Open Thread – January 2025

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86 Responses to Open Thread – January 2025

  1. mh says:

    Scott Morrison

    HNY 2025 from Mar-a-Lago

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  2. mh says:

    Musk says Cybertruck explosion probably ‘act of terrorism’

    One person died and seven others were injured after the EV exploded in front of the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas.

    So not the usual EV fire/explosion then, Elon.

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  3. mh says:

    ⚡️ German MOVED his family from GERMANY to RUSSIA / HIS WORDS will be remembered for a long time

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  4. mh says:

    Bernie gets it

    Bernie Sanders

    Elon Musk is wrong.

    The main function of the H-1B visa program is not to hire “the best and the brightest,” but rather to replace good-paying American jobs with low-wage indentured servants from abroad.

    The cheaper the labor they hire, the more money the billionaires make.

    Jan 3, 2025 · 24.8M Views

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  5. mh says:

    Get rid of him

    $24k in one day: A Ruddy big party bill

    Australia’s Ambassador to the US billed Aussie taxpayers $24,000 in a single day for formal dinners, breakfasts, morning teas and a reception at his Washington DC digs.

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  6. mh says:

    Via The Unz Review

    Pope Francis Should Go To Gaza!, by Philip Giraldi – The Unz Review

    The death of former President Jimmy Carter started me thinking about how long it’s been since the United States has been led by a head of state who was also a thoroughly decent human being. To be sure, while in office Carter made many mistakes in terms of both foreign and national security policy, but much can be attributed to his inexperience and his unfortunate reliance on hardliners in his cabinet, most particularly Russophobe Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was his National Security Adviser. The neocons were also beginning to make their presence felt while scheming and conspiring under the protection of Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson, the so-called Senator from Boeing. After failing to get reelected in 1980, Carter dedicated much of his life to helping people worldwide through a foundation that he established and he was renowned for speaking his mind when he observed a human rights problem that might be addressed.

    I personally had my five minutes face-to-face with Jimmy Carter while he was still president and he, to my mind, demonstrated to me what kind of man he truly was. I was part of the CIA station in a European country and one of my first jobs was to set up a huge funding operation, referred to as a covert action, to subvert and overthrow a government in another part of the world that the Agency and US State Department did not approve of. My role was to convince one of the political parties in the country where I was based to exploit its friendly relations with another country next door to the target to secretly establish a clandestine base for a guerrilla movement that would be engaged in subverting its neighbor. It would create a double-cutout that would serve as a conduit to fund and arm the rebels using two foreign political parties, concealing the US role in the intended regime change as was appropriate for a “covert action.”

    After many quiet meetings with the local politicians to include considerable bribery and pledges of secrecy an arrangement was made, but one week later a senior CIA officer flew in from Washington and came by the Embassy to tell me and the Chief of Station that that deal was off. He provided no reasons for the change of heart, but we were disappointed as it had been a lot of work and was apparently successful from the perspective of what the policy makers had asked us to do. The European partner political party central to the plan, and expecting to profit greatly from it, was informed of the decision and expressed its anger in no uncertain terms by breaking off contact with me and the Station.

    As it happened, President Jimmy Carter made a visit to the same European capital city two months later and stopped by the US Embassy. To my astonishment, he asked to see me privately in the Ambassador’s office and both apologized and explained that the change in plans had been caused by the realization that the US would be arming and paying for insurgents who would no doubt kill significant numbers of civilians. He explained that that was a price too high to pay and the sordid arrangement might even be leaked to the media with an election coming up. I thanked him for the background information and we parted. I had the impression from his language and demeanor that he, rather than some power mad bureaucrat at CIA or State, had personally made the decision to abort the operation at least partly due to his own moral reservations.

    Thinking about my encounter with Jimmy Carter in the context of his death, indeed more about his life and his fundamental decency, I considered what it might be like if we Americans again had someone like him in government. As many readers will be aware, Carter was particularly outspoken about what was being done to the Palestinians by Israel. He was roasted and called an antisemite by America’s Israel Lobby after he displayed the temerity to defend the Palestinians and criticize Israeli behavior in his book Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, which was published in 2006. Few in the Democratic Party were brave enough to stand up for him and the politicians that followed him received the message that calling out Israel would not be tolerated, so they generally shut themselves off from any sympathy for the victims of Israeli aggression, saying rhythmically and over-and-over again like a satanic chorus that “Israel has a right to defend itself!”

