Liberty Quote
- Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.
— Benjamin Franklin -
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RepublicanUniParty in the USTwo candidates are now left vying for the GOP nomination.
Neither of them is a Conservative.
Plenty to say on the topic but it will take up 🕗 I don’t have right now …. so will have to wait for later this evening or tomorrow.
Big question: Why did DeSantis drop out suddenly in the past few hours?
There are some theories circulating, but I am waiting to get the facts.
Will be disappointed if one of those theories turns out to be true.
This short piece from the Powerline site.
mh, I would like to see some evidence which indicates that RDS is a Zionist. In all the news sites and various other media platforms that I regularly read, I haven’t come across any references to show that.
Yes, there are many of his supporters who are also pro-Israel, but it would require more than that for me to arrive at such a conclusion.
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Patrick Lancaster – graphic content
Ukraine War Massacre: 28 Killed At Market In Donetsk
The West, primarily the USA, is supplying weapons to the Ukrainians and the Israelis to kill the civilian populations.
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This is the asshat who wrote that:
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Courier Mail headline
Hmmm, I can’t remember similar headlines prior to 2021.
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His polling was terrible.
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The Age
Senior journalist lashes ABC management as staff vote no-confidence in managing director
A meeting of several hundred ABC staff rebuked the organisation’s managing director David Anderson on Monday afternoon, with one of the broadcaster’s most senior journalists, global affairs editor John Lyons, saying he was embarrassed by his employer, which he said had shown pro-Israel bias and was failing to protect staff against complaints.
The meeting, prompted by the sacking in December of broadcaster and activist Antoinette Lattouf, saw the ABC’s union members pass a vote of no confidence in Anderson by 125 votes to three. The ABC board will convene an emergency meeting on Tuesday to discuss the issues raised.
Several in attendance at the online staff meeting revealed that Lyons, who is due to fly to Israel on Tuesday to cover the conflict with Hamas, said the broadcaster’s independence and reputation for trust has been “compromised” by recent events.
Lyons said the ABC “faced one of its darkest days” last Tuesday, when this masthead published a series of leaked WhatsApp messages documenting a letter-writing campaign from pro-Israel lobbyists targeting Anderson and ABC chair Ita Buttrose, in the lead up to, and on the day of Lattouf’s dismissal.
“When I read those WhatsApp messages, for the first time ever, and hopefully the last time ever, I felt embarrassed to work for the ABC. I was embarrassed that a group of 156 lawyers could laugh at how easy it was to manipulate the ABC,” Lyons said, according to multiple sources.
Lyons, a former head of current affairs and investigations at the ABC, said they showed the organisation had bowed to “a group of lawyers lobbying for a foreign power”. “The clue is in the name: Lawyers for Israel thought that they could run a campaign to bully an ABC journalist out of her job and they did, they succeeded” …
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Is it the times that makes the man? or the man who makes the times? If Donald Trump was still building hotels, would there be another disruptor?
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I should add – hat tip to Quadrant.
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Phillip met La Perouse when the French captain was sailing into Botany Bay as Phillip was sailing out to Sydney Harbour. After establishing himself in Sydney, Phillip sent a party to Botany Bay to see what the French where up to and they reported back to Phillip that they were doing some ship repairs there and had built a stockade for themselves.
They told Phillip that the French were shooting the Aboriginals “for sport”, our indigenous brothers and sisters should be grateful that it was the Poms who colonised the country rather than the French.
Most other European colonisers were just as bad, look at the Germans in Namibia and the Belgians in the Congo. The Portuguese were different, they just rooted everything that moved whenever they arrived anywhere to start a creole community.
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Tucker Carlson On X Jan 21 With Col. Douglas Macgregor! – 50 mins.
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Houthi and the Blumenthal
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The bald oracle
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F__cking embarrassing
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And now the crackdown on Israel critics
You are a joke, Elon.
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mh, Elon means “Oak Tree” in Hebrew. Elon’s dad had Jewish partners in his engineering business.
There is also a Classical Greek link to the name which may explain how in a Wernher von Braun science fiction story of the 1950’s about an expedition to Mars where they discover a dying civilisation, the political leader of the Martians is known as “The Elon”.
Born in Germany in 1912 von Braun would have had a good classical education.
Kind of spooky otherwise.
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A good summary of the DeSantis campaign.
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When I heard the news on Monday morning that Ron DeSantis had suspended his campaign, I was feeling dejected and upset. He had only days before said that he would be in the race until at least the Super Tuesday. In his video message, he explained why he was stepping off. I wondered whether he had reached some kind of deal with the Trump team to drop out. Which was a theory and I found it disappointing that this could be a possibility.
