic covid-19 jab that doesn’t stop you getting covid and doesn’t stop you spreading it.’ Insanity is everywhere these days.
19. Oxfordshire Council is allegedly planning to introduce its own lockdowns in 2024. Road blocks will confine residents to their own neighbourhoods. Residents will be required to register their car with the County Council which will use number plate recognition cameras to see how many times a car leaves their lockdown area. Residents who want to leave their ‘prison’ will need to obtain permission from the council – but they can only leave their `prison’ for two days a week. The new scheme will apparently go ahead whether people like it or not. I’m not sure whether that’s communism or fascism or both.
20. Anyone who thinks the unseasonably cold weather hitting northern Europe is ‘just one of those things’ hasn’t been paying attention. They’ve deliberately pushed up energy prices and now, for the kill, they’ve made the weather horribly cold. I reckon at least 100,000 elderly Britons will die before April 2023. (And that estimate is based on real statistics and experience not on mathematical modelling.) The interesting thing is that although the weather experts are saying that night time temperatures could go as low as minus six degrees centigrade, the UK Health Security Agency predicts that temperatures could go down to minus ten degrees centigrade. Why has the UK Health Security Agency got into weather forecasting? Wouldn’t it be better occupied trying to be more accurate and efficient at its day job?
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I count, twenty.
Doc Coleman:
Insanity and Hypocrisy are now Endemic 8TH DECEMBER 2022
Here are 21 examples of insanity, hypocrisy and behaviour which I regard as ignorant but malignant.
1. Thanks to remarkable incompetence, the UK doesn’t produce much electricity of its own. Governments have repeatedly forgotten to build any new power stations, and solar panels and wind turbines only produce 5% of our requirements even when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. So, since we aren’t allowed to use coal anymore, because it’s black, we get our electricity from France. Unfortunately, France doesn’t have much electricity of its own because their nuclear power stations have either broken down or need a wash and brush up. So France is getting its electricity from Italy which hasn’t got anywhere enough of the stuff so they get theirs from Belgium which has been getting electricity from Norway. No one has any idea where Norway has been getting all its spare electricity but everyone is sure it has nothing to do with Russia. So, there we are.
2. Scientists are digging viruses out of glaciers and warming them up to see how dangerous they are and how many people will die if they let one out of the laboratory by mistake. Not that such a thing would ever happen, of course. I nearly wrote that this as the most stupid thing I’d ever heard of and then remembered those insane experiments linked to Bill Gates which involved genetically engineering mosquitoes and the Gates project to sprinkle power into the sky to keep the sun out. And then I remembered the covid-19 jab and suddenly I couldn’t decide what I mean by ‘stupid’ any more.
3. Commercial airline engines powered by hydrogen are being developed so that 45,000 climate change obsessives can travel to their regular shindigs by air without feeling embarrassed. Unfortunately, the manufacture of hydrogen requires massive amounts of electricity which can only be made using coal, gas or diesel. Still, if it makes them feel good about themselves. Have you noticed by the way that feminists never complain about climate change being described as man-made. They never insist that it’s called woman-made. Curious.
4. Sadiq Khan seems to be waging a crazy war on poorer motorists in London. Khan has been mayor of an unfortunate London for six years and during that time he and his team have accumulated 360,000 air miles between them; and yet Khan’s latest hate war on motorists will cost tradesmen and those trying to get to work over £3,000 a year. The royals aren’t the only ones deserving of awards for hypocrisy.
5. Matt Hancock, the former Minister of Death, thinks he is a media superstar, and several million people now think he should be leader of the known world. I think he should be in Dartmoor, preparing for a long stretch inside and desperately learning to pick up the soap with his toes. Hancock could, I suppose, argue that he was only doing what he was told to do when he was a public servant and Minister in charge of Genocide but he should have found the courage to ask what was going on and why. That’s what Ministers are for. Hancock is doubtless hoping that he has expunged the memory of his tawdry lockdown breaking by allowing a frog to sit on his head but I don’t give a damn about him breaking the stupid lockdown rules (which he must have known were merely to force people to be compliant). I do, however, care about the thousands of old people who died as a result of utterly indefensible policies for which he was responsible.