    The death of Carter triggered another possible initiative to be considered as reflected in an email I had received from a friend in the peace movement the day before. My friend was complaining about the lack of any condemnation from world leaders for what is occurring in Palestine and she asked herself what would happen if someone like Pope Francis were to travel to Gaza in a peacekeeping role. Surely even monsters like Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would have to pay attention to the possible impact of such a proposal and would have to let the Pope visit with the remaining Catholic community in Gaza to help ease their suffering. The Vatican has, in fact, already put out feelers in that direction. On December 22nd it convinced Israeli authorities to allow Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the leader of the Catholic Church in the Holy Land, to enter Gaza and celebrate a pre-Christmas Mass with surviving members of the territory’s small Christian community. A more aggressive move involving the Pope himself might even lead to a ceasefire and something like a peace arrangement that would enable the two communities to work out some formula to live side by side even though it is difficult to imagine such an outcome given the hardline of the Israeli government and its clear intention to proceed with the elimination of the Palestinians.

    Organized Christianity, apparently terrified of being labeled antisemitic by the usual strident voices in the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), has been largely silent and ineffective when confronted by the systematic Israeli destruction of the Christian faith in the land where it was born. Indeed, America’s largely Bible belt Christian Zionists generally applaud Israeli suppression of what it agrees to call “terrorists.” Pope Francis has in fact bravely spoken out about Gaza and has been as a consequence attacked by the Israeli government and the usual suspects in Europe and the US. Nevertheless, there is no official Catholic church pronouncement on Israel/Palestine as far as I have been able to determine except for calls for peace and a ceasefire, though there are a few activists who have been demanding that a more definitive position be developed. Some American Catholics have even been demonstrating and holding signs in front of churches and diocesan offices urging Pope Francis to go to Gaza. Can individual Catholics persuade their parish priests to take a stronger line and pressure bishops and the church hierarchy to “do something?” I am convinced that this is a movement that is just waiting to happen and that once it starts it will capture the public imagination because it attacks a genocidal horror and is manifestly the right thing to do. Certainly, those who believe that life and also freedom of worship are gifts from God have seen enough posters of dead babies and desecrated churches and hospitals to begin to demand that the Church must harness its moral authority to the cause of peace and make it happen.

    Some are arguing against a Papal trip to Gaza based on the security issue, that Netanyahu is quite willing and capable of having the Pope killed and setting up a “false flag” scenario blaming it on the Palestinians, a line which will be eagerly picked up and “verified” by the corrupted governments and Zionist controlled media in Washington and London just for starters. Pope Francis is quite old and in poor health, so he might well regard such an Apostolic trip on a peace mission as a final high point that would actually accomplish something of real value during his time on the Throne of Saint Peter. It would certainly be a historic gesture that could well turn the horrors taking place in the Middle East in a new direction. I am sure that Jimmy Carter, if he were still with us, would approve.

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  7. mh says:

    Based Bernie


    🚨 H-1B visa abuse is NOT NEW

    18 years ago, Bernie Sanders warned corporations use H-1Bs to hire cheap foreign workers over Americans:

    “They tell us they need more H-1B visas because Americans are just not smart enough to be…accountants?…nurses?…elementary school teachers!?”

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  8. mh says:

    Trump DRAGGED By His OWN Supporters Over H-1B Visa Support!

    The Jimmy Dore Show
    1.47M subscribers

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  9. mh says:

    Nicholas J. Fuentes

    Trump needs to pardon every single January 6th protester. All of them.

    And I don’t want to hear about “violent offenders” when police were the ones murdering the protesters.

    1:43 PM · Jan 6, 2025 · 124.9K Views

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  10. mh says:

    Never forget the Liberal Party kissed the ring of Albert Bourla

    The Age

    ‘Hard to justify’: Albanese lashes Coalition’s handling of 2022 Djokovic detention

    Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has lashed the Coalition for its handling of tennis star Novak Djokovic’s immigration detention during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2022, after the athlete spoke of the “trauma” he feels when returning to Australia.