Two days later, the dejection has worn off. I came across a twitter post from DeSantis that has cheered me up because it shows that he has not bent the knee to the god. So far. And I hope he doesn’t. He “endorsed” Trump but that was to honour the GOP pledge he had signed. He kept his word.
The Florida state CFO, a Trump supporter, tried earlier this month to get through a bill where Florida taxpayers would be shelling out millions to pay Trump’s legal bills.
Not happening.
And Magadonians don’t like it.
The audacity of that team to think that taxpayers should pay the bills of a billionaire when tax dollars are to fund state issues.
The reason why Trump is desperate for the nomination is because he has big legal bills and he hopes to get it from the GOP. And donors. That is only possible if he has the nomination. But the GOP is broke.
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There were formal debates as well as casual sessions where candidates could be asked questions by the media as well as by voters. Ron DeSantis was ready to take part in all and allowed all questions.
Trump did not take part in any of the formal debates. Instead got exclusive interviews with softball questions and topics that should not be covered.
So why haven’t we got all the details about DeSantis? Why was he not asked the questions where he would have to reveal his links to the underworld? I wrote to one Catholic website and asked if there was some dark, dirty secret about RDS that I didn’t know about. I didn’t get an answer to that question but was sent this link.
I do not expect politicians and leaders to be perfect or saints. No human can match that mark.
I can definitely say this: Even if 8 billion+ people in the world love and applaud Donald Trump, there is no way I will ever support him. Not with all the known facts that are available.
If I come across evidence that proves DeSantis is not a real Conservative, I will be disappointed. And he will lose my regard and support. I will not trade my values and back a person who lacks the minimum qualities required to be a leader.
I have repeatedly asked on this blog for any evidence re DeSantis that is negative because I genuinely want to know. Not opinions or biases – everyone is entitled to these and to freely express them. I want proof that shows he is a really bad guy, not trustworthy and lacks the credentials of a good leader.
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It is now popcorn munching time. It is fun to see the reactions from Maga. For the past year, there has been the barbs from both sides, but in the case of Maga, their god showed them how to do it.
Days before the gubernatorial election in November 2022, when DeSantis was focussed on his re-election not the Presidency, Trump started calling him nicknames. Trump started the rift long before DeSantis signed up as a candidate.
Now some in the Maga camp have decided it is time for “unity” because they need the votes of DeSantis supporters. And they need donations. Others are still busy calling RDS supporters names and hurling insults.
I collected a few of these memes and posts that I will share over the next few weeks.
(US Elections ….. To be Continued…..)
There is so much happening in the news to share and pass on that I want to divide my time on the blog, wisely, over the many topics.
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If you go full screen, you’ll be able to read his board scribbles.
He is running for President, as an Independent. Towards the end, is some hard sell of his presidential campaign which you can skip if you want to.
Shatter The Swarm. How The Few Control the Many.
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Andrew Feinstein
Former South African MP
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David Icke
One of the replies:
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Margaret Anna Alice
“It was all PLANNED….
…..Do NOT let them get away with it”
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Al Jiz
Donald Trump is one step closer to an election rematch against United States Democratic President Joe Biden, as the former president secured a decisive victory in New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary on Tuesday.
Within minutes of the state’s polling stations closing, US media announced Trump had beaten his Republican rival Nikki Haley by a substantial margin, dealing a powerful blow to her campaign …
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“A good summary of the DeSantis campaign.”
It’s dead, Jim.
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No, Tedros, the fake news is from your side.
We are not the liars.
We don’t believe or trust you, the WEF, WHO, UN and the other tyrants.
Pandemic Treaty/IHR negotiations
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Farmer Protests
French farmers have been blocking the A7 motorway in both directions
In Scotland, too.
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They have been planning to get rid of us for decades.
The Depopulation Plan
What it really means.
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White Flag
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I have been following this story since I came across it a few days ago. It was an appeal from his father for prayers.
This little kiddo (Gus) in hospital has undergone heart transplant.
Then there were problems – a clot in the tubing and blood pressure.
So many ups and downs and unknowns.
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No major broadcaster in the UK is going to edit footage like that to make Israel look bad.
And it’s the type of material Elon Musk’s controllers want removed from Twitter.
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Ukraine has a dead soldier problem. Soldiers killed in action are being buried in unmarked mass graves and the soldier’s widows are told that their husbands (or sons or fathers) are “missing” rather than dead.