6. The EU is still doing its best to destroy the world and prove itself full of lunatics. I suspect that the price cap the EU has introduced on Russian oil (and the associated rules on the insurance of tankers) is almost certainly going to push the price of oil still higher. And the EU has introduced a law preventing the import of goods linked to deforestation which I find rather strangely amusing. They’ll ban the import of things like chocolate, leather, soy and palm oil (all of which are, as we know, grown on trees) but they don’t seem to have noticed that a huge chunk of our electricity is obtained by burning North American wood pellets brought across the Atlantic in huge ships. The EU has obviously decided that wood pellets have got nothing to do with trees so they’re OK. The EU’s new rules will produce a good deal of extra paperwork for countries and companies everywhere. I wonder where all the extra paper will come from. My guess is that the EU’s rules will actually increase the number of trees which have to be chopped down.
7. The parent company of Facebook and Instagram (Meta) has been fined 265 million euros (whatever that is in real money) for mishandling user data. EU regulators have so far fined Facebook nearly 1 billion euros. Anyone who still has a Facebook account and intends to keep it must be barking. Oh, and by the way, deleting material on Facebook doesn’t do anything. They still keep your data forever. And it’s their copyright by the way, not yours. I am so glad I am banned from everything.
8. We all know the BBC is as dirty and as bent as a rusty paperclip, so why do people still give it money? The quicker the BBC dies and its 22,000 treacherous and painfully ignorant employees are re-employed in the fruit picking business, the sooner we will all rediscover democracy and freedom. I suspect that BBC employees are the sort of sad, malignant souls who use and trust Trip Advisor. Half of them are trainspotter types (anoraks and a flask of milky coffee) and the other half are nothing more than rabid hoodies who leave work and spend their evenings sniffing glue in bus shelters.
9. Two million children never went back to school after the lockdowns. That’s a quarter of the British school population. In ten years’ time anyone who can read or write will be able to open up a business reading and writing for the illiterate and innumerate.
10. TV stations constantly insist on trying to please crazed feminists by putting women into historical dramas where they weren’t. A new TV series about Kim Philby, the double agent, apparently contains an integral female character who never existed. I believe that historical dramas which aren’t accurate are dangerous and a betrayal of the truth. I’m thinking of writing a TV series about the history of British television in which all the characters are raging communists. No, on second thoughts that would be too close to the truth.
11. There was a headline in the Daily Telegraph the other day which read: ‘Britain is sleepwalking into censorship and we’re running out of time to stop it’. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The whole of the mainstream media is crooked and heavily censored. Editors and journalists have suppressed the truth and demonised truth tellers with a savage disregard for honesty and integrity. The worst offender is doubtless the BBC which suppresses doctors who dare to tell the truth about vaccines. (They ban anyone, including doctors, who questions vaccination.) But newspapers aren’t any better.
12. When I was younger, women used to go back to work a day or two after having a baby. One editor I knew had her baby in the morning and returned to work in the afternoon. These days mothers have a year off every time they have a baby. And the fathers have a year off too. For all I know the neighbours have a year off and maybe granny and granddad have a year off as well. I’m surprised the whole nation doesn’t take a day off every time a woman has a baby.
13. Sportsmen are dying young a lot these days. Australian star cricketers Warne, Marsh, Jones and Symonds all died young. And other Test cricketers from the same era have had heart attacks. What could be the cause, I wonder. It’s obviously not the covid-19 jab because governments everywhere tell us it couldn’t possibly be. Maybe the cricketers are all wearing shoes that are too tight. Maybe their statistics were inadequate. Or maybe, as I suggested earlier in the year, they all ate too many marmalade sandwiches.
14. How deep in with the conspirators are the royals? Meghan and Mr Meghan, the shyest people in the world, seemed to me to be simply leading the move towards entitlement and racism super awareness. But maybe they’re part of the conspiracy. Is it possible that the royals are intelligent enough to know exactly what they are doing?