    … “I found it astonishing that in the lead-up to Christmas, Novak Djokovic was denied by the then-federal government the opportunity to see his Orthodox priest,” Albanese said on Monday in Queensland. “That was something that I think was hard to justify”.

    … Djokovic, who was the world’s No. 1 men’s tennis player at the time, travelled to Australia under a medical exemption because he had recently had COVID-19. He was unvaccinated but denied being against vaccines, saying instead he supported personal choice.

    The government cancelled his visa nonetheless, arguing that his stance could cause civil unrest.

    … The dean of the Melbourne Serbian Orthodox Church, Father Milorad Locard, said the government’s decision to cut Djokovic off from religious services at Christmas would have added to the tennis star’s trauma.

    “I was the priest who was supposed to ask the authorities to visit him to pay him a pastoral visit and I was denied,” he told this masthead.

    “At the time, I obviously could not quite comprehend why a pastoral visit would be denied to a man who is not criminal, he’s famous tennis player.

    “That was actually the first time I was denied a pastoral visit to anybody, and I’ve been in Australia since 1976.”

    … Hawke, who was contacted for comment, argued at the time that Djokovic’s presence in Australia could undermine vaccine rules.

    “I consider that Mr Djokovic’s ongoing presence in Australia may lead to an increase in anti-vaccination sentiment generated in the Australian community, potentially leading to an increase in civil unrest of the kind previously experienced in Australia with rallies and protests which may themselves be a source of community transmission,” he said.

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  11. mh says:

    Max Blumenthal

    I’ve been saying the censorship of online Palestine activism is a product of Israeli interference and now we have the receipts

    As I reveal here, one of the top pro-censorship orgs in DC secretly collaborated with Israeli officials to censor pro-Palestine social media accounts

    The Grayzone
    Leaked emails expose “collaborative effort” between the Israeli govt and censorship-obsessed Center for Countering Digital Hate

    The emails show CCDH director Imran Ahmed courted Israeli officials for funding, and let them review a report pre-publication…
    Show more

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  12. mh says:

    Watching some Nick Fuentes while he’s still slacking on his Xmas break

    The origin of The Melting-Pot and Multiculturalism

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  13. mh says:

    Jean-Marie Le Pen, brown bread.

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  14. mh says:



    m o d e r n i t y
    389K subscribers

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  15. mh says:

    She Wasn’t Expecting This

    m o d e r n i t y
    389K subscribers

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  16. mh says:

    The Truth About The Wildfires

    Paul Joseph Watson
    2.02M subscribers

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  17. mh says:

    Californication will leave your city in ruins

    My City of Ruins

    Bruce Springsteen
    2.2M subscribers

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  18. mh says:

    Via a Tucker email

    The Latest
    Los Angeles Remains Aflame, But At Least It Has a Gay Choir
    If your city was engulfed with flames, would you rather have water or a transgender cafe?

    Unfortunately, Los Angeles residents only seem to possess the latter. A deep dive into LA County’s budget reveals that Mayor Karen Bass allocated tens of thousands of FY 2024-25 dollars to a “Midnight Stroll Transgender Cafe,” a “Gay Men’s Chorus,” and other homosexual pride programs while cutting nearly $18 million from the fire department and failing to ensure the city’s hydrants were properly functioning.

    The budget also granted $170,000 for “Social Justice Art-Worker Investments,” $13,000 for “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Heritage Month Programs,” and nearly $10,000 for the “One Institute the International Gay and Lesbian Archives.”

    The beginning of the California fires was out of any political actor’s control, but the state’s ineffective response is the result of unserious people occupying consequential public offices. If “wokeness” is a leader’s top priority, they will be highly unlikely to respond well to a real-world crisis. Californians are learning that the hard way. Read more.

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  19. mh says:


    Just an observation on the changes in cost of living

    I should add that I am very much grateful for the life we do have in Aus and also understand we are in no way close to some who are really struggling and doing very tough.

    Bringing some awareness to the topic. Wishing everyone well.

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  20. mh says:

    More on Lost Angeles

    It’s WAY WORSE Than We Thought!

    Mark Dice
    1.91M subscribers

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  21. mh says:

    Genocide James 🇮🇱

    James Woods

    No ceasefire. No compromise. No forgiveness.