The widows can’t apply for a widow’s pension if her husband is recorded as missing, and there’s no ongoing payments to the soldier’s family.
From the 38 minute mark:
The TRUTH is coming out in Ukraine and Putin warned us | Redacted with Clayton Morris
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George Christensen:
Imagine a public library where, instead of hearing classic fairy tales, children are exposed to a drag queen performance and gay discos. Well, this is happening right now at the taxpayer-funded State Library Victoria, under the banner of the radical LGBTIQ+ Midsumma Festival.
You heard right. In a move that’s nothing short of shocking, the State Library Victoria has decided to partake in the LGBTIQ+ pride Midsumma Festival by hosting events specifically designed for children, including a drag queen story hour and a gay disco for kids aged 12 and under!
These events push a radical LGBTIQ+ agenda, blatantly disregarding the mental impact this has on youth. This stark reality is not just alarming; it’s a call to action for every parent and citizen who values the innocence of childhood …
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And right on cue:
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Not knowing what has happened to your loved ones in a war that could have been avoided. That’s painful enough. There are all kinds of money-cheating scams. But this kind is the lowest of the low.
According to Ukraine’s Official Registry, there are over 24,00 missing soldiers right now. As Clayton says: Seems very high. And very fishy.
Their Bureau records show they’ve had over 17,000 appeals.
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Just checked it. It’s there. Has the message:
The following media includes potentially sensitive content. But can click on the View button and see it.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it does disappear. Elon has been playing hop-scotch on various issues. A trip to Poland to understand the past. How about a trip to Gaza to see the present?
There was a post somewhere listing the top disappointments of 2023 re people in the media and Elon was at number 4.
Tucker was at number 1. Yes, “conservatives” won’t like it because Tucker is seen as a hero. But those who are watching closely and see beyond the marketing hype and know better.
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Sunak is just doing what his electorate … sorry, WEF masters (the ones who got him in as PM) – want him to do.
I posted yesterday about Tedros and the Pandemic Treaty that is falling apart. More here.
But from good old UK’s National Statement delivered at the World Health Organization’s Executive Board in Geneva, this week:
Vote for the Conservative government. Better than the other side.
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The Died Suddenly stories are tragic. But consider this one.
Cardiac Arrest while giving Eulogy
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Laura Aboli
“Transhumanism: The End Game”
Short clip of my speech at the ‘Better Way Conference’ held by the World Council for Health earlier this year.(2023)
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Still saying page doesn’t exist for me.
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Alex Jones would have to be on that list.
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Greg Reese
Includes the late Gonzalo Lira
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Elections 2024: Unity
Here’s how to do it.
More Threats
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No Farmers, No Food
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Money-saving tip
Recommended for MEN only. ^‿^
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🇦🇺 Happy Australia Day 🇦🇺
We are all celebrating Australia Day on the 26th of January
Israeli Forces Target UN Facility, Killing 9 Civilians | 10 News First
10 News First
459K subscribers
CH10 briefly covers the ITV story, too.
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What Elon Musk doesn’t want you to see
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This is quality
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Crazy Bernie piles the pressure on Biden:
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The third electric bus in just two weeks in London went up in flames.
YET ANOTHER Electric Bus FIRE in London (that’s THREE) | MGUY Australia – 3 mins.
Mark MacGowan ordered 130 of these death traps for Perth before his departure. How long before a bus load of school kids or old age pensioners laden down with their weekly shopping are also barbecued.
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Zionism: Manufacturing a State
TRT World
5.17M subscribers
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This explains why there’s a coordinated push to introduce misinformation legislation through various Parliaments at the time of the introduction of central bank digital currencies. The European Central Bank has employed people to monitor social media posts to prevent bank runs, i.e., when the bank customers rush their banks to withdraw their money as cash before the governments take it.
BANK RUNS ALERT: European Central Bank Monitors Social Media For Red Flags, Has Liquidity Concerns – Lena Petrova – 12 mins.
The misinformation laws would allow the government’s monitors to delete social media posts about banks closing their doors when they run out of cash.
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Brisbane has App Temp°C of 37.5 at 9.00am.
Lowest temp last night was 27.2 at 04:12am.
Last weekend I returned from Queenstown, NZ. I was thinking while there that if you stayed long enough you would lose weight from being more active due to the fresher cooler air.
In SEQ you’re covered in sweat after two minutes outdoors.
Aircon + cricket + 🍺
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The Age
Donald Trump ordered to pay $127m in defamation case
The civil jury in Manhattan has ordered the former US president to pay damages to writer E. Jean Carroll, who claims he attacked her in a dressing room in the 1990s.