15. Monkeypox has been renamed mpox (which no one knows how to pronounce). I can only assume this is because a monkey complained that the original name was speciesist – which indeed it was.
16. The Dutch Government is buying and closing down 3,000 farms to comply with stupid EU rules. This will, of course, help make food scarcer and more expensive. Anyone who supports or defends the EU is clearly homicidal or completely without any functioning brain tissue.
17. I’m delighted to see that Chinese demonstrators are making their views known by holding up blank pieces of paper to show that they are being censored. Feeble minded mainstream journalists are using the ‘blank paper’ trick as evidence that the Chinese are suppressing the truth. Well, I used the ‘blank paper’ trick in the summer of 2020 to try to keep my videos on YouTube. But the world’s most oppressive channel still deleted all my videos and banned me for life. (I’m even banned from looking at videos on YouTube.)
18. The German Euthanasia Association has decreed that it will only help people who have been vaccinated or who have recovered from covid-19. That must surely be one of the indefensibly stupid decisions ever made by any association in the history of mankind. ‘We won’t kill you unless you have been jabbed with the toxic covid-19 jab that doesn’t stop you getting covid and doesn’t stop you spreading it.’ Insanity is everywhere these days.
19. Oxfordshire Council is allegedly planning to introduce its own lockdowns in 2024. Road blocks will confine residents to their own neighbourhoods. Residents will be required to register their car with the County Council which will use number plate recognition cameras to see how many times a car leaves their lockdown area. Residents who want to leave their ‘prison’ will need to obtain permission from the council – but they can only leave their `prison’ for two days a week. The new scheme will apparently go ahead whether people like it or not. I’m not sure whether that’s communism or fascism or both.
20. Anyone who thinks the unseasonably cold weather hitting northern Europe is ‘just one of those things’ hasn’t been paying attention. They’ve deliberately pushed up energy prices and now, for the kill, they’ve made the weather horribly cold. I reckon at least 100,000 elderly Britons will die before April 2023. (And that estimate is based on real statistics and experience not on mathematical modelling.) The interesting thing is that although the weather experts are saying that night time temperatures could go as low as minus six degrees centigrade, the UK Health Security Agency predicts that temperatures could go down to minus ten degrees centigrade. Why has the UK Health Security Agency got into weather forecasting? Wouldn’t it be better occupied trying to be more accurate and efficient at its day job?
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I tried posting the entire thing. W-Press said nope.
Doc Coleman:
Insanity and Hypocrisy are now Endemic 8TH DECEMBER 2022
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“Aliens” Sentry Guns Scenes
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Reverend Simon Sideways:
Property transfer, how they plan to take your house!!!!
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Cash and Rowdy:
Cash 2.0 Great Dane at the 3rd Street Promenade 3
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Something’s happening in Brazil but I just read the opposite of what kaysee said above, that it’s Lula’ goons doing the naughty. Who knows.
Terrible dilemma for the ABC. Several dead women in Perf in recent days. Woohoo, violence against women, evil men. But wait, all victims are POC. Oh noes, all perps are POC.
But don’t worry, they’re already teeing up the next sexual harassment story.
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Kirstie Alley was very funny in Cheers. I take such articles with a pinch of salt but doesn’t harm to consider them.
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2 weeks and a bit til XMas. Last minute gift
Dubious millionaires already prepared
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This is what happens when you don’t roast the dugong in the coals long enough
If you click through the pics you can see they’ve blurred out what was on the menu.
At risk of ruining your day
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Side story, when I was young and naive and trying to impress a young lady I took her to dinner at the posh Terrigal hotel. The menu was in foreign and I asked a very snooty waiter for a translation so I didn’t get some vegie shit. I opted for a meat dish which came in due course, an uncooked hamburger. “What’s that?” “What you ordered, sir”. “It’s not cooked”. “No sir”. “Can you cook it?” “Then it would be a hamburger, sir”. Stern gaze. “yes sir, we can cook it. Can I interest you in the wine list?” “No. Nor dessert”.
Funnily enough she was impressed but not by the restaurant. I hadn’t been in Oz long and was shocked at how things differed from how Oz is portrayed overseas.