    Now he’s crying because he had to evacuate his Pacific Palisades mansion

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  22. mh says:

    Burn, Hollywood, Burn – Razör Rants

    The Rageaholic
    388K subscribers

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  23. mh says:

    Hollywood holocaust is a hoax

    Locals check the Hollywood sign after seeing false reports of the iconic landmark burning

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  24. mh says:

    This was reposted by Elon

    Kaizen D. Asiedu

    This is how D.E.I. destroyed LA Fire Department’s ability to deal with the LA fires.

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  25. mh says:

    Based Bernie


    🇺🇸 Bernie Sanders admits US senators refused to vote against arms sales to Israel because they knew AIPAC would end their careers…

    Sanders stated that both AIPAC and Pharmaceutical Companies were using huge amounts of money to defeat political opponents..

    “The American political system is Broken and Corrupted… and that’s what we have to address”.

    11:42 PM · Jan 12, 2025 · 1M Views

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  26. mh says:

    The Most Revolting Thing Ever

    Paul Joseph Watson
    2.02M subscribers

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  27. mh says:

    There’s no such thing as a stable jockey

    The Age

    Champion jockey and gangland lawyer charged over botched alleged luxury goods burglary

    Champion jockey Danny Nikolic and disgraced underworld lawyer Patrick Lennon have been arrested and charged with theft offences after allegedly becoming trapped inside a Carlton home while trying to steal a swag of luxury handbags and jewellery.

    Police were called to the three-storey townhouse of a wealthy Melbourne businessman in the early hours of Thursday morning following a neighbour’s report of a break-in.

    Both men were arrested at the scene after they allegedly filled bags with luxury goods and then found themselves trapped inside the house by deadlocked doors.…

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  28. Esme says:

    Just checking in, hoping anyone who may look in here is well…while feeling just a little weary of the “awake” talk of demons and go-nowhere-fear and all pop music being evil etc etc… Trying to find and focus on the good bits – the joy – and reminiscing about a very innocent, happy experience of the ‘70s and its music:

    I get a little sentimental

    The Seventies – “daggy” music, “politically incorrect” jokes, ponchos, muscle cars, flavoured milk in glass bottles delivered by a friendly human being – I miss you.

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  29. mh says:

    Nicholas J. Fuentes

    Gaza Ceasefire was needed a year ago.

    The situation has changed. Hezbollah is routed, Assad has fallen, and the Israelis are itching to strike Iran.

    The real danger of Trump’s second term is and always has been a war with Iran. Gaza was decimated long ago.

    7:34 AM · Jan 16, 2025 · 284.2K Views

    The agenda of Trump’s controllers for his 2nd term is takeover of the West Bank, including the cleansing of Christians, and the war with Iran.

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  30. mh says:

    Al Jizz

    At least 21 Palestinian children and 25 women are among 87 people killed in Gaza since the announcement of a ceasefire deal expected to start on Sunday as Israel’s relentless air attacks intensify.

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  31. mh says:

    Virgin management monitor young staff in Bali after spate of alleged no-shows, intoxication

    Ongoing problems with alleged staff intoxication and no-shows prompted Virgin management to monitor staff in Bali after a spate of cancelled flights.


    The revelations come as this masthead reveals Virgin had hired young and inexperienced crew members after sacking thousands of experienced workers.

    I had one return flight with VA last year, and the return leg was cancelled. Thankfully my application for financial compensation was approved. I would be furious reading this stuff otherwise.

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  32. mh says:

    Good onya, Max.

    Max Blumenthal

    My final words for Tony Blinken, Secretary of Genocide, and his smirking press secretary, Matt Miller

    Jan 17, 2025 · 3.2M Views

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  33. mh says:

    Nicholas J. Fuentes

    Isn’t it interesting how all the celebrities jumped on the bandwagon with Trump right after the billionaires did?

    In 2017 Snoop Dogg performed a mock-execution of Trump, now he’s performing at his inauguration…

    Yep, all celebrities are owned.

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  34. mh says:

    The Age

    ‘Celebrate what?’: Melbourne protests won’t stop for Gaza ceasefire

    Pro-Palestinian protesters have vowed to continue the rallies in Melbourne’s CBD, hours before a phased ceasefire between Hamas and Israel was set to come into effect, prompting renewed calls from the state government and business lobby for the weekly marches to end.