🤡 🌎
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7:48 Netanyahu: No better friends in the world than our Christian friends. (except the ones being killed in the Holy Land).
These are the evangelicals.
7:54: I’m a Christian Zionist …. as evangelicals have a special relationship with the state of Israel…...
(Let’s pick and choose Bible passages to justify why we follow this cult.)
8:26: Same evangelicals praying over their new messiah Trump, the second coming of Christ, and their church followers vote for him.
Anyone yet working out the link between the support for Zionism and Trumpism? Anyone picked up the brainwashing by the evangelicals for both pro-Israel and pro-Trump? Most pollies, on both sides of the aisle, rush in to support Israel because there are votes in it. So check the ones who are doing it the least.
Pick some passages from the Bible and link them to support for Zionism. Some more passages and link them to Trump as the Messiah/Saviour/Second Coming of Christ. The power of the evangelical pastors is so strong over the wallets and minds of the their church attendees that you get Zionism and Trumpism.
And people still don’t understand why they are called cults.
Evangelicals supporting Israel and Zionism.
Evangelicals supporting Trump.
Do the “Christian Zionists” agree with what is happening in Bethlehem?
You know that place connected to all those Christmas carols, shopping and parties, last month?
Jan 25
This morning, Israeli forces raided Bethlehem, in the busiest time of the day, at manger square. This is becoming a daily routine. This is life under occupation and apartheid
Jan 25
Sadly, Gaza as we know no longer exists. This is an annihilation.
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Dan Cohen
Some comments
Destruction of the Palestinian cultural heritage of Gaza
– in pictures
Under The Rubble
(feat. Munther Isaac)
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US Elections
– Recall all those tales about how the Republican Party has been taken over by Rinos? The Establishment? The Bushes, Romneys, Ryans?
– The same RNC whose Chairperson is Ronna McDaniel, niece of Mitt Romney, and was endorsed by Donald Trump for that role?
– The same RNC that allowed Trump to run as a Republican candidate for the 2024 election but allowed him to disregard the rules and not take part in the formal GOP debates or sign a pledge?
– The same RNC that America First, MAGA, Donald Trump was fighting against because they are “Establishment”, “RINOs”, “the Swamp” etc etc etc?
– Despite all the rules and the fact that there was another candidate still in the race (set aside the fact that she is not a conservative), the RNC was doing this for someone who is touted as being non-establishment? Non-Rino? Non-deep state? Not part of the swamp?
– They are helping the man who says he is going to destroy them (the Establishment/swamp etc) if he becomes President again?
Makes sense?
Jan 25
RNC Moving to Declare Trump Its Presumptive Nominee
Then the candidate wants to show how he wants to follow “the process”
Jan 26
Who would have guessed?
(A reporter at The Blaze mentioned this as well, soon after the RNC story went public.)
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Just the first verdict of 2024.
There are some 80 – 90 more cases?
Election year.
Choice for GOP and donors:
– Donate so GOP can spend time and your money to fight Dems to win the elections for Americans in November.
– Or donate so Trump can spend time and your money to fight legal cases for Donald Trump and pay the verdicts.
RNC seeking new credit line to help climb out of money hole
The US bankruptcy trustee
may be suing Donald Trump on Rudy Giuliani’s behalf for unpaid legal expenses
Donate Now
Given the verdict today, I figured I should post this video to help Trump with donations.
Ten months to go before the elections.
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Alex Newman:
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WHO Director Generals
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Traditional Dresses
What is.
What isn’t.
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I haven’t watched this yet, but if the subject takes your fancy:
Are There Ghosts Haunting Britain?
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That guy has the integrity of a sewer rat.
I know Jews are encouraged to talk shit to the Goyim, but Netan takes it to extreme levels.
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Looking at this Haaretz headline (article paywalled), it seems Netan may be coming to the end of the road:
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Iran-backed Houthis.
How about the media use the term ‘US-backed’.
US-backed Israeli airstrikes hit a densely populated refugee camp in the Gaza Strip killing mostly women and children.
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A few days ago Peter Dutton challenges the PM to call an election.
It’s not even two years since the last one. Are the tax cuts an issue big enough for a federal election, this early?
Is Dutton confident of a landslide win for the LNP?
Has the LNP proven itself to be far better than Labor, and Dutton a superior leader when compared to Albanese?
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I’m still digging around the net world to understand the ICJ ruling.
Why did it not rule an immediate ceasefire?