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Watching an episode of Back Roads, that awful ABC dcod waste of money. “…Tiwi Islands N of Darwin. Brooke Boney meets the locals and explores the history of this fascinating community”.
First she meets the sistergirls (Ab transvestites), then the suicide coalition, hop in a Landcruiser, big tinnie, barra fishing, footy grand final.
That’s culcha.
Might write a story one day about my introduction to the sistergirls elsewhere. Their designated house was nicknamed 90210. Very strange.
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Tony has found a female Bruce Pascoe, also a perfesser.
I wouldn’t click on any of the links to see pics of these characters.
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Each and everyone of those cops should be shot. A bullet to the back of the head.
“Just following orders, bro”
Malcolm Roberts:
Warning: Distressing Content.
New Zealand authorities have lawfully ‘kidnapped’ a child from his parents to forcibly perform a medical treatment on him when there was an equally valid treatment available that the parents supported.
Baby William required a blood transfusion which the parents agreed to as long as the blood was from unvaccinated donors. The parents had found suitable donors for the request yet NZ health authorities declined it.
The matter ended up in the courts which ruled in favour of the authorities. The judge said the parents would remain the guardians of the child but all health matters would now be determined by the State.
The Mother was not allowed to hold Will all night.
She was not allowed to cuddle him.
She was also not allowed to sleep all night, as she was told that if she did any of this, she would be forcibly removed back to the ward, from the pre-op room, and would not see the baby before the operation.
The traumatic way in which this situation has been treated does not make sense.
This video is confronting but it is the reality of what medical tyranny really means.
New Zealand Authorities Legally “Kidnap” A Child
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We look forward to horse face and her commentary on this matter.
Send him in, spare no one…including the nurses.
Thomas Bergersen – Cry
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Prestigious Psych Journal Cans Editor
for Soliciting Criticism of Black Psychologist
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I posted a comment on this ad campaign, a few days ago.
They use vulnerable people for their own evil pursuits.
She wanted to live.
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The definition of Marriage
The House has passed the so-called Respect for Marriage Act – a law that has nothing to do with respecting marriage.
It is about the destruction of the real marriage and family.
First Liberty Institute
Heritage Foundation
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This happened in 2004.
(Look who was present at that Illinois Senate debate.)
We are now at the end of 2022.
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Body Count – There Goes The Neighbourhood [Explicit, Full]
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It is difficult to follow the conversations on twitter and other articles because they are in Portuguese.
This interview describes the electoral process which is similar to what we heard in 2020, in another country.
This snapshot of results in Latin America.
Who knows what is the truth?
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A theme song for 15 minute cities.
Most are clueless on the subject.
You Belong to the City – Glenn Frey (2014) HD video
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Evolution of Traffic (1890s ~ 2020s)
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Haven’t watched yet, but in addition to Trickler’s post:
Exclusive: Parents Who Had Child Kidnapped By Government For Vaccine Skepticism Speak To Infowars
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Failed putsch
3000 police officers deployed in raids over plot to overthrow German government | DW News
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Beetle Bailey
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Family circus
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Russell Brand
As China cracks down on zero-Covid protests and Western media and governments criticise the country’s authoritarianism, aren’t they condemning the very same lockdowns that they advocated here?
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Mintox! h/t calli.
Transformers Medley | Imperial Orchestra
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Come Said The Boy – Mondo Rock.
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Col. Douglas Macgregor
Ep. 15 – Ukraine is Not Winning and Will Not Win This War
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The latest released tranche of twitter documents shows unequivocally that the former regime lied when they said that they did not shadowban. Prominent accounts of C19 vaccine sceptics such as Stanford’s Dr Jay Bhattacharya were placed on “Trend blacklists” to prevent him trending, & conservative accounts were labelled NSFW & “Do not amplify” to reduce their reach. The previous tranche showed evidence of collusion between high ranking Democrats & Twitter. It remains to be seen whether any laws were broken, but Elon Musk should be worried that the Xiden regime will use everything in its power to bring Twitter back into its fold.
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