    After 15 months of rallies, hundreds of people again gathered at the State Library on Sunday wearing keffiyeh scarves and using watermelon imagery as a symbol of Palestinian resistance, calling for boycotts, sanctions and liberation. …

    Also at The Age

    The Israeli military says it is continuing to attack inside the Gaza Strip after a ceasefire deal, which was supposed to begin at 5.30pm AEDT, was delayed.

    The “state government and business lobby” need to get their hand off it.

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  35. mh says:

    A couple of headlines from Haaretz

    Haaretz | Israel News
    Ben-Gvir and His Far-right Party Resign From Netanyahu Gov’t Over ‘Reckless’ Cease-fire Deal

    National Security Minister Ben-Gvir says his party has officially left the governing coalition. He previously said ‘If the war against Hamas resumes with full force,’ his party with return to the government


    Haaretz | Israel News
    Analysis | Trump’s Mideast Envoy Forced Netanyahu to Accept a Gaza Plan He Repeatedly Rejected

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  36. mh says:

    The Age

    Foreign Minister Penny Wong revealed ahead of the inauguration that ambassador Kevin Rudd was granted a quick meeting at Trump’s Florida golf course.


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  37. mh says:

    The Age

    Dutton promises jail time for Hamas, Hezbollah flag wavers
    57 minutes ago

    But will Peter Dutton go on national TV and perform oral sex on a donkey for Israel?

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  38. mh says:

    Tears, hugs greet 90 Palestinian women and children freed from Israeli prisons

    Al Jazeera English
    15.1M subscribers

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  39. mh says:

    Trump speech starts off surprisingly based.
    Goes downhill with predictable “blacks and hispanics” shtick.
    Hey Trump, blacks didn’t vote for you, WHITES did.

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  40. mh says:

    Trump reinstating servicemen with full back pay who refused the Covid Vax.


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  41. mh says:

    Oh FFS.
    There’s a rabbi speaking now.

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  42. mh says:

    I’ve had to switch that off.

    What a stain on the inauguration that rabbi going on about Israel.

    No no no no no. NO!

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  43. mh says:

    George Christensen gives his take on Inauguration Day.
    Includes this:

    The Day Everything Changed
    Nation First breaks down Trump’s inauguration and first day.

    …Now, I want you to think about what he said next. “I will reinstate any service members who were unjustly expelled from the military for objecting to the COVID vaccine mandate with full back pay.” That’s justice. For too long, people who stood their ground during the pandemic were demonised, cast out, and forgotten. Trump’s words are a promise to right those wrongs, and his actions prove he means it.

    Think about what that means. For the first time in years, there’s real hope for justice. Justice for those who lost loved ones to vaccine injuries. Justice for those who were silenced, shamed, and forced out of jobs for refusing to comply. Justice for the lies we were all fed. Trump didn’t have to name Big Pharma in his speech—his appointments speak for themselves.

    Look at the team he’s assembled: Robert F. Kennedy Jr, a fierce critic of Big Pharma, now Health Secretary. Dr Jay Bhattacharya, a truth-teller during the pandemic, running the NIH. And Dr Dave Weldon, a man who has fought for vaccine accountability, heading the CDC. This team is a declaration of war against the Big Pharma lies and pandemic overreach that have scarred us all.…

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  44. mh says:

    Great stuff, Don!

    Trump War Room

    🚨 President Trump has pardoned approximately 1500 January 6th political prisoners of the Biden era

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  45. mh says:

    Nicholas J. Fuentes

    Trump is not only pro H-1B for engineers but he also believes that we need to import more “wine experts” and highly skilled waiters. Day 2 btw.

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  46. mh says:

    Prem Thakker

    Donald Trump’s nominee for United Nations Ambassador Elise Stefanik says she agrees with the view that “Israel has a biblical right to the entire West Bank.”

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  47. mh says:

    Trump administration = Jewish administration

    The Age

    At least nine Palestinians were killed when Israel raided the West Bank city of Jenin after Trump lifted sanctions on settlers.

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  48. mh says:

    Nicholas J. Fuentes

    Since Tiktok returned this week, users claim the platform is auto-deleting comments and captions that say “Free Palestine.”