This part of the document states that South Africa asked the Court for the following measures.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has issued a landmark ruling imposing obligations on Israel.
ICJ interim ruling on genocide case against Israel
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Of all the subjects that I have posted on this blog, the two that are most divisive are the ones I refer to as the cults. These are such intense topics with so much of information and detail spread over many sites. I spend my time reading, trying to understand and make some sense of it all. Then, I compile it here in logical groups, to make it easy for readers to consume and see the connections.
Sometimes, I come across videos, clips, memes or quotes that can be hard to process from emotional, moral or spiritual perspectives. There are times when I debate with myself whether I should post something or not.
Free Speech. Truth. Facts.
Right or Wrong. Good or Bad.
Speak up for what we believe in.
And get brickbats from those who don’t like the facts.
Or just flow along with the popular opinion.
Easier option.
It may be that some have left this blog because we are posting on topics that may not be palatable…. except to Truth Seekers.
Keeping quiet and neutral in these times is not an option.
Many of the Con Inc sites have been running stories about the E Jean Carroll legal case. I’ll write more on this, another day.
Megyn Kelly
Megyn Kelly reports on the 93 year old, extremely active, well connected, legendary columnist Cindy Adams saying Barack Obama is lining up donors for Michelle Obama’s announcement in May that she’s running for President.
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Dr. Meryl Nass
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🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕
And for this Sunday…..
Susan Boyle
You Have To Be There
A Ponderable
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Wow wee. The Windies were a huge price on Sportsbet last night
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‘Centre Right’ voters in Australia will never understand the lies from October 7th, as they get their information mostly from Bolt, Panahi, Kenny, James Morrow, Rowan Dean and the rest of the half-wits at Sky News and The Australian.
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US troops killed
“Iran-backed” is what Biden has to say every time.
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“Dangerous” EV charging trial in Sydney SCRAPPED | MGUY Australia
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Powerline’s The Week in Pictures: Stuck on the Border edition
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*Stuck Out On the Border Edition.
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Jordan has criticised the White House for that statement and asked for a retraction. Jordan has emphasised that there are no American bases on its soil.
The US bases are in north-east Syria near the Turkish border. These bases cover the Syrian oilfields, the oil from which is sent, via Turkey, to Israel. Israel used to get its oil from Russia but the sanctions on Russian oil exports meant that they had to get it elsewhere.
How will Israel get its oil when the Americans leave Syria?
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President Trump’s policy was US troops are staying in Syria “to control the oil”. I can’t see the US leaving, so it’s another area of conflict.
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Australia followed Uncle Sam
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I’ll begin this session with this account from a poster.
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UNRWA – Good organisation or evil?
Depends on who is telling the story.
Politicians are playing politics with this conflict. What are the facts about UNWRA? Do the funds go to the terrorists? Is that true?
I have been reading the news as well as listened to talkback radio. You know which side the writer or caller is on by their reaction to UNRWA – support or disgust. Do they have experience with it? I don’t know. Maybe they are just going along with the decision taken by their “side”.
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If you are seeking facts rather than just falling in with one side or the other, check these clips here.
Chris Gunness*, Spokesman for UNWRA 2007-19
Following the 2014 massacre of Gaza,
Chris talking on live TV
This week interview-1
This week interview-2
(*The Chris at 3.47pm is a different person from the one in this comment)
Mr. Avi Shlaim, an Israeli historian:
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Collective Punishment
Jan 29, 2024
Doctors without borders
MSF statement on cease of funding to UNRWA
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As a mere pleb I can’t grasp how governments make certain decisions when people have been displaced and are homeless and starving.
From the other side ….
The Plan
The land
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UNWRA “extremely desperate” after UK and others withdraws funding | LBC
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Will US Troops Leave Syria or Iraq? What a US Withdrawal Might Mean…
The New Atlas
249K subscribers
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The caller says:
It’s appalling, it’s shocking …. how do you rationalise ……?
By the end goal?
Ethnic cleansing
The land clip above, of the Zionists dancing, include some identified ministers from the Israeli government.
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The processes are simple enough to understand; someone was embarrassed and humiliated by the ICJ ruling so he/she/they picked up the phone and called all the vassal nations and told them to stop funding UNRWA.
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New Settlements Plan For Gaza.
A conference was organized on Sunday in Israel to plan for establishing illegal settlements in Gaza after ethnically cleansing its people.
The only democracy in the Middle East
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Perhaps they should look up Proverbs 22:28.
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And managed to get the ICJ ruling off the front pages of the papers and main news stories.
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