    Was this part of the terms negotiated by Trump to keep Tiktok online? I wouldn’t be surprised.

    11:39 PM · Jan 22, 2025 · 270.4K Views

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  49. mh says:


    The Age

    Thanasi Kokkinakis was warned against playing in Russia. He went anyway

    Australian tennis star Thanasi Kokkinakis defied advice from Tennis Australia not to compete in a lucrative exhibition tournament in Russia backed by a state-owned energy company blacklisted by the federal government following Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

    Few athletes from Western nations have ventured to Russia since the war began nearly three years ago, with the pariah state all but cast out of the international sporting arena …

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  50. mh says:

    Trump said he would end the Ukraine war in one day.

    What he meant was the war will end one day.

    Trump at the WEF:

    The Russia-Ukraine war, which will have lasted two years next month, came up often. Trump said he spoke with Putin about the war. When asked by one of the panelists if the war would be over by the time Trump comes to Davos next year, he said: “You’re going to have to ask Russia.”

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  51. mh says:

    The Age

    Support collapses for moving Australia Day

    Many Australians appear to have changed their minds about changing the date of Australia Day, with support for January 26 as the national day increasing from 47 to 61 per cent over the past two years. Despite objections from Indigenous Australians about celebrating the nation’s history on the anniversary of white settlement, just 24 per cent of voters now support moving the holiday, down from 39 per cent in January 2023.


    … What it means: Resolve director Jim Reed said the change in attitude was tied to the failure of the Voice referendum. “We started to see opinions shift to stronger support for 26th January after the Voice referendum, which acted as a reset on many social issues,” he said. “We now see Australians actively avoiding calls for change that risk division.”

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  52. mh says:

    The Truth Behind Elon Musk’s Salute: Body Language Analysis

    Dr. G Explains
    270K subscribers

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  53. mh says:

    Nicholas J. Fuentes

    Colorblind meritocracy is just diversity with more qualified people.

    I don’t want DEI and I don’t want the “best and brightest.” I don’t want any more diversity.

    8:33 AM · Jan 24, 2025 · 357.2K Views

    Yep. Let Indians make India great again.

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  54. mh says:

    Letters at The Age

    As a Jew, I feel safe at city pro-Palestinian rallies

    Re Chip Le Grand’s “Rabbi pleads with Rudd in Washington to help end Melbourne’s pro-Palestinian CBD protests”: As a Jew who has frequented the rallies, I have never felt more safe, comfortable and welcomed than among people who come out to the city every Sunday to stand up for humanity and for what is right. The compassion, care and warmth evident among a melting pot of people from all different backgrounds (not just one group, as Cooper claims) speaking out and marching against atrocity, is inspiring. The article appears to me to be a tactic to bully the protests into silence.

    Natalia Spivakova, Abbotsford


    We who march aren’t antisemitic criminals

    Re Chip Le Grand’s opinion piece ″⁣Moving CBD protests harms no one″⁣, (23/1). Le Grand’s implication that the disgraceful ″⁣firebombing of a synagogue, cars in Jewish neighbourhoods and a childcare centre″⁣ are in any way connected with peaceful anti-genocide protests is both baseless and offensive.
    Those of us who march for justice each Sunday come from a place of compassion and grief — not hate. None of these acts of violence have been committed by anyone involved in these marches. Police investigations prove this. Not one of the suspects named by police is in any way associated with the pro-Palestine rallies.
    Hate-fuelled violence is inexcusable against anyone; not just the several recent attacks against Jewish communities, but equally abhorrently, the recent attacks against Australian Palestinian communities.
    As Nasser Mashni, one of the Sunday protest organisers in Naarm, has said: ″⁣Hate has no place here.″⁣ This principle guides our protest, rooted in justice and solidarity — not division.

    Paul Evans, Carrum Downs

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  55. mh says:

    Via The Age

    Washington: President Donald Trump has pardoned nearly two dozen anti-abortion activists who blockaded clinics where women were seeking reproductive healthcare as his vice president, J.D. Vance, pledged more “pro-life” action from the new administration.

    In his first public event in office, Vance told tens of thousands of anti-abortion protesters at the annual “March for Life” in Washington that with Trump back in the White House, “our country faces the return of the most pro-family, most pro-life American president of our lifetimes”. …

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  56. mh says:

    I saw Nick Fuentes critiquing these two women on his show today.

    Found them on YouTube and they are very nauseating.

    Try watching a few minutes of this, they have to be LARPers.

    I’m sure Russell Brand would love to work with them.

    Halloween | Girls Gone Bible

    Girls Gone Bible

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  57. mh says:


    US issues broad freeze on foreign aid after Trump orders review

    WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) – The U.S. State Department issued a “stop-work” order on Friday for all existing foreign assistance and paused new aid, according to a cable seen by Reuters, after President Donald Trump ordered a pause to review if aid allocation was aligned with his foreign policy.

    The cable, drafted by the Department’s foreign assistance office and approved by Secretary of State Marco Rubio, said waivers have been issued for military financing for Israel and Egypt. No other countries were mentioned in the cable. …

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  58. mh says:

    Anyone who follows this site knew this was coming.

    Trump wants to finish the ethnic-cleansing that his controllers started:

    The Age

    ‘You know, it’s over’: Trump floats plan to ‘just clean out’ Gaza

    Donald Trump told reporters he wants Jordan, Egypt and other Arab nations to take in “probably a million and a half” Palestinian refugees from the war-torn strip.

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  59. mh says:

    Speaking of Russell Brand …

    Russell Brand’s Arc COMPLETE As He YUKS IT UP With Shmuley

    Due Dissidence
    85.4K subscribers

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  60. mh says:

    Israel’s Other War : Foreign Influence and Hasbara | The West Report

    The West Report
    89.8K subscribers

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  61. mh says:

    The Age

    Sinner wins back-to-back Australian Open titles

    Everything changed for Jannik Sinner 12 months ago. The Italian arrived at last year’s Australian Open without a grand slam title to his name, before leaving as the champion. Last night, he won his second successive title in Melbourne, and his third grand slam after the US Open in September. The 23-year-old’s position as world No. 1 also appears comfortable for some time still.

    He must be the most un-Italian looking Italian on the planet.
    Charming young man though, from what I saw on the post match coverage.

    I had the impression he was a superbrat, but that was totally wrong.

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  62. mh says:

    The Age

    ‘Get politics out of this’: At Auschwitz, Dreyfus tries to put focus back on Holocaust

    Krakow, Poland: Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus has blasted the growing attacks on the federal government over its handling of antisemitism in Australia as “grotesque”, saying the issue did not belong to the left or the right of politics.

    Dreyfus has joined Foreign Minister Penny Wong in Poland ahead of commemorations for the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp by Soviet troops in the final year of World War II.

    Russia, the liberator, is banned from the liberation commemorations.

    It’s all politics, Doofus.

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  63. mh says:

    For some context, one of Nick’s Superchats told him Girls Gone Bible were attacking him on Instagram.

    So he looked them up.

    Fuentes Updates

    Nick reacts to Girls Gone Bible: “The purpose of this is to create lust”

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  64. mh says:

    Syrian Girl 🇸🇾

    Please correct me if I’m wrong on this time line, Russel brand was pro-Palestine, then he was accused of rape, did a 180 and became a Zionist praying with Jordan Peterson in his joker suit. Is that about right?

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  65. mh says:


    When I saw Russell Brand holding the egg next to Diddy after hearing what Suge Knight said…my jaw hit the floor 🙆🏾‍♂️


    What Suge told Chris Cuomo

    Knight claims Diddy “was taught from people before him, and he did it to the younger people after him.”

    It’s an industry that, according to Knight, has a long history of sexually abusing and assaulting its newest members. He said one practice, called an “egg test,” went as follows:

    “Those guys pull their pants down and bent over. They stick (the egg) up their a–. Their eggs break. They say they’re not ready yet, they ain’t put enough work in. This is Hollywood,” Knight said.

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  66. mh says:

    Trump/Kushner ethnic cleansing plans facing resistance:

    Egypt, Jordan Reject Trump Plan to “Clean Out” Gaza; Palestinians Return to N. Gaza in Historic Day

    Democracy Now!
    2.47M subscribers

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  67. mh says:

    Tens of thousands of Palestinians return home to northern Gaza

    Channel 4 News
    3.7M subscribers

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  68. mh says:

    Max Blumenthal

    Australian police are investigating whether “overseas actors or individuals” are paying local criminals to carry out antisemitic crimes in the country

    PM Albanese says antisemitic attacks are “being perpetrated by people who don’t have a particular issue, aren’t motivated by an ideology, but are paid actors”

    He added “it’s unclear who or where the payments are coming from”

    Australia’s Shadow Home Office minister wonders if a “foreign government is engaging in state-sponsored terror”

    Would it be antisemitic to investigate a certain settler colonial country whose existence is justified by the global proliferation of antisemitism?

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  69. mh says:

    Events appear to be going in the opposite direction to Trump’s plans. Or maybe it’s 5D chess.

    Al Jizz

    More than 500,000 Palestinians return to northern Gaza as ceasefire holds

    Thirty of 110 Palestinian prisoners set to be released on Thursday are under 18

    Photos: Trucks and helicopters loaded with aid enter the Gaza Strip

    Israel to free 110 Palestinian prisoners in Gaza truce swap on Thursday, NGO says

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  70. mh says:

    WATCH: Displaced Palestinians building a new life in northern Gaza

    More than half a million Palestinians have made their way north from central and southern Gaza over the past three days.

    They’ve been met by a landscape of annihilation, with hardly a single building still standing after Israel’s 15 months of war.

    Returning residents are putting up tents where their homes once stood.

    Watch the report below:

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  71. mh says:

    Or here

    From homes to tents: Displaced Palestinians building a new life in northern Gaza

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  72. mh says:

    The best democracy money can buy 🇮🇱 🇺🇸

    Trump Order Will ‘Marshal All Federal Resources’ to ‘Fight Antisemitism,’ ‘Deport Antisemites’

    Chris Menahan
    Jan. 29, 2025

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  73. mh says:

    Gaza ceasefire: chaotic Hamas hostage release as Israel frees prisoners

    Channel 4 News

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  74. mh says:

    Everything is fake and gay

    Max Blumenthal

    Incoming ICJ President Julia Sebutinde is not only a Christian Zionist fanatic, she’s a plagiarist who copied long sections of her opinion justifying Israel’s occupation of Palestine from neocon operative Douglas Feith and the Jewish Virtual Library

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  75. mh says:

    I’m with Trumpy on this one

    The Age

    Trump blames diversity hires after 67 killed in midair collision

    US President Donald Trump has sought to blame diversity and inclusion policies and the Biden administration for a midair collision in the US capital that killed 67 people, while admitting there was no evidence yet to support his claims. At least 28 bodies have been pulled from the icy waters of the Potomac River after the crash when a helicopter apparently flew into the path of an American Airlines passenger plane as it was landing at Ronald Reagan National Airport near Washington DC.

    Crews are still searching for casualties but do not believe there were any survivors, which would make it the deadliest US air crash in 24 years. “We are now at the point where we are switching from a rescue operation to a recovery operation,” said fire chief John Donnelly. “We don’t believe there are any survivors.” American and Russian figure skaters, including former world champions Yevgenia Shishkova and Vadim Naumov, were among the passengers.

    Trump implied air traffic controllers should have prevented the two aircraft being in the same place at the same time, and accused his predecessor Joe Biden and former transport secretary Pete Buttigieg of watering down entry requirements for traffic controllers in the name of diversity. “You can’t have regular people doing that job, they won’t be able to do it … they have to be at the highest level of genius.” Pressed by reporters for evidence that diversity and inclusion policies played a role in the crash, he acknowledged there was none. Buttigieg said Trump’s comments were: “Despicable. As families grieve, Trump should be leading, not lying.”

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  76. mh says:

    Haaretz (Not paywalled)

    Israel News | Podcasts

    ‘We’re Not at a Trump-Netanyahu Conflict Point Yet, but It’s Not Far Off’

    At the moment, Israelis may think they have U.S. President Donald Trump’s unconditional support when it comes to the conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon – but that is not the case, according to Haaretz Washington correspondent Ben Samuels. …

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  77. mh says:

    Not Nick’s account, but some good clips

    Fuentes Updates

    I was RIGHT about Girls Gone Bible